A Harper majority would harm Canada and the world.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
A Conservative Harper majority would be bad for Canada. He is idealogically aligned with George W. Bush. Like Bush, an unrestrained Harper would use the levers of power to manipulate us with greed, fear and hatred. A Harper majority would demolish universal health care, resist international efforts to stop global warming and reduce pollution, abolish equal rights for woman, minority and gays, increase poverty, disciminate against and imprison minorities and immigrants, assist the US in the commission of war crimes....

Unlike the Amazing Kreskin, I don't have to make stuff up about Harper. His own words
should be sufficient warning to Canadians to vote "Anything But Conservative"

"What we clearly need is experimentation with market reforms and private delivery options [in health care]."
- Stephen Harper, then President of the NCC, 2001.

"I know this is a dangerous subject. My advisors say don't talk about it, but the fact is sometimes provinces have allowed in the past few years, they've brought in private services covered by public health insurance... Why do I care and why do we care as a federal government how they're managed? What we care about is whether people can access them. This is just an ideological agenda."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper at the leadership debate, June 15th 2004, conceding that he shouldn't talk about his positive view of privatization of health care.

"It's past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act."
- Stephen Harper, then Vice-President of the National Citizens Coalition, 1997.

"For taxpayers, however, it’s a rip-off. And it has nothing to do with gender. Both men and women taxpayers will pay additional money to both men and women in the civil service. That’s why the federal government should scrap its ridiculous pay equity law."
- Stephen Harper on pay equity, NCC Overview, Fall 1998.

"Now 'pay equity' has everything to do with pay and nothing to do with equity. It’s based on the vague notion of 'equal pay for work of equal value,' which is not the same as equal pay for the same job."
- Stephen Harper, NCC Overview, Fall 1998.

"This party will not take its position based on public opinion polls. We will not take a stand based on focus groups. We will not take a stand based on phone-in shows or householder surveys or any other vagaries of pubic opinion... In my judgment Canada will eventually join with the allied coalition if war on Iraq comes to pass. The government will join, notwithstanding its failure to prepare, its neglect in co-operating with its allies, or its inability to contribute. In the end it will join out of the necessity created by a pattern of uncertainty and indecision. It will not join as a leader but unnoticed at the back of the parade."
- Stepehen Harper indicating that, if elected, Canada will join the US occupation of Iraq, Hansard, January 29th 2003.

"Stephen Harper not only opposes Kyoto, but he refutes the science. He’s back in the dinosaur era. Harper is just totally out of it."
- David Suzuki on Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper, 2003.
"Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations."
written in 2002

"I do not intend to dispute in any way the need for defence cuts and the need for government spending cuts in general. …I do not share a not in my backyard approach to government spending reductions."
- Stepehen Harper, Hansard, May 23rd 1995. Harper has since roundly criticized spending cuts in the mid-1990s.

"I don't know all the facts on Iraq, but I think we should work closely with the Americans."
- Stepehen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, March 25th 2002. As it turned out, Harper wasn't the only one who didn't know all the facts.

"I’m not doing witch-hunts on people’s pasts… If someone does something wrong, there will be action taken. But if somebody doesn’t do anything wrong, we’re not going to take any action… I don’t make volunteer field decisions… but Betty Granger is a riding president, a member in good standing. She’s somebody that other members I’ve talked to think very highly of, and quite frankly, she was the victim of an unfair slur story in the last election campaign."
- Stepehen Harper on Betty Granger, one of three Harper leadership organizers in Manitoba. Granger is a candidate from the 2000 election whose remarks about an 'Asian invasion' created controversy. Calgary Herald, January 15th 2002.

"Withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan... Collect our own revenue from personal income tax... Resume provincial responsibility for health-care policy. If Ottawa objects to provincial policy, fight in the courts... [E]ach province should raise its own revenue for health... It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta... "
- Stepehen Harper in an "Open letter to Ralph Klein," January 24th 2001.

