Boys Only School No Wonder Ontario Is Broke


Nominee Member
Apr 24, 2006
Special needs children should not be put in a regular classroom.
There is nothing bigoted about that; it is simply a fact. They need extra attention from the teacher and, in proportion to their numbers, detract from the learning of the rest of the class.

It is like signing up for an accounting class, and then having some, say, photography students dropped in to the class who want their needs met too.

Like the name implies, they are "special needs" students who need specialized attention for their particular needs. At a time when money is supposedly so tight, should learning resources be stretched even thinner by having classes hijacked by the needs of one or two students who shouldn't be there in the first place? No.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Yes, there is. In Canadian society, we do not want anyone to do any better at anything than average, so it's essential that we hold everyone back so that nobody's feelings are hurt.

That is the root problem brought on by socialist thinking. Thats why they did away with first place prizes at sportsday. Might hurt someones feelings. Don't know where that idea came from as I was never very good at sports and could care less if I came in last. I have a box full of trophies from demolition derbies and stock cars though.
While I understand what VI is getting at and sympathize somewhat it is not fair to the bright kids who are actually special needs in their own right. Holding back our best and brightest so slower ones do not feel lesser is not good for the country or the smart kids. I have friends that have a son that is severally handicapped both physically and mentally yet the do-gooders put him in the class with his age group, now about 15 yet his mental ability is about 4 or 5 and he gets his own aid as well. One teacher per student is not sustainable when the student is barely trainable and no where near teachable.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
That is the root problem brought on by socialist thinking. Thats why they did away with first place prizes at sportsday. Might hurt someones feelings. Don't know where that idea came from as I was never very good at sports and could care less if I came in last. I have a box full of trophies from demolition derbies and stock cars though.
While I understand what VI is getting at and sympathize somewhat it is not fair to the bright kids who are actually special needs in their own right. Holding back our best and brightest so slower ones do not feel lesser is not good for the country or the smart kids. I have friends that have a son that is severally handicapped both physically and mentally yet the do-gooders put him in the class with his age group, now about 15 yet his mental ability is about 4 or 5 and he gets his own aid as well. One teacher per student is not sustainable when the student is barely trainable and no where near teachable.
Special needs students have aids. I agree that when the special needs student is not actually trainable and is never going to be, then what we have is a glorified babysitting service. My grandson is not performing at the grade level he is in. He is also not disruptive to the class. I know there are special needs children who require extra attention and even yell and scream totally interupting the class. He has CP. He will catch up. It just take longer. If he is put in a room with non learners, he will not learn either. He has his own computer, provided by the government. He can talk and he can answer questions. He can carry on a conversation with any of you.
I still believe that putting the super smart kids in a class by themselves, isolates them enough to make them social misfits. They will never fit into the real world. I have a nephew who is so smart it's almost scary. He's a doctor. He has friends from all over and from every walk of life/job/education level. In other words, he's a well rounded individual. Some of you don't know anything about what it's like to have a child like my grandson close to you. You automatically assume that because he's different, he cannot learn. Well he can. When he gets teachers that think like many of you do, he doesn't learn. Part of the reason he's behind is thanks to the teachers that shoved him to the back of the class and to one teacher in particular who took his computer and stuck it in a back room (later it was found that the teachers themselves were using his computer). He wasted almost 3 yrs. of schooling starting with her and finally came upon a male teacher who stated that Thomas was entitled to an education just like everyone else. He started miracles with him. We can see weekly how much more he knows and how much better he does. My own brother and his wife are retired teachers and they work with him once a week also. They do it because they can see how he is learning and they want it to increase. How can any of you wish for him not to have that opportunity?
Taxslave, because you have a friend with a child in worse shape mentally and perhaps even physically, does not mean all children with special needs are disruptive to the learning of others.
Tell me everyone, why would every kid in his class and his teacher too, attend his 12th birthday party if they felt him to be disruptive. Their parents had to deliver them to the party. No one said no and everyone of the kids there spent time with him.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
You need to take a deep breath, I think you've blown a gasket.

Discriminating on the grounds of intellectual abitilies is not acceptable, but discriminating on the grounds of gender is?

