Alberta Separation or Communist Canada?


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Canada is full of stupid and gullible fools that will do whatever their politicians and the media tell them what to do. The word for those people is called lemmings. Everything on the TV news every day is constant virus-virus-virus. Even when the media gives the weather forecast they bring up the word virus at times. I would prefer to get back to where we were before this virus came along rather than having to live a life of boredom that our politicians and the media seem to want to put us all in. I believe that it will only last for so long and then that will be it. The people hopefully rebel and start getting back to normal. Many more months of this self isolation crap is downright crazy and stupid.
Christ they even have shut down golf courses for shits sake. Golf is an outdoor game and where is the danger in playing golf out in the fresh open air? This is how stupid things have become.

The virus does not care what sport you play or whether you are inside or outside. It will get you if you come anywhere near it. If you want to attempt some civil disobedience, go right ahead but I doubt you will, the right are fairly meek when it comes to that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Canada is full of stupid and gullible fools that will do whatever their politicians and the media tell them what to do. The word for those people is called lemmings..

Is that why you hate them so much?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not if communism is slowly snuck in by the back door which we see happening every day in Canada today. We see more and more taxes, more and more rules and regulations and red tape, loss of more freedoms and now assemblies. Toronto has decided to stop all outdoor events like parades, meetings, conventions and the like from going ahead for the next three months. Is this idiot conservative trying to tell us that this self isolating shit will go on for another three months?

This will eventually either drive people mad by having to stay home for three months or they will say enough already, and start hitting the streets and having fun again and do all of the things we did before all of this bull shit started. This virus has more to do with your freedoms rather than trying to save you from this virus.

The Canadian media and our politicians are trying to control we the people and prepare this global pandemic as an exercise to see what kinds of reactions they will get from we the people in Canada. We must stop giving it to them. We have to start questioning is this all for real or else the next virus thrown at us will be even worse than this one.

Don't laugh, it will happen again. Just my opinion of course.

Have you been travelling? That is the usual way to get a high fever and delusional mind set in these modern times!

Wuhan Pestilence IS A VIRUS - NOT a political COUP!

LIE-berals have been trying their election rigging LONG BEFORE Wuhan Pestilence showed up!

You would knwo this if you had not spent so much time in the padded cell with no access to the outside world!


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
The virus does not care what sport you play or whether you are inside or outside. It will get you if you come anywhere near it. If you want to attempt some civil disobedience, go right ahead but I doubt you will, the right are fairly meek when it comes to that.

What virus? Oh, the one that the globullist zionists like Bill Gates dreamed up and now have all you sky is falling down people running in fear and in a panic for your miserable useless lives and totally scared of catching the seasonal flu bug. Okay, that one.

I am being forced to go by what your dear comrade leaders and the Pravda media are ordering me to do or I will be heavily fined or thrown in the gulag. I will not win alright. One person against a hundred zombies cannot win. That is the odds that are against me.

So, even inside ones home they will not be able to avoid catching the seasonal flu then. So, what the hell are we all being told to stay inside and stay away from people. By your silly ass logic people should be dying in the streets from this terrible seasonal flu. There are many people who have gone to many hospitals and they all saw no big lineups of people in hospitals or lying on beds in the hallways. They said it was as quiet as a mouse. Wake up, sky is falling down guy, before you lose all your freedoms of speech and assembly, and take me down with you.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Have you been travelling? That is the usual way to get a high fever and delusional mind set in these modern times!
Wuhan Pestilence IS A VIRUS - NOT a political COUP!
LIE-berals have been trying their election rigging LONG BEFORE Wuhan Pestilence showed up!
You would knwo this if you had not spent so much time in the padded cell with no access to the outside world!

No, I have not been travelling lately because I have been pretty much shut down from travelling. If I dare go across into America for a carton of milk and come right back I will have to quarantine myself for 14 days.

This virus is a globullist political social engineering exercise and a test case to see just how many people like you will react and to see how far they can push people like you to make you believe their little seasonal flu experiment.

Hey, from where I am sitting right now, I truly do believe that I am having many conversations with many members here who did just get released from some padded cell without no access outside. You are not one of them, are you? Just asking!

But you will be happy to hear that I will be practicing my social distancing from now on. I will be practicing my social distancing of six feet from the many silly and stupid gullible fools that inhabit this insane country to try and keep and hang on to my sanity. I may just have to pretend that I believe all this China flu pandemic nonsense just to keep from being put in the gulag. Just saying.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No, I have not been travelling lately because I have been pretty much shut down from travelling. If I dare go across into America for a carton of milk and come right back I will have to quarantine myself for 14 days.

This virus is a globullist political social engineering exercise and a test case to see just how many people like you will react and to see how far they can push people like you to make you believe their little seasonal flu experiment.

Hey, from where I am sitting right now, I truly do believe that I am having many conversations with many members here who did just get released from some padded cell without no access outside. You are not one of them, are you? Just asking!

But you will be happy to hear that I will be practicing my social distancing from now on. I will be practicing my social distancing of six feet from the many silly and stupid gullible fools that inhabit this insane country to try and keep and hang on to my sanity. I may just have to pretend that I believe all this China flu pandemic nonsense just to keep from being put in the gulag. Just saying.

In other news - taxme is also afraid to go outside to buy milk and bread because HE IS SO FEARFUL

of being grabbed in a NET and taken away for a 30 day PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION!

