America VS Canada


New Member
Nov 2, 2006
ok, i've read all different posts an alot of them which i found are americans sayin things like canada is nothing.. but when u have a government run on greed (which is most governments) an you for one believe in the war in iraq which was started by the american government for the oil... YES THE OIL! with the lie of possible weapons of mass destruction, which is only because years ago the american government gave the iraqi government millions of dollars to help build a weapon of mass destruction for a war they where having against another bordering country (israly i think) but that project was dropped about 20 years ago because the weapon they had only causedshock an didnt exactly destroy everyone like they wanted it to. also the way the americans brag about there army. since they put so much of there tax dollars into there military while in canada there is taxes to help pay for health care. an yet people still call canada worthless, an the americans also have a rivalry with the french because as the american put it "they saved the french from the germans" when in fact it was teh russian army that pushed hitler back towards the cost where canadian and american forces finished them off. the american government is no better than hitler himself. they are so filled with greed that one day they are going to try an take over the world, an have u ever noticed that every soldier in the army is from a non governmental family? i dont see any members of the cabinet putting there sons an daughters in the army. i have many friends in the states an i dont dis them for being american. because there are things wrong in every country. i just want to kno why some people would say thing about another country, just because they think they are the greatest, an there are sports, an tv shows, an all sorts of things made in canada that these same people who say canada sucks, love to watch, or eat, or buy! an one thing that i noticed today in math class was that Weird Al Yokavitchs "canadian Idiot" is nothing like greendays "american idiot" because greenday is american, an they arent saying stupid things to make a country look like fools. but i guess thats wut happens when your government will do anything to get there american people to dis anoother country.... i may only be 16, an im sure that there will be an american that will tell me to go to hell cuz he worships george bush, but thats what he wants to say, really i dont care, but i want all of ur opinions as well, since i am doing a project in world issues on country's discrimination on one another


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Well I can't take all this rocket science at all on a Wednesday!


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Don't get caught up in the zeitgeist my 16 year old friend.



Always have some suspicion of the media echo chamber, when everyone is saying the same
thing all the time....

I'm an American who spent every summer growing up in the Rideau Lake Chain, camping at
Seeley's Bay, ON.

I love Canada despite it's anti-american rhetoric.

I grew up reading RCMP stories. I have an old Classics comic book from the 1960s detailing the
history and stories of the Royal Canadian Mounties.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Wow... you certainly went on there didn't you.

Can I say, It's good to see a 16 year old on this forum, you may have agreement and you may get slammed but it's good to have a young person showing and stating opinions!!

I don't agree with your simplistic approach to the U.S., however I may agree with certain points.

First a country is not a whole..the U.S. has 300 million different people and Canada 30 million. I state many times on these forums..there are more American's who hate George Bush then there are Canadians who exist, so you can't just say they love him...they do not.... Just as in Canada, you may love, like or hate Stephen Harper but still be a good Canadian.

Yep the U.S. got a bit pissed that we didn't go to Iraq, but American's are now pissed as well that they did.

Some members of our government have called the U.S. names in public. This was shown on T.V. and made many Americans wonder why we were being snots. Ask yourself what you would think or do think when you her the U.S. trashing us.

I don't think the U.S. is out to take over the world. If they were they could do it whenever, there is no other superpower left, but they don't. They do have interests everywhere and make it seem like the control everything..but they don't.

Yep, they are mainly interested in the mid east because of oil not freedom, and they had screwed up in giving time money and weapons to dictators to protect their oil interest..I'll give you that, but they are no Hitler, they are a democracy where , when the public doesn't like where things are going they kick them out and get someone new....

It's hard to live next door to a superpower, but remember they could be China and just swallow us up because that can...Thats not gonna happen, we may have our spats but we are friends....same the same way, speak the same, act the same..just one of use is very rich and powerful and the other is less powerful but still well to do.

My thoughts!!


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Don't get caught up in the zeitgeist my 16 year old friend.



Always have some suspicion of the media echo chamber, when everyone is saying the same
thing all the time....

I'm an American who spent every summer growing up in the Rideau Lake Chain, camping at
Seeley's Bay, ON.

I love Canada despite it's anti-american rhetoric.

I grew up reading RCMP stories. I have an old Classics comic book from the 1960s detailing the
history and stories of the Royal Canadian Mounties.

Fantastic area isn't it!! I live on the Rideau river near the lakes..just love it here!!
Your post is very difficult to read, paragraphs are your friend in this situation. nice....all of 16 ok?


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
I laughed, I cryed....I got very Confussed.

Interesting Post, But your young yet, as am I at 21, in the Next few years, things will click and fall into place. Its just some Ignorant Americans, as well as just some Ignorant Canadians...

Weird Al...I thought his Dad was Canadian. or weird al was Canadian????...Ill have to check this song out.

I bet its clever...and has verses about beavers and snow and such


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
haha I got it..its pretty funny

Download it if you can...but here re the Lyrics

Weird Al Yankovic Canadian Idiot Lyrics
Don't want to be a Canadian idiot

Dont want to be some beer swillin' hockey nut
and do I look like some frost bitten hosehead
I never learned my alphabet from "A"
to "Zed"

They all live on donuts and moose meat
and they leave the house without packin' heat
never even bring their guns to the mall
and you know what else is too funny
their stupid monopoly money
can't take 'em seriously at all

Well maple syrup and snow's what they export
they treat curling just like it's a real sport
they think their silly accent is so cute
can't understand a thing they're talking aboot

sure they got their national health care
cheaper meds low crime rates and clean air
then again well they got celine dion
eat their weight in kraft macaroni
and dream of driving a zamboni
all over saskatchewan

Don't want to be a Canadian idiot

Won't figure out the temperature in Celcius
see the map they're hovering right over us
tell you the truth it makes me kinda nervous

always hear the same kind of story
break your nose and they'll just say sorry
tell me what kind of freaks are that polite
It's gotta mean they're all up to something
so quick before they see it coming
time for a pre-emptive strike


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
ok, i've read all different posts an alot of them which i found are americans sayin things like canada is nothing.. but when u have a government run on greed (which is most governments) an you for one believe in the war in iraq which was started by the american government for the oil... YES THE OIL! with the lie of possible weapons of mass destruction, which is only because years ago the american government gave the iraqi government millions of dollars to help build a weapon of mass destruction for a war they where having against another bordering country (israly i think) but that project was dropped about 20 years ago because the weapon they had only causedshock an didnt exactly destroy everyone like they wanted it to. also the way the americans brag about there army. since they put so much of there tax dollars into there military while in canada there is taxes to help pay for health care. an yet people still call canada worthless, an the americans also have a rivalry with the french because as the american put it "they saved the french from the germans" when in fact it was teh russian army that pushed hitler back towards the cost where canadian and american forces finished them off. the american government is no better than hitler himself. they are so filled with greed that one day they are going to try an take over the world, an have u ever noticed that every soldier in the army is from a non governmental family? i dont see any members of the cabinet putting there sons an daughters in the army. i have many friends in the states an i dont dis them for being american. because there are things wrong in every country. i just want to kno why some people would say thing about another country, just because they think they are the greatest, an there are sports, an tv shows, an all sorts of things made in canada that these same people who say canada sucks, love to watch, or eat, or buy! an one thing that i noticed today in math class was that Weird Al Yokavitchs "canadian Idiot" is nothing like greendays "american idiot" because greenday is american, an they arent saying stupid things to make a country look like fools. but i guess thats wut happens when your government will do anything to get there american people to dis anoother country.... i may only be 16, an im sure that there will be an american that will tell me to go to hell cuz he worships george bush, but thats what he wants to say, really i dont care, but i want all of ur opinions as well, since i am doing a project in world issues on country's discrimination on one another

I highlighted the parts I have questions about in red....:D

Where do they learn this stuff? In math class during Weird Al time?

Seriously though, I know your only 16 but which coast did the Russians push the Germans towards? Since I'm fairly sure it all ended up being finished in Berlin...
Were you just guessing at this or did someone actually teach this?


