Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
“Let’s start keeping track of them…let’s make them pay”
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Writing for Forbes Magazine, climate change alarmist Steve Zwick calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and have their homes burned to the ground, yet another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the environmentalist lobby.​

Comparing climate change skeptics to residents in Tennessee who refused to pay a $75 fee, resulting in firemen sitting back and watching their houses burn down, Zwick rants that anyone who actively questions global warming propaganda should face the same treatment.​
“We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices,” writes Zwick, adding, “They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?”​
As we have profusely documented, as polls show that fewer and fewer Americans are convinced by the pseudo-science behind man-made global warming, promulgated as it is by control freaks like Zwick who care more about money and power than they do the environment, AGW adherents are becoming increasingly authoritarian in their pronouncements.​
Even as the science itself disproves their theories – Arctic ice is thickening, polar bears and penguins are thriving, Himalayan glaciers are growing – climate change alarmists are only becoming more aggressive in their attacks against anyone who dares question the global warming mantra.​
Earlier month we highlighted Professor Kari Norgaard’s call for climate skeptics to be likened to racists and ‘treated’ for having a mental disorder. In a letter to Barack Obama, Norgaard also called on the President to ignore the will of the people and suspend democracy in order to enforce draconian ecological mandates.​
But that’s by no means represents the extreme edge of eco-fascist sentiment that has been expressed in recent years.​
In 2010, UK government-backed global warming alarmist group 10:10 produced an infomercial in which children who refused to lower their carbon emissions were slaughtered in an orgy of blood and guts. After a massive backlash, the organization was forced to remove the video from their website and issue an apology.

More at........

» Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes

"Let’s let their houses burn."

Pathetic. What Zwick said is stupid, really dumb. Misrepresenting what he said is worse. Fan those flames some more :roll:

Not really surprising considering the source.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes

"Let’s let their houses burn."

Pathetic. What Zwick said is stupid, really dumb. Misrepresenting what he said is worse. Fan those flames some more :roll:

Not really surprising considering the source.

So Eco Terrorist would apply?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So Eco Terrorist would apply?

If he actually called for people to burn people's homes, absolutely. But that's not at all what Zwick said. He talked about famines, fire, rising sea levels. Those are effects of climate change. But of course, that's not the image Infowars would choose to show to go along with their misrepresentation. A house fire isn't the same thing at all as a wild fire.

Anyone who accepts the 9/11 denier's assertion that this man is saying people should start fires to burn out climate deniers, wasn't playing with a full deck to begin with.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
If he actually called for people to burn people's homes, absolutely. But that's not at all what Zwick said. He talked about famines, fire, rising sea levels. Those are effects of climate change. But of course, that's not the image Infowars would choose to show to go along with their misrepresentation. A house fire isn't the same thing at all as a wild fire.

Anyone who accepts the 9/11 denier's assertion that this man is saying people should start fires to burn out climate deniers, wasn't playing with a full deck to begin with.

So only parts of what he states makes sense and the rest is to be ignored?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So only parts of what he states makes sense and the rest is to be ignored?

Whom are you talking about? I said Infowars misrepresented a stupid thing Zwick said. You don't need to read into what I said anymore than that.

It's Alex Jone's fault this guy says people should be burned out of their homes?

As usual you come to your own wrong conclusions. Do you understand how the English language works? :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Whom are you talking about? I said Infowars misrepresented a stupid thing Zwick said. You don't need to read into what I said anymore than that.

Did he or did he not state that people should be hunted down and their houses burned. Yes or no?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
As usual you come to your own wrong conclusions. Do you understand how the English language works? :roll:
Hear ya go Anus!
We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies,
mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them
now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses
burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to
bear the cost of rising food prices,”
Is a quote from Forbes which as far as I know Alex Jones isn't affiliated with.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Did he or did he not state that people should be hunted down and their houses burned. Yes or no?
No. I can keep track of the things you say Goober without "hunting you down".

What he is saying is that people who make up lies about climate change, shouldn't be saved from it's effects when they happen. Like I said, it's a very stupid thing he said. But he never said that people should commit arson.

Hear ya go Anus!
Is a quote from Forbes which as far as I know Alex Jones isn't affiliated with.

You apparently do need a lesson in English. Steven Zwick did make those comments in a Forbes piece. The misrepresentation of what he said happened when Infowars blogged about it. That's what the thread is you dolt. Durp.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Obviously, the ideal solution is to get our collective act together and
prevent this from happening, but we need a fall-back – a mechanism that puts
responsibility for damages on the shoulders of the shirkers and deniers who
cause it and profit from it, and we need to build that mechanism before the
damages materialize.

What should be done? Jail? Fines? Loss of rights? Burn down houses?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

Maybe you're new to this kind of stuff Goober. So I'll explain the trick used by Avery, which deniers love. He starts out talking about environmentalists and claims they will specifically blame an earthquake triggered tsunami on global warming. Now read what he puts forth as evidence, and see if you can find any specific claim about global warming and tsunamis:

No one can ignore the relentless increase in extreme weather events and so-called natural disasters, which in reality are no more natural than a plastic Christmas tree.
That's called, bait and switch.



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
“We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices,” writes Zwick, adding, “They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?”

No where in there did I read that Zwick stated houses should be burned as in lets go out and torch that place. Let their houses burn has a bit of a different connotation than does - burn the houses down. He does state that this would happen when the 'famines come' - not the most urgent statement certainly not a hue and cry to light the fires. Nutty and slightly scary as his statements are, to quote him in such a manner is less than truthful.