"It was probably not an appropriate term, but we support the war effort and believe we should be supporting our troops and our allies and be there with them doing everything necessary to win."
- Stepehen Harper supporting the US-lead war on Iraq, Montreal Gazette, April 2nd 2003. Harper also called then-Defence Minister John McCallum an "idiot."

"Well, I’ve always believed that we have to be a lot tougher with undocumented refugee claimants. Whether the best thing is to send them right out of the country or simply detain them until we get full information, we can look at either but, no this is a problem that does need to be fixed. Particularly post 9/11, we can’t take these kinds of security risks."
- Stephen Harper, CHML Radio AM 900 Hamilton, June 3, 2004.

"It will come as no surprise to anybody to know that I support the traditional definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, as expressed in our traditional common law."
- Stephen Harper, Hansard, Address in the House of Commons on Bill C-38, February 16, 2005.

"It is simply difficult – extremely difficult – for someone to become bilingual in a country that is not. And make no mistake. Canada is not a bilingual country. In fact it less bilingual today than it has ever been... So there you have it. As a religion, bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness, produced no unity and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions."
- Stephen Harper on bilingualism, Calgary Sun, May 6th 2001.

"I think it's a typical hidden agenda of the Liberal party... They had the courts do it for them, they put the judges in they wanted, then they failed to appeal -- failed to fight the case in court... I think the federal government deliberately lost this case in court and got the change to the law done through the back door."
- Stephen Harper, attacking the Liberals on same-sex marriage by claiming a conspiracy, News Hound, September 7th 2003.

"It is inherently dangerous to allow a country such as Iraq to retain weapons of mass destruction, particularly in light of its past aggressive behaviour. If the world community fails to disarm Iraq, we fear that other rogue states will be encouraged to believe that they too can have these most deadly of weapons to systematically defy international resolutions and that the world will do nothing to stop them."
- Stephen Harper supporting the American invasion of Iraq, House of Commons, March 20, 2003.

"This government's only explanation for not standing behind our allies is that they couldn't get the approval of the Security Council at the United Nations - a body [on] which Canada doesn't even have a seat."
- Stephen Harper supporting the American invasion of Iraq, CTV's Question Period, March 30, 2003.

"Mr. Speaker, the issue of war requires moral leadership. We believe the government should stand by our troops, our friends and our allies and do everything necessary to support them right through to victory."
- Stephen Harper, supporting the American invasion of Iraq, House of Commons, April 1, 2003.

"A culture of defeat..."
-Stephen Harper, describing the Atlantic provinces, May 2001.

"The time has come to recognize that the U.S. will continue to exercise unprecedented power in a world where international rules are still unreliable and where security and advancing of the free democratic order still depend significantly on the possession and use of military might."
- Stephen Harper, May, 2003, speech to the Institute for Research on Public Policy.

"Whether Canada ends up with one national government or two governments or 10 governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be."
- Stephen Harper in a 1994 National Citizens Coalition speech.

"It's the idea that we just have to go along, we can't change it, things won't change. I think that's the sad part, the sad reality traditional parties have bred in parts of Atlantic Canada."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper talks about the Atlantic provinces, May 2002.

- Conservative leader Stephen Harper voting against a motion urging the Canadian government not to participate in the US military intervention in Iraq, March 20, 2003.
"You have to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada; people who live in ghettos and are not integrated into Western Canadian society."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper, in Report Newsmagazine, 2001.

"Rob is a true reformer and a true conservative. He has been a faithful supporter of mine and I am grateful for his work."
- Stephen Harper endorsing Calgary West Conservative MP Rob Anders, who in 2001 called Nelson Mandela "a Communist and terrorist."

"Regarding sexual orientation or, more accurately, what we are really talking about, sexual behaviour, the argument has been made ... that this is analogous to race and ethnicity.... (For) anyone in the Liberal party to equate the traditional definition of marriage with segregation and apartheid is vile and disgusting."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper, 2003.

