Britain lifts ban on gay blood donors - will Canada follow?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Britain lifts ban on gay blood donors - will Canada follow?

LONDON — British authorities opened the door Thursday to some gay men being able to give blood, a move Canada's two blood collection agencies hope to follow.
Britain joined South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other countries in doing away with the now controversial lifetime ban on blood donations from gay men.
Starting in November, gay men in Britain who haven't had sex with other gay men for at least 12 months will be eligible to give blood.
Toronto lawyer Adrian Lomaga, who has been fighting for this type of policy change in Canada, welcomed the news.
"Given the research I've seen to date, I think a 12-month deferral period is reasonable. I'm comfortable with that as being a deferral period in Canada," said Lomaga, who filed a lawsuit against Quebec's blood agency, Hema-Quebec, when he was a student at McGill University.
"I don't think it would increase in any significant way the risk to the blood recipients in Canada."
Lomaga's case was to go to court in April of this year. But he withdrew it after his legal team was told by lawyers for Health Canada that the Canadian policy was under review and might be changed within the year.
Health Canada was approached for comment Thursday. A response was still pending.
However, spokespeople for both Hema-Quebec and Canadian Blood Services -- which operates the blood donation system in the rest of Canada -- acknowledged that it's time for a change.
"Our hope is that we move away from a permanent ban to a timed deferral," said Dana Devine, vice-president for medical scientific and research services for Canadian Blood Services.
"I can't tell you now what the number will end up being. But to change the paradigm from infinity -- from forever -- to something which has a beginning and an end is really what we're trying to do."
Marc Germain, Devine's counterpart at Hema-Quebec, said his agency applied to the Canadian Standards Agency in 2009 to drop the lifetime ban in favour of a deferral.
The standards agency would have to study and recommend a change to Health Canada, which has the final say on the matter. The standards agency has started work on the file.
Initially Hema-Quebec suggested a 12-month deferral, but after experiencing push-back from some government experts and from groups representing people who need frequent blood transfusions, it is now suggesting a five-year deferral.
"In our case, we're absolutely certain that going from a lifetime deferral to a five-year deferral or even a one-year deferral -- because that's what we were promoting a couple of years ago -- would absolutely make no difference in terms of the risk of HIV (transmission)," Germain said in an interview from Montreal.
But the issue isn't just about scientific assessment of risk, he said. The people who rely on the blood system need to feel confident that any change wouldn't put them in harm's way.
The shadow of Canada's tainted blood scandal looms over these discussions. In the 1970s and 1980s, before HIV-AIDs emerged and then before the Red Cross started testing of donated blood for the virus, hundreds of Canadians were infected with HIV and-or hepatitis C.
In the aftermath of the affair, the Red Cross was stripped of responsibility for Canada's blood supply; Canadian Blood Services and Hema-Quebec were set up to take over the task.
"Our Canadian psyche is marred by the tainted blood scandal and we carry that with us in how we look at this issue," Devine said.
"And it's a very important thing to make sure that we keep top of mind. So from our perspective, the blood safety thing really is Job 1."
Neither Germain nor Devine could predict whether or when a change to the Canadian policies would come, but Germain said the movement in Britain gives him hope more countries will gain the confidence to make this type of change.

Britain lifts ban on gay blood donors - will Canada follow? - CTV News


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
I'm curious as to how they'd be able to prove the donors hadn't had sex in twelve months. A person can say that they've been "sex-free" for 12 months, but that doesn't mean that it's true.

I don't have an issue with anyone donating blood, to be honest. Blood is blood, after all.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I think the whole process is stupid. I give regularlty and they always ask me the same questions -- have I been to Africa, had sex with a man even once since 1977, etc. If they want to ask it fine, but they should treat every blood donation as suspicious and do the full testing on it. And there is no reason that if you are properly testing he blood that a gay man who had sex yesterday can't give blood.

And they ask questions about if you sleep with anybody whose history you don't know. No reason this couldn't apply to gay or straight.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Why lower the standards to zero. Aids is still out there and as far as I know,
nobody is immune. Since I have only been intimate with my wife for the last forty years,
I'm not likely to get the disease. I give blood regularely but I would be a little nervous
about getting blood from unknown scources. I know Aids is not the automatic death
sentence it once was but it is still dangerous.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
here in Gopher land, drug addicts use the area plasma donor stations to make a few bucks every month - I wonder what precautions are taken to insure it is safe to take their blood samples


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Why lower the standards to zero. Aids is still out there and as far as I know,
nobody is immune. Since I have only been intimate with my wife for the last forty years,
I'm not likely to get the disease. I give blood regularely but I would be a little nervous
about getting blood from unknown scources. I know Aids is not the automatic death
sentence it once was but it is still dangerous.

Anyone can lie about their lifestyle or sexual history so a few questions is not helping anyone. If the blood is screened and tested thoroughly there is no reason to worry about aids or hepatitis or any other potential harm. I say let everyone donate and implement a proper testing protocol, this ensures no lawsuits and no tainted blood.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Why lower the standards to zero. Aids is still out there and as far as I know,
nobody is immune. Since I have only been intimate with my wife for the last forty years,
I'm not likely to get the disease. I give blood regularely but I would be a little nervous
about getting blood from unknown scources. I know Aids is not the automatic death
sentence it once was but it is still dangerous.

If proper testing is done of the blood, then it shouldn't be a problem. I would hope that none of the stations would allow the blood to be used before the proper testing is done...

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Why lower the standards to zero. Aids is still out there and as far as I know,
nobody is immune. Since I have only been intimate with my wife for the last forty years,
I'm not likely to get the disease. I give blood regularely but I would be a little nervous
about getting blood from unknown scources. I know Aids is not the automatic death
sentence it once was but it is still dangerous.

Actually, from what I undersatand, some people are immune. I know
this sounds weird, & I'll try to find a link, but I watched something about thison the TV
a while back where they where tracking hookers, & some (no all or even most) had an
immunity, & I think there might have been a heritage commonality in that these folks all
came from the same corner of the planet (Eastern Europe or was a couple
of years back that I watched this).

Here's a good (if somewhat long winded) LINK from Discover Magazine:
Immune to a Plague | HIV & AIDS | DISCOVER Magazine

Here's a different (& less long winded) LINK from the same Magazine:
An Ancient Immunity | HIV & AIDS | DISCOVER Magazine


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Why lower the standards to zero.
Lifting a lifetime ban is not lowering standards to zero. With all the appeals I see for donations and the number of times Canadian Blood Services calls my home phone, this change, any change in this ridiculous policy, is long overdue.

Anyone can lie about their lifestyle or sexual history so a few questions is not helping anyone. If the blood is screened and tested thoroughly there is no reason to worry about aids or hepatitis or any other potential harm. I say let everyone donate and implement a proper testing protocol, this ensures no lawsuits and no tainted blood.

If proper testing is done of the blood, then it shouldn't be a problem. I would hope that none of the stations would allow the blood to be used before the proper testing is done...

Absolutely, proper screening and testing should be the standard for all donated blood.