A Few Honest Questions for the Climate Hoaxers?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I admit I'm no metrosexual and km\hr and Celsius are about all I get. However, the link says 4 feet/century as an average for much of the US and that is just about 1/2 inch per year no?
That's odd. The military uses 100% metric yet you don't know any? Sounds like somebody is full of sh-t.

No it doesn't 19cm in a century then gained at higher rates as listed in mm.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Did you click on the arrows?? There is not one station in the united states rising even close to 4 feet per century! Man, you must have a really good batch of drugs today. I'll PM you my address so you can share.

They click? **** these new fangled computers can do anything.

I looked at the coloured arrows and the corresponding chart.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
What "alternate statement of fact"? Some youtube blather from climate truther 69? Give me some thing real from an actual real scientific body Like NASA or the NRC or even an accredited university and I'll definitely look at it.

'alternate statement of fact' in this case represents the perspective that does not support AGW/CC

I don't dispute it being a type of tax if it ever actually materialized but there is lots of hypothetical taxes I oppose that have no bearing on my overall beliefs. I oppose carbon taxes but for different reasons as you. I am an actual right winger who hates subsidizing everyone's poor lifestyle and consumption choices. In business it is what we call externalized costs. So for example when company A manufactures high fructose corn syrup for the food industry I ultimately pay for the negative consequences of it being in practically all packaged food through higher healthcare costs I pay with my taxes while the company itself is exempt and those expenses never show on the balance sheet.........because I pay for it.

If you really look at things from the far right of the political spectrum you pay for these externalized costs in your taxes for so many products it is insane. Bottom line......user should pay full costs. If gasoline emissions and the resulting smog are making some people sick and creating a healthcare burden figure out what it is and recoup the cost at the pump, refund it to healthcare and cut my taxes. Let market forces build me a nice truck that uses a cheaper fuel. Want to stop excessive water consumption? Make people pay the full cost of it. Do I really need to support another Walmart by subsidising their access roads and infrastructure for their big box stores when I don't even shop there? How about their low wages being externalized through government programs and tax breaks for those employees at my higher tax expense just so you can buy cheap Chinese plastic crap that Statscan says you'll toss in 6 months and I have to pay to landfill or recycle it? It goes on and on and on.

You Liberals........ugh....!

In this case, the taxes we are expected to pay are levied by an outside body (read: the IPCC or UN I guess) and those funds having absolutely no direct benefit to the local population that remitted them.

.... And no, I don't buy into the 'we saved the planet, therefore, we did benefit'.... This would require that I buy into the AGW/CC premise.

One of the ironies in all this is only the societal wealth and prosperity enjoyed by the production of fossil fuels affords us our only fighting chance in addressing the climate change problem.

... Only if you believe that climate change is materially and substantially impacted by humanity

Let's look at this pragmatically. With the increased and lower cost production of oil human populations rose. in equilibrium. They did this because we consume upwards of 10 petro calories for every actual calorie we consume. In other words we have converted oil to food by the use of fossil fuels to provide us with fertilizer, fuel for our tractors, and to even process and transport a simple salad 1000s of miles everyday.

Using the food production example, one could also pin a direct cause/effect relationship with the advancement of farm equipment as the direct culprit... Why not set a global tax on combines and swathers and make those the villains?

Regardless, it does not change the fact that the current AGW/CC ideology would generate a solution via controlling the population.
The commentary relative to petro-calories is nothing more than an engineered deviation from what is essentially the only solution to the position that you support

A Canadian lifestyle is not feasible for a planet of 7 billion. Less so for the estimated 10 billion that will soon be here. And can we stop there? Where do we draw the line? At least when oil is 130 a barrel birth rates drop as food get crazy expensive in the third world where they feel it first.

Interestingly, when the various analyses are done, the pro CC groups villify Canada based on energy consumption on a per capita basis, in effect, disregarding the vast distances in this nation as well as the extreme weather that must be dealt with.

With the above in mind, have you ever wondered which nations would be at the top (and bottom) of the energy consumption standards if these metrics were measured on a per square foot basis?.. Would be a very different story

If you're so concerned about human welfare why have I never seen you comment about cancer being the leading cause of death in China and we should consume less in the West?

... Because the topic of discussion here is AGW/CC and not cancer in China

Sigh. Am I a sheeple too?

It's up to you to look in the mirror and make that assesment

I haven't a hard answer and don't pretend to. But here is what I do know that I learned in the military, farming and business: Listen to the experts. Simple as that. Don't want to listen to the intelligence officer and instead go with your guts often people die. Want to ignore the advice from the Crop Diversification Centre because they are a bunch of liberal hacks you will pay for it in disease or lower yields. Want to ignore the bankers and investment advisers you will lose money. The road to success for any subject is to learn to ignore the naysayers and listen to the experts. The Int guys in white coats are telling me the enemy is here and to expect X as their capabilities. I couldn't ignore it if I tried.

The short answer is that there is no formal, discipline offered through accredited universities that is universally recognized.

