Half of Canadians Want Refugees Deported


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Yes You do realize you are just bolstering my argument. I am English born & raised in Quebec and I encountered many times "English need not apply" It is against the law to do this now. Don't you think that perhaps not blaming whole cultures for the actions of a few would help?
I am not blaming the cultures . I am blaming the politicians who invited them here .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You missed them....except the personal experiences.

POOR STUPID Bluebyrdie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She thinks that telling LIE-beral FAKE NEWS will win her arguments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Having been so long in Quebec we may guess that BIRDIE is unaware of some of the old Toronto arguments about crime and race!!!!!!!!

A DISGUSTED Toronto cop- who later went onto a short political career at Toronto Silly Hall- went through a pile of crime reports and came up with some DISTURBING crime numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the effect that 13 percent of criminals were responsible for almost 90 percent of all crime in Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that the great majority of hard core criminals in Toronto were black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their BIGOTED allies of Black Action Defense Committee- the forerunner of Black Lives Matter- immediately went on the attack against what they CLAIMED was racism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First the LIE-berals whined: "how do you know all the accused were Black"??????????????????

Cop responded: By the mug shots!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the cop went on to explain HE PUT ASIDE AND DID NOT COUNT mug shots were race was uncertain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So his crime numbers might have indicted blacks even more if the FULL TRUTH were told!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recognizing that attacking methodology to discredit the cop would not work - LIE-berals turned and focused on their Human Rights Kangaroo Court Tribunals- howling in rage that the cop was a RACIST for compiling such statistics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals were more interested in JAILING a cop who told embarrassing truths than they were in jailing the thugs the cop was pointing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In LIE-beral land it is ILLEGAL TO COMPILE RACE BASED STATISTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless of course you are a LIE-beral- and then you can collect all the race based numbers you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A LIE-beral can tell you that very disproportionate numbers of natives are jailed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the LIE-beral WILL NOT TELL you how many natives end up in jail for smuggling Yankee whiskey, cigarettes or guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals and their media whore allies with do thir best to CENSOR anybody who tries to discuss criminal behaviour in any way unsatisfactory to LIE-berals or to the natives whose votes are SOLD to LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Being a smuggler and striking a blow against the hated whites is much more glamorous than flipping burgers or sweeping floors- and pays better too - hence the native preference for jobs that carry jail terms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals will not admit this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And being a pimp or drug dealer is a preferred occupation for young black guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who wants to do a crappy McJob when there is BIG MONEY to be made??????????????????????????

Of course getting the Big Money also means there is a chance to get SHOT in exchange for the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals will not discuss this either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly- a study done in Unites States several decades back actually claimed that the lowest level of drug dealer- those selling small quantities of Weed actually MAKE BELOW MINIMUM WAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why so many gang bangers live with their Mommies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basically -If the low level gang banger wants enough money to get a place of his own HE PRETTY MUCH HAS TO SHOOT SOMEBODY who is higher up in the organization and has access to more cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals STRUGGLE MIGHTILY to shut down ANY LOGICAL DEBATE by shouting "RACIST" and "ISLAMOPHOBE" at us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they get all bent out of shape because the "systemic racists" scorn LIE-beral propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Denial of what? That the prejudice in Toronto has always been strong and is increasing?r . It used to be anyone with a Quebec licence plate was fair gane for many young drivers That I do know, Had relatives there so went frequently. I was driven off the road, tailgated etc during the "Hate Quebec" period. Now it has been replaced with anyone of a different culture.

POOR STUPID Bluebyrdie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She says "prejudice in Toronto has always been strong and is increasing"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She has an UTTERLY POISONED WORLD VIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is it that prejudice can be INCREASING when so many LIE-berals are in charge of ALL LEVELS OF OUR GOVT?????????????

And yes- LIE-berals are in retreat in many provinces..............but byrdie is a typical LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She wants to blame prejudice for the fact that all LIE-beral policy is FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article detailing the sex education mess LIE-berals have left us! With some comments of my own in brackets):

St. Michael’s victim should come first, not the school

By Heather Mallick, Star Columnist

Published Fri., Nov. 23, 2018

The welfare of children comes first. The job of adults is to make sure this happens. But over and over, we let our children down.

Take the hard-right Ford government decimating the modernized sex-ed curriculum in Ontario schools. In a society as sexualized as ours, children need to be able to defend themselves from predators, and in the case of St. Michael’s College School, allegedly from some other students.

(POOR FOOLISH MALLICK! The problem with the LIE-beral sex education curriculum is that it is seen by many parents to tell too much too soon to kids that are too young! And much of what is taught seems to normalize more extreme behaviour!)

More and better sex education can only help protect children against the sort of horrors that allegedly took place at St. Michael’s College School, Heather Mallick writes.

(Garbage! More and better sex education simply gives UNSUPERVISED kids a better idea what sort of kinky games might be played!)

More and better sex education can only help protect children against the sort of horrors that allegedly took place at St. Michael’s College School, Heather Mallick writes.

(Sorry- the true key is parental supervision and the setting of standards! Things that are too often missing in modern homes! Think of the 15 year old New Brunswick girl- Rehtaeh Parsons- who got drunk at a party and then was raped while passed out -with photos of the event taken to ensure all present would have happy memories of their “entertainment”!)

(This Parsons event demonstrates a TOTAL indifference to any possible parental out rage! Too many of our kids are convinced that parents don’t care and cannot be bothered - and sadly the kids might be RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If government removes information from class — about names for genitals, different sexualities, and how to find a sympathetic adult who will hear your story of abuse and danger — then children are without armour or recourse.

(How absurd! Giving kids detailed knowledge of ”different sexualities” sounds like a great way to NORMALIZE what happened ST Mikes! If NOTHING is wrong or aberrant then HOW are kids to know not to do things? And yet if all forms of sexuality are acceptable then HOW can we forbid anything? Other than by making it clear that such behaviour is AGE SPECIFIC- meaning the older the better- BEFORE you start such “experimentation”?)

Who does that assist? Basically, pedophiles. It’s in their interests for children to remain unwary, mystified about sex, and without defence. “It’ll just be our little secret,” says the abuser. “Right?”

Here’s one case recently reported by the CBC. How did three sexually abusive teachers end up at Bell High School in Ottawa and prey on students for decades, while not necessarily overlapping? Do abusers trade notes on the most oblivious schools?

(“Do abuser trade notes”, Mallick asks? I ask: Who says they don’t? And how much was known about the 3 pedophiles- before the news broke? Both our school administrators and our Church officials play a little game called “Pass the trash”- meaning SUSPECTS get sent someplace else before the smelly stuff hits the fan! And AGAIN - REAL parental supervision is the only REAL DEFENSE until the kids get old enough to defend themselves!)

A smart child knows to go for help. The St. Michael’s boy who is alleged to have been sexually assaulted with a broom handle by a gang of boys — it sounds very much like a horrific scene from 13 Reasons Why, a Netflix drama about teen suicide — did not tell his parents. It’s not clear if he told anyone but if he had grown up since primary school with the new curriculum, this brave boy would have known that somewhere out there was an adult who would help.

(So lets ask which the kid was MORE AFRAID OF? Another assault? Or to spend the rest of his school life known everywhere as broomstick boy! Anybody with an ounce of sense will know that after the news media jumped on the story- ALL the kids at St Mikes quickly got the names of the protagonists and then spilled the name to family and pals!)

And then we come to the parents. There seem to be two camps, with some parents on camera demanding transparency and reform from the school and angry that the police weren’t called right away.

Then there are other parents, who may feel precisely the same way but took another angle: they blamed the media for uncovering the story and reporting on it. Though I received emails from good men who had survived victimization in private school or who knew of other cases, I heard from one distressed St. Michael’s mother, and it worried me.

She devoted one short sentence to collective sorrow for the “victims” and then launched into a defence of 1,000+ “innocent victims,” who had done nothing wrong but were being mocked and bullied for attending St. Michael’s College School.

(Yes- and so much for the VAUNTED LIE-beral sex curriculum that is supposed to make kids tolerant and understanding -and CLEARLY DOES NOT! And we have only to look at the Toronto District SB trustee who publicly and angrily referred to Toronto Sun reporter Sue-Ann Levy as a “bull dyke”! How quickly LIE-berals FORGET their holier than thou standards when annoyed!!!!)

(LIE-berals are not fooling anybody with their open and inclusive talk- one has only to listen to angry kids on a school yard- reaching for the most offensive insult they can find- and coming up with a loud accusation of “Faggot”! In imitation of their LIE-beral elders!)

(And this political unreality will only get worse as Muslims and illegals come here from places where homosexuality is a SIN!! LIE-beral lust for votes at any price is so high they IGNORED a Calgary Imam in summer 2017 who explained to a cheering crowd that Allah permits the Faithful to KILL GAYS to prevent them from sinning again! Such talk is NOT TOLERANCE!)

