Auto-bailout money at peril in early stock sale, Auditor-General says


It''s our duty, vote.
Mar 13, 2006
I suppose we should bow before Harper's feet and say, "we're not worthy"

The Auditor-General gave the bailout a generally passing grade considering ... It noted, however, that Industry Canada did not insist on detailed information on how the two companies used the funds, which means the federal department “does not know to what extent the federal government’s financial assistance contributed to the viability of Chrysler Canada and GM Canada.

Paul Boothe, who led the government negotiating team as associate deputy minister of Industry Canada during the bailouts said it’s clear what would have happened had Canada and Ontario not joined in the U.S.-led bailout that totalled $80-billion.

“I’m absolutely certain that if we had not provided our assistance, there would be no GM or Chrysler Canada,” Mr. Boothe said.

So he had no idea whether the money contributed to the viability ... yet, he was absolutely certain. Oh to be a child again, when you are absolutely certain their is a santa clause.

Since it doesn't sound like this circus performer (profession withheld to protect circus performers of a different type) was fired, could we hope that our masterful economic manager in the hairspray hat will fire (and not appoint to some embassy or commission) the then Minister of Industry, Tony Clement? I know why, its only a few billion, and it's not like Tony used the money to build a gazebo.