Are we raising an Orwelian Generation.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I fixed that for you. I know you probably can't remember me saying I never get angry. Seriously, see a doctor.
Oh I remembered it, your frantic posts and silly dick waving say otherwise.

But please keep going. The harder you try, the more your confirm you admitted stupidity.
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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
When I went to school I had an old Studebaker with the armrests that could be lifted up
they made great beer coolers. yes we had drinking, drugs not so much but the bully was
around as well. We had a group of kids who took on the bully from time to time so in our
school which was small saw little of it. I was a big kid and had no trouble taking on a
bully in defence of someone. No we did not stand by and let some skinny little guy get
beat up.
There were no weapons either and there was something that is missing today, Respect.

I learned a lot of things from teachers who were on the center right, left and center and back
then you could actually discuss issues especially in current affairs without the do gooders
stepping in. The discussion of those days provided us with balanced opinions.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
But than again I didn't see...

Armed children...

I saw all of those, and participated in several. And that was Jr High School.

What the hell were you doing that you didn't see them?

One good memory I had from university, though, is that a friend of mine was the son of the Staff Sgt/NCO of our local RCMP detachment, and we went to university in the city with the Div headquarters, so whenever he was in town on business, on a Friday, he'd come by to see if anyone from home wanted a drive home for the weekend. He'd always show up to the residence in a marked RCMP car, in uniform, and then stomp his way up the hall, scaring the living crap out of those who didn't know him.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
As much as I agree, I think the only way these things will change is to identify problematic behaviours in the state and people without referring to terms like "1984", "Orwell", "Big Brother", etc.. Maybe we can enjoy the jargon or even profs from the ivory tower, but I think these are antiquated terms that pull "everyday" people out of the initiative to change things for the better.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I saw all of those, and participated in several. And that was Jr High School.
Wow, who knew the school populated by mostly Native kids, was better than the school you went to.

Kind of throws a wrench in dumpsters thinking.

What the hell were you doing that you didn't see them?
The fact that it just wasn't prevalent, getting an education.
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kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I think we are raising not necessarily an Orwellian Generation, rather a generation during Orwellian times.

George might say that Harpo is using his playbook.

Don't worry, be happy.

The Green Army will defeat the Blue Army. Just today several Blues were killed as they attempted to storm the Truethought Doublespeak building. Greens are mopping up at present.

All is well.

Please turn up your screen.