Barney Franks Saves the DAY!!!


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
why is this a lefty rightist issue?? all we are trying to say, regardless of your political affiliations, are that these people who speak out nonsense at town hall meetings need to be brought down. and that is what barney frank did so i praise him. doesnt matter if he was democratic republic conservative liberal etc. he did the right thing.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
A Department of Education blunder put the word "Negro" onto a form sent out to tens of thousands of Broward (highly Democratic Obama county) parents asking for the racial background of their kids.

Now this is funny. maybe


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
There will be a day when this bugger-holing piece of human garbage, gay-prostitute prompting pimp will learn not to compare his constituents to a dining room table, and take their votes for granted, because NOTHING lasts forever.

He should be well advised to consult with former Senate Majority Leader (by defection of Jumping Jim Jeffords, NOT EARNED) Tom Daschle.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There will be a day when this bugger-holing piece of human garbage, gay-prostitute prompting pimp will learn not to compare his constituents to a dining room table, and take their votes for granted, because NOTHING lasts forever.

He should be well advised to consult with former Senate Majority Leader (by defection of Jumping Jim Jeffords, NOT EARNED) Tom Daschle.

Which religious right wing nut are you referring to? The preachers that rape little boys or the republicans that troll for gays in bathrooms?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
"There will be a day when this bugger-holing piece of human garbage, gay-prostitute prompting pimp will learn not to compare his constituents to a dining room table..."

Unless it's true, and then he's free to do so. I mean, come on, comparing Obama to Hitler? No comparison, thank you very much.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Which religious right wing nut are you referring to? The preachers that rape little boys or the republicans that troll for gays in bathrooms?"

Good try to change the subject, taxslave!

I am referring ONLY to the athiest homo, Barney Frank. The(future) EX "representative" of gullible folks in the great commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
"Which religious right wing nut are you referring to? The preachers that rape little boys or the republicans that troll for gays in bathrooms?"

Good try to change the subject, taxslave!

I am referring ONLY to the athiest homo, Barney Frank. The(future) EX "representative" of gullible folks in the great commonwealth of Massachusetts.

SO you have a problem with people that can think for themselves? One that does not believe in some fairy tale. If you do not like people with different sexual orientation than your asexual self you are free to do so but that does not give you the right to impose your sick and twisted view of morality on the rest of the world. Makes you exactly the same as the Taliban. Or are they your secret heros?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Yukon Jack: Are bible thumping gay trolling republicans OK? How about religious republican pedophiles? Just wondering if your problem is with liberals or Gays?


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
haha wow yukon jack... an atheist homo??? thats really low. his sexual orientation and religion has nothing to do with his political status. Havent you heard of Separation of church and state?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
At the time in Germany they were legal when they came to power, they are not legal now I understand. At one time it was illegal in North America too, but I
don't know if that changed.

Damngrumpy, I think Nazi Party is legal in USA. I don’t know about Canada. Incidentally, why is everyone writing with a blue font here?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
BTW, the same tactic is used here. When certain people on this forum begin losing a debate through logic, they resort to name calling. If the person ignores the name calling, and the name calling is persistent, the labels begin to stick and the person who won the debate by logic looses credibility. Reasonable people start ignoring you. After all, who would listen to a Nazi?

If the person defends themselves from the name calling, then the subject of the debate changes to whether or not someone is a Nazi. The person called names still looses credibility. Its impossible to win that type of debate. So ridicule is probably the correct tactic to deal with the ridiculous.

I know the feeling, earth_as_one, many times I have been at the receiving end of name calling (when logic fails, name calling always comes in handy). They are like children (spoiled children at that), when logic fails, they thumb their noses and go ‘nyaa, nyaa’.

Ridicule and condescension is the only proper response.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I know the feeling, earth_as_one, many times I have been at the receiving end of name calling (when logic fails, name calling always comes in handy). They are like children (spoiled children at that), when logic fails, they thumb their noses and go ‘nyaa, nyaa’.

I don't think you're like a spoiled child because you resort to name calling with me (troll, poodle). I just think your incredible ego can't allow you to accept you are having your ass handed to you and you just aren't smart enough to come up with any better response.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
When it comes to politics I am a progressive socially and I am conservative fiscally.

