What's Your New-year's Resolution?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I am so old that I've just about run out of really good resolutions. For instance, I gave up smoking decades ago! I no longer sling rocks at power-pole insulators. I don't steal crab apples. I've almost reached the bottom of the resolution barrel. Perhaps there is only one left? So, I'll give it a shot.

I will be nice to those I Like most of the time.

Help me out here. Have any really good resolutions?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I am so old that I've just about run out of really good resolutions. For instance, I gave up smoking decades ago! I no longer sling rocks at power-pole insulators. I don't steal crab apples. I've almost reached the bottom of the resolution barrel. Perhaps there is only one left? So, I'll give it a shot.

I will be nice to those I Like most of the time.

Help me out here. Have any really good resolutions?

To live thru the next year.

Tried quitting the cigs- failed again- going to try Champix- after vacation.

Try to have more patience with idiots- And keep on trying.

Watch my grandchildren grow- Now that is the good part of life.

And a few other things.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Grandchildren..right on!

Yep- 2 - Girl almost 6 - will be 6 this coming Mar 1 - broke her arm 3 days ago skating so brought her roses today- Her fav color- Yellow
Boy will be 3 on Jan 2, part barbarian and part orangutang, but mostly with a smile.


Jan 6, 2007
I need to get my drinking under control.

Hubby moves away January 7th, and I know that I'll be inclined to sit and spend my evenings sipping wine alone for the months between him leaving and us joining him. My resolution is to not fall into that trap. My health is suffering the consequences of my incessant evening sugar consumption. Time to get it under control before it puts me under the ground. Life is too long to live it feeling as bad as I have felt in the last few months.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Substitute popcorn for drinking. Warning: do not salt the popcorn too heavily. As it will increase your desire to drink.

Popcorn has few calories and it's a vegetable.


Jan 6, 2007
Substitute popcorn for drinking. Warning: do not salt the popcorn too heavily. As it will increase your desire to drink.

Popcorn has few calories and it's a vegetable.

Tea and popcorn will likely be my substitutes. And I made sure that the massage chair is staying with me and not going into storage...lol. The aches and pains in the evening is why I tend to opt for alcohol as my calorie binge of choice.


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
My goal this year is to enjoy my vices to the maximum.
You only live once ,so why bother with the brakes .

If your the type to be worried. By the time I get old , they will have something for that. LOL!

Happy New Year


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Why does everybody want to stop drinking?
Ok ok, I know full well why.
Not that I resolve to do anything but being nice to my liver would be a worthy resolution.

My goal this year is to enjoy my vices to the maximum.
You only live once ,so why bother with the brakes .

If your the type to be worried. By the time I get old , they will have something for that. LOL!

Happy New Year

Ya, that's what I thought 30 years ago. lol


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
If your the type to be worried. By the time I get old , they will have something for that. LOL!

Happy New Year

"Soylent green is old people"
IT'S PEOPLE! - YouTube

Be nicer to stupid people. Probably last until the next idiot driver cuts in front of my truck.

Don't you just hate it when you are travelling the speed limit in the right lane of a four-lane highway, and someone cones up close behind you to tailgate a klick or two? Then, they pull into the left lane, swing around you, and flash the turn signal a couple of times to say, "Yep I wanted to change lanes." Seconds later they exit on the right.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
"Soylent green is old people"
IT'S PEOPLE! - YouTube

Don't you just hate it when you are travelling the speed limit in the right lane of a four-lane highway, and someone cones up close behind you to tailgate a klick or two? Then, they pull into the left lane, swing around you, and flash the turn signal a couple of times to say, "Yep I wanted to change lanes." Seconds later they exit on the right.

I made one miss the exit once. Usually it only happens to me when I am driving a loaded truck. What pi$$es me off most is car drivers that cut inside of the trailer when I swing wide to make a driveway. Happened twice this year just in our yard. Finally moved/widened the road which helps.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I haven't eaten chocolate or a fast food hamburger since August and have lost about 45 pounds. Without that junk I don't feel like I'm on a diet. It feels very natural and I don't crave the stuff. I'm not rummaging through the fridge and never really think to do so. Plus I've been doing moderate exercise. I am finally under 30 BMI again and I feel 100% better. I'd like to lose another 25. My goal is to get there by spring.

However, I feel like my body never recuperates properly from workouts. I know I have calcific teninitus in the shoulders and some spinal arthritis. I will be seeing my doc on the 9th for a good review. Not sure what to do about that stuff. Nevertheless my primary resolution is to stay the course on eating reasonably well and regular exercise.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
To try to make it to 2014-:)

I haven't eaten chocolate or a fast food hamburger since August and have lost about 45 pounds. Without that junk I don't feel like I'm on a diet. It feels very natural and I don't crave the stuff. I'm not rummaging through the fridge and never really think to do so. Plus I've been doing moderate exercise. I am finally under 30 BMI again and I feel 100% better. I'd like to lose another 25. My goal is to get there by spring.

However, I feel like my body never recuperates properly from workouts. I know I have calcific teninitus in the shoulders and some spinal arthritis. I will be seeing my doc on the 9th for a good review. Not sure what to do about that stuff. Nevertheless my primary resolution is to stay the course on eating reasonably well and regular exercise.

Good for you, you'll never regret doing regular exercise, I've been at it intently for 14 years.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I haven't eaten chocolate or a fast food hamburger since August and have lost about 45 pounds. Without that junk I don't feel like I'm on a diet. It feels very natural and I don't crave the stuff. I'm not rummaging through the fridge and never really think to do so. Plus I've been doing moderate exercise. I am finally under 30 BMI again and I feel 100% better. I'd like to lose another 25. My goal is to get there by spring.

However, I feel like my body never recuperates properly from workouts. I know I have calcific teninitus in the shoulders and some spinal arthritis. I will be seeing my doc on the 9th for a good review. Not sure what to do about that stuff. Nevertheless my primary resolution is to stay the course on eating reasonably well and regular exercise.
Well done! I too would be better off a few kilos smaller.

To try to make it to 2014-:)

Good for you, you'll never regret doing regular exercise, I've been at it intently for 14 years.
We shall.