(The detestable LIE-beral values commitment is also being FORCED onto religious groups who seek govt grants to operate soup kitchens and summer camps etc! Catholics have been honest and refused to sign an agreement supporting LIE-beral abortion rights- but Muslims operate with Taquiya- the dispensation from God that permits them to LIE in defense of Islam! So in summer 2018, LIE-berals gave grants to Muslim hypocrites who oppose abortion and denied grants to honest Catholics- who oppose abortion but will not lie about it for money!)

She then repeated rumours, with no evidence whatsoever, of actual media offering children money for the pornographic videos, which is absurd. It’s a crime to own child pornography, much less pay for it, and no Canadian journalist pays for stories. It would be a firing offence or worse. Yes, there is always worse.

(And who says the money offers were not pedophiles? Or parents seeking to buy up nd destroy the images?)

I am grateful to CityNews reporter Tina Yazdani, whose calm, measured TV interview of two mothers outside the school grounds revealed so much about modern — or otherwise — parenthood.

The women did not want the story reported. “What the media is doing to this school around this incident, you are part of the problem. You’re a problem.” one said angrily.

(Hey- you pay that much to get your kids a good education -and then to your horror- you discover the kids are learning stuff THAT IS NOT on the curriculum! The poor women are no doubt deeply humiliated!)

But how is one to solve this problem? Apparently with silence, by not reporting a story of national interest about alleged gang sexual abuse in a Catholic school, as if an editor in this day and age would say, “Nah, leave it alone, it’ll damage the Church.”

(And it is not as if we have not seen such scandals before! One has only to think of Upper Canada College and the pedophile teachers who got arrested for preying on boarding students! Again- parental supervision is the key that is missing! And some good solid straight talk about sexual variations as well!)

I sympathize with the anguished mothers. But their stance sounds Cardinal Law-like, as in Boston, as in the movie Spotlight. Sex crimes against children must not be discussed in clear, open air.

The most bewildering thing about Catholic priests tormenting children worldwide was not the crime. Pedophiles do what pedophiles do. But the priests went unquestioned by parents, were defended by the corporate church, and were hidden by other adults who didn’t want to cause trouble.

The silent era has, I hope, ended.

(Good LUCK with that! The Church understands that forgiveness is a Christian obligation but the Church seems not to understand that forgiveness is one thing but offering MORE TRUST is another! Most Cdns accept that pedophiles are mentally ill- and they bear no blame for ill!! But offering a proven pedophile any more BLIND TRUST around kids is madness! You would not let a recovering alcoholic run a liquor store so why let pedophiles near kids? AGAIN?)

I am thinking of the parents protesting the modern sex-ed curriculum — they’ve been complaining since 2015 and pulling their kids from public schools — because it went against their various religious beliefs. But secular schools put children’s safety first. Parents’ complaints necessarily come second.

(Thus far there is NO PROOF that the LIE-beral sex curriculum will do anything but arouse curiosity and a desire to explore- in some of our kids! Knowing the names of genitalia will not prevent abusive acts! Only the setting of standards and parental supervision will prevent abuses! Kids need to know there ARE CONSEQUENCES for behaviour they know is not acceptable!)

(And the worst of it is that our govt does not deem it necessary to TELL US what is in the sex ed curriculum! Talk about buying as pig in a poke! Maybe Ford should put the whole mess online for parents to read and judge for themselves?)

(And there is the great question of our times- just what behaviour IS ACCEPTABLE???? And what IS NOT in these modern times?? The St. Mikes scandal begam as part of a team hazing ritual! Would the scandal disappear if the victims had said “oh, its okay, I just want to be on the team”!!!!!!!!!!!! Or would the scandal persist because who wants to think of the unregulated Lords of the Flies sticking broom handles up each others Butts?)

