amerika gives izrael a trillion dollars


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Israel is a terrorist nation? So successfully defending themselves against what the Arab-Muslim world called a War of Extermination against Israel is the definition of terrorism?
Tell me genius, how do you retaliate against a country that has no centralized military command or regular army units? Are they just supposed to lay there and take it like a bitch every time Hamas or any of those other douchebag groups engages in random acts of terrorism on the Israeli population?

Here's an idea. Why don't you learn the REAL history of what's been going on instead of the revisionist, anti-Israel bull**** you've been spoon fed.

But here's a fun fact you may not be aware of, depending on how many Israel/Palestine threads you've read in here. Ethnic Israelis and ethic Palestinians are essentially one and the same. Genetically, the two are more closely related to each other than either is to any other Semitic people. Which is sad because here we have two groups of people who are essentially family, fighting against each other over something as f*cking stupid as religion.

God-based religions are the real enemy of the world, particularly the mono-theistic type.
You're annoying and stupid, and a goofy racist. Don't tell me to read anything and don't tell me I've been spoon-fed anything - the predominant ideology in the west where we live is "brown people bad, izrael self-defending democracy". which is far from the full truth. which is what you've lapped up without a second thought, because it fits in well with your racist narrative. **** you're a joke..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

No need for the comma.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Last edited:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The US also gets some intel that Israel is willing to share. How much that is of all they collect is probably well short of 'all'.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The US also gets some intel that Israel is willing to share. How much that is of all they collect is probably well short of 'all'.

Especially the stuff their US spies deliver for blackmail purposes...
...and don't forget this little gem:
Excerpt from Victor Ostrovsky's, "By way of deception"

""It's the old Trojan dick trick.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.

The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.

In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya."