7 Reasons To Nuke The US

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House Member
Jun 9, 2006

The United States of Considered Self-Destruction wouldn't sit idly by while anyone else destroyed the planet, America wants that end as her crowning contribution to sentient life on this planet.

Americans don't care nor have they ever cared about who or how many have to die to feed their consumption habits....

And like the petulant child that is the United States, if they can't have everything their way they'd just as soon toast everyone....


Jun 23, 2006
4 reasons not to nuke ANYONE AT ALL
1) it's just plain wrong

2) it would result in the death of thousands. Almost anywhere u drop a bomb, people will be affected. Most likely targets of course are cities, each one of which contains beautiful people, ugly people, good people, bad people, smelly people and clean people. ALL of whom deserve to not die from this.

3) it would be an environmental disaster. Radioactive fallout locally ruins the land for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, depending on the kind of bomb and the kind of land and the treatment it receives. This results in further deaths and the loss of precious resources. Globally speaking it raises the background radiation levels. This is potentially more serious as it may result in greater levels of cancer and other sicknesses.

4) As mentioned several times above, it would most likely result in WWIII, with retaliations resulting in global devastation


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
The USA doesn't look for war, but when their attacked, they'll take out everything associated with their attack.

The Muslim/middle east thing is big, and we got wars in Afghan, Iraq, and probably Iran soon by the looks of it, because of 9/11

The USA fights battles for reasons, and a rampant nation should be taken out for the world's betterment.

I personally would like to see all the rogue/dicatorship governments taken out and turned into free democracies. But then people equate that with the USA policing the world.

They are reforming inhumane, stricken nations, and their goal is to give them freedom and democracy, even if its looked at as policing, I respect it, because it helps the millions of people in that stricken nation in the long run.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
WW III is inevitable.. too many things happening in this day of age.

Its not the peaceful 90s anymore.. we have entered a world thats ripping for a war.

I believe war is needed in many situations.

If Toronto was nuked by some nation, I would fully demand we send all our troops into war to kill the offenders.

War is life.


Jun 23, 2006
WW III is inevitable.. too many things happening in this day of age.

Its not the peaceful 90s anymore.. we have entered a world thats ripping for a war.

I believe war is needed in many situations.

If Toronto was nuked by some nation, I would fully demand we send all our troops into war to kill the offenders.

War is life.

would u deman they use nuclear weapons as well?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
The vast majority of Palestinians are not dead, they would like thier homes back and thier nation.:wave:

The vast majority of Palestinians (vast vast VAST majority) who lived in Israel are dead.

You don't have any special rights to live where your parents did. Welcome to Canada, its how our society works. :wave:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
No amount of intentionally limiting the creative imagination of people like Zzarchov to only considering the outcome of a nuclear engagement of any nation on the face of this planet as limited to only that nation would or will make one iota of difference to the outcome. Radioactive contamination of water, petroleum, air, species that would survive for some brief period would eventually contaminate those in even the most remote places on the surface. If anyone thinks that a nuclear event in say New York City or Los Angeles or Chigaco wouldn't dramatically change the complexion of what's left of this planet is living in a dream world. That any consideration can be given to the survivability of a nuclear exchange is ludicrous. If you're proud to be among the people who rally around the banner of mutual assurred destruction, then I suppose you'd believe that AIDS and cancer, heavy metal contamination of sea life and soils is simply a hurdle to be overcome.....but survivable...


Look into the long term effects of radiation, a handful of nukes is less dangerous than the heavy metals and chemicals used in a similar level of conventional explosives (and there are conventional explosives with more power than nukes, look at MOAB).

All of these things are survivable, not to individuals but as a society and a species.

There is alot of scare mongering, but honestly, the amount of punishment a nation (other than the big two of Russia and America, who have vastly more nukes than everyone else combined..each) can dish out isn't that big a deal.

Ya, it would not be fun to be the one hit by a bomb. But seriously, crunch the numbers. It would be bad, but not apocalyptic. The world recovered from WWII pretty fast, and that had alot more punishment dished out.

Only Russia and America have the power to cause an Apocalypse.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Use nukes? Well thats not really an option for Canada is it? We got a military, but no WMDs... at least to my knowledge we don't have nukes.

So hypothetically.. no, I wouldn't want Canada to use nukes unless they were attacked a second time on our home land.

If Canada was attacked I would want us at war, wouldn't you?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
But the same doesn't apply to the Jews is that what you're saying Zzarchov?

Nope, it applies to the Jews to. The vast amount of Jews who took land that didn't belong to them are dead. Their descendants are entitled to live in the land they were born in and the only land they have been in.

As I said, this is how Canada works, we'd be hypocrites to treat others differently for living as we do.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
So we all can relax that biological weapons manufacturing as cited as one of the song and dance routines in Colin Powells dog and pony show at the U.N. implied....right?

Nukes aren't nice but they're preferrable to advanced stage cerebral palsy that can be achieved through biological and chemical warfare...

But not to worry.... bacteria know and respect international boundaries like radioactive fallout respects political affiliations....


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
So we all can relax that biological weapons manufacturing as cited as one of the song and dance routines in Colin Powells dog and pony show at the U.N. implied....right?

Nukes aren't nice but they're preferrable to advanced stage cerebral palsy that can be achieved through biological and chemical warfare...

But not to worry.... bacteria know and respect international boundaries like radioactive fallout respects political affiliations....

Do you get a thrill outta crying wolf? I mean seriously Mikey do you think we're going to self destruct?????!!!


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Kim Jung Il of N. Korea is insane enough to nuke someone.

Why do you think the USA has so many WMDs and Nukes. BECAUSE it WILL happen one day, and they will want EVERY option at hand to use in the World War III 2013-2020.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Oh the world will never self destruct, only God will come and Rapture and end our world.

But that doesn't mean our world cannot be devestated.b


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Who besides the Russians actually have the length to lob a couple into America? I mean terrorists could smuggle one in or something, but I have a feeling the Americans would have satellites blinking, aircraft scrambling and silos blaring well before the first one landed. What a colossal moronic thing to do, piss off the executioner.
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