Boycott America?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Boycott America?

Any increase in global temperature greater than 2ºC, scientists agree, risks triggering feedback loops that cause much greater warming and could render large parts of the planet uninhabitable. For example, further warming would release large quantities of methane – a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide – from thawing Siberian permafrost, leading to more warming, more thawing, and more methane in the atmosphere. Similarly, warming causes the loss of arctic ice, which means that less of the sun’s heat is reflected back rather than being absorbed by the ocean.

The Paris climate agreement has no mechanism for sanctioning countries that fail to fulfill their pledges. The idea is that such countries will be “named and shamed.” Well before Trump was elected president, however, when the notorious video in which he boasted of groping women became public, it was obvious that he is immune to shame. What, then, can other countries, and individuals, whether in the US or beyond its borders, do about the fact that Trump is jeopardizing the future of us all, for many generations to come?

If the US uses the cheapest available fuels to produce energy, irrespective of the harm that burning those fuels does to others, it is giving its companies an unfair advantage over those elsewhere that are making a good-faith effort to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions and meet their Paris pledges. That should be enough for the World Trade Organization to allow other countries to erect trade barriers against US goods. If, however, the WTO is not brave enough to take that step, the remedy is in the hands of foreign consumers, who should show the Trump administration what they think of its policies by choosing not to buy American.

A boycott is a blunt instrument that would, regrettably, harm many US workers who did not vote for Trump and are in no way responsible for his policies. But with so much at stake, and such limited means of changing Trump’s policies, what else is there to do?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Resurrect the underground railroad. Bring in millions of Yankies to populate the north west territories. Soon we will be able to farm up there. People want to escape the dreaded Donald but are afraid. Let's make it easy for them.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh hey check this out, I finally got an age for "the record". It's only 66 years.

It was the "gloomiest" March in Vancouver since record-keeping began in 1951, with only 70.5 total hours of sunshine in the entire month, according to Environment Canada.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Resurrect the underground railroad. Bring in millions of Yankies to populate the north west territories. Soon we will be able to farm up there. People want to escape the dreaded Donald but are afraid. Let's make it easy for them.

Not even 8AM and your ripped out of you mind.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
too fawking cold

Not if you believe flossy and the other truthers. According to them the Arctic will look like Miami in just a few years. Buy your beachfront now while it is cheap. Remember you heard it from a globule warming truther so it must be true.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So nwhy are the ecoterrorists not boycotting China? Oh right China put up a solar panel. While in the US the solar power scammers pretty much all went bankrupt when their subsidies got pulled.
And then there is Germany where they burn brown coal.But the chosen all drive beemers.