Radicals: Christian or Islamic

Who is the most dangerous

  • Christian radicals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muslim radicals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Now who should people be more worried about.

The radicals who follow this Ann Coutler person and radical Christian people and the Bush administration that has killed tons of people

or Islamic radicals who have used suicide attacks to strike at Western world and kill innocent civilians in the thousands.

Radical clerics do preach hate about America and the West and with organization of Al Qaida and others they are a more shadowy faction of people.

However, who do you think is the most dangerous??

Now this is for intelligent debate not name calling, or bad mouthing each other. Go to Wreak Beach. Blogs and uneducated sites like (newspaper) is not allowed in this. But if you have evidence from real people or real books or sites from governmental or other quality groups than that is qualified.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Free speech by radical christians with cartoons against Muslim people has resulted in violence, however Radical Christians however don't want free speech when it involves America and its war. You are Anti-American if you protest against the war or you question the U.S government.

I think it is hilarious when someone else has a different idea and celebrates September 11 in his way for Free Speech you criticize him.

People radical people who support Bush and this Ann idiot and radical Christianity must only want Free Speech when it is against Muslim people.

Also funny that this kind of radicalism is the same kind of attitude held against Jewish people before the Holocaust.

So because you know alot about the radical right, is anyone preparing concentration camps in America to put Muslim people who might not 'love' America until a final solution of them can be found.

Also, in America there is only 14% of women in the senate and congress. Other nations in the world and in the middle east have higher percentage of women; for example Afghanistan, Belarus, Turkmienistan and another Central Asian republic.

Also, people on the radical right call Muslim people savages for the way they have a death penalty for certain crimes. Well Britain had a death penalty for 250 crimes, and until America gets rid of the death penalty they are not much better.

Women weren't allowed to vote until 1916 earliest in Canada and upwards in Canada and in other Western Nations. Some Muslim Arab nations have the vote so European or American or even Canadian people don't have a case because they have only allowed women to vote recently as well.

Bush spends more and more money on Christian organizations when the American nation should be secular.

So as people claim about radical Islam they should look to themselves before they talk about radicalism because there are just as many radical Christian people in America and Europe and their voice is the loudest at this point in time.

John R. Hinde Professor : B. A., Hons. (Victoria), M. A. (Queen's), Ph. D (SUNY, Buffalo)

hindej@mala.bc.ca <hindej@mala.bc.ca>

Michael Tripp
Education: B.A. (University of California, Berkeley), M.A. (San Francisco State University), Ph.D. (University of Victoria)
Email: trippm@mala.bc.ca

Robert Graves:
Goodbye to All That

and read World Geogrpahy 3rd edition


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Muslims. Christian radicals are crazy, but they wouldn't try to kill my secular self. I know you're going to say "But, the christian radicals are dropping bombs killing thousands every day..." but they wouldn't be able to do that if not for the actions of muslim radicals.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Btw, I think the idea that the number of women in government alone means something is ridiculous. As a woman, I'd rather live in the US or Canada than Afghanistan no matter how many women they have for show in their government.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Muslims. Christian radicals are crazy, but they wouldn't try to kill my secular self. I know you're going to say "But, the christian radicals are dropping bombs killing thousands every day..." but they wouldn't be able to do that if not for the actions of muslim radicals.

Okay that is a fair statement.

I am not going to say that, someone else might, but I voted for both.


New Member
Mar 17, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
I would have to say Christian Radicals... if only because they already have a strong base in governments in the Western World, and there is a rapidly increasing number of them. They also have a lot of lobbying and media power, and they are a huge voting block (if you will) in the United States.

Maybe I'm just underestimating the effects of radical Muslims. I'm sure that in countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and parts of Europe, they are becoming a problem, but they just don't seem to be very much of a threat in the rest of world.



House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Btw, I think the idea that the number of women in government alone means something is ridiculous. As a woman, I'd rather live in the US or Canada than Afghanistan no matter how many women they have for show in their government.

I am making the point that for 'equal equality' as relations to world politics, a progressive nation no matter what kind of nation it is, if it has a large woman population than it is more progressive than other nations because it allows for equality.

