B.C. woman continues fight to learn identity of biological father


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
B.C. woman continues fight to learn identity of biological father

The Rockwellian vision of a family of four gathered 'round the Christmas tree singing carols and sipping cocoa holds almost no similarity to the current makeup of the average Canadian family.
Less commonly are families a mother, a father and their two children. Families take different shapes, include different people.
Same-sex couples with adopted children, husbands on their second wife and a brood of step-children underfoot. Single mothers who used sperm donors, three men and a baby, the list goes on.
This new reality puts an interesting spin on a B.C. woman's desire to learn the identity of her biological father, who was promised anonymity when he donated sperm all those many years ago.

The ongoing debate pits a child's right to know her biological history against a sperm donor's right to anonymity and continues to bounce and spin in and out of court.
The Canadian Press reports that the B.C. Court of Appeal rejected Olivia Pratten's bid to learn the identity of her sperm-donor father this week, throwing out an earlier decision that had come down in her favour.
Pratten will now take her quest to the Supreme Court of Canada where the next round of this years-long battle will be held.
Pratten told the Press that children sired by sperm donors deserve to know the identity of their father, similar to children from other non-traditional backgrounds.
All we were asking for is the same benefits of adopted people. ... It's failing to protect the health and safety of donor-conceived people, that's what this court has done.
Pratten, who lives in Toronto but was born in Nanaimo, B.C., was raised by parents who had used an anonymous sperm donor. The files on the donor have been destroyed, in keeping with the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons guidelines.
The B.C. appeal court ruled that children have no legal right to know their biological past, specifically in cases where donors were guaranteed anonymity.
The decision overruled a B.C. Supreme Court decision last year, which backed Pratten and told the province to amend its Adoption Act in order to protect those born through anonymous sperm donation from suffering psychological harm.
During that battle, Albert Yuzpe, co-founder of Vancouver's Genesis Fertility Centre, told the Globe and Mailthat revoking the promise of anonymity could have a negative effect on the number of donors.
"The problem is, in countries where they have legislated [disclosure] the number of volunteer donors has gone down quite significantly," he said at the time.
This is a battle that fewer in the next generation will need to fight. In Canada, sperm banks currently have anonymous and open-identity donors. The latter have consented to the release of their identity, once the child reaches 18 years of age. The former have not.

Pratten's campaign is understandable. It is natural to want to know the truth about where you came from. On Canadian Donor Offspring, a website chronicling the battle, she outlines her thoughts on the matter:
My own parents were counseled to not tell me. So before forming an opinion about this, I always ask people to put themselves in my shoes: if you found out tomorrow that your dad wasn't your biological father, could you honestly say that you would be satisfied never knowing who he was? And furthermore, would you tolerate being told you had no right to find out?
Pratten's desire to learn the identity of her biological father has to be balanced against what is best for the donor system, and the promises they have made to donors, for better or worse.
Earlier this year, a sperm provider who had sporadic contact with his child won a paternity ruling after the child's mother passed away.
The donor was not anonymous but had donated his sperm with the understanding he would not be part of the family unit. It did not stop him from stepping in and taking the child from its grandparents, according to the National Post.
The option of anonymity maintains a significant wall between members of a loving family and those who simply played a role in bringing it together. Pratten was wanted, very wanted, by her mother and her non-biological father. The donor was purposely left out of the equation.
If the vow of anonymity is removed, there is no wall stopping those donors from seeking out their biological children.
How would such a child react if their biological father showed up at her house unannounced, waiving a paternity test and looking for a couch to crash on for a couple of days, or a couple of buck to get through the weekend?

B.C. woman continues fight to learn identity of biological father | Daily Brew - Yahoo! News Canada

I can't say I agree with this case and I hope the courts uphold the anonymity of the donor. I think if he was assured of anonymity and that was a condition of the donation, then that has to be respected.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I support donor anonymity. But I also support the child's right to know about inherited health issues. The child should be able to anonymously get health information regarding heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes... from the genetic parent.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I support donor anonymity. But I also support the child's right to know about inherited health issues. The child should be able to anonymously get health information regarding heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes... from the genetic parent.

