An Election Today? Tories Would Lose 23 Seats


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Name names.

I think she is talking about Adamanenko, who in my opinion isn't too bad. The Cons had a real dandy down there a couple of years ago- he was charged with smuggling booze across the border and then did some real damage to some poor woman in a car accident that was 110% his fault. Of course when Harper got wind of this he deep sixed him. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Name names.
I can name lots of names. Whose name would you like me to name?

I think she is talking about Adamanenko, who in my opinion isn't too bad. The Cons had a real dandy down there a couple of years ago- he was charged with smuggling booze across the border and then did some real damage to some poor woman in a car accident that was 110% his fault. Of course when Harper got wind of this he deep sixed him. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Atamanenko is a useless twit. All he does is whine about the Cons and Glibs and parrot Laymton. He does absolutely dick else.

Yeah, Gouk was a real prize alright:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
The entire thread is based on a moot point, Harper will be P.M. for the forseeable future and very likely as long as he wants to be. He's a stronger leader than his rivals combined. As sleezy as he is, we got him. :lol::lol::lol:

What Canada and the Liberal Party need is another Trudeau.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
What Canada and the Liberal Party need is another Trudeau.




Yep, ANOTHER one to run up the debt, run down Parliament, declare REAL martial law, destroy the military, alienate our allies, and inspire dreams of separation not only in Quebec, but in the west as well.....

Exactly what we need!!! NOT!!


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
If you’re going to talk runing up the debt and running down the Parliament of Canada, there has been no fiscal mismanagement greater than the disaster that has become the G8 and G20 meetings, under the leadership of The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P., the Prime Minister. Her Majesty’s Government for Canada is very excitedly running deficits, undoing a decade of prudent fiscal management under the Liberal Party of Canada.

As for running down the Parliament of Canada, we have had no prime minister so direspectful toward our parliamentary institutions than our present prime minister. His office has instructed Government members to disrupt meetings of committees, they attempted to assert supremacy over Parliament on access to information until members finally had to resort to the Speaker, and now they’re trying to breach Parliament’s privileges again by ignoring summons issued by the House and its committees.