Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil


Jan 6, 2007
Is it? We can do a bit more math and see if it makes economic sense.

Pre-war oil supply from Iraq to the US was (April 2003) 22 million barrels for the month of April.

If you mulitply that figure with $20 a barrel, it costs the US $440 Million each month (approximate average) to purchase that oil from Iraq.

Now the war has cost us $500 Billion so far with no end in sight, correct?

If you divide the cost of war to date $500 Billion with one month's supply of oil from Iraq, you get 1136 months of oil supply OR roughly 95 years.

Instead we opted to throw away $500 Billion, create remorse towards the US from all around the planet, kill hundreds of thousands of people, while we could have struck a deal with Saddam and have him supply us with oil over the next century.

Does it still sound like a good business deal to you?

If you bought into it being solely about oil, no, you're right it doesn't make a ton of sense. To be totally honest with you, I don't think it was about oil itself. That's why I don't get into these debates much... because no reason makes a lick of sense to me. Not the conspiracy theories, not the government explanations... frankly, the whole thing feels to me like one of the horrible blow out fights my husband and I have once a year when my hormones peak on exactly the wrong day. Where you can't pinpoint what brought it on, can't find the right explanation, you're just pissed and want to punch someone and scream for days on end. It simply has to be taken out on someone.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
The war raging in Iraq and Afghanistan is more about the future prosperity of western interests than about the freedom and democratic reform of their people. America has sought the coveted natural resources of the area and seized them by force. Oil is the obvious culprit for its limited availability and current demand as a commodity, but there are other reasons this region of the world is crucial to the dominance of the West: it will be the gateway to our survival.

If that were the case, Venezuela would have been a much more sensible and lucrative target. Heck, even Nigeria would easier.

This war is about Jihad. Terrorists are blowing things up all over the world. Are they pissed off about Algerian foreign policy too?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
As I wrote above, I've posted the links which prove that Saddam's money went to the Red Crescent just like the money given by Saudis and Qataris. If I did it again you would only ignore them as you always do. It's just no point in repeating it since you keep ignoring it and believing the reich wing bullsh*t.

Don't accuse me of things I don't do, we've never had this conversation before. Go ahead prove your slant drilling theory and Saddam Husseins charitable work. :roll:

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Don't believe it? Look it up.

BTW, where's your Iraq WMD??

There is nothing to lookup. Saddam Hussein gave money to terrorists. Period. And Kuwait NEVER slant drilled into anywhere!!!! It's all in your head. Go ahead and prove it and stop diverting attention.

P.S. I never had WMD's in Iraq. :lol:

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
If you bought into it being solely about oil, no, you're right it doesn't make a ton of sense. To be totally honest with you, I don't think it was about oil itself. That's why I don't get into these debates much... because no reason makes a lick of sense to me. Not the conspiracy theories, not the government explanations... frankly, the whole thing feels to me like one of the horrible blow out fights my husband and I have once a year when my hormones peak on exactly the wrong day. Where you can't pinpoint what brought it on, can't find the right explanation, you're just pissed and want to punch someone and scream for days on end. It simply has to be taken out on someone.

Exactly, it was never about oil. There is a bigger picture, the oil theory is for the crows.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Ok, here's the same bet I made to the other right wing cowards on this forum before: I will yet again post the same link which proves Saddam gave money to what is called ''shahid'' or witnesses just as did the Saudis and Qataris.

But I will do so only if you leave the forum for keeps.

How about it? Are you going to cower away like the other right wingers or will you finally accept the challenge?

It's time to put up or shut the f@ck up.

How about it??


just special
May 7, 2006
not in Kansas anymore
Don't believe it? Look it up.

BTW, where's your Iraq WMD??
You are so thick. Saddam agreed to allow UN inspectors into Iraq to stop the bombing after Saddam invaded Kuwait. Later,SADDAM,said NO I don't want inspectors in my country anymore. In fact,I will gamble my people's lives that everyone will back down to my massive ego. Saddam gambled his country and lost. And now years later the anti-bush morons try to twist the facts and rather than go back and find the truth,thier immaturity keeps them on the same old lie. No WMD's,Bush lied. Well that is the big lie. Bush went in because that evil bastard Saddam wanted to renege on the original deal and did not want inspectors to look for any weapons. Saddam could have allowed the UN to have access,but he chose to roll the dice. Saddam is responsible for this debacle not the U.S..


Jan 6, 2007
Exactly, it was never about oil. There is a bigger picture, the oil theory is for the crows.

I don't know that that's necessarily true either ITN. Very rarely, in these big blow out fights, is there any one particular thing at work. Often, you get focused on something that's set you off (eg, dishes or WMDs), and even those fighting don't realize what the real factors were (like fatigue or irritation over oil supply) that set them off.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Ok, here's the same bet I made to the other right wing cowards on this forum before: I will yet again post the same link which proves Saddam gave money to what is called ''shahid'' or witnesses just as did the Saudis and Qataris.

But I will do so only if you leave the forum for keeps.

How about it? Are you going to cower away like the other right wingers or will you finally accept the challenge?

It's time to put up or shut the f@ck up.

How about it??

Go ahead asshole, shut me up.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
That's horsesh*t Wally and it's not the point here. The point is the money given to shahids issue that ITN is running away from.

Bush started the war and is responsible for it, not Saddam. But that's a separate issue.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
I don't know that that's necessarily true either ITN. Very rarely, in these big blow out fights, is there any one particular thing at work. Often, you get focused on something that's set you off (eg, dishes or WMDs), and even those fighting don't realize what the real factors were (like fatigue or irritation over oil supply) that set them off.

The oil theory makes no economic sense. Money makes the world go round.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
That's horsesh*t Wally and it's not the point here. The point is the money given to shahids issue that ITN is running away from.

Bush started the war and is responsible for it, not Saddam. But that's a separate issue.

I'm waiting for your posts that "proves" me wrong.

Throw in the slant drilling "evidence" while you're at it, kill two birds with one stone.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
This one's for you, ITN:


I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
ITN calls me an asshole but I'll overlook it if he is (wo)man enough to back up his/her word with action.

Here's your proof:

Good bye --- you won't be missed.

My my look who is using an Israeli source to make a point, I'm impressed.

Here's a better one for you, another Israeli source BTW.

Even as President George W. Bush and CIA Director George Tenet lay out the evidence of Iraq's operational ties to al-Qaeda terrorists, new documents seized by Israel from Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah and other terrorist operational centers in the West Bank show in extraordinary detail how Iraq has been funding terror and mayhem against Israeli civilians during the last two years.

Among Saddam's victims have been U.S. and European citizens who were visiting Israel. And yet for some reason, as with the evidence showing Iraq's alliance with al-Qaeda, few Western reporters have been willing to pay attention. A notable exception was a report aired Sept. 29 by CBS 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl. Citing captured documents provided by the Israelis, she revealed that Saddam's closest deputy, Vice President Taha Yasin Ramadan, personally had signed checks made out to Palestinian terrorist leaders who had organized suicide-bombing attacks.


I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Good bye, ITN. Don't hurry back!!

You're so pathetic, you wouldn't change your mind if 3 tons of evidence slapped you in the face.

You would rather believe a murdering tyrant because you hate Bush and his ilk. You're a typical loonie leftist, thank goodness you all are a minority.