What's Trump Done Now?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Quote: Originally Posted by Walter View Post
President Trump Signs Order Calling For Social Media Giants To Be Liable For Censorship

Good on Trump.

Yes. Wally.... we all know that you admire Trump the dictator. He wants to curb the social media from fact checking HIS LIES........... and you would rather believe the lies and crap his spins on his Twitter.rages. Next you will want him to control the press so they only report his garbage and no facts.
Meanwhile The twin cities are burning and there is no leadership that would treat all people fairly . This is the only language desperate people have..... when the cops commit murder in broad daylight and on video. Oh yes. MAGA

The US has lost over a hundred thousand to the virus....... and he could care less. He is yet to express some condolences for all those grieving. That is callous indifference and it is sick.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
indeed. His revenge on Twitter is the basis of this exec order. Petulant , childish, and non presidential. ........But legally he is already being contested.....and many are reacting negatively to this. As they should.
Twitter did nothing wrong. In fact they should have been correcting his tweets long ago......but did not out of courtesy due to his role as POTUS.......but enough is enough. Blatant lies about the coming election is just going too far. Twitter is right. Keep up the fact checking now. People have believed his lies because he has not been justly corrected. (and because they are Gullible.)

This is all a "look over there" distraction by Trump to fire up his base about something, anything, in order to take their attention away from what a disaster his handling of coronavirus was, and continues to be. They are all spittin' mad about Twitter despite the fact that at the same time the US hit the haunting number of 100,000 people dead from the virus, a majority of which would not have died if Trump had only heeded early warnings from those around him who were sounding the alarm, and acted accordingly.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
This is all a "look over there" distraction by Trump to fire up his base about something, anything, in order to take their attention away from what a disaster his handling of coronavirus was, and continues to be. They are all spittin' mad about Twitter despite the fact that at the same time the US hit the haunting number of 100,000 people dead from the virus, a majority of which would not have died if Trump had only heeded early warnings from those around him who were sounding the alarm, and acted accordingly.
Spot on!!! And many will allow themselves t be distracted and follow his every tactic losing site of the bigger picture. His total failure in leadership.

There used to be a sayng:

" if you can't beat them with brains, you baffle them with bull shyte. " That is his MO.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Spot on!!! And many will allow themselves t be distracted and follow his every tactic losing site of the bigger picture. His total failure in leadership.
There used to be a sayng:
" if you can't beat them with brains, you baffle them with bull shyte. " That is his MO.

Exactly, and Trump is very good at it. He knows exactly who to pander to and how to get them off topic. He doesn't give a crap about any in his base, not a single one of them. They are simply a means to an end.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Exactly, and Trump is very good at it. He knows exactly who to pander to and how to get them off topic. He doesn't give a crap about any in his base, not a single one of them. They are simply a means to an end.
He just toys with them. And yes.. he is a master at manipulation. Smoke and mirrors .

and here we are..... the Pandemic is still active and spiking in places that have opened .

the Twin Cities are on fire.........along with places in Kentucky, Arizona , Ohio, Colrado and another state. ( being reported live on CNN now)..

These are desperate people who have no say about their lives and keep taking abuse from the prejudiced cops. and the white supremacists.... This has been gong on for decades..

The military guard has been called.

Meanwhile Trump Tweets his nonsense He might use his power to introduce martial law........ and who knows what now. He is too impulsive and unpredictable.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
He is also owned by Trumps psychopathology.

Wanna bet Trumpians like Wally et al refuse to wear masks because their dear hero refuses to ?? That is how little they care about others ......and themselves in the arena of health. Science and facts don't matter.......... as Trump dismisses those elements too. He rely s on his gut ...

This pandemic has revealed his true character in blazing technicolor.
Never , who is that masked man , Tonto . The mark of Zorro . Holly Molly Batman .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I marvel at you avid Trumpians. are you enamored by the man or the position of POTUS or both?? Would you be as enamored if it were Biden??

Such devotion to a con man is astonishing....... in its fervor.

Does he represent YOUR values?? Fascinating..
No , I just don’t Harbor unfettered hatred for a man that was smart enough to turn the American political system on its head . Nor on-e that exposed the utter curuption and depravity of the swamp . Maga , I also wish Canada could do likewise .



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
and that could be one of the final nails on DEMOCRACY......and freedom of the media/press. He HATES CNN......because they really try to stick to the facts and are not afraid to criticize him He HATES that. Now he is getting his revenge. and trying to control the press to only say what he approves of. Fox News is not enough for him. I guess "america" wants a dictator. as that is what they have. Dictatorship via a lunatic.

\He is attacking freedom of speach, and now freedom of the press. and putting Trump controls on them both.

America, what did you allow to happen??

We see regularly via video what their Law and order means .......

This is getting very serious.
Beware of orange shirts and red hats .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes. Wally.... we all know that you admire Trump the dictator. He wants to curb the social media from fact checking HIS LIES........... and you would rather believe the lies and crap his spins on his Twitter.rages. Next you will want him to control the press so they only report his garbage and no facts.
Meanwhile The twin cities are burning and there is no leadership that would treat all people fairly . This is the only language desperate people have..... when the cops commit murder in broad daylight and on video. Oh yes. MAGA

The US has lost over a hundred thousand to the virus....... and he could care less. He is yet to express some condolences for all those grieving. That is callous indifference and it is sick.

I think it's abundantly clear that Walter is a sad case and I think I've probably reached the point where this will be my last comment about him.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
He just toys with them. And yes.. he is a master at manipulation. Smoke and mirrors .
and here we are..... the Pandemic is still active and spiking in places that have opened .
the Twin Cities are on fire.........along with places in Kentucky, Arizona , Ohio, Colrado and another state. ( being reported live on CNN now)..
These are desperate people who have no say about their lives and keep taking abuse from the prejudiced cops. and the white supremacists.... This has been gong on for decades..
The military guard has been called.
Meanwhile Trump Tweets his nonsense He might use his power to introduce martial law........ and who knows what now. He is too impulsive and unpredictable.

Oh I don't know... shooting looters?