Until the Left respect democracy, they'll just keep losing elections


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Democracy didn't go your way, though. But it's still democracy.

Actually in 2016, Democracy went how I expected it to?

Mr Trump won fair and square. He won according to the rules.

He won the most Electoral College votes, not the popular vote and if you consider the popular vote, he did not win fair and square. That was my point. I didn't say he didn't win. Again, shows your lack of reading comprehension.

Let's face it, you only want America's electoral system changed for no other reason than someone you don't like was democratically elected using that system.

Let's face it, that's not true at all but since you favor the best liar of all liars in the world - aka Trump - that you lie should not surprise anyone.

In 2016, I was indifferent once the two candidates were chosen to run for President. I didn't like EITHER candidate, but at that point, they were the ones chosen. When Trump won, I was very "Okay, let's see what he does" about it despite thinking it'd go to hell.

And lo and behold...

The US voting system needs to change just like the Canadian system needs to change, because of the population changes and societal changes since the inception of the style of voting we have.

I know YOU don't like it because that means your side would likely lose more, but that's what democracy is.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Actually in 2016, Democracy went how I expected it to?

I don't know. Did it?

He won the most Electoral College votes, not the popular vote

So what? That's how he became President, you gormless twonk. The candidate with the most electoral college votes wins. That's how ALL US presidents are elected.

The US voting system needs to change

"... because Trump won, whereas had Obama won in such a way I wouldn't have given a shit because he would have won fair and square according to the rules of his country's electoral system."


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I don't know. Did it?


So what? That's how he became President, you gormless twonk. The candidate with the most electoral college votes wins. That's how ALL US presidents are elected.


Are you being extra-stupid lately on purpose or are you lacking in something and you're making up for it, because... I've said that repeatedly.

Really, you should get new glasses, or get glasses, cause your reading comprehension sucks lately.

"... because Trump won, whereas had Obama won in such a way I wouldn't have given a shit because he would have won fair and square according to the rules of his country's electoral system."


Actually people have realized the EC has needed to change long before Obama got into power. My thoughts on the EC needing to be changed go back to the 90's when I was in school taking political science and we learned about how the US do their elections. My view solidified the older I got and the more elections I started to pay attention to.

Really, Trump has nothing to do with it.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
"Until they accept the principle of 'losers' consent' they will go on being losers."

BoJo won the election.

Fair and square.

Donald Trump's win is questionable depending on how you want to look at the EC part of the election vs the popular vote (but then the popvote will always be a contest to the EC when the two aren't the same).

That said, the rest of the opinion piece about the impeachment is just typical ignorance about the situation. Not that anyone should expect otherwise from a source from you Blackie, since you're one of the Trumpiest Trumpers outside the US.

I do agree that the Americans likely will have to wait until November to see if Trump is gone, but hopefully the trial going on now and what's coming out as proofs of what he's done will show having him in the office of President for a second go is pure, abject insanity.

At least BoJo isn't as fukin wackadoodle as Trump, and that's saying something.
The fact you're buying the impeachment crap shows your lack of understanding of history. This kind of shit is EXACTLY what the commies did all through Eastern Europe before and after WW2. And if they couldn't do the job with simple character assassination, well then they just used good ol' fashioned regular assassination. The whole 3 years has been one nothing burger after another but the Democrats are so desperate they don't care. They're simply hoping they've tainted Trump's name enough to influence the next election. And the impeachment nonsense is a complete joke. The Democrats have lowered the bar so far that any, if not every president after Jimmy Carter would have been impeached. Christ, at least half of Congress would be impeached.

As far as the EC goes, another prime example of the left's bullshit was a professor of Constitutional Law offered free legal services/representation to ANY Elector from a Trump voting state who chose to elect Clinton instead. And the Dumpycraps are busy trying to claim they're preserving democracy and the Constitution. The same Constitution that for years the leftists have called a "racist document drafted by fat old White supremacists. The same Constitution that governors in VA and KY have publicly announced they plan on wiping their asses with re: Their unconstitutional gun grab.