(And HOW will LIE-beral sex education limit the Lords of the Flies in the first place?)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Person of 'national security concern' was accidentally granted permanent residency

A person of "national security concern" was granted permanent residency "due to a series of failures" by the Canadian border agency and immigration department.
In light of the incident both departments have had to introduce changes in what the public safety minister's office is calling a "completely unacceptable" mistake.
The changes were outlined in a briefing note sent by Canada Border Services Agency president John Ossowski to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale in early 2018 regarding the 2017 error.
A heavily redacted copy of the document was recently obtained by CBC News through access to information laws.
The briefing note, titled "Subject of national security concern granted permanent residency" says the subject — their name, age and gender are redacted for privacy reasons — was granted permanent resident status "due to a series of failures on the part of both Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada and the CBSA."
That means the person is entitled to most social benefits — including health care — can live, work and study anywhere in Canada, and is protected by Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but isn't considered a Canadian citizen.
Most of the details about why this person is considered a security concern and how they were granted permanent residency were redacted because, among other reasons, officials believe releasing information could hurt "the conduct of international affairs, the defence of Canada or any state allied or associated with Canada."
Disconnect between agencies
However, the document does mention that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service had "derogatory information," meaning information that could be relevant to a finding that the person was inadmissible to Canada. CSIS and the RCMP were also tapped to monitor a national security investigation linked to this case.
Kelly Sundberg, an associate professor in the department of economics, justice and policy studies at Mount Royal University in Calgary, said it appears there was a disconnect in communication between Canada's intelligence agencies.
"To me it's unacceptable. As a Canadian I expect more, and I think other Canadians expect that our federal law enforcement, intelligence and border security agencies can work seamlessly, share information seamlessly. And if there are administrative or legal hurdles, then that's something Parliament needs to look at," he said.
A spokesperson for Goodale would only say a combination of "several unique errors" led to the "oversight for a single permanent residency application."
"Those mistakes were completely unacceptable. Changes have been made to prevent them from happening again," said Scott Bardsley in an email to CBC News.
"While we do not comment on operational matters related to security, we can say that the government of Canada monitors all potential threats and has robust measures in place to address them."
Most new permanent residency cards are valid for five years, but Goodale's office pointed out that permanent residents can become inadmissible on security grounds or for a misrepresentation, under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
"The government of Canada is unwavering in its commitment to protect the safety and security of Canadians," said Bardsley.
"We continue to take appropriate action to counter threats to Canada, its citizens and its interests around the world."
Changes raise red flags
Ossowski told Goodale that the border agency identified a number of "vulnerabilities" and is taking steps to "respond to this incident and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future."
Those steps include introducing new fail-safes to the global case management system, updating the national targeting program, which helps the CBSA identify suspected high-risk people and goods, and changing the passenger information system.
In a statement to CBC News the border agency said its internal review policies and procedures have been "refined" in light of the incident.
But Sundberg, who spent 15 years working for the CBSA's predecessor, said the changes involve updating significant computer systems and working with international partners, raising some red flags.
"I don't think one case, one mistake would trigger all of these major changes," he said.
"I don't believe this is the only case. I think that this is probably more common than we believe, and it comes down to process, it comes down to organizational structure and it comes down to investment in officers. So, it's concerning."
Asked about the incident, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada said it's offering its officers more training.
Call for oversight
"The department is delivering ongoing training to IRCC officers to identify potential security concerns in order to mitigate human error," said spokesperson Nancy Caron.
Sundberg said cases like this highlight the need for independent oversight of the CBSA.
"I don't buy it. I don't believe that this is a one-off, that this is the 'something went wrong.' I think that this is yet another case that went public, that the government is like 'Uh oh, we better do something,'" he said.
"This is why we need to have arm's-length oversight of the CBSA so that when things go aside, when things go wrong that there is an independent civilian body that's overseeing this for the interests of Canadians and to ensure best practices."
Last month the Opposition Conservatives called for a review and audit of the immigration screening system after a CBC News investigation revealed a Somali gang member with an extensive criminal record was twice released in Canada.
The case of Abdullahi Hashi Farah also highlighted a lack of communication, this time between the CBSA and the Immigration and Refugee Board.
Officers gained access to his phone, which had evidence of illegal activity, but didn't immediately pass that information on to the IRB.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Just because they are wrong doesn't mean you should be too.

I what ways are English in Quebec and French in Quebec living differently?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Person of 'national security concern' was accidentally granted permanent residency

SADLY- THIS IS NOT A FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS STANDARD LIE-BERAL POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are going to great lengths to HIDE just how BAD their immigration choices are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CONSIDER THIS ONGOING LIE-BERAL MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how flawed is our national security under LIE-beral rule. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Refugee background checks may have been flawed: Memo

By Candice Malcolm

First posted: Monday, June 12, 2017 09:15 PM EDT | Updated: Monday, June 12, 2017 09:24 PM EDT

Related Stories: Privately-sponsored Syrian refugees more likely to find work: Document
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Syrian refugee process bungled by Trudeau

Justin Trudeau’s fast-tracked Syrian refugee program may not have conducted proper background checks in some cases, a government memo obtained by the Toronto Sun reveals.

