Ban kids from wearing clothing with offensive team logos, group urges


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Does this include banning pants that are hanging halfway down the ***? I find that offensive. If we can ban that too, I might be able to get behind this.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
When it comes to the Blackhawks, this is why people need to just shut the f*ck up.
The Blackhawks first owner, Frederic McLaughlin, was a commander with the 333rd Machine Gun Battalion of the 86th Infantry Division during World War I, nicknamed the "Black Hawk Division" after the Sauk war leader, Black Hawk. McLaughlin named the hockey team in honor of his military unit. The image used is a tribute to the warrior spirit and leadership skills of Black Hawk.

I guess you're just not allowed to honour the bravery and spirit of anyone who isn't of your ethnicity/culture. I mean if diversity/multiculti is such a goddam strength, then it shouldn't be a f*cking problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
When it comes to the Blackhawks, this is why people need to just shut the f*ck up.
The Blackhawks first owner, Frederic McLaughlin, was a commander with the 333rd Machine Gun Battalion of the 86th Infantry Division during World War I, nicknamed the "Black Hawk Division" after the Sauk war leader, Black Hawk. McLaughlin named the hockey team in honor of his military unit. The image used is a tribute to the warrior spirit and leadership skills of Black Hawk.

I guess you're just not allowed to honour the bravery and spirit of anyone who isn't of your ethnicity/culture. I mean if diversity/multiculti is such a goddam strength, then it shouldn't be a f*cking problem.

Anyone who objects to the name of a sports team has got a few loose screws!

I think banning should be banned.

Well, there is a limit, I think- you don't want to send your kid to kindergarten with "F**K" in large bold letters on the back of his T shirt! :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
When it comes to the Blackhawks, this is why people need to just shut the f*ck up.
The Blackhawks first owner, Frederic McLaughlin, was a commander with the 333rd Machine Gun Battalion of the 86th Infantry Division during World War I, nicknamed the "Black Hawk Division" after the Sauk war leader, Black Hawk. McLaughlin named the hockey team in honor of his military unit. The image used is a tribute to the warrior spirit and leadership skills of Black Hawk.
Would that be the warrior spirit and leadership skills that got his people beat like a redheaded stepchild?

I guess you're just not allowed to honour the bravery and spirit of anyone who isn't of your ethnicity/culture. I mean if diversity/multiculti is such a goddam strength, then it shouldn't be a f*cking problem.
I've never understood why people insist on "honoring" their genocide victims. Probably to try to make themselves feel better.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Equity officers from school boards across the province lobbying government, boards to force change

Ontario students should be banned from wearing clothing with offensive logos — such as the Cleveland Indians or Chicago Blackhawks — says a group of school board equity officials who are now lobbying the provincial government and directors of education to change dress codes.

“The use of pejorative indigenous names, logos and mascots is both an exploitation of indigenous cultural, spiritual and intellectual identity, and in many cases, a racist misrepresentation of that identity,” says a letter sent Monday to Education Minister Liz Sandals and Ontario education officials.

“This extends to students wearing clothing of amateur and professional teams that bear the pejorative and racist names and logos. When this occurs, our schools across Ontario are fostering a learning environment that is asking indigenous and non-indigenous children to tolerate racism and it must stop immediately.”

The letter, from the Equity Summit Group, representing 26 school board equity officers from across the province, says allowing such clothing, names or mascots violates the province’s own strategy on inclusive education and dealing with the issue is timely given the recent report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The group notes that Justice Murray Sinclair, who headed the commission, has publicly stated that such mascots “have no place in a country trying to come to grips with racism in its past.” “Why, in this day and age, do we allow racist logos?” Chris D’Souza, who founded the Equity Summit Group, told the Star.

“It seems to me it’s time for a mandate or directive from the ministry to school boards to ban (offensive logos and names) in schools,” he said, adding boards could then create — and update — a list of offensive logos or amend dress codes, while consulting with local aboriginal communities.

In the U.S., the names debate is in the news as the Washington Redskins of the National Football League continue to come under pressure to change it. In recent years, California has banned schools from using “Redskins” as a team name and in Madison, Wis., clothing with racial logos was banned, as were offensive mascots.

Closer to home, schools here have grappled with names or logos, with Scarborough’s West Hill Warriors keeping their name but changing their mascot, and, back in the 1990s, Runnymede Collegiate eliminating the “Redmen” team name.

Some have argued such names honour indigenous peoples, but Pardeep Singh Nagra of the Toronto District School Board said that can be done in other ways.

When he worked at the University of Toronto Mississauga more than a decade ago, the team was the Erindale Chiefs. “We went through a process with the local indigenous community there, because part of what we were trying to say was we don’t want to ban indigenous team names” only those that are pejorative, he said.

"The UTM team is now called the Eagles,” a symbol of spiritual peace. “If you want to honour a tradition, work with the community,” added Nagra, the board’s manager of employment equity and co-chair of the Equity Summit Group.

In a statement, Sandals said the province “(encourages) school boards to work with their schools and communities to ensure everyone feels safe, welcome, respected and included. Research shows that students who feel welcome and accepted in their schools are more likely to succeed academically.

“We continue to work in partnership with school boards and stakeholders to build awareness, understanding and respect for diversity among all members of the school community, and to identify and address discriminatory biases, stereotypes and barriers that may exist.”

Ban kids from wearing clothing with offensive team logos, group urges | Toronto Star

No worries here...........that is unless some animal rights group starts protesting the use of penguins on Pittsburgh's jerseys.
Does that mean all the Pontiac's are going to be taken off the road ?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I suggest we ban the idiots who tell us what we can wear, where we can go and how we can do what little we're allowed to do. In short, ban control freaks
Is that guy still alive in Sudbury? The one that years ago, used to walk down main st. in high heels, short skirt, badly fitted blond wig and hairy legs?
Wouldn't have been half bad if he'd shaved his legs.
That was more funny than offensive..........


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Is that guy still alive in Sudbury? The one that years ago, used to walk down main st. in high heels, short skirt, badly fitted blond wig and hairy legs?
Wouldn't have been half bad if he'd shaved his legs.
That was more funny than offensive..........

An "odd duck" to be sure! :)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
After seeing various police uniforms in times of riots I'd be tempted to look for a set for junior to wear until he was school age or whatever.


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Yeah right. That's really going to work. In my generation it was all about banning duck tale haircuts and jeans. And then long hair and beards. And then tight clothing. And then Mohawk hair styles. And then... well, you get the picture.