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Okay I'm not a betting gal but I'm putting ten bucks on the table that this poster is from Quebec. Any other takers.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
I often feel when I enter these portals I should do so with the aid of some B.C. Bud

It might make more sense then.

Ahem did I read about driving a Zamboni???? My life's dream. I wonder if Dr. Phil could arrange it for me...


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I often feel when I enter these portals I should do so with the aid of some B.C. Bud

It might make more sense then.

Ahem did I read about driving a Zamboni???? My life's dream. I wonder if Dr. Phil could arrange it for me...

Dr Phil can arrange anything... I am trying to convince him to fund my expedition to Mars.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Na Bill "Most" people from Torona can spell better than this poster. Now to the poster, I think the US is evil, why? Thanks for asking, transfats yes they are killing Canadians via heart desease. With out all those Merican fast food resturants Canadians would be eating seal flipper pie, eel stew, balony stew, hash-fried potatoes not the stuff people snort or smoke. Yes their killing us slowly and painfully by making our young fat, our middleaged fatter and the elderly well if the current US plan is successful we won't have any elderly. Now I know there is such a thing as free will but it's the signals from the Mother Ship that encourages us to eat fast food-we are helpless me son-helpless.I hope this helps you in your quest for knowledge.

Curio pass the bud sunshine.


New Member
Nov 2, 2006
i strongly disagree with you. I am a very proud Canadian, but how can you have such a negative view on "Americans". i am not referring to their government, cause we frankly don't have a great government either. you say you find Americans saying Canada is nothing, well that might be true that some Americans think that way, but don't Canadians think the same way about them? We are just as equally as bad as they are.
To say that Americans worship George Bush is a huge misleading concept. George Bush is by far one of the worse leaders i've ever seen attempt to run a country (however to be fair, i'm only 16 as well), and him attacking Iraq i'm not getting into because i truely think that the US is wasting their time attacking Iraq. But than it raises the question (well for me at least) to why is Canada in Alfganastain (sp?...i'm a bad speller sorry if its incorrect) we have no reason to be there still. Maybe 3 years ago we did, but now there is just no point, and with the Tim Hortons there lol, i found that so funny when i heard they put one on their base. It just shows what a waste of time there is to actually have a Timmy's there (which i don't blame them on one scale, i can't live without my Timmy's either, but when ur at "war" you shouldn't be worrying about Tim Hortons)
Personally i find a lot of Americans to be generally polite and nice, though i also tend to find them so misleading on how we do things in Canada. Some Americans have that sterotypical (sp?) view that we snow-shoe to school daily, and dog-sled everywhere. and they really don't know a lot of our geography, and we don't know their geography if u were to ask me where exactly is Oregeon (sp?) on the american map, i couldn't tell you. But then again they do have 50 states (not their fault) so its harder for people who don't live there to know exactly where all the states are located, but i do tend to find Americans don't even know that we have 10 provinces and 3 territories. that i find truely sad-but their education system is worse than ours.
And your comment about Hitler is just proving that you are just as bad as they are to think about a place they call home, and insult it by saying the american government is no better than hitler. i don't recommend using that comment EVER, it can be deeply personal to people (like me) and i hate when people use that term jokingly (is that even a word) because i find what happened in WWII to be the worst thing ever.
Sorry i just had to reply to this thread....i wanted to figure out why Canadians and Americans have such a negative view on each other, when we are almost the exact same culture (well i can't neccesiarly say that for other parts of Canada, but for Ontario's southern part [Toronto, Mississauga, Waterloo etc] they are no different than American's except that they live in a different country-as people-they are just as ignorant as people tend to think Americans are [i do sometimes] but where i'm from [Toronto] there is no diff.)


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Well the original poster is obviously Canadian but with different words and thoughts, I would swear we were overhearing a conversation in San Francisco!

And boobie? I don dis you for being Canadian too. de nada


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

wanted to figure out why Canadians and Americans have such a negative view on each other, when we are almost the exact same culture ....

What are you talking about - can't you feel the love? Americans are just now returning it....having been on the receiving end for years.