The memo — dated November 2015 and compiled by civil servants in the department of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) — raises serious questions about the screening and vetting Syrian refugees received before coming to Canada.

While the Trudeau government has maintained that proper screening precautions and security checks were taken, information in the memo suggests otherwise.

The document reveals that Syrian refugees were issued government documents that included “misspellings, incorrect DOBs (date of births) and gender.”

This calls into question the thoroughness of the background checks conducted by the Trudeau government. Without vital information about a person, including his or her full name — with correct spelling — date of birth and gender, a background check would be futile.

The fact that Syrian refugees were issued government documents with errors is deeply troubling.

( LIE-berals scoff at any Cdn worried about Muslim terror here. Its all part of the LIE-beral disdain for anybody who disagrees with them for any reason- no matter how valid. As I have noted before, the Trudope family- father Pierre and sons Justin and Sacha have a LONG history of supporting and preferring dictators while giving only lip service to the concepts of democracy and freedom. Our idiot Boy Justin NEEDS those happy Muslim voters dedicated to LIE-beral party so he can cling to power at any price!)

The internal memo — obtained through an Access to Information request and shared with the Sun — was produced by non-partisan civil servants within the federal immigration department.

The memo was based on a forum held with participants from various local, provincial and federal government departments to discuss Trudeau’s 2015 election pledge to admit over 25,000 Syrian refugees in just a few short weeks.

(And it was done without making any real resources available to those various govt services who have to feed, house and train the Muslim arrivals! But IF Our idiot Boy HAD supplied needed aid then his critics would have a weapon to attack him with over the huge, ongoing costs, so he apparently figures its better to say and do nothing useful so no blame for Muslim troubles will fall on HIM! Muslims KNOW who let them in and Muslims will be COACHED carefully to blame OTHER political parties for blocking their aid!)

The forum was held on Nov. 28-29, 2015, in Toronto, in the midst of the turmoil of trying to implement Trudeau’s ambitious political promise.

While the Liberal government eventually abandoned its initial eight-week target for Trudeau’s resettlement pledge — extending the timeline by two months to Feb. 29, 2016 — the memo describes the chaos and confusion felt by those on the ground who were scrambling to implement this partisan pledge.

“Participants noted that the ambitious target and timeline put enormous pressure on financial and human resources,” the memo reads.

While much of the feedback and recommendations from the forum amount to simply throwing more resources and more money to various government agencies for their refugee budgets, another recurring theme is clear: that Trudeau’s refugee timeline was totally unmanageable.

The memo concedes “the challenges of an ambitious scope, scale and timeline of Trudeau’s Syrian refugee scheme” and lists two pages of “areas of improvements and feedback for consideration.”

The recommendations include “increased advance planning,” “early clarification of the roles and responsibilities” and “contingency plans for unexpected events.”

The “unexpected events” included cancelled flights, medical issues and no shows.

Many experts have alleged that Trudeau’s decision to resettle 25,000 on a fast-tracked timeline was based not on what’s best for Canada, but on short-term thinking and partisan gain.

The memo notes that future refugee efforts “need to think longer term.”

(The truly disturbing reality of the total lack of long term security planning is the most troubling part of this LIE-beral immigrant mess! LIE-berals usually relied on security reports from Red Crescent aid workers at refugee camps in places like Lebanon- were terror group Hamas holds sway! LIE-berals are basically taking the word of Hamas MURDERERS that those admitted to Canada are decent, honest people who will not make trouble! Trudope faith in Hamas butchers is so strong that he has RESTORED aid funding to Hamas! The aid to Hamas had been previously cut because of the number of atrocities Hamas had sponsored- but its no worry to Our idiot Boy!)