I am not saying that women are better in Afghanistan and you should go because they got more women in parliment because the situation in Afghanistan is not right and doesn't have other standards that are near the West. However in this field, it is more progressive in this issue. Read world geography third edition, I forget the name of the authors, they start with an L and it is good about world situations.


Nominee Member
Mar 14, 2006
Canada, I would presume.
RE: Radicals: Christian o

Muslims. Christian radicals are crazy, but they wouldn't try to kill my secular self. I know you're going to say "But, the christian radicals are dropping bombs killing thousands every day..." but they wouldn't be able to do that if not for the actions of muslim radicals.

That's a fairly interesting comment. However, you should notice the main difference between Middle Eastern countries and Western countries is the form of governing. Those who bomb themselves tend to be from governments leaning on the authoritarian side and don't have high marks on freedom of speech, human rights etc. In a way, the only way to get your voice out there is to bomb yourself. You may have noticed,in regards to the Islamic cartoon controversy, that there were peacefull protests in the west and violent ones in the east. This goes back to what I was saying before. The reaction of people is based on the way a country is governed and the rights of its citizens.

If you look at the U.S, many people vote on Christian principles, and that way their ideas get into the government. They're not driven to bomb themsevles because there is no need. Their agenda is the government's agenda. In the Middle East, (and though it may not look it) several governments are allied with the U.S and are prudent about pissing it off. They are therefore reluctant to listen to citizens who may have an Islamic agenda.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
That is a really good point orpheus, for example the parlimentary elections in Eqypt which is a good friend of America and when a large minority was going to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood they tried to pull the plug on elections and violence occured.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Jersay said:
Btw, I think the idea that the number of women in government alone means something is ridiculous. As a woman, I'd rather live in the US or Canada than Afghanistan no matter how many women they have for show in their government.

I am making the point that for 'equal equality' as relations to world politics, a progressive nation no matter what kind of nation it is, if it has a large woman population than it is more progressive than other nations because it allows for equality.

I am not saying that women are better in Afghanistan and you should go because they got more women in parliment because the situation in Afghanistan is not right and doesn't have other standards that are near the West. However in this field, it is more progressive in this issue. Read world geography third edition, I forget the name of the authors, they start with an L and it is good about world situations.

I'm just more practical minded. Sure, it's great that Afghanistan has some women in government after their absolutely horrific treatment of women since the Taliban took power there. But, being progressive in the number of women in government positions, means very little to most people in their daily lives so I don't see why that means other countries can't comment on their treatment of women. We are more progressive in that in almost every way.

I guess I just don't like such narrow definitions of things. It's like when you watch a ballgame and the announcer says "This batter is hitting .440 against left handed pitchers in the 5th inning in parks with real grass in away games in states west of the mississippi river when it's sunny out". Ok... but it doesn't tell us much about the whole picture.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
1. Islamic Radicals drove planes into buildings on 9/11 in the name of their god "Allah"

2. Islamic Radicals have committed acts of Terrorism on the free World since 9/11, the Bali Bombing, the Madrid Bombing, the London Bombings.

3. Islamic Radicals have beheaded innocent people in the name of their god "Allah"

4. Islamic Radicals took over a Russian Theater and School killing Innocent Russians.

5. There are many more examples of Islamic Radicals.

Christian Radicals as you call them may not be perfect but in the 21st Century they have not committed Acts of Terrorism as Islamic Radicals have in examples 1-4.

Christians in The United States have 2 sides, the side of President Bush and the Radical side of Pat Robertson. The Christians I know brush aside the views of Pat Robertson.

As for Ann Coulter, she is a woman who speaks her mind and isn''t hard on the eyes.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
Both man. They both have their similarities, and their differences, but "Radical" (any religion or movement) is generally not the best for society as a whole.


Nominee Member
Mar 14, 2006
Canada, I would presume.
As for Ann Coulter, she is a woman who speaks her mind and isn''t hard on the eyes.

Which is why she's aloud to speak her mind. If she wasn't pretty you might notice what she's saying isn't backed up by any evidence. Her thoughts are rash and impulsive with no substantial support of thought and reasoning. Her ideas are simplistic and could never work and she has no concept of justice. Frankly, she's just stupid. I am thankful that once she gets old and wrinkly that no one will give her the time of day.


