Are people really mean in BC?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
lol ok. Then you musta caught your whizzer in the zipper. :D

I really don't get all this about British Columbians. When I'd moved back east, I'd heard all kinds of compliments about me from the local riff raff. Some would comment on how I was almost as friendly as a Klingon on steroids, or how my speech was worthy of a tourettes attack at the ball park. They even commented on my smile, commenting on how I bared my incisors.

Though the local trash had a funny way of referring to things, I took all their comments as compliments, for what they were worth coming from such scum anyways.

Honestly, what could possibly give those eastern Canadian bird brains the idea that British Columbians are so mean?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I have no idea. Periodically I meet people that are a bit cold and snappish at first. Most of them, I can talk em out of it, though. Even city slickers. :)
I think it's that maybe I smile and talk to them as if they are human, listen to them, ad lib a little funny stuff. Compliments help, too, I agree.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Rain in Hongcouver? Rarely. One has to venture up the wet coast to see real rain. Even those of us that are tough quit work when it gets over an inch an hour. Mostly because the roads tend to disappear around this time. Any way if this myth keeps the riff raff out I can live with it.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Rain in Hongcouver? Rarely. One has to venture up the wet coast to see real rain. Even those of us that are tough quit work when it gets over an inch an hour. Mostly because the roads tend to disappear around this time. Any way if this myth keeps the riff raff out I can live with it.
Have to wonder Taxslave how many people believe that all we get is pouring rain. Day before yesterday, 21 cities in BC experienced above normal temps and broke records everywhere for a hot dry day. We were one of them. People just don't realize that the good pavement bouncing rain really does happen on the west coast of the west coast. I have lived in Ucluelet and there - when it rains it rains. Tofino the same.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
The only mean people i met from the west were people that were following politics... These people saw me, and made a point to tell me how ****ty ontario is to live in and be from...

And the odd random joe who wants to tell you how much you and ontario suck lol

EVEN if i wanted too i couldnt generalize people from BC because i made alot of friends from there, and got along well with the majority of people


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Rain in Hongcouver? Rarely. One has to venture up the wet coast to see real rain. Even those of us that are tough quit work when it gets over an inch an hour. Mostly because the roads tend to disappear around this time. Any way if this myth keeps the riff raff out I can live with it.

Your not kidding, I worked at Head BAy (near Tahsis) for 6 months during the dry time of the year and saw it rain hard for 6 days straight, the pounding on the bunkhouse roof was so bad you couldn't sleep at night. During the wet months 8" in 24 hours isn't uncommon.


Electoral Member
Aug 1, 2007
I think if you spend your time looking for 'nasty' people, you'll see them, it doesn't matter where you go.

Usually, I would agree. Toronto is the exception.

Torontonians have issues, it's just that simple. It's a business city; a work/profiteering mentality dominates. Also bad managment/governance/planning over the years has made for a highly anti-social environment.

I doubt you will encounter that level of nastiness anywhere else in Canada (most Ontarians would probably agree ;-) ).

That isn't to say there aren't decent people in TO--they're just in a minority.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I read about a year ago on forums that people in Vancouver are really nasty just like in Toronto.[/FONT]

Not like Toronto. There is apparently a tendency (as with all big cities), but Toronto it ain't. I've been told that people from BC also have a tendency to be a bit more 'out there' (not necessarily a reference to pot-smoking btw) but the ones I've met seemed to be fairly decent folks (that's just my personal experience though); average Canadians and all that.

As for moving to BC: go for it. Been told that the awesome beauty of some areas can be mind-blowing. Will definitely be going there myself one day.

The one downside is of course that it rains...A LOT. But then that just makes for lush scenery--very moody (definitely worked for the X-Files...until they re-located to California :roll: ). Unless you suffer from vitamin-D deficiency and/or rheumatism, this shouldn't be a big problem. (Still nicer than Toronto's swamp-like summer weather.)

[Btw, it's odd that you had a bad time in TO, considering you're well-kept, good-looking, young, white and female (based on your avatar); Torontonians, in what I'm guessing is your income bracket tend to be more tolerant of people like you. I'll assume that you acted a little bit too innocent (i.e. overly respectful/emotional/open) when mingling with others of your age group. Not a good idea in most cases; superficial/pretentious/emotionally scarred city folks tend to react badly to that kind of behaviour (that's usually about when the 'nastiness' kicks in). I would suggest that if you're to live in any big city, that you adapt to the local BS a bit more, painful though that may be--just be careful not to become that way yourself in the process (i.e. adaptation over assimilation).]


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Most BCers are transplanted Easterners, so it's really bad.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Most BCers are transplanted Easterners, so it's really bad.

Most????????????????? Depends on how many generations back you are talking. We have quite a few older people who retire here from the prairies but most of the young uns are home grown.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Most????????????????? Depends on how many generations back you are talking. We have quite a few older people who retire here from the prairies but most of the young uns are home grown.
Like Father, Like Son.


Electoral Member
May 23, 2009
New Zealand

I'm a foreigner moving to Vancouver early next year, gosh I hope I don't scare anyone out of their own digs! (lol) ...

My Dad always said "Like attracts like" ... I think it's easier to be negative than positive sometimes. You'll never truly know what a place is like until you've lived there yourself whether it be Vancouver or here to New Zealand ...

Different strokes for different folks... Taste test first, go a 3 week holiday, I am! Wooooo Hoooooo!


Electoral Member
May 23, 2009
New Zealand
So for you, is that a good thing or a bad thing?:lol:

I think negativity breeds negativity and when you're positive you find the positive. There is good and bad in all of us and where ever we go ... Perhaps poster one means more is it a friendly welcoming place overall?

For example the Nth Islanders and the Sth Islanders here in NZ have a thing about each others Island and people. Yet it wouldn't stop us from living there if that's truly where we wanted to be.

I agree with what someone else here said, if you go looking for the not so good you're bound to find it.

Follow your heart # 1 or if in doubt "do without" ... Happy happiness hunting :)


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Most BCers are transplanted Easterners, so it's really bad.
You are trying to be funny right?8O Most of our transplants are from Manitoba and that's still the West. We do get some from Ontario alright. Lots from Britain too.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You are trying to be funny right?8O Most of our transplants are from Manitoba and that's still the West. We do get some from Ontario alright. Lots from Britain too.

And those darn Keybecois fruit pickers and tree planters that never go home!8O