Reincarnation Questions, etc....

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I've started this Thread by pirating some posts from another Thread.

I put up this thread because I have actually published a study on the telepathic method of identifying people in their previous lives. I have defined telepathy as the universal means of communication, an automatic language interpreter. Without this skill you can't even begin to think of identifying people in their past lives.
I have identified a large a number of historical persons, world leaders such as Moses and Lenin, religious leaders such as Jesus and Buddha, scientists such as Archimedes and Einstein... and so on and so on. We are reborn on earth approx. one in a thousand years, the other time we live in the parallel universe, which is very similar to this one.
Everybody has telepathy, although most are not aware of. It is akin to someone whispering to you in the dark, can't be seen only heard if you are listening intently.

shoot, and all I wanna know is what numbers to play on the roulette wheel today. any suggestions? when's your birthday?

are you a astronut?

I've wondered about this, with population growth & 7 billion plus people
currently on this planet now, with recycling souls, are they constantly
being created also, or subdivided, or what? If they're constantly being
created, wouldn't it be more efficient to just create more than recycle
some of the existing souls through reincarnation?

If you've identified world leaders such as Moses and Lenin, religious
leaders such as Jesus and Buddha, scientists such as Archimedes
and Einstein... and so on and so on.....subdividing of a finite number
of souls would lead credence to your claim, as thousands of current
people might have a 'slice' of Lenin's soul, ect....and make it plausible
to identify so many famous peoples, as thousands might have 'been'
Lenin .... and thousands might have been Marie Antoinette, and so on?

If not, then there have been so many more....uhm, nobodies (? people
of no real historical significance?)....than there have been Kings and
Queens and Popes and such....and the odds of someone with a
recycled soul being anyone who was significant historically and crossing
your path to be identified would be beyond numerically astronomical.

If the pattern is 'live a life' and then take a thousand year weekend in a
parallel universe, and then repeat, how is it that most of the names that
you've sited are 'recent' in the thousand year span you noted (approx.) or
is that a coincidence for the sake of getting a point across with identifiable
names? I'm not knocking anything. I'm just curious.

Poor counting skills?

I'm in accounting and I see it a lot in my line of work.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
One each at the age of 120 (all in need of one at that age) Just in time to enter a perfected earth where only the flock Adam was given the task of looking after need food to live. You mission Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to make pastures for their ever increasing number of feet.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Well, a thousand years approximately. The O.P. might be using names
that are an exception to this rule for the sake of getting a point across
with identifiable names, but I don't know.

Could be that using 1000+ year old famous names would be not so
easily identifiable for the example to the majority of people reading this
(or the other) thread?

A thousand years ago, with so few people, and so little broad travel for
the majority of people, most folks wouldn't even need a surname beyond
perhaps the name of their village (like "Ron from/of Regina" or "Ron the
Rock Crusher" and not "Ron the Lemon Squeezer")...

Lenin and Einstein convey a different image than "Bob the Blacksmith" or
"Freddy the Turnip farmer" in recognizable names...but that leads back to
the question of there being more Bob's & Ron's & Freddy's than names
that would be historically significant.

Now this brings up an interesting question so I borrowed this post from the other thread.

Lenin and Einstein convey a different image than "Bob the Blacksmith" or
"Freddy the Turnip farmer" in recognizable names...but that leads back to
the question of there being more Bob's & Ron's & Freddy's than names
that would be historically significant.
Isn't it interesting how the majority of reincarnation stories seem to revolve around someone being Cleopatra or Caesar or Atilla the Hun. Never Bob the builder, or Irving the town waste disposal manager. I suppose being the reincarnation of a former ruler of the empire has more street cred.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I would think that kings and emperors would need to reincarnate more often than Joe Blow because they would have more Karma to work off for having poorly treated their minions, cause wars and all sorts of murder and mayhem. You don't hear much about benevolent rulers or minor leaders who worked toward helping their people live healthy and happy lives. History has been the story of wars and those involved in wars but little is said about peaceful times and those who worked to make it happen.

I don't think reincarnation works the way the popular myth says. It is not just that simple. It is not necessarily a linear thing, at least not in the way we perceive time. I have said this before: "People don't have souls. Souls have people." Historical time frames mean nothing on the cosmic level and souls are not restricted to our primitive concepts. Time is our invention and has no meaning on the higher planes of existence (consciousness). Human life on this planet is a learning and growing process. There is no right or wrong, no judgment, reward or punishment, no heaven or hell outside physical reality.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
....I don't think reincarnation works the way the popular myth says. It is not just that simple. It is not necessarily a linear thing, at least not in the way we perceive time. I have said this before: "People don't have souls. Souls have people." Historical time frames mean nothing on the cosmic level and souls are not restricted to our primitive concepts. Time is our invention and has no meaning on the higher planes of existence (consciousness). Human life on this planet is a learning and growing process. There is no right or wrong, no judgment, reward or punishment, no heaven or hell outside physical reality.

OK....with the population increase, ect....could a soul have more than one person?
With time not being linear, can a soul be reincarnated (& in two places) before it's
done with it's first/current person/body? Can a little girl in India be the reincarnated
soul of a Wall Street Banker that's still walk'n/talk'n/swindling???? Getting a jump
-start on the whole Karma thing?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I would think that kings and emperors would need to reincarnate more often than Joe Blow because they would have more Karma to work off for having poorly treated their minions, cause wars and all sorts of murder and mayhem. You don't hear much about benevolent rulers or minor leaders who worked toward helping their people live healthy and happy lives. History has been the story of wars and those involved in wars but little is said about peaceful times and those who worked to make it happen.

I don't think reincarnation works the way the popular myth says. It is not just that simple. It is not necessarily a linear thing, at least not in the way we perceive time. I have said this before: "People don't have souls. Souls have people." Historical time frames mean nothing on the cosmic level and souls are not restricted to our primitive concepts. Time is our invention and has no meaning on the higher planes of existence (consciousness). Human life on this planet is a learning and growing process. There is no right or wrong, no judgment, reward or punishment, no heaven or hell outside physical reality.

But if there is no right or wrong, no judgement, etc, then why would anyone have to work off bad karma? And would that mean that someone who got it right the first time would only have one go round?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
A soul can have incarnations in different time frames and different geographical locations at the same time. Time is irrelevant on that plane of existence. Karma is just cause and effect. Most of it happens in one incarnation unless the lesson is not learned, Then tat incarnation may repeat a life where they work out what was not learned. An unrepentant rapist may come back as a victim of rape, for example. Is that a punishment or is that part of the learning process? The end game is to learn unconditional love. Once that is mastered, then we move onto the next plane of existence.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
A past life regression hypnotist told me I was an Afro American door gunner in a Huey that was shot when we were dropping troops in a hot LZ, in 69.

Might explain my love for the blues, jazz, field songs, N'Orleans cooking and helo's.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
A Japanese friend once told me that we are reincarnated back into the same family. We may come back as any member of the family - male or female. She asked me if I ever had 'instant connections' with people - which I had. She also asked me if I ever experienced anything like telepathy and I told her that often when the phone rings, I know who is calling. I have communicated across great distances with a friend and without the use of a phone or any other device transmitting my voice or face. I saw the ghost of my dear little cat, Stash. I heard the voice of my mother on the wind shortly after she passed.

I don't know if any of this has anything to do with reincarnation but it does raise many questions in my mind which I am still trying to answer.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
My wife does regression therapy. According to her souls come back in different bodies both human and animal. Where you come back is related to karma but human is not necessarily the top life form despite what people like to think. If here theory is right someone like Hitler would be destined to spend several thousand lifetimes as a fly in a jewish crapper before even having a hope of moving up the ladder. I hope she is at least right with that one.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
How come everybody's past life is something interesting? I've never heard anybody say "my previous life was that of some peasant farmer and nothing relevant or exciting happened to me"


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Instead of coming back over and over why not just repair the souls. Oh wait we can do that
here. How many of you would be willing to invest in a genuine Soul Repair Kit. You get a
special solution to drink mostly rum of course and a list of prayers to say and a bubbly solution
so you can feel the bubbles working to scrub your soul. We will sell the kits with return washing
discount certificates 25% off of course at regular intervals. This way you can keep your soul
clean without having to go to Bible readings or Sunday services.
If you are willing to cough into a specially made bag you can send you soul to us for cleaning
for an additional fee. If we through our special light see any other imperfections we can repair
your soul also for a minor fee.
Original product 79.95 additional soul refresher compound sold for 39.95 four times a year.
Soul repair at our offices is 109.95 but we can filter imperfections and repair your soul.
Better still for 99.99 plus shipping and handling we will send you two bottles of presin they're
expensive but you can take the solution which absolves you from most sins before you
commit them.
Yes the thought is ridiculous but we would make money at it because the whole issue of
recycling souls is ridiculous, if its ridiculous why not at least make a bit of money with the
repair kits amen


rigid member
May 31, 2007

these will be great gag gifts for all your spiritually lost friends this Christmas folks. get 'em while they last.

I'll take 5


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I hear Ayahuasca is great at cleaning the spirit, a complete scrubbing of the hard drive (your brain) so that a new operating system can be installed.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
How come everybody's past life is something interesting? I've never heard anybody say "my previous life was that of some peasant farmer and nothing relevant or exciting happened to me"

not true....I was a slave back in Egyptian times and in various societies...I was not Cleopatra although I was around then.

I believe we choose our incarnations. We can grow at home or here. Here is faster but there is also okay.