That said, anyone that is claiming expertise in this area is bullsh*tting you


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
That's odd. The military uses 100% metric yet you don't know any?

Sounds more like somebody doesn't know sh-t about the army. But enlighten me to which military trade's members use metric in day to day conversation beyond klicks and Celsius? Are you referring to things like 7.62 mm ammo instead of 30 cal? I can assure you the average bloggins uses it only as a descriptive.

No it doesn't 19cm in a century then gained at higher rates as listed.

I'll get back to you.

Did you click on the arrows?? There is not one station in the united states rising even close to 4 feet per century! Man, you must have a really good batch of drugs today. I'll PM you my address so you can share.

Ok. So there is green and apparently there is another colour green with a different shade that I didn't pick up on and read the charts wrong. (I only know about 1/2 dz colours back to that whole heterosexual male problem).

I'm on my game tonight that's for sure.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
You should worry because:

1. The ph of the oceans is measurably changing and becoming more acidic because of atmospheric CO2;
2. the oceans are rising at a rate of an inch per year according to NASA;
3. the earth is going through a rapid extinction event on a timeline unprecedented in it's history;
4. pollution on earth has become such a problem that cancer is the leading cause of death in China and every man woman and child on the planet now has plastic in their blood;
5. the planet currently lacks the resources or ability to accommodate 7 billion people with a Canadian type lifestyle let alone the 10 billion we'll hit the middle of this century.
Is your middle name Malthus?


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
You should worry because:

1. The ph of the oceans is measurably changing and becoming more acidic because of atmospheric CO2;
2. the oceans are rising at a rate of an inch per year according to NASA;
3. the earth is going through a rapid extinction event on a timeline unprecedented in it's history;
4. pollution on earth has become such a problem that cancer is the leading cause of death in China and every man woman and child on the planet now has plastic in their blood;
5. the planet currently lacks the resources or ability to accommodate 7 billion people with a Canadian type lifestyle let alone the 10 billion we'll hit the middle of this century.

Okay, so we have all concluded that #2 is wrong, let's address the others.

1. The ocean pH has always been changing. Ocean Acidification is a pHraud. Let's put it this way, pH has gone up by an average of 0.15 on the pH scale, while on a daily level it fluctuates several times that amount, and somehow this is going to negatively effect plants and animals? Even within BC we have lakes with a pH of 4.5 and others with a pH of close to 10 that have the same fish. The Ocean is over 8, and will be for a long time. This is not even acidic. Instead of calling it acidification, you should use the less alarmist term "ocean neutralization." There is no evidence that OA has been bad, nor that it will reach lethal levels. PLOS ONE: High-Frequency Dynamics of Ocean pH: A Multi-Ecosystem Comparison

We do know from the literature that the "effect of Ocean Acidification (OA) on marine biota is quasi-predictable at best." in other words, we don't know what the effects of "acidification" are. NOAAgate: how 'ocean acidification' could turn out to be the biggest con since Michael Mann's Hockey Stick - Breitbart

3. This has absolutely nothing to do with climate change/global warming. Nothing. Extinctions are caused by overfishing, deforestation, etc. AGW is the doomsayer's wet dream because they can blame everything on it no matter how ridiculous and unrelated they are, and people believe it.

4. Pollution is a problem, but CO2 is not pollution. That's an entirely different issue from AGW. Cancer is caused by pollution, but still the latest science says that most of it is caused by old age (people are dying of cancer today because small pox, infections, etc. don't get them first).

5. This is also wrong because the same people saying this were also saying the world could not sustain 5 billion people and that we'd run out of oil by 1990, and yet here we are with 7 billion. The world will not exceed 10 billion given the lowering birth rates, so we don't need to worry. As we consume more resources we are forced to become more efficient, so chances are that the world could support 10 billion to Canadian standards given how quickly technology and scientific advancements change.

So there you have it, most if not all of your points are totally wrong. You wonder why we remain skeptical of some of the apocalyptic claims when time and time again, we point out how ludicrous these claims are. Stop blinding believing things are true just because someone in a lab coat somewhere said they are, especially when the actual science doesn't agree.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Pollution is a problem, but CO2 is not pollution. That's an entirely different
issue from AGW. Cancer is caused by pollution, but still the latest science says
that most of it is caused by old age (people are dying of cancer today because
small pox, infections, etc. don't get them first).
I have zero issues with reducing sulphur emissions.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
So there you have it, most if not all of your points are totally wrong. You wonder why we remain skeptical of some of the apocalyptic claims when time and time again, we point out how ludicrous these claims are. Stop blinding believing things are true just because someone in a lab coat somewhere said they are, especially when the actual science doesn't agree.

Again I acknowledge the error in the ocean rise however to be fair, the oceans are rising at a rate faster in the last 20 or so years than in the previous century and are accelerating. The other points have nothing to do with CO2 aside from acidification of the oceans. I'll address these in detail later as I am just working in the office and heading out for the day.