Is that your point, after slagging me without even bothering to think about what my point was?
You are damn right I've blown a gasket. How dare you condemn a child without ever meeting him. How lucky you are that he is not your child and how lucky he is that a person like you is not his parent.
What would ever give you the idea that I believe it's okay to discriminate on the gounds of gender in classrooms or anywhere? If you've read my posts you will see where I said I was in an all girl class and it didn't work. Grade seven girls are usually not interested in grade 7 boys but that doesn't mean they want an all girl class.
I thought about your point. Your point is cruel. You would like to see children like my grandson tucked away in some corner where he cannot mingle with the "normal" people of the world. Sick! You say what you want about anything or anyone else but never about him. He'll never be a world leader but he will have a place in society.
Now just look at his picture. Does he look like an idiot to you? That was taken at his birthday party last year by the way.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
No, he is correct. The 'special needs' kids hold back the test of the class. Nothing bigotted about that. Its a fact.
NO he's not correct. Some special needs kids hold classes back. When a child who will never progress is sent to regular school it's a babysitting service. When the child has the ability to learn but it just takes a little longer, they need to be there. You have to realize how many different special needs there are. If my grandson could walk, he would hardly have special needs. It's just so easy to leave him behind because he cannot walk. It's so easy not to include him because he cannot walk. Picture one of your children or grandchildren in this same situation. For every activity that the class does that requires legs, he is left behind to watch a movie. How disruptive do you think this is to his learning? One glorious human being knew that in 3 years time, this child was going to be one of his students. He prepared for it and it made a vast difference in our little boy's life. How could you not applaud that?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Special needs students have aids. I agree that when the special needs student is not actually trainable and is never going to be, then what we have is a glorified babysitting service. My grandson is not performing at the grade level he is in. He is also not disruptive to the class. I know there are special needs children who require extra attention and even yell and scream totally interupting the class. He has CP. He will catch up. It just take longer. If he is put in a room with non learners, he will not learn either. He has his own computer, provided by the government. He can talk and he can answer questions. He can carry on a conversation with any of you.
I still believe that putting the super smart kids in a class by themselves, isolates them enough to make them social misfits. They will never fit into the real world. I have a nephew who is so smart it's almost scary. He's a doctor. He has friends from all over and from every walk of life/job/education level. In other words, he's a well rounded individual. Some of you don't know anything about what it's like to have a child like my grandson close to you. You automatically assume that because he's different, he cannot learn. Well he can. When he gets teachers that think like many of you do, he doesn't learn. Part of the reason he's behind is thanks to the teachers that shoved him to the back of the class and to one teacher in particular who took his computer and stuck it in a back room (later it was found that the teachers themselves were using his computer). He wasted almost 3 yrs. of schooling starting with her and finally came upon a male teacher who stated that Thomas was entitled to an education just like everyone else. He started miracles with him. We can see weekly how much more he knows and how much better he does. My own brother and his wife are retired teachers and they work with him once a week also. They do it because they can see how he is learning and they want it to increase. How can any of you wish for him not to have that opportunity?
Taxslave, because you have a friend with a child in worse shape mentally and perhaps even physically, does not mean all children with special needs are disruptive to the learning of others.
Tell me everyone, why would every kid in his class and his teacher too, attend his 12th birthday party if they felt him to be disruptive. Their parents had to deliver them to the party. No one said no and everyone of the kids there spent time with him.

You are damn right I've blown a gasket. How dare you condemn a child without ever meeting him. How lucky you are that he is not your child and how lucky he is that a person like you is not his parent.
What would ever give you the idea that I believe it's okay to discriminate on the gounds of gender in classrooms or anywhere? If you've read my posts you will see where I said I was in an all girl class and it didn't work. Grade seven girls are usually not interested in grade 7 boys but that doesn't mean they want an all girl class.
I thought about your point. Your point is cruel. You would like to see children like my grandson tucked away in some corner where he cannot mingle with the "normal" people of the world. Sick! You say what you want about anything or anyone else but never about him. He'll never be a world leader but he will have a place in society.
Now just look at his picture. Does he look like an idiot to you? That was taken at his birthday party last year by the way.

NO he's not correct. Some special needs kids hold classes back. When a child who will never progress is sent to regular school it's a babysitting service. When the child has the ability to learn but it just takes a little longer, they need to be there. You have to realize how many different special needs there are. If my grandson could walk, he would hardly have special needs. It's just so easy to leave him behind because he cannot walk. It's so easy not to include him because he cannot walk. Picture one of your children or grandchildren in this same situation. For every activity that the class does that requires legs, he is left behind to watch a movie. How disruptive do you think this is to his learning? One glorious human being knew that in 3 years time, this child was going to be one of his students. He prepared for it and it made a vast difference in our little boy's life. How could you not applaud that?

VI...time to sit back and take a deep breath..... morons like those that have made the comments you are upset about are a dime a dozen and are just showing their ignorance. Unfortunatley, lke you have found out, there are too many in the teaching "profession" with the same attitude. They only want to teach the "easy" kids and anyone outside their idea of "norm" gets shoved to the back or off to the side. Good to see your Grandson has found a true teacher to help him along.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Thanks gerry. Just finished a tough day on the job so I guess I did somewhat lose it. Life is hard enough without people wanting these children pushed to the back of the class.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The best learnin' I ever got was in a two-room rural school where ol' Gert was big enough to back down the biggest of farm boys, yet sensitive enough to take the time to teach Tommy and Jimmy (two severely learning disabled and dirt-poor twins) how to sound out easy words and write their names.

That was when teaching was a calling....


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Was it this, Goph?''

No. The study was in response to segregated schooling in California high schools. But that is also an interesting study as well.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

California Study: Single-Sex Schools No Cure-All | Womens eNews

''Public schools are experimenting with single-sex education on a small scale, but the nation's biggest pilot project in California has shut down. A study found some benefits to girls and boys but said the schools failed to address gender equity.

"Public, single-gender academies were not sustainable under California's policy framework," the report concluded.

''Boys tended to be taught in more regimented, traditional and individualistic fashion and girls in more nurturing, cooperative and open environments.''

... more ...

Gender separation just doesn't work.