(Our idiot Boy seems to think we should regard terrorist events in Canada in the same light as tornados or wild fires- just a cyclical yearly inconvenience! His arrogance is so great that he feels anything that interferes with his grand plans for Canada must simply be wrong- hence his desire to ban Islamophobia- which is LIE-beral `speak` for using Human Rights-but to often Wrong Commission- Kangaroo courts to harass and silence critics of LIE-beral party policy! Our idiot Boy has a committee in place, already looking at ways to `combat` Islamophobia and render it illegal- which may still be a tricky challenge in a country were the citizens STILL VALUE free speech!)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Denial of what? That the prejudice in Toronto has always been strong and is increasing?r . It used to be anyone with a Quebec licence plate was fair gane for many young drivers That I do know, Had relatives there so went frequently. I was driven off the road, tailgated etc during the "Hate Quebec" period. Now it has been replaced with anyone of a different culture.
Same thing for Ontario license plates in Quebec, and service in restaurants, until they found out I could speak Quebec French "Tabarnake"


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
See I told you he was having trouble trying to compete.
NO one spells Tabarnak!!! with an E at the end ever.

He is not what he claims to be at all or he would already know that.I'll bet he has never been north of Lebanon.

Why do they do it?

The subject of how functioning humans devolve into internet trolls is complicated — especially because you can’t trust them to tell you the truth. Some of them sound like teenage boys, because they are. Others are adults whose bodies made it out of junior high, but whose maturity was tragically left behind. Some justify their behavior with rhetoric that would be at home at an apartheid neo-nazi rally.

Yes, a few are pathological. Australian researchers found that “when high on trait psychopathy, trolls employ an empathic strategy of predicting and recognising the emotional suffering of their victims, while abstaining from the experience of these negative emotions.”

LOL, any real navigator will tell you "YAW way" means steered right off the pathological.

He even posted a fake front yard shot trying to be the fool's fool the other day claiming the angle of the sun would show his latitude bla bla bla...

DaSS is a FAKE!!!
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
See I told you he was having trouble trying to compete.
NO one spells Tabarnak!!! with an E at the end ever.

He is not what he claims to be at all or he would already know that.I'll bet he has never been north of Lebanon.

Why do they do it?

The subject of how functioning humans devolve into internet trolls is complicated — especially because you can’t trust them to tell you the truth. Some of them sound like teenage boys, because they are. Others are adults whose bodies made it out of junior high, but whose maturity was tragically left behind. Some justify their behavior with rhetoric that would be at home at an apartheid neo-nazi rally.

Yes, a few are pathological. Australian researchers found that “when high on trait psychopathy, trolls employ an empathic strategy of predicting and recognising the emotional suffering of their victims, while abstaining from the experience of these negative emotions.”

LOL, any real navigator will tell you "YAW way" means steered right off the pathological.

He even posted a fake front yard shot trying to be the fool's fool the other day claiming the angle of the sun would show his latitude bla bla bla...

DaSS is a FAKE!!!

In the interest of promoting Cdn culture, I herewith supply my list (a partial one) of unique Cdn phrases and expressions:

“Internet troll” - a person of Conservative leanings who says things that LIE-berals do not approve of! The troll tends to point out facts and figures in a logical way that annoys LIE-berals since LIE-beral Fake News cannot rebut true facts!!!!!!!!!

“Lie-beral”-translation-a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. The name is obviously a pun brought on by the well known LIE-beral habit of playing fast and loose with the truth.

“Conservaturd”-translation-an insult applied to members of the Conservative party of Canada by LIE-berals now that they are reduced to hurling crude names at Conservatives due to the extreme lack of effective debating points available to LIE-berals.

“Your post is boring”-translation-context is important for discerning meaning here. The phrase is often seen in various forums and has two meanings. When used by a LIE-beral the phrase means this: your post is an articulate, logical and well written critique of LIE-beral morals and values but as LIE-berals have no sensible riposte but do not wish to let the Conservative have the last word, LIE-berals resort to insult and name calling. When used by a Conservative the phrase is taken at face value-the post is boring.

“Your post is too long-people won`t read it”. This is a variant of the “your post is boring” phrase. Both phrases have the essentially the same meaning-with “your post is too long” having extra nuance when used by LIE-berals- who will use reach desperately for any means and any excuse to reduce the amount of public debate and discussion of their failed policies.

“OCD”-translation-another phrase sometimes seen on forums-it also has two meanings depending on context. When used by a trained psychologist, it refers to some compulsive action that an individual is mentally too distressed to control. When used by a LIE-beral it is a pejorative remark intended to suggest that any person who verbally or in writing would oppose LIE-beral logic, morals or values must be insane-regardless of the validity of the argument being presented. LIE-berals have adapted this OCD interpretation from the Soviet secret police who would routinely lock up opponents of the Soviet regime in lunatic asylums and subject them to a damaging course of psycho-tropic drugs on the grounds that any person who objected to the Soviet regime must be insane-just as Cdn LIE-berals assume anybody who does not support them must be insane. Fortunately LIE-berals do not- at this time- have the ability to deal with their opponents in a fashion LIE-berals and Soviets think appropriate. It is ironic that LIE-berals DENY that their pursuit of Gravy should be classed as OCD and yet they CONDEMN those who seek to oppose LIE-beral greed as being grossly OCD.