From past experience HE KNOWS HE WILL FAIL THE TEST!

And thus his freedom will be further restricted INSIDE A PADDED CELL!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
This virus is a globullist political social engineering exercise and a test case to see just how many people like you will react and to see how far they can push people like you to make you believe their little seasonal flu experiment.

This virus is a global public health emergency.

It has nothing to do with the seasonal flu.

We are all doing everything we can to minimize the damage.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
This virus is a global public health emergency.

It has nothing to do with the seasonal flu.

We are all doing everything we can to minimize the damage.
Who is this we you are referring to ?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
CBC trying to spin that Western alienation sentiment is not a concern anymore in the face of the pandemic due to how the Feds. are handling it.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Successive Fed gvts have polarized the country by region, socioeconomic factors, race, culture, etc... Tater tot (and his old man) have done the most to amplify this circumstance.
Relative to the loss of interest in politics of the average Cdn, what I believe is happening is that regions, etc are now taking an introverted look at what suits their individual needs best... With this in mind, I do believe that there is a very reasonable possibility that 1 or more provinces will seriously consider refining their participation in Confederation.
Ultimately, this is the natural course that plays out and trudeau simply doesn't have the insight or smarts to understand this reality

Do you think that all of our problems stem from the fact that the french in Quebec have been pretty much running this country for way too many decades now? Ever since old man Turdeau came along we have hardly ever had an Anglophone PM from outside Quebec. And because of that we now see that the french pretty much control 70% of Ottawa. I blame all of our troubles in Canada on the french lieberal socialists from Quebec that have pretty much phu-ed up this country. Sad thing is that they like to keep threatening separation but they do know better than to do that. They would lose control of Canada. While the french declare Quebec a unilingual french speaking province, the rest of Canada has pretty much gone bilingual. Bloody ridiculous.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
You should get involved and run on tax elimination if that is your beef.

Maybe it would be nice for a change to have some new political party politician come forward who says that if I am elected the PM of Canada, They will cut taxes by 50%, and cut red tape by 50%. They will cut the government by 40% for now. That will be a sure guarantee for success and should get that politician the PM's job. It has too because this is what most Canadians have been waiting to hear and want to happen. Get the gawd dam government off we the people's back. Works for me!


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
CBC trying to spin that Western alienation sentiment is not a concern anymore in the face of the pandemic due to how the Feds. are handling it.

There appears to be nothing happening in Canada or the rest of the world anymore except this hoax of a plandemic exercise. 90% of the news is pretty much all about this virus and the other 10% is all about forecasting the weather.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
CBC trying to spin that Western alienation sentiment is not a concern anymore in the face of the pandemic due to how the Feds. are handling it.

Well you really cannot blame the official Cdn voice of the Communist Broadcasting Corp for trying to save the hide of the idiot Boy

Justin - the great hope of Soviet Socialist Swine everywhere!

LIE-berals seem not to recall that the major reason Alberta is currently BANKRUPT is courtesy of STRENUOUS LIE-beral efforts

to DESTROY the entire Cdn oil patch! And in the process he has produced all manner of road and rail blockades

that did a FINE JOB of holding up shipments of other products such as grain and lumber!

LIE-berals are also OBLIVIOUS of the fact that it was their CRAPPY guardianship of the borders that allowed Wuhan Pestilence

to enter Canada along with a bunch of travellers that SHOULD HAVE BEEN FORCIBLY QUARANTINED!

It is absolutely REMARKABLE that Our idiot Boy keeps doing those daily Wuhan updates and tells all about how he is trying

essentially - TO TAKE CREDIT for the efforts of others in fighting the virus!

After all - it is provincial premiers who are doing the heavy lifting of making sure travellers get into quarantine and stay there!

It is the provinces that drew up lists of non essential biz that had to close down to facilitate self distancing!

It was Doug Ford who negotiated with the Yankees to get more medical gear imported!

But it was Our idiot Boy who GAVE SIXTEEN TONS of medical gear to Red China - WITHOUT even a thank you!

And the Two Michaels - Spavour and Kovrig ARE STILL IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT in Red China!

Our idiot Boy has yet to say any thing about banning Huawei spy technology and the idiot has yet to get rid of Huawei ceo Meng!

Why in hell does Our idiot Boy not ship Meng off to Washington and let them deal with her?

After all it is Washington that says she is guilty!

And yet it is Canada that is holding her - without having any ability to determine her guilt or innocence!

And yet day after day Our idiot Boy bravely and hypocritically posts those useless "updates" that tell us NOTHING!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There appears to be nothing happening in Canada or the rest of the world anymore except this hoax of a plandemic exercise. 90% of the news is pretty much all about this virus and the other 10% is all about forecasting the weather.

If LIE-berals ever put a tax on STUPID - it will take FIVE LIFE TIMES for you to pay your share!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Maybe it would be nice for a change to have some new political party politician come forward who says that if I am elected the PM of Canada, They will cut taxes by 50%, and cut red tape by 50%. They will cut the government by 40% for now. That will be a sure guarantee for success and should get that politician the PM's job. It has too because this is what most Canadians have been waiting to hear and want to happen. Get the gawd dam government off we the people's back. Works for me!
They would be pilloried.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Suddenly, Albertans don't want to separate no more.