Alberta Separation or Communist Canada?


Time Out
Aug 8, 2019
Leftism is big in Canada too no all left side in Sweden plus left side in Germany are big strenghten ...



Time Out
Aug 8, 2019
By German political it's all time in after world war democracy and capitalism there.

It's the only would clear up in Germany ...


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Just more talk from just another docile Canadian who likes to do plenty of talking but will never do the walking. These people are everywhere, and they never seem to do anything except lots of useless talking. If the majority of Canadians cared about what is going on in Canada we would have changed this crooked and lying system a long time ago. The problem with most of these Canadians is that they prefer to just sit back and wait for the other guy or gal to do the walking.

There are just too many young people today going to our Canadian university's of higher leftist liberal indoctrination for their globalist communist education. We all should know by now that globalist Trudeau could careless about Canada. He is a part of the globalist movement to de industrialize Canada. Canada is a socialist country and is well on it's way to becoming a communist country. We the sheeple are being taxed to death, we are getting more and more government/bureaucracy in our lives every year, and we are fast losing our rights to our freedom of speech and assembly.

She is right though on one thing. Most grown up Canadians do act like a bunch of children. They cannot stand on their own two feet it seems anymore. They want more of a parental like government in their lives. They like the word free, and never really ever stop and realize that nothing comes for free. They will pay one way or the other for that free stuff.

As long as there are people like her who only want to here themselves speak, nothing will ever get done that will be good or great for Canada. Special minority interest groups now run and rule over Canada, and the majority appear to not want to get out there and try to change anything. Canada will become a socialist hell hole one day because nobody really cares all that much anyway. I have come into contact with many people over the years, and sadly, only but a few of them will talk politics. The weather or shopping or sports appears to be their only concern. And if anyone here thinks that the conservative party of Canada will change anything, then you are starting to run very short on brain cells. The conservative party is just another liberal party. They voted a liberal conservative to lead their party, did they not?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Just more talk from just another docile Canadian who likes to do plenty of talking but will never do the walking. These people are everywhere, and they never seem to do anything except lots of useless talking. If the majority of Canadians cared about what is going on in Canada we would have changed this crooked and lying system a long time ago. The problem with most of these Canadians is that they prefer to just sit back and wait for the other guy or gal to do the walking.

There are just too many young people today going to our Canadian university's of higher leftist liberal indoctrination for their globalist communist education. We all should know by now that globalist Trudeau could careless about Canada. He is a part of the globalist movement to de industrialize Canada. Canada is a socialist country and is well on it's way to becoming a communist country. We the sheeple are being taxed to death, we are getting more and more government/bureaucracy in our lives every year, and we are fast losing our rights to our freedom of speech and assembly.

She is right though on one thing. Most grown up Canadians do act like a bunch of children. They cannot stand on their own two feet it seems anymore. They want more of a parental like government in their lives. They like the word free, and never really ever stop and realize that nothing comes for free. They will pay one way or the other for that free stuff.

As long as there are people like her who only want to here themselves speak, nothing will ever get done that will be good or great for Canada. Special minority interest groups now run and rule over Canada, and the majority appear to not want to get out there and try to change anything. Canada will become a socialist hell hole one day because nobody really cares all that much anyway. I have come into contact with many people over the years, and sadly, only but a few of them will talk politics. The weather or shopping or sports appears to be their only concern. And if anyone here thinks that the conservative party of Canada will change anything, then you are starting to run very short on brain cells. The conservative party is just another liberal party. They voted a liberal conservative to lead their party, did they not?
Most Canadians pay absolutely zero to politics, they have historically been well served by our government and those that vote primarily Support their parents choice .Every generation is getting less and lesss connected . Things may change but as long as most are comfortable it is hard to generate public sentiment . Most people are to busy living to worry about government and politics .when the food starts to get scarce things might change . Good thing Anna is my friend .

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Successive Fed gvts have polarized the country by region, socioeconomic factors, race, culture, etc... Tater tot (and his old man) have done the most to amplify this circumstance.

Relative to the loss of interest in politics of the average Cdn, what I believe is happening is that regions, etc are now taking an introverted look at what suits their individual needs best... With this in mind, I do believe that there is a very reasonable possibility that 1 or more provinces will seriously consider refining their participation in Confederation.

Ultimately, this is the natural course that plays out and trudeau simply doesn't have the insight or smarts to understand this reality


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Successive Fed gvts have polarized the country by region, socioeconomic factors, race, culture, etc... Tater tot (and his old man) have done the most to amplify this circumstance.

Relative to the loss of interest in politics of the average Cdn, what I believe is happening is that regions, etc are now taking an introverted look at what suits their individual needs best... With this in mind, I do believe that there is a very reasonable possibility that 1 or more provinces will seriously consider refining their participation in Confederation.

Ultimately, this is the natural course that plays out and trudeau simply doesn't have the insight or smarts to understand this reality

As I have said before...............................Our idiot Boy Justin IS AN ASPIRING SOVIET SOCIALIST DICTATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he DOES HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF "USEFUL IDIOTS" - also known as civil service union HOGS

to support him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but NO - Most Cdns are smart enough to DESPISE Communism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
As I have said before...............................Our idiot Boy Justin IS AN ASPIRING SOVIET SOCIALIST DICTATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And he DOES HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF "USEFUL IDIOTS" - also known as civil service union HOGS
to support him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but NO - Most Cdns are smart enough to DESPISE Communism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the way this prime mistake is acting these days, anyone with an ounce of brains can pretty much see that everything that this fool does can be pretty much seen as him being an aspiring pro Soviet dictator. He truly does not like his political opponents or we the people. I think that if he had the power to get rid of his opponents he would. This fool does not believe in freedom or freedom of speech. He says he does believe in freedom of speech but that is a bloody lie. He is always trying to take freedom of speech away from we the people.

I do not believe that most Canadians are smart enough to see or realize that they do have a pro communist China leader running their country, especially the foolish ones that voted for him in the last election. Trudeau once said that he did admire China. I guess what Trudeau admired about China was that the Chinese communists do not have to waste their time with their political opponents. They just get rid of them out the back door and probably never be seen again. Sad to say but I do not trust my freedom with most Canadians today. Many are fast becoming to communistic looking for me to want to tolerate. Canada will not allow the country to have a Nazi party but will allow it to have a communist party. Weird and strange, isn't it? I guess that the reason for that would be that there may be many communist politicians in the Canadian government today. Hey, we never know, eh?

A good question to ask those pro communist political party supporters in Canada is why are they communists supporters at all? We and they should all know by now that communists like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Kim Jung IlK all have blood and murder on their communist hands. Why would these people want to vote for and have a communist political party in power in Canada. Are these people mentally ill? Maybe Alberta should separate before some communist party takes over the federal government and will not allow Alberta to separate at all. If anyone tries they will be shipped off to the gulag or even something worse may happen to them. This is Canada, don't you know. Any and everything goes now. Canada is not the good old same country that it once was before old man Trudeau came along. Canada is fast becoming an unrecognizable country that it once looked like several decades ago. It now has become one hell of a bloody multicultural and diversity mess. Just my opinion of course. Works for me.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When a company offers medical and a pension that is not socialism so why call it socialism if a Govt does it?


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
When a company offers medical and a pension that is not socialism so why call it socialism if a Govt does it?
lol You seem to have difficulty distinguishing between "public" and "private" entities. Government is a public entity. And socialism is "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community (the public) as a whole. The City of Toronto is a government "owned" by the people of Toronto (the community). The country of Canada is controlled by the government of Canada which is owned by the people of Canada (the community).
Concerns not owned by the collective of every citizen are "private" entities.