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
I'd have to go with Muslim radicals as being the most dangerous at the moment, simply because we are seeing that the large movements of Islamists WILL act in illegal ways to bring about conquest/revenge/destruction of "the infidel" whatever. There isn't really an avoidance of violence, nor is there even an attempt to cloak what they're doing.

The christian Radicals mostly have their power bases in Western countries where people are used to free speech. Therefore they can't usually act with impunity. Even their most dire acts have to go though channels which allow dissenting people to stop or stall it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Free speech by radical christians with cartoons against Muslim people has resulted in violence, however Radical Christians however don't want free speech when it involves America and its war. You are Anti-American if you protest against the war or you question the U.S government.

I think it is hilarious when someone else has a different idea and celebrates September 11 in his way for Free Speech you criticize him.

People radical people who support Bush and this Ann idiot and radical Christianity must only want Free Speech when it is against Muslim people.

Funny, I hadn't noticed Christians rioting and burning, and killing because someone criticized the war in Iraq. Did I miss something?

Oh Yeah, Ann Coulter is as far to the looney right fringe as you can find. There simply is no one to her right. I have yet to hear her advocate murder of artists because of the "Piss Christ"

The entire comparison is ludicrous.

Also funny that this kind of radicalism is the same kind of attitude held against Jewish people before the Holocaust.

So because you know alot about the radical right, is anyone preparing concentration camps in America to put Muslim people who might not 'love' America until a final solution of them can be found.

This is stupid. Period.

Also, in America there is only 14% of women in the senate and congress. Other nations in the world and in the middle east have higher percentage of women; for example Afghanistan, Belarus, Turkmienistan and another Central Asian republic.

Actually, in Canada at least, you are MORE apt to be elected if you run and are female. The problem is simply that women in this culture are fairly comfortable as equals, and are not typically as interested in political power as are men.

Also, people on the radical right call Muslim people savages for the way they have a death penalty for certain crimes. Well Britain had a death penalty for 250 crimes, and until America gets rid of the death penalty they are not much better.

Spare me. I didn't know you could be executed without fair trial for crimes such as adultery or blasphey in America.

Women weren't allowed to vote until 1916 earliest in Canada and upwards in Canada and in other Western Nations. Some Muslim Arab nations have the vote so European or American or even Canadian people don't have a case because they have only allowed women to vote recently as well.

1916 is 90 years ago. We NEVER kept women in Chadors. We never allowed men to openly murder women for no reason. Women have had property rights in this society for 1000 years. This is stupid.

Bush spends more and more money on Christian organizations when the American nation should be secular.

Does the United States have a declared official religion?

So as people claim about radical Islam they should look to themselves before they talk about radicalism because there are just as many radical Christian people in America and Europe and their voice is the loudest at this point in time.

Yeah, but they are NOT our enemies.

John R. Hinde Professor : B. A., Hons. (Victoria), M. A. (Queen's), Ph. D (SUNY, Buffalo)

hindej@mala.bc.ca <hindej@mala.bc.ca>

Michael Tripp
Education: B.A. (University of California, Berkeley), M.A. (San Francisco State University), Ph.D. (University of Victoria)
Email: trippm@mala.bc.ca
Robert Graves:
Goodbye to All That

PhD in WHAT?!!?? These guys are idiots. They are incapable of linear thought, and they write like middle school scholars.

You're not telling me these guys wrote the above tripe, are you?

and read World Geogrpahy 3rd edition[/quote]


Nominee Member
Mar 14, 2006
Canada, I would presume.
RE: Radicals: Christian o

Funny, I hadn't noticed Christians rioting and burning, and killing because someone criticized the war in Iraq. Did I miss something?

Oh Yeah, Ann Coulter is as far to the looney right fringe as you can find. There simply is no one to her right. I have yet to hear her advocate murder of artists because of the "Piss Christ"

And as I've mentioned before, Christians don't have to kill because they can lobby their government for attention.

And actually, Anne Coulter has said things along the lines of going over to the east and converting them all to Christianity and carpet bombing the region. On her tv show she also insisted that Canada went to war with the U.S in Vietnam. She kept insisting this. Thus, she is an idiot. If you want to read the actual article were she said these things it's in a 2005 Time's issue. (Canadian Issue.) I can't remember the month.