Wanting to know your family health history is perfectly understandable and often times it can be a necessity. But that's not the same thing as personally identifying information. She wants the identity because she feels she has a right to know, I think it's being obscured (in the lawsuit) with the right to know potential health issues. Can't say I agree with that.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I've heard of this BC lady for a while now. I can appreciate her desire to know who the bio father is; however, I have mixed feelings. If the donor was under the impression that he was to remain anonymous or signed docs to provide as much - doesn't releasing this info violate his rights?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The important issue is why she wants to know. Is it for medical reasons or is she a gold digger?

She could obtain the necessary medical info without actually learning 'who' the bio father is. I believe that she wants to know the individual.

That said, there is nothing wrong with that desire, however, the donor should also have a say in this... It has to be a 2-way street


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
She could obtain the necessary medical info without actually learning 'who' the bio father is. I believe that she wants to know the individual.

That said, there is nothing wrong with that desire, however, the donor should also have a say in this... It has to be a 2-way street

I think the donor made his position quite clear. His wishes must be respected. Not too sure I would trust the bureaucrats involved to defend his wishes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think the donor made his position quite clear. His wishes must be respected. Not too sure I would trust the bureaucrats involved to defend his wishes.

If health issues are the main concern of the child, couldn't a complete medical profile of the donor be released without identifying the father?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If health issues are the main concern of the child, couldn't a complete medical profile of the donor be released without identifying the father?
I'd guess that the Pic A Pop screening process would contain enough medical history to not know who the person is?


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Personally I think she should have the right to know who her biological father is. If I were in her position I'd be doing the same thing. If the guy wants to remain anonymous then he shouldn't have fathered any children. She didnt ask to be created or born in the way it was done.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I think the donor should have to sign a release, which would allow his child to know his identify

after the child becomes an adult, that would settle this, as donors would not donate if they don't

want to devulge this knowledge.

How could anyone donate their sperm and expect a child to go thru their life totally satisfied that

he/she doesn't care, or doesn't want to know, most would want to know, it is their right.

Personally I think she should have the right to know who her biological father is. If I were in her position I'd be doing the same thing. If the guy wants to remain anonymous then he shouldn't have fathered any children. She didnt ask to be created or born in the way it was done.

yes, I agree, no one has the right to put that ruling on anyone, don't bring a child into the world
and hide behind your identity while that child goes thru his/her life without that freedom, its not right.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
After years of wondering, court battles and destroying freedom of donor anonymity only to find out....


The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
Your parents are the people that actually raised you.

This is more of the bull manure that people want to know EVERYTHING.

If she does find out, want to be she'll be approaching the "father" for emotional and financial support?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Well not exactly bull manure. My first wife was adopted and in the end I kind of wish she
had been adopted somewhere else but that's another story.
I also have an adopted daughter and I do understand there is something about a personal
sense of identity that can not easily be explained by those who have not been part of or
close to the problem.
In my wife's case she did find her mother, her father had passed away and today they share
a very good relationship in fact my first wife is somewhat a different person that she was and
I think finding her mother had some impact on her personal growth.
My daughter was not so lucky, both her parents passed away before she got to meet them
but she did find two brothers and two sisters and that has worked very well we have all go
to know one another.
Its not just about who raised you, its about your place in the world and unanswered questions
leave holes in one's life. I think people who just sign up and remain anonymous are selfish
in some regards, they will donate but they don't have the courage to bring peace of mind to
their child an adult or otherwise and I think to me that is troubling.
Remember life is about people, and if you are willing to participate in the giving of life you
should be prepared to be a part of the whole experience. I have seen what happens when
that doesn't work out. In our case we always agreed to have the birth parents part of the
process, they chose not to and eventually it was too late.