COVID-19 'Pandemic'


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I didn't mind Trump too much as a politician which he should have stuck to. His true colours showed up when he started expounding on Covid and bleach and Lysol. The man's both an idiot and a lunatic.
He never said that. Not even close. A smart person has no problem understanding he was talking about antibiotics through intravenous.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
He never said that. Not even close. A smart person has no problem understanding he was talking about antibiotics through intravenous.
No Trump told people to drink Lysol , just ask JLM .

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
First off, using Sweden as an example to prove your point is very unwise:

Secondly, the last Worldwide pandemic was 1918-20. There were measure by most cities in North America to limit what remained open, in hopes of curtailing what the Spanish Influenza was doing to the population.

I read that article some time ago.

The numbers, despite being higher compared to other neighboring countries, the long term consequences (health) from NOT sh*t canning their economy will clearly be less dramatic than those nations that sold the farm. The # of deaths is approximately 0.05% of the population. To put it in perspective, in 2019, deaths from diseases of the circulatory system equaled 28k and diseases related to mental/behavioral disorders were in excess of 6k in Sweden.

Also, the nonsense that their economy was impacted just as bad as a nation that shut down is complete BS. You'll notice that the author was very careful NOT to mention unemployment rates or projections of the number of bankruptcies which in turn piles on higher unemployment in addition to a crash in tax revenues.

There is (Spanish Influenza):

"The economic consequences of the pandemic included labour shortages and wage increases, but also the increased use of social security systems. Economic historians do not agree on a headline figure for lost GDP because the effects of the flu are hard to disentangle from the confounding impact of the first world war.

The long-term consequences proved horrific. A surprisingly high proportion of adult health and cognitive ability is determined before we are even born. Research has shown the flu-born cohort achieved lower educational attainment by adulthood, experienced increased rates of physical disability, enjoyed lower lifetime income and a lower socioeconomic status than those born immediately before and after the flu pandemic."


What's your point?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Where was that stipulated?
You cant use your own brain to put 2+2 together?

Watch the clip, was he struggling for the right word?

Think about this. We keep hearing repeatedly that Trump is crazy or has ADHD. Is crazy or ADHD not a disability? Is making fun of a disabled person cool? Is it an insult to other crazy or ADHD people?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I read that article some time ago.
The numbers, despite being higher compared to other neighboring countries, the long term consequences (health) from NOT sh*t canning their economy will clearly be less dramatic than those nations that sold the farm. The # of deaths is approximately 0.05% of the population. To put it in perspective, in 2019, deaths from diseases of the circulatory system equaled 28k and diseases related to mental/behavioral disorders were in excess of 6k in Sweden.
Also, the nonsense that their economy was impacted just as bad as a nation that shut down is complete BS. You'll notice that the author was very careful NOT to mention unemployment rates or projections of the number of bankruptcies which in turn piles on higher unemployment in addition to a crash in tax revenues.
What's your point?
Trudeau and other world leaders are using COVID19 to cover up a near or full depression. The economy tanked in October.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Trump was referring to bleach. If he was referring to disinfectants, he would have said as much. Nobody in the Western World associates disinfectants with antibiotics. Disinfectants is a term you would use to clean your washroom.
I don't make it a habit of picking up hookers, but when I do, I only receive blowjobs. It is much safer.
He was referring to bleach because bleach is the typical intravenous solution for an infection not antibiotics?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Trump is not crazy, nor does he have ADHD. Trump is a compulsive liar, and has most of the traits of one with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He also is in the initial stages of dementia.
OCDs and Personality Disorders are disabilities.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You cant use your own brain to put 2+2 together?

Watch the clip, was he struggling for the right word?

Think about this. We keep hearing repeatedly that Trump is crazy or has ADHD. Is crazy or ADHD not a disability? Is making fun of a disabled person cool? Is it an insult to other crazy or ADHD people?

With no desire to get into technicalities or semantics, I thoroughly believe that every move Trump makes, is designed to benefit him personally. J.M.H.O.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trudeau and other world leaders are using COVID19 to cover up a near or full depression. The economy tanked in October.