“Working Family Coalition”-translation-an association of civil service union members whose desire is to put pressure on all levels of govt to ensure they can keep collecting their endless entitlements aboard the tax payer sponsored Gravy Train. Working Family members routinely obtain perks, pensions and benefits not even permitted by law to ordinary Cdns.

“Gravy Train”-translation-the comprehensive list of perks, pensions, benefits, glorious salaries, generous holidays, light working conditions, low stress and limited job responsibility enjoyed by all members of the Working Family Coalition.

“Hog”-translation-context is important here-in political circles a Hog is a person dedicated to and intensely loyal to Working Family Coalition and to the LIE-beral Party. Hogs are so loyal due to their utter inability to find any employment in the private sector that is even remotely comparable to having a seat on the gloriously comfortable Gravy Train. In less politically charged circles a Hog is simply a pig.

“Fairness matters.ca”-translation-a renaming and reworking of Working Family Coalition due to the embarrassing public exposure of the gross political bias of the Working Family Coalition. The Fairness Matters group is pushing the same old tired Hog propaganda but doing it under a new name. Ironically Fairness DOES NOT really MATTER to this Hog group-their only goal is to keep riding the Gravy Train even if it bankrupts the country.

“Entitlements”-translation-fairly self explanatory. The phrase was first employed in a political context by LIE-beral David Dingwall during his tenure as chairman of the Cdn Mint. He was called on the carpet after his extreme greed became an embarrassment even to Hogs. Dingwall was billing harried tax payers for all manner of things-up to and including bubble gum in spite of being paid a FINE six figure salary, wonderful benefits and lavish pension. Matters came to a head when it was discovered that he was billing govt hundreds of dollars per month for automobile expenses while WALKING TO WORK! In response to his many critics, Dingwall thundered in outrage: “I am entitled to my entitlements” and the phrase passed into the Cdn dialect as a signal of LIE-beral/Hog greed.

“Deficit”-a method of ensuring the Gravy Train remains fully stocked regardless of the fiscal state of the country. Money is simply borrowed as necessary and loaded aboard the gravy train as demanded to keep Hogs happy.

“Debt”-the cumulative cost of LIE-beral deficits that are required to keep the Gravy Train rolling. As previously mentioned, LIE-berals play fast and loose with truth and thus they try to put much of the blame for national debt onto Conservatives in spite of the long history of Conservative frugality. LIE-berals ruled Canada for 70 of the 100 years of the twentieth century and thus are clearly to blame for the lions share of our national debt. On those occasions when Conservatives gained power, they struggled mightily to undo LIE-beral damage-while being heavily hampered by powerful Hog unions demanding ever greater entitlements. Statistics Canada also tells us that Cdn debt rose at least 25 percent FASTER than normal whenever a LIE-beral minority govt-supported by NDP was in control!

Examples of and victims of this policy of relentless LIE-beral vote buying strategy and mis- representation would include Toronto mayor Rob Ford, Ontari-owe premier Mike Harris and former Cdn prime minister Stephen Harper and-in a wildly ironic note-former Ontari-owe premier Dalton McGinty-all of whom recognized that Hog entitlements were out of control and tried to rein in the greed....only to be defeated in elections dominated by Hogs.

The largest voting block in Canada are those who do not ever participate in elections and the second largest voting block is made up of Hogs-thus Hogs are the tail that wags the Cdn political dog and thus Hogs have the power to remove people such as Harper Harris and Ford and as we have seen, they will even turn on semi responsible LIE-berals such as McGinty if their gravy train is threatened. LIE-beral prime ministers ruled Canada for 70 of the 100 years of the Twentieth century-spending so freely and buying so many Hog votes that many in the general public have despaired of ever derailing the Gravy Train.

“Long Form Census”-a document that has caused much debate in Cdn political circles. LIE-berals consider it an essential information gathering tool that can be used to identify problem areas in Cdn society and view it as helping to target aid to afflicted groups. Conservatives see LIE-berals using it to snoop into the private lives of Cdns at considerable cost to tax payers. The information gathered from the Long Form is generally only useful to LIE-berals seeking voting blocks that are open to LIE-beral vote buying and pork barrel politics. Now that LIE-berals have returned to power in Ottawa, look for the costly Long Form Census to be restored and even enhanced! .

