Alberta Health: Get your flu shot NOW


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
At least the smarter ones? No, umm not really. A healthcare provider who is exposed to more viral pressure, and who is smart, would not refuse protection unless the risk of the protection is greater than the risk of the disease. There are very few cases where that is in fact a reality. Furthermore, the choices they make as a service provider have a direct impact on the outcomes of patients. Therefore it's no longer just a personal risk with the consequences of that choice confined to them, their choices directly impact the consequences of others who have very little choice in choosing where they go to receive such services. People in hospitals and patients seeing clinicians are already often immunocompromised in some fashion, and it's irresponsible, unethical, and frankly dangerous for healthcare providers to forgo a shot that can prevent illness and deaths in patients.

They seem to be able to avoid it by wearing masks at work. Any why would you willingly take some poison that you know will make you sick. The one year I got the shot I had a low grade flu for 3 weeks.
My Naturopath gives me pills for flu season. Taken once a week for 3 weeks. Now I can't prove that they work but I have not been sick for the 6 years that I have been taking them.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
As do I. The facts fully support immunization. I'm just glad people didn't listen to the flat earthers when the polio and small pox vaccines were introduced

A lot of people do listen to the flat earthers. The Taliban are busy offing polio vaccine workers in the hills of northern Pakistan. They have been quite successful convincing the locals that it is actually a sterilization effort.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
A lot of people do listen to the flat earthers. The Taliban are busy offing polio vaccine workers in the hills of northern Pakistan. They have been quite successful convincing the locals that it is actually a sterilization effort.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a sterilization know...big pharma and all


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
They seem to be able to avoid it by wearing masks at work. Any why would you willingly take some poison that you know will make you sick. The one year I got the shot I had a low grade flu for 3 weeks.
My Naturopath gives me pills for flu season. Taken once a week for 3 weeks. Now I can't prove that they work but I have not been sick for the 6 years that I have been taking them.

The problem with Drs, Nurses, Hospital staff is that study after study shows they are a main contributor to passing a virus from 1 patient to another. Failure to use and follow hygiene procedure.
If recall correctly- the same was noted wth the SARS outbreak in Toronto.

Their is much truth to the old saying, if you want to get sick, visit someone in the Hospital.

Flu vaccines only cover Type A and Type b- And only certain strains.
CDC - Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine | Seasonal Influenza (Flu)
Vaccine Effectiveness

Influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary from year to year and among different age and risk groups. For more information about vaccine effectiveness, visit How Well Does the Seasonal Flu Vaccine Work? For information specific to this season, visit About the Current Flu Season.
Will this season's vaccine be a good match for circulating viruses?

It's not possible to predict with certainty which flu viruses will predominate during a given season. Over the course of a flu season, CDC studies samples of flu viruses circulating during that season to evaluate how close a match there is between viruses used to make the vaccine and circulating viruses. Data are published in the weekly FluView. In addition, CDC conducts studies each year to determine how well the vaccine protects against illness during that season. The results of these studies are typically published following the conclusion of the flu season and take into consideration all of the data collected during the season. Interim studies also may be conducted that provide preliminary estimates of the vaccine’s benefits that season using data available at that time. For more information, see Vaccine Effectiveness – How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work?

Flu viruses are constantly changing (called “antigenic drift”) – they can change from one season to the next or they can even change within the course of one flu season. Experts must pick which viruses to include in the vaccine many months in advance in order for vaccine to be produced and delivered on time. (For more information about the vaccine virus selection process visit Selecting the Viruses in the Influenza (Flu) Vaccine.) Because of these factors, there is always the possibility of a less than optimal match between circulating viruses and the viruses in the vaccine.
Can the vaccine provide protection even if the vaccine is not a "good" match?

Yes, antibodies made in response to vaccination with one flu virus can sometimes provide protection against different but related viruses. A less than ideal match may result in reduced vaccine effectiveness against the virus that is different from what is in the vaccine, but it can still provide some protection against influenza illness.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
They seem to be able to avoid it by wearing masks at work.

I just came back from a hospital. Nobody was wearing masks. I'm skeptical that BC is very different.

Any why would you willingly take some poison that you know will make you sick.

Well there's your problem. You assume it's poison and will make you sick. It's not poison, and most people who say they get the flu after a shot don't actually have the flu.

My Naturopath gives me pills for flu season. Taken once a week for 3 weeks. Now I can't prove that they work but I have not been sick for the 6 years that I have been taking them.

So you traded evidence based medicine from a billion dollar industry for some pill also from a billion dollar industry, only with less evidence...


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
They seem to be able to avoid it by wearing masks at work. .

Wearing a mask will not stop a virus anymore than putting bars on your window will stop mosquitos. Their main function is to protect patients--not the wearer--by trapping respiratory droplets.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Looks like it's time for my annual informational post to rebut the usual forum crud and ignorance the foil hatters kick out about vaccinations.

