BREAKING: We Just Discovered Who Issued The Warrant To Investigate Trump


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
If every lie, every suspicious action, every allegation against politicians is going to be investigated, government might as well forget about conducting any worthwhile business on behalf of the country. It is a fair bet that not ONE, President, Congressman, Senator, et all has not got at least one skeleton rattling around in his or her past.
It get tiresome, all this, he did this, she did that, finger pointing and blame when one is no better than another.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Isn't weeding out the crooks a benefit to the country? That it hasn't been done for the last 60 years is why the place is such a mess. Think of it as dominoes, a few fall and the rest will high-tail it out of the country.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
If every lie, every suspicious action, every allegation against politicians is going to be investigated, government might as well forget about conducting any worthwhile business on behalf of the country. It is a fair bet that not ONE, President, Congressman, Senator, et all has not got at least one skeleton rattling around in his or her past.
It get tiresome, all this, he did this, she did that, finger pointing and blame when one is no better than another.
Look who's doing all the whining, bullying and bullshytting. If he doesn't drink, why does he act like a drunk? Trump is the personification of the stereotypical "ugly American"


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Fukk Trump he's a short fuse.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If every lie, every suspicious action, every allegation against politicians is going to be investigated, government might as well forget about conducting any worthwhile business on behalf of the country. It is a fair bet that not ONE, President, Congressman, Senator, et all has not got at least one skeleton rattling around in his or her past.
It get tiresome, all this, he did this, she did that, finger pointing and blame when one is no better than another.
There you go , he said , she sais , look over there . And our dutiful press gobbles it up and feeds it to the masses . And we smug smart Canadians wonder why Americans don't know anything about other countries . Their press is busy keeping them entertained with He said , She said . And by the way , we aren't far behind here in Canado .

Isn't weeding out the crooks a benefit to the country? That it hasn't been done for the last 60 years is why the place is such a mess. Think of it as dominoes, a few fall and the rest will high-tail it out of the country.
But who wants the gravy train to end , other than the people who are paying for it ?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
There you go , he said , she sais , look over there . And our dutiful press gobbles it up and feeds it to the masses . And we smug smart Canadians wonder why Americans don't know anything about other countries . Their press is busy keeping them entertained with He said , She said . And by the way , we aren't far behind here in Canado .

Most of us aren't that stupid, just a few of you on the freak-show fringe....

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Ignoring your bogus news sources it is not good news for the Dumpster either way. If Obama actually did order the FBI to spy on the Dumpster then such an order would only have been issued if there was certain evidence of that he was involved in illegal activities. The Dumpster can't win on this one. If Obama did not order any spying then the Dumpster is simply a liar. If he did then the Dumpster is probably a crook.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Ignoring your bogus news sources it is not good news for the Dumpster either way. If Obama actually did order the FBI to spy on the Dumpster then such an order would only have been issued if there was certain evidence of that he was involved in illegal activities. The Dumpster can't win on this one. If Obama did not order any spying then the Dumpster is simply a liar. If he did then the Dumpster is probably a crook.

i was just admiring the citations you just supplied to back YOURSELF up
could you please put them where everyone can see?

lets call this anti american lefty commie nazi stuff what it is:

"Washington and America Self-Implode at the Hands of a Treasonous, Obama Led Shadow Government"
...At no time in our prior history has anything so openly subversive and treacherously treasonous ever been perpetrated on the United States of America before… the closest being the covert conspiracy singlehandedly thwarted by America’s military hero General Smedley Butler in 1934 when a band of elitist bankster traitors attempted a coup d’état against the FDR administration...

...The all-too-familiar divide and conquer strategy is once again the globalist go-to Modus Operandi, being implemented through multi-prong assaults waging an open insurrection war against the Trump administration in order to successfully execute a coup committed by traitors out to take down America as their latest banana republic...

Most of us aren't that stupid, just a few of you on the freak-show fringe....
you are not stupid?
lol, you look UP to stupid
...and don't lie to us dude...YOU wear fringes ya freak
you are sitting on a banana republic

"WikiLeaks Proves Trump “Wiretapping” Accusation To Be Somehow TRUE

WikiLeaks just showed up once again to reveal the truth about Trump’s accusation. It seems there is somehow truth in that accusation since it seems Obama’s administration has a history of tapping and hacking friends and rivals."
WikiLeaks Proves Trump "Wiretapping" Accusation To Be Somehow TRUE - World Politicus

funny how the obombanaughts and Hitlary whorshipers have never even tried to prove the wikileaks info has been untrue
they just try to blame everyone else for it's exposure

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015

Gymsmykk azzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
step away from the crack pipe dude
it isn't helping you at all


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location

It's funny how you blame the media for being fake, then use it as supporting proof of your argument.

Of course they were wiretapping people who are trying to sell the country to the Russians. No big surprise here.

Funniest thing of all is that, if he wanted to, Trump could release the warrant application itself.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I'm not mad, I'm amused by the fact that Trump is only now reading the 'fake news' from 20 January.

And you're futher behind than he is.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'm not mad, I'm amused by the fact that Trump is only now reading the 'fake news' from 20 January.
And you're futher behind than he is.
fu futh futher?

maybe he was smart enough to wait for confirmation