"While [Stephen] Harper has not promised to raise pro-life or pro-family legislation he has promised to allow such legislation to be introduced by others and to permit free votes..."
- Anti-abortion Web site LifeSite.net, March 22, 2004.

"America, and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country and across the world," - a speech Stephen Harper made eight years ago to a conservative American think-tank.

Take a good look at George W. Bush. Harper admires the man and the people behind him. If you wouldn't vote for George W. Bush, then you should not vote for Harper!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
A Conservative Harper majority would be bad for Canada. He is idealogically aligned with George W. Bush. Like Bush, an unrestrained Harper would use the levers of power to manipulate us with greed, fear and hatred.

This is simply an attempt to smear Harper with Bush's legacy....ridiculous, not deserving of a reply.....

A Harper majority would demolish universal health care

Baloney, and I can tell you why.....Gov'ts like to stay in power, and health care is consistently in the top two or three concerns of Canadians.......it is safe...

, resist international efforts to stop global warming and reduce pollution

He has moved to reduce pollution, as for international efforts on GHG, if you mean Kyoto, THank God!

abolish equal rights for woman, minority and gays

Now that's just silly. Give me an instance where he has done any of these things........at least try to stay connected with reality.

increase poverty, disciminate against and imprison minorities and immigrants, assist the US in the commission of war crimes....

see above (shakes head) Just silly.

"What we clearly need is experimentation with market reforms and private delivery options [in health care]."
- Stephen Harper, then President of the NCC, 2001.

"I know this is a dangerous subject. My advisors say don't talk about it, but the fact is sometimes provinces have allowed in the past few years, they've brought in private services covered by public health insurance... Why do I care and why do we care as a federal government how they're managed? What we care about is whether people can access them. This is just an ideological agenda."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper at the leadership debate, June 15th 2004, conceding that he shouldn't talk about his positive view of privatization of health care.

"It's past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act."
- Stephen Harper, then Vice-President of the National Citizens Coalition, 1997.

Please she the part in bold lettering.......and note: private health care is here to stay, it has been here for years, get used to it. It delivers free to you care quickly, and/or shortens wait times. I'm not willing to suffer so your gov't can be ideologically pure. Health Care is safe, for the reasons I quoted above....​

As for the Canada Health Act, when it was introduced Federal?Provincial share of the cost was 50/50......now it is closer to 16/84, but the feds still want to beat the provinces into line.....sorry, it is a provincial responsibility....​

"For taxpayers, however, it’s a rip-off. And it has nothing to do with gender. Both men and women taxpayers will pay additional money to both men and women in the civil service. That’s why the federal government should scrap its ridiculous pay equity law."
- Stephen Harper on pay equity, NCC Overview, Fall 1998.

"Now 'pay equity' has everything to do with pay and nothing to do with equity. It’s based on the vague notion of 'equal pay for work of equal value,' which is not the same as equal pay for the same job."
- Stephen Harper, NCC Overview, Fall 1998.


This party will not take its position based on public opinion polls. We will not take a stand based on focus groups. We will not take a stand based on phone-in shows or householder surveys or any other vagaries of pubic opinion... In my judgment Canada will eventually join with the allied coalition if war on Iraq comes to pass. The government will join, notwithstanding its failure to prepare, its neglect in co-operating with its allies, or its inability to contribute. In the end it will join out of the necessity created by a pattern of uncertainty and indecision. It will not join as a leader but unnoticed at the back of the parade."
- Stepehen Harper indicating that, if elected, Canada will join the US occupation of Iraq, Hansard, January 29th 2003.