Eliminating COVID-19 cases in Canada will exact too heavy a toll on society, health experts say

Some public health and infectious disease experts are pressing for governments in Canada to shift to minimizing, not eradicating, COVID-19 while allowing society to resume functioning.

The open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and all premiers, dated July 6, says aiming to prevent or contain every case is not sustainable at this stage in the pandemic.

"We need to accept that COVID-19 will be with us for some time and to find ways to deal with it," the 18 experts wrote.

Signatories include Dr. Gregory Taylor, Dr. Theresa Tam's immediate predecessor as Canada's chief public health officer; Dr. David Butler-Jones, the first person to hold the post; Dr. Robert Bell, a former deputy health minister in Ontario; Dr. Onye Nnorom, president of the Black Physicians' Association of Ontario; Dr. Vivek Goel, former president of Public Health Ontario; and Dr. Joel Kettner, a former chief public health officer for Manitoba.

"The people who suffer most are those in lower-income settings who are trapped in apartment buildings and who do not have a nice deck or a cottage to escape to," said Dr. Neil Rau, an infectious disease physician and medical microbiologist at the University of Toronto who signed the letter.

The basis of lockdowns and physical distancing was to flatten the epidemic curve so that health-care systems wouldn't be overwhelmed with too many cases at once, Rau said. Stamping out the virus is a different goalpost.

The letter urges governments to respond to drops in disease incidence with careful relaxing of restrictions.

That way, schools, businesses and health-care facilities could carefully reopen, and family and friends could gather once again with confidence restored by appropriate precautions, it said............More

By listening to these experts Trudie will take a big hit politically when the public find out exactly what he was up to.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is not a disability. It is a character defect. People with NPD often cannot emphasize with others, like when Trump's older brother Freddie was dying in the hospital, and Trump went out to see a movie instead.
Or at the Trump family Thanksgiving dinner, when the mother was choking to death on some food, and nobody did anything until Freddie Jr, who volunteered as an EMT in his youth, walked his mother into the kitchen, and performed the Heimlich manoever on her, saving her life while Donald and family could not bother to rise from their chairs in concern. Trump also bullied his father, and ultimately manipulated him to change his will, in Fred Sr's state of advanced dementia, so that Donald could pay off millions in debt, from business failings.
Fred Jr saved his mother's life, and he was rewarded a decade later, by dying alone at the hospital. Hopefully Trump had a good time at the movie with his date.
Image › pmc
Web results
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - NCBI - NIH
by FS Stinson · 2008 · Cited by 419 · Related articles
Jump to Disability · NPD is a prevalent PD in the general U.S. population and is associated with considerable disability among men, whose rates exceed those of women. NPD may not be as stable as previously recognized or described in the DSM-IV

Is it cool to make fun of disabled people?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trump was referring to bleach. If he was referring to disinfectants, he would have said as much. Nobody in the Western World associates disinfectants with antibiotics. Disinfectants is a term you would use to clean your washroom.
I don't make it a habit of picking up hookers, but when I do, I only receive blowjobs. It is much safer.

Trump on use of disinfectant, light against virus

YouTube · 135,000+ views · 2020-04-24
by Associated Press


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Eliminating COVID-19 cases in Canada will exact too heavy a toll on society, health experts say
By listening to these experts Trudie will take a big hit politically when the public find out exactly what he was up to.
COVID19 or no COVID19 millions were going to be unemployed anyway devastating the EI fund and Provincial Social Services.

This is all part of the economic war we've been in for the past 20 years.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If they have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, then it's fair game. These people should be eliminated from the gene pool.

Pedophilia is also a "disability" BTW

Under the criteria you presented, everyone has a "disability"

Par for the course, in this society of victims today.

Pedophilia can definitely be classified as a "disability", if when caught they are lucky enough to have their condition merely reduced to being disabled.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I would support people that do have pedophilia to get treatment, and reduce stigma.

However, if they hurt a child, then it is another story obviously.

The more people with this condition that are treated, the less children will be in danger.
Chemical castration might work.