At least two dead, two others wounded in shooting at San Bernardino elementary school

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! The ultimate CanCon argument: two people going at it over undefined, deliberately vague terms!





MANY, you scumbag motherf*cking child-molesting communist!

FEW, you scumbag motherf*cking child-molesting fascist!



Die, traitorous garbage!

Die deader'n that, Nazi dogshit!

What could be better?

Drink your coffee. Take your Prozac. Settle down.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
OK, so you missed the part about "you cannot buy a handgun in a state where you are not a resident, and have not been able to do so since 1968."

The U.S.'s gun laws are a mix of Federal, state, and local.

And hey, looky here! So are Canada's!

Restricted Firearms - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

So, let's sum up. In a two-sentence post, you lied about Canadian gun laws in the first sentence, and you lied about U.S. gun laws in the second sentence.

OK, OK, maybe I'm a bit too harsh here, saying "lied." Let me back down and just say you made up false facts to support your argument. Either way, we're done here, because as James Madison said. . .

"To argue with someone who has abandoned the use and authority of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."

The "use and authority of reason" includes supporting one's arguments with real facts, not whatever crap one makes up for the purpose of supporting her argument.

I'd be happy to discuss this, or any other subject, with you whenever you decide that making shit up will not be your go-to tactic.

Apparently acquiring something called an FFL allows anyone to buy a gun in one state and have it shipped to another. Also I really wonder just how carefully gun dealers check a person's background in states that do not require a state permit to buy a gun.

The Easiest States To Buy A Gun | The Huffington Post

Also I am not sure why you referred me to the RCMP site, it says nothing about provinces having different firearm laws. In fact the firearms regulations that can be enacted in a province can only be done so under federal law - and that law would probably be to further restrict firearm use.

So who is actually doing the lying? It appears to me that Mr. Madison was talking about someone like you.

BTW this is just an example of the usual bafflegab I get in debates with gun nuts. First of all they deny the USA has a problem by comparing to dysfunctional societies like Guatemala and Venezuela. Then they claim guns are necessary for protection, despite evidence that guns in the USA are usually used to kill the innocent. Then they try to deflect by bring in specious arguments that have nothing to do with the original topic. And the, like you, they simply make things up. Finally, they resort to personal attack, since none of their arguments can be shown to have any real basis in fact. Since you have employed all of these tactics I would say that you are typical of the gun obsessed.

I feel as if I am just wasting my time in this "discussion" so unless you can actually come up with some information that actually proves that gun violence in the USA is normal, I am finished with it.