And he wasn't elected, and we didn't join, get over it.​

Stephen Harper not only opposes Kyoto, but he refutes the science. He’s back in the dinosaur era. Harper is just totally out of it."
- David Suzuki on Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper, 2003.
"Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations."
written in 2002​

Kyoto is idiotic in the extreme.......we are well out of it. As for the science, I think Harper has been convinced the world is warming....now: is human behaviour responsible? Probably, in part. Can we in Canada (producing 2% of the world's GHG) do anything significant about it? NO!​

"I do not intend to dispute in any way the need for defence cuts and the need for government spending cuts in general. …I do not share a not in my backyard approach to government spending reductions."
- Stepehen Harper, Hansard, May 23rd 1995. Harper has since roundly criticized spending cuts in the mid-1990s.

mmmm ever hear of politicians? And Chretien's cuts to the military were stupid in the extreme....​

"I don't know all the facts on Iraq, but I think we should work closely with the Americans."
- Stepehen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, March 25th 2002. As it turned out, Harper wasn't the only one who didn't know all the facts.

As we should.....they are our neighbours, allies, friends. Work together does NOT mean go along with everything​

Well, I’ve always believed that we have to be a lot tougher with undocumented refugee claimants. Whether the best thing is to send them right out of the country or simply detain them until we get full information, we can look at either but, no this is a problem that does need to be fixed. Particularly post 9/11, we can’t take these kinds of security risks."
- Stephen Harper, CHML Radio AM 900 Hamilton, June 3, 2004.

I fully agree​

"It is inherently dangerous to allow a country such as Iraq to retain weapons of mass destruction, particularly in light of its past aggressive behaviour. If the world community fails to disarm Iraq, we fear that other rogue states will be encouraged to believe that they too can have these most deadly of weapons to systematically defy international resolutions and that the world will do nothing to stop them."
- Stephen Harper supporting the American invasion of Iraq, House of Commons, March 20, 2003.

People forget that most thought Iraq DID have WMDs, and thaty they had used them a lot in the 1980s​

"The time has come to recognize that the U.S. will continue to exercise unprecedented power in a world where international rules are still unreliable and where security and advancing of the free democratic order still depend significantly on the possession and use of military might."
- Stephen Harper, May, 2003, speech to the Institute for Research on Public Policy.

"Regarding sexual orientation or, more accurately, what we are really talking about, sexual behaviour, the argument has been made ... that this is analogous to race and ethnicity.... (For) anyone in the Liberal party to equate the traditional definition of marriage with segregation and apartheid is vile and disgusting."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper, 2003.

I agree 100%​

"While [Stephen] Harper has not promised to raise pro-life or pro-family legislation he has promised to allow such legislation to be introduced by others and to permit free votes..."
- Anti-abortion Web site LifeSite.net, March 22, 2004.

You have a problem with democracy?
"America, and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country and across the world," - a speech Stephen Harper made eight years ago to a conservative American think-tank.

Eight years ago.......things have changed slightly


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Harper = Bush

Admit it Colpy, you support Bush. You would have voted for Bush in the last two American elections if you were an American. In fact, I suspect you would like Canada to become more like the US or maybe even join the US.
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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The Canada Health Act is full of holes that leaves virtually no one accountable for healthcare. It downloads decision-making to the Provinces, and the Provinces download it to medical boards. That's why what is available in each Province differs from the next. There isn't alot that's universal about it. Just try contacting an MP for a discussion. They'll refer you to an MLA. Contact the MLA and they'll say it's a decision by a medical board. It's an excellent document for politicians because they can talk in circles and do what they do best.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Study up on Tom Long, Mike Harris (who was asked to distance himself from Harper because Ontario detests the man) and the Common Sense Revolution. Harper cannot co-operate. Harper is a manipulative controller .Hence, his failure at minority government and an election a year ahead of its scheduled date. He needs his majority - just like Harris. Don't forget: Harris was an idealistic con man who portrayed the image of a good family man too. Janet and the kids will tell you much different.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
EAO, no matter how you slice it, Jack's plan would kill the Alberta job industry. What would happen to your city if council banned future development?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
EAO, no matter how you slice it, Jack's plan would kill the Alberta job industry. What would happen to your city if council banned future development?

