BIOFUELS: Making jet fuel out of garbage -- a first


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yea, well in the meantime it's a $7 Billion project that our own finance minister admits is costing us money the longer the project is delayed.

Putting all our eggs in the resource sector is not taxpayer dollars well spent it seems.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Yea, well in the meantime it's a $7 Billion project that our own finance minister admits is costing us money the longer the project is delayed.

Putting all our eggs in the resource sector is not taxpayer dollars well spent it seems.

Yeah I know. Better spent on idle windmills, gas plant closures, stuff like that.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
I'm reminded of the Synfuels Program of the US Dept. of Energy during the late 1970s. I wonder where it would be today if it hadn't been killed off in the early eighties?

Nazi Germany perfected synfuels like synthetic av gas, gasoline, diesel and bunker fuel during WW2 .
They also perfected synthetic rubber and synthetic lubricants at the same time.

The tech is older than dirt, basic organic chem gets you there.
As always it is, and was, an expensive proposition.

As an aside the Nazis also inveted heroin around then as well.
It probably helped kill the pain involved in researching idiotic and expensive replacements for naturally occuring fuels.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Shifting goal posts.

No, not at all. A pipeline would do all sorts of things for the US and Canada. Create jobs, increase volume of movement while lessoning the possibility of an accident. 10 or 20 thousand trucks moving crude is a hell lot more likely to cause spillage.

As to goal posts: Nimbyism is why we lost a billion in Oakville, why millions are tied up on XL.

See the connection?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
As an aside the Nazis also inveted heroin around then as well.
It probably helped kill the pain involved in researching idiotic and expensive replacements for naturally occuring fuels.

Heroin was not invented by was first marketed by Bayer in 1895, and it was first synthesized by a British chemist in the 1870s.

There's irony in your snarky joke too. Heroin is synthesized by adding two acetyl groups to naturally occurring morphine. You get diacetylmorphine, aka heroin. It's still an effective pain killer used in hospitals today. When it was first introduced, it would have been more expensive to make than the naturally occurring morphine! :lol:

People looking for alternatives find all sorts of nice things, and some addictive things too. That's entrepreneurial. I doubt this fuel will go far, but it's not my money, so I don't really care what someone chooses to research and develop.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Heroin was not invented by was first marketed by Bayer in 1895, and it was first synthesized by a British chemist in the 1870s.

There's irony in your snarky joke too. Heroin is synthesized by adding two acetyl groups to naturally occurring morphine. You get diacetylmorphine, aka heroin. It's still an effective pain killer used in hospitals today. When it was first introduced, it would have been more expensive to make than the naturally occurring morphine! :lol:

People looking for alternatives find all sorts of nice things, and some addictive things too. That's entrepreneurial. I doubt this fuel will go far, but it's not my money, so I don't really care what someone chooses to research and develop.

What I would like to see is an increase in Thermal Energy and maybe even an attempt to find a way to make hydrogen fuel without expending the same amount of energy..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Next thing you know, jib rats will be stealing garbage to sell to fuel companies and we'll have to pay more in cop and court costs.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
What I would like to see is an increase in Thermal Energy and maybe even an attempt to find a way to make hydrogen fuel without expending the same amount of energy..

Sweden has done lots with their trash. Burn it to make electricity and hot water for heating buildings. Bear and I had a chat about this years ago with respect to what TO should do with their trash. The emissions standards are so high, it comes out cleaner than a coal powered thermal generating station. The Swedes even import trash now because they don't make enough of their own. Norway pays them to do this, and the Swedes send the heavy metal laden ash back to Norway. Works out well for the Swedes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Yea, well in the meantime it's a $7 Billion project that our own finance minister admits is costing us money the longer the project is delayed.

Putting all our eggs in the resource sector is not taxpayer dollars well spent it seems.

That is just the loss between world market prices and what the US grudgingly pays us for Oilsands crude. Not to mention the spinoff losses.

Heroin was not invented by was first marketed by Bayer in 1895, and it was first synthesized by a British chemist in the 1870s.

There's irony in your snarky joke too. Heroin is synthesized by adding two acetyl groups to naturally occurring morphine. You get diacetylmorphine, aka heroin. It's still an effective pain killer used in hospitals today. When it was first introduced, it would have been more expensive to make than the naturally occurring morphine! :lol:

People looking for alternatives find all sorts of nice things, and some addictive things too. That's entrepreneurial. I doubt this fuel will go far, but it's not my money, so I don't really care what someone chooses to research and develop.

SOme of it probably is your money.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
SOme of it probably is your money.

Not enough for me to care, if there even is any. Some American company and British Airways? And according to British Airways they are buying the fuel at market competitive prices. Amongst others, they say the energy pay back is twice that of burning trash to make electricity. And it reduces greenhouse emissions by up to 95%. So even if my money is involved, don't really see anything to get upset about.

Unless someone has some actual cost benefits a n a l y s i s or some specs from tests on engineering batches of the fuel rather than rhetoric, then it's just, neato. Hope it works out for them.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Nazi Germany perfected synfuels like synthetic av gas, gasoline, diesel and bunker fuel during WW2 .
They also perfected synthetic rubber and synthetic lubricants at the same time.

The tech is older than dirt, basic organic chem gets you there.
As always it is, and was, an expensive proposition.

As an aside the Nazis also inveted heroin around then as well.
It probably helped kill the pain involved in researching idiotic and expensive replacements for naturally occuring fuels.

It's all good as long as leftist proposals for green energy can be frustrated and stymied.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Heroin was not invented by was first marketed by Bayer in 1895, and it was first synthesized by a British chemist in the 1870s.

There's irony in your snarky joke too. Heroin is synthesized by adding two acetyl groups to naturally occurring morphine. You get diacetylmorphine, aka heroin. It's still an effective pain killer used in hospitals today. When it was first introduced, it would have been more expensive to make than the naturally occurring morphine! :lol:

People looking for alternatives find all sorts of nice things, and some addictive things too. That's entrepreneurial. I doubt this fuel will go far, but it's not my money, so I don't really care what someone chooses to research and develop.

Trust Tonington, the guy who shills for big pharma to catch me on that one.

However it is true my memory confused WW1 with WW2.
The Brits did discover Heroin but they did not claim, register or patent it.
The Germans rediscovered it prior to the war, patented it, named it Heroin and marketed it as a painkiller.
The German pharmaceutical company Bayer AG then ramped up production of Heroin for use as a wartime painkiller.
At the end of WW1 the allies, as war reparations, seized the valuable patents to Heroin from Germany.

In WW2 Bayer AG, which had become IG Farben ramped up production of another one of its favorite chemical compounds Zyklon B.
That’s the one they gassed the Jews with.