“Idle No More”-(aka INM)- translation-title and catch phrase of a coalition of Cdn Aboriginal groups dedicated to a grossly irresponsible agenda that would, if fully implemented, bankrupt Canada. INM is mainly concerned with ensuring that a steady supply of govt money (a native version of the Gravy Train) continues to flow to reserves in spite of massive corruption, endemic waste and criminal abuse of tax money.

Those Cdns who find fault with INM refer to native scandals such as the Atiwapiskat housing crisis and to the Kashetchuwan water treatment plant disaster. The Conservative govt built both a drinking water plant and a sewage treatment plant in Kashetchuwan and trained natives to operate the plants. A bank account was also set up so that natives could hire more skilled white men from the south to make repairs as required- that were beyond the skill set of natives. When both plants broke down it was then discovered that all the money earmarked for major repairs had ALREADY been spent sending a native hockey team with LOTS of adult supervisors to a tournament in California-air fare plus the cost of hotels, fine meals, alcohol and bad bets in area casinos ensured there would be no money for water plant repairs. INM blames racists in white govt for the lack of clean water in Kashetchuwan.

Conservative govt also gave Atiwapiskat band 105 million dollars to be used for building houses. In addition govt arranged to have De Beers-the diamond mining company that was operating in the area, donate` over 40 million dollars to Atiwapiskat. Yet in spite of having 150 million dollars donated to the band in a 5 year period, NOT a SINGLE NEW house was built and ALL the money has disappeared without a trace while Atiwapiskat town inhabitants live in hopeless squalid and frigid conditions. Cynics suggest that Atiwapiskat chief Teresa Spence has learned much from her counterparts in Kashetchuwan about how to hide money as there is not a single receipt in existence to show where the money went. And Spence and her band council blame bigoted white people for deplorable living conditions in Atiwapiskat.

Naturally conditions on native reserves are of concern to politicians. Conservative response has been to take a disciplined approach that would limit corruption and encourage a sensible and logical approach to native govt. LIE-berals have deliberately ignored any and all signs of gross corruption and fiscal negligence and are diligently trying to rebuild the trust of natives-by which they mean BUYING native votes without bothering to deal in any real way with the endemic corruption that is blighting life on the reserves. It would appear that LIE-berals have simply given up on natives and are inclined to let them stew in their own messes while extracting useful votes and staging photo `ops` where possible.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The world's refugees can't all expect the Rahaf Mohammed treatment


Trudeau trying to get out ahead of this eh.

OH now- Our idiot Boy GOT WHAT HE WANTED out of this Rahaf Mohammed deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He got to strut the stage and do his virtue signalling FEMINAZI BIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He got to THUMB HIS NOSE at the Saudis who have made him look so weak and muddled in the recent past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He got to participate in some friendly photo ops as the "rescue" was publicly discussed with news media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He got to bring in another Muslim refugee- this time with NO public complaints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy pulled off a nice propaganda puff piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy is GOING TO PRETEND that Rahaf Mohammed is a TYPICAL Muslim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy WILL NOT DISCUSS the ugly reality that in the eyes of MOST MUSLIMS- Rahaf Muhammed IS NOT A MUSLIM!!!!!!!!!!!

In the eyes of the Muslim world she is an apostate and BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is now facing the DEATH PENALTY for "insulting Islam"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rahaf Mohammed is nothing more than a disgraced western slut in the eyes of Sharia Law supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rahaf was raised in a "PROPER" Muslim home and has INSULTED ISLAM and INSULTED HER PARENTS BY HER BEHAVIOUR - according to the dictates of Sharia Law and the values of "true believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the DIRTY SECRET that Our idiot Boy wants desperately to HIDE- as he goes about BUYING votes in a frantic attempt to cling to power at any price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Some Syrian refugees were abandoned by their Edmonton sponsors upon arrival, study finds


Filed Under: Not So Polite After All

That`s an interesting little article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And isnt it odd that right around the time Our idiot Boy started messing with his carbon crap and trade taxes and then set out to buy

Kinder Morgan pipeline and wreck the Cdn oil patch- some Edmonton sponsors then found their incomes GONE- and with it -their

ability to sponsor any refugees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a MORAL in there some place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals will NOT SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!