For one thing, it might be incentive to develop alternate energy sources. They exist ... and a lot of patents are held by the oil companies.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
For one thing, it might be incentive to develop alternate energy sources. They exist ... and a lot of patents are held by the oil companies.
I think it's more of an incentive for Western Separation.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I think it's more of an incentive for Western Separation.

...which they'll regret twenty years down the road when oil doesn't matter and they're stuck with a lot of poison pools and no potable water. They're not Quebec. They'll go without considering the consequences....

I don't think it will kill it as much as slow it down a bit. Boom town economies always collide with harsh reality. If a person getting great paycheques still can't find a place to live, the tax base will collapse when the bottom falls out.
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Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
Colpy: you did an excellent job there, pointing out rhetoric where it was, leaving alone all the quotes that actually make harper a better leader, not a bush clone. And giving a little context to the ones that do seem a little off.

on a side note, in comparison to Gore or Kerry, I would have voted bush,

and I would vote McCain when the choice is him or Obama, I can't stand the amount of B.S. that guy spews. It's like he's an activist rock star and doesn't really say much of use, or have to worry about the consequences of what he suggests.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
Oh and a Conservative Majority would be great for our country.

Harper is a good leader, Human and capable of mistakes, but a good leader, He has been our best PM in at least 20 years (before that I don't really have a reference point today to judge them on)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Colby: I couldn't agree with you more.

However, I'm so sick and tired of all the rhetoric spewed out of the opposition and yes, even some of the conservatives.

As a voter, I don't want to hear how crappy the opposition is or leaders are or what will happen if we elect someone - the whole bloody country is gonna go down the tubes. I want a GENUINE debate on the issues that are of concern to ALL Canadians. Unfortunately, I feel that political correctness has gone so far that we aren't ABLE to have a discussion on ANYTHING because SOMEONE is going to be offended.

That is truly sad and extremely frustrating for me.


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Oh and a Conservative Majority would be great for our country.

Harper is a good leader, Human and capable of mistakes, but a good leader, He has been our best PM in at least 20 years (before that I don't really have a reference point today to judge them on)

Yeah ... he managed to head up the longest standing minority government ... then decided he wanted out once he had the record. What else has he done aside from stroke his ego, primp his hair and make-up and avoid the job of governing?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Harper supported Bush's illegal war with Iraq which has so far slaughtered a million civilian and displaced about five million more.

Referenced here:

If Harper was PM, he would have made Canada an accessory to Bush's war crimes.

Canadians should question who Harper represents. Does he represent us or the people who slaughter innocent civilians and Canadian peacekeepers?

For example, when Israel killed a Canadian peacekeeper at a well marked UN outpost near he Lebanese/Israel border as well as a family of Canadians, Harper responded by saying that he supported Israel's "measured response".

Harper stands by his comment on Israel's 'measured' response
MIKE BLANCHFIELD, CanWest News Service;
July 18 2006

Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered brief condolences yesterday to the families of Canadians killed in Lebanon, but has not asked Israel for an explanation for their deaths.

And while he offered more details, Harper did not back down from his comment that Israel's bombing of Lebanon was a "measured" response to Hezbollah's abduction of two Israeli soldiers, a characterization that has angered Canada's Arab community....


Harper's empty condolences combined with his support for Israel's "measure response" speaks volumes about who he represents.

Here is what a Harper supported "measured response" looks like:

UN observer's wife calls Israel attack 'intentional'
Updated Fri. Jul. 28 2006 11:37 AM ET
CTV.ca News Staff

The wife of Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener, missing and presumed dead after an Israeli attack on his UN observer post, says she believes the bombing was "intentional."

"The building was clearly marked, their vehicles were clearly marked, they were clearly marked as UN observers," Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener told a news conference in Kingston, Ont., Thursday....