I am with you, earth_as_one. Except I like to consider myself fiscally in the center, not fiscally conservative. For the past 20 years or so, conservatism has meant borrow and spend, something I totally oppose.

A conservative is instinctively opposed to any tax increases, he wants taxes cut. When services cannot be cut correspondingly, the conservative government has to borrow money to stay in business. Hence the borrow and spend conservative philosophy. I think deficits, huge debt are an integral part of conservatism.

I am not ideologically opposed to all tax increases, I like to look at them on a case by case basis. So yes, I am a firm believer in balanced budget, of spending cuts to do it (government must be ruthless in cutting spending, if that causes hardship, tough). But I am not opposed to any and all taxes and here is where I differ with a fiscal conservative.

So I like to consider myself a social liberal and fiscally in the centre.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
BTW, the same tactic is used here. When certain people on this forum begin losing a debate through logic, they resort to name calling. If the person ignores the name calling, and the name calling is persistent, the labels begin to stick and the person who won the debate by logic looses credibility. Reasonable people start ignoring you. After all, who would listen to a Nazi?
But if the application of the description, is accurate, and proven. It's not name calling. It's called fact. And for the record, no one has called you a Nazi. You have been exposed as a Nazi supporter. A proven fact. I can see how you struggle with that.

I know the feeling, earth_as_one, many times I have been at the receiving end of name calling (when logic fails, name calling always comes in handy).
And you would know this succinctly, because when you blurt out something stupid and get called on it, you run for the iggy button.

They are like children (spoiled children at that), when logic fails, they thumb their noses and go ‘nyaa, nyaa’.
You do that on an almost daily basis.

Ridicule and condescension is the only proper response.
Which is why you only recieve ridicule and contempt from the bulk of the forum.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
If that is what you like, then you cannot complain about how their education turns out. I was not referring to the goverments leanings, just the teachers. Today kids in the U.S. are graduating high school not even knowing the capitol of Canada. As for Mexico, they think that one is a trick question.

Capital of Canada? You mean they know that there is a country called Canada?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I don't think you're like a spoiled child because you resort to name calling with me (troll, poodle). I just think your incredible ego can't allow you to accept you are having your ass handed to you and you just aren't smart enough to come up with any better response.

I am not ideologically opposed to all tax increases,
This istrue, you're ideologically opposed to open criticism...



Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
A Department of Education blunder put the word "Negro" onto a form sent out to tens of thousands of Broward (highly Democratic Obama county) parents asking for the racial background of their kids.

Now this is funny. maybe

That is easy to explain, ironsides. My guess is that whoever prepared the form was from out of the country. The word ‘Negro’ is simply a descriptive term outside of North America, it does not have the negative connotation that it does in North America. If whoever prepared the form was British (for instance), to him, the term ‘Negro’ is not really much different from Caucasian, or Oriental etc.

But I assume somebody must have checked over the form, and he should have caught the error.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
There will be a day when this bugger-holing piece of human garbage, gay-prostitute prompting pimp will learn not to compare his constituents to a dining room table, and take their votes for granted, because NOTHING lasts forever.

He should be well advised to consult with former Senate Majority Leader (by defection of Jumping Jim Jeffords, NOT EARNED) Tom Daschle.

You are comparing apples with oranges, YJ. Daschle was from North Dakota (or was it the South?), a highly conservative place. So it was easy for Republicans to unseat him.

Barney Franks comes from a a very liberal constituency in Massachusetts and he will be next to impossible to unseat. Do you think Republicans haven’t tired? They don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of unseating Franks.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"There will be a day when this bugger-holing piece of human garbage, gay-prostitute prompting pimp will learn not to compare his constituents to a dining room table..."

Unless it's true, and then he's free to do so. I mean, come on, comparing Obama to Hitler? No comparison, thank you very much.

Not only to Hitler, Serryah, he has been compared to Stalin, to Mao, to Pol Pot, to just about every despicable character around. I don’t know if any of the extreme right wingnuts have compared him to Osama Ben Laden, but it wouldn’t’ surprise me if they have.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Not only to Hitler, Serryah, he has been compared to Stalin, to Mao, to Pol Pot, to just about every despicable character around. I don’t know if any of the extreme right wingnuts have compared him to Osama Ben Laden, but it wouldn’t’ surprise me if they have.
And I'll have to back you up on the stupidity of that action.

So why do you do the same thing? Name calling that is?