Brexit - What are each side trying to convey in the Brexit government?


Nominee Member
Aug 2, 2015
North America
I have been trying to find links on the internet to find out what is in the Governments plan for their exit from the European Union. Having said that, what is the opposition's problem with governments plan? Is the problem because the opposition has to oppose the government, no matter what the plan is? One of the things that all governments do, is to not listen to anything that the opposition say or give advice on. Should we think that the reason is that the government would be considered as weak and that the government do not want to let the opposition have any say on how to work towards a solution?

What ideas do the opposition have the could be used to solve the impasse? I had a thought, let the opposition make the decision on the problem, and if it blows up in their face, they will have to answer to the people.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I have been trying to find links on the internet to find out what is in the Governments plan for their exit from the European Union. Having said that, what is the opposition's problem with governments plan? Is the problem because the opposition has to oppose the government, no matter what the plan is? One of the things that all governments do, is to not listen to anything that the opposition say or give advice on. Should we think that the reason is that the government would be considered as weak and that the government do not want to let the opposition have any say on how to work towards a solution?

What ideas do the opposition have the could be used to solve the impasse? I had a thought, let the opposition make the decision on the problem, and if it blows up in their face, they will have to answer to the people.

The Brexit biz is all very simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid Brit LIE-berals want to continue selling the country out to radical socialists, union goofs who care nothing for logic or economic reality , a rapidly growing population of white hating immigrants supported by a mass of illegal INTRUDERS- also known in some LIE-beral circles as irregular immigrants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More conservative Brits recognize the economic chaos that impending national bankruptcy will cause and they want to head it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conservative minded citizens are also quite frightened by the E.U. legislation that mandates that Britain MUST take in a bunch of highly suspect invaders from various -mostly Muslim third world pest holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other members of the E.U. are doing all they can to make the Brexit as difficult as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because the Germans and Swedes and others are deathly AFRAID that Britain may become a more PROSPEROUS and happy place once it disposes of E.U. bureaucrats and starts carefully operating the country for the benefit of Brit citizens rather than for a bunch of Hog bureaucrats and illegal national security risks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Britain becomes more peaceful and successful as a result of Brexit.....................such success may SERIOUSLY HAMPER the political careers of E.U. LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course the other Europeans are worried that Britain MIGHT NOT SAVE THEM this time around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brits covered those Europeans back in 1914............................and again in 1939!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would Brits go to war against Putin to save France or Holland in 2022?????????????????????????????

We already know that Yankees under Trump think that Europeans should spend MUCH MORE for their own defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But E.U. LIE-berals are just like Cdn LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

European LIE-berals think it is some sort of INSULT that they should be expected to spend THEIR GRAVY ON GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They BELIEVE they are ENTITLED to HIDE behind the Yankee military - with Brit assistance..........................for ever and ever.............


Brexit is all about govt gravy........................who gets to spend it......................and on whom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!