Canada's PM should have demanded a thorough and objective investigation to find out why Israel bombed unarmed UN peacekeepers, not praised the death and destruction.

Instead of searching for the truth, the Conservative government accepted the highly unlikely explanation that Israel's military made a mistake based on inaccurate maps and accidentally shelled the peacekeepers. Our PM didn't even demand the Israeli government allow Canadian investigators to interview the people responsible. As a result we will never know what happened.

Eventually this fallen Canadian soldier was honored... but with little publicity, almost as an afterthought.

Embassy, July 25th, 2007

Fallen Peacekeeper Lost in the Shuffle

While the UN remembers four peacekeepers killed in Lebanon last year, a proposal that Canadian Major Paeta Hess-von Kruedener receive a posthumous medal has been subject to an "administrative error."

...Israeli forces were repeatedly warned they were attacking a UN post, but failed to stop their attacks.

In addition, there were allegations immediately after the bombing by then-UN secretary-general Kofi Annan and Maj. Hess-von Kruedener's wife that the post was intentionally targeted, possibly because it was reporting Israeli troop movement in the area....

...On Aug. 9, 2006, retired colonel Michel Drapeau sent a letter to Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier recommending the major for the Meritorious Service Cross.

"Despite knowing that he might be severely injured or killed, he remained at his UN post continuing to valiantly and steadfastly perform his duties in an outstandingly professional manner in the service of the UN and humanity," the letter reads.

"In the process, he brought great honour to the Canadian Forces and the military profession."

Yet it was not until last week that the Canadian Forces confirmed it had received the recommendation, which Mr. Drapeau, who retired in 1992 as executive secretary at National Defence Headquarters, called unusual.

Given the length of time the military has been investigating Maj. Hess-von Kruedener's case, as well as the potential impacts on relations with Israel and the UN depending on the investigation's results, Mr. Drapeau questioned the reason for the delay...


Harper has never criticized Israel or the US for these crimes. Instead he has endorsed them.

Do you want Harper to lead Canada?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I haven't really checked into this yet but is anybody up for election actually saying who they are going to accept bribes from (which companies). It would help me narrow down the choices before I get, well you know.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Study up on Tom Long, Mike Harris (who was asked to distance himself from Harper because Ontario detests the man) and the Common Sense Revolution. Harper cannot co-operate. Harper is a manipulative controller .Hence, his failure at minority government and an election a year ahead of its scheduled date. He needs his majority - just like Harris. Don't forget: Harris was an idealistic con man who portrayed the image of a good family man too. Janet and the kids will tell you much different.

My husband has always been part of trade union community, and we always supported the NDP, but recently I have branched out, and last time I voted conservative, and our
local candidate narrowly defeated the NDP candidate. I will do the same again this time, as the thought of that liberal weasel being our prime minister, makes me feel sick, and
I would like to see Harper get his 'small' majority this time, I think that is healthier for the country. Not sure what I will do the time after that, we'll see how he does over
the next four years, or 'whatever' it becomes.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I see Harper's smear campaign against Dion has had the desired effect on you.

Harper is on his way to a majority government. Do Canadians want to give someone who is on the record supporting US and Israeli war crimes absolute control of Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I see Harper's smear campaign against Dion has had the desired effect on you.

Harper is on his way to a majority government. Do Canadians want to give someone who is on the record supporting US and Israeli war crimes absolute control of Canada?

Do I want to give my vote to a gov't that supports two great friends, democracies, bastions of western civilization, or to a gov't that loves China, and the Palestinian Authority (where they can't stop killing each other long enough to murder any Jews at the moment)....

You figure it out.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Do I want to give my vote to a gov't that supports two great friends, democracies, bastions of western civilization, or to a gov't that loves China, and the Palestinian Authority (where they can't stop killing each other long enough to murder any Jews at the moment)....

You figure it out.

Do you really believe that or are you just Walter in drag?