Black Lives Matter-Ugliness of Racism.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Try telling that to your globalist friends who do not believe in what you just posted. We the white or black people are not the enemy. The enemy is the deep state Zionist globalists that want to try and make all of our lives f'n miserable.

You will never see peace or harmony in the world as long as those mentioned above are allowed to keep their power and control over us. They power and control must be taking away from them. They are the ones that keep trying to divide and conquer us all and put us all into little tribes of haters towards each other. They all always hate our guts because they are a bunch of evil globalist bastards, and only want us around to be their personal slave masters. Those are the ones that you should be more concerned and worried about, and should to take on, rather than worry and get all upset over what I say here. I am not your enemy, they are. Wake the f up.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Just another little jab of white racism at white people again, eh? You anti-white racists never quit, now do you? Just keep it up because one day it all may well backfire on your anti-white racist face. Would Work well for me!!

Like I have said here before, and which I had quoted what one black minister said one time many years ago which goes like this: He said "don't make the white man/woman angry. This is one white man that is starting to get very angry at all of this anti-white racism going on these days. And believe me when I say that I am not alone. Best for racists like you to back off, now. You do not want to make more white people angry. The pot is starting to boil now. Get my drift, racist?


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Amazon to halt police use of its facial recognition technology for one year

Why for one year? Why not forever? I am very suspicious about that one.

This facial recognition nonsense is exactly what the Chinese communist use in communist china. The communists have CCTV cameras pretty much everywhere in China and every time some Chinese citizen walks in front of one of those cameras it is recorded and saved, which then tells the communist slave masters as to who you are, where you are going or where you have been. Those same CCTV cameras are pretty much everywhere and are quite evident to see on the street corners in London, England. I wonder as to how much longer before we see here in North America start to see more of those CCTV cameras on our street corners in our cities, and taken pictures of us all? Just saying.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Trump says he will "not even consider" renaming bases named for Confederate leaders
Trump says he will "not even consider" renaming bases named for Confederate leaders

And I hope and pray that Trump sticks to his guns on this one. With all of those American hero statues that are being pulled down by unpatriotic communist Americans, and with their pretty much demanding that Trump change the names on bases is just more communist bull shit Antifa tactics to try and destroy anything that has to do with white history in America.

I am surprised that some low life Antifa communist/s thugs have not yet tried to scale and chisel and try to deface the monuments of those four great American Presidents that were chiseled out on some mountain in an American state. I believe that state is South Dakota. Maybe they have tried or have plans to try to do so. But good on Trump for not backing down to those low life Antifa communist thugs. How Antifa has managed to survive and last all this time in beyond me. Aw well.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Your hopes an prayers are as ****ed up as you are.

A democratic country cannot erect statues to racists.

Or rather, at some point in time those statues must be removed.

Or stop taxing black people.

Congress Heads Toward Clash With Trump Over Removal Of Confederate Symbols

The Republican-led Senate Armed Services Committee adopted an amendment that would create a commission charged with renaming Army installations that bear Confederate names and removing their Confederate symbols.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
What is a Zionist globalist?
He won't answer, because he can't.

See, to a certain stripe of people, "communist," "socialist," "atheist," "globalist," and all these terms are all synonyms for "bad." They haven't the faintest foxing idea what they mean.

They're easy to spot. Look for the protester holding the badly-lettered, misspelt sign that says "Keep Your Government Hands Off My Medicare."


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
He won't answer, because he can't.

See, to a certain stripe of people, "communist," "socialist," "atheist," "globalist," and all these terms are all synonyms for "bad." They haven't the faintest foxing idea what they mean.

They're easy to spot. Look for the protester holding the badly-lettered, misspelt sign that says "Keep Your Government Hands Off My Medicare."
You forgot "white Naty" oops sorry that Hoid's schtick and generalization


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Yes, both were. Both were American citizens and American military officers. Neither was a citizen of the Confederate States of America, because the CSA never existed.

Kinda like the Canadian righties' fantasy of Westernesse or whateverthefox they call it.

On October 2, 1865, the same day that Lee was inaugurated as president of Washington College in Lexington, Virginia, he signed his Amnesty Oath, thereby complying fully with the provision of Johnson's proclamation. But Lee was not pardoned, nor was his citizenship restored.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I hear the protesters in the autonomous zone in Seattle are gardening, doing arts and crafts, having pot-lucks and watching movies. Hmm, maybe 'Orange Man Bad" was right, maybe all these evil protesters he has labeled as Antifa really ARE senior citizens. Sounds like a typical day at the Shady Acres Retirement Villa!