Viruses like influenza cannot be treated with antibiotics.
Only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, hence the name antibiotic.
Viruses like influenza can kill you by either causing a cytokine storm ( total immune system over-reaction) or by damaging so many cells when they reproduce that secondary bacterial infections like Pneumococcaii take root and damage you.
Vaccinations, as far as the Canadian Government, the Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Centers for Disease Control are concerned are not about "You" the individual.
Vaccinations are actually used for trying to reduce the transmission rate and duration of diseases in the "herd" to a controllable level.
So when you get your flu shot, it's not about "You", it's about preventing the disease in question from ramping up and infecting an ever-greater percentage of the general population.
Hence the City of Edmonton's urgent notice to "Get Your Flu Shot Now".
Getting vaccinated is all about the common good and respect for your fellow Canadians.
And, as most of us know, when it comes to disease it is usually the very young, the very old and the poor and the medically compromised that tend to suffer and die.

Over 30% of people who are infected with influenza are asymptomatic.
A further significant percentage of people only show very mild symptoms.
A large chunk of the remaining infected recover quite nicely.
The rest get very sick and a few die.
Introduce an immunization schedule that reduces the duration of symptoms by 60% or even eliminates symptoms in the segment of the population that would be symptomatic (and thus transmitting the disease) and it becomes pretty obvious why flu immunization is hugely important to the young, the old and the frail.

If you are to just too cheap to spring for the minimal inoculation charge you can always simply say you are type 2 Diabetic, or live in a house with a type 2 Diabetic or are in contact with the immune suppressed or the elderly or whatever.
And they will always, always give it to you for free.

Do your neighbors, the very young, the very old, the sick, the weak, the poor, the uninformed a favor.
Get the recommended shots.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
They seem to be able to avoid it by wearing masks at work. Any why would you willingly take some poison that you know will make you sick. The one year I got the shot I had a low grade flu for 3 weeks.
My Naturopath gives me pills for flu season. Taken once a week for 3 weeks. Now I can't prove that they work but I have not been sick for the 6 years that I have been taking them.

The acid test on this whole issue is if the 'system' charged for the inoculation, how many people would be lining up for the shot.

I'm guessing that there would be a very low turn-out and few people would be touting the mega benefits of this program


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
No, I don't think it does.

I think it does. From what I am seeing in this thread, and I will lay odds it translate out to the general public the same way, people have no problem paying the pharmaceuticals millions every year for an inoculation that covers(on average) only 50% and is only 60% effective against what it does cover. They have no reason to, from what I can see, make the shot more effective or have better coverage. They get paid no matter what they come up with.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That says it all right there.

It is a big industry. But from what little I know flu viruses mutate faster than many others that we receive vaccinations for, like Hep A & B, Typhoid, the effect rate for protection is high.
The flu mutates constantly. from what i recall China is one major source due to their large pig and duck farms.
With the widespread use of growth hormones, antibiotics we can expect more varieties and more drug resistant diseases.
Much like the latest TB has become nearly untreatable.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I think it does. From what I am seeing in this thread, and I will lay odds it translate out to the general public the same way, people have no problem paying the pharmaceuticals millions every year for an inoculation that covers(on average) only 50% and is only 60% effective against what it does cover. They have no reason to, from what I can see, make the shot more effective or have better coverage. They get paid no matter what they come up with.

These same companies peddling the flu vaccines are the same ones that are trying to peddle the polio vaccine in Pakistan. Luckily, the Taliban are killing off the volunteers providing teyh poli vaccine. The vaccines come from evil conglomerates like GlaxoSmithKline--companies who make billions every quarter and have repeatedly been guilty of fraud. As well, the vaccinators are often CIA moles. Not to mention, of course, that the "vaccine" itself is actually a poison designed to sterilize Muslims.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
These same companies peddling the flu vaccines are the same ones that are trying to peddle the polio vaccine in Pakistan. Luckily, the Taliban are killing off the volunteers providing teyh poli vaccine. The vaccines come from evil conglomerates like GlaxoSmithKline--companies who make billions every quarter and have repeatedly been guilty of fraud. As well, the vaccinators are often CIA moles. Not to mention, of course, that the "vaccine" itself is actually a poison designed to sterilize Muslims.

:roll: Ya ya ya...we already knew you were an idiot, you didn't have to reinforce it.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Ahhhh...I see, my Doctor is a rumour monger is he? Fu ck off and go play with your dolls.
Sure gerry sure.
Got a verifiable published quote from your doctor for us.
As compared to the quotes from the City of Edmonton or the Canadian Center for Disease Control that are freely distributed.
Can you factually rebut a thing I have said?

Do you realize that it is the weak and the sick that pay the price caused by misinformation spread by the ignorant and uninformed?

I remember you now gerry.
Your the idiot that got in a debate with me on this forum earlier and swore up and down that electricians never work on hot circuits.
Your friends apparently said so.

Quite spreading ignorant $hit
You could be hurting people.
And thats pretty nasty.
And of course you are reinforcing your stupidity.