The left, where in both Canada and the US, when Conservatives/Republicans won the election, twats like Rae and Schiff come up with great lines like "Canadians/Americans are too stupid to vote." Which is ironic considering Americans voted in a Democrat dominated Congress and Canadians elected a preening, self-aggrandizing, virtue signaling, racist, sexist shithead for Prime Minister, twice. So maybe they are correct in their assessments.

Look at what the federal Liberals did after the PC's got destroyed as a party. They changed the funding rules to make it virtually impossible for the PC's to ever revive themselves again. That's just one step away from outlawing a political party JUST because they were you're only real competition. Slimey.

But what's really funny is listening to a Canadian whine about how the EC affects elections (very, very rarely) in the US but has no problem with govt being formed in Canada with only 1/3 of the total vote, having lost the popular vote, and failing to win any seats in roughly 1/3 of the country.

The EC is essential in the US, and Canada is a perfect example of why. If you can win Ontario and Quebec you've won the election. The votes in the rest of the country don't matter for shit. But even more importantly, if you can win the major metropolitan centers even without winning the rest of the province they're in, you can still win the election. If you want to really disenfranchise the voters, make

sure there's always a group, or more, whose votes won't matter for shit.
But even for those who vote for the winning party, their votes still don't matter for shit, except to the elected party. Once elected, govts have a nasty tendency to ignore the voters over the noise of the big money and identity politics lobbyists. A lack of accountability also makes for less democratic countries. Something sorely lacking in Canadian politics.

But the left is trying to throw a monkey wrench into the Beige Dictatorship much of the West is suffering through, unfortunately it's NOT to the benefit of you and I but to them only.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Thefact you're buying the impeachment crap shows your lack of understanding ofhistory.
Orthe fact that I believe Trump is his own worst enemy and he’s doing this tohimself? I mean, if he didn’t doanything, he really, really should prove it.

Thiskind of shit is EXACTLY what the commies did all through Eastern Europe beforeand after WW2. And if they couldn't do the job with simple characterassassination, well then they just used good ol' fashioned regularassassination.

Areyou suggesting something by this, cause it certainly seems so. Otherwise, Captain Conspiracy Theory, youreally need to take a valium.

The whole 3 years has been one nothing burger after another


but the Democrats are so desperate they don't care. They're simply hopingthey've tainted Trump's name enough to influence the next election.

ActuallyTrump’s tainted his own name by everything he says, does and doesn’t do. Really, Trump is his own worst enemy and evenhis people know it.

And the impeachment nonsense is a complete joke.

Idunno, I think there are quite a number of people in the US who take it quiteseriously.

TheDemocrats have lowered the bar so far that any, if not every president afterJimmy Carter would have been impeached. Christ, at least half ofCongress would be impeached.

ActuallyI think that happened when the Republicans impeached Clinton for the WhiteHouse BJ that he lied about. And iflying to the American people back then was impeachable, which of Trumps numerous16,000 plus lies should be used to get his ass Impeached? Oh wait, already happening…

As far as the EC goes, another prime example of theleft's bullshit was a professor of Constitutional Law offered free legalservices/representation to ANY Elector from a Trump voting state who chose toelect Clinton instead.

Interestingexample, never heard it before; got unbiased proof of it?

And the Dumpycraps are busy trying to claim they're preserving democracy andthe Constitution. The same Constitution that for years the leftists have calleda "racist document drafted by fat old White supremacists.

Gotproof of that too?

Thesame Constitution that governors in VA and KY have publicly announced they planon wiping their asses with re: Their unconstitutional gun grab.

Opinionvaries about gun issues in the US; you have your opinion, there are others whosee otherwise and there’s already a topic on it so if you wanna whine about it,go post there.

The left, where in both Canada and the US, whenConservatives/Republicans won the election, twats like Rae and Schiff come upwith great lines like "Canadians/Americans are too stupid to vote."

Hintfor ya: some voters ARE too stupid to vote. Too stupid about the topics of the day, too stupid about the candidates,too stupid about the issues, too stupid about wider world affairs and how theyaffect us all and too stupid to bother giving a shyte about who they vote foranyway.

Whichis ironic considering Americans voted in a Democrat dominated Congress andCanadians elected a preening, self-aggrandizing, virtue signaling, racist,sexist shithead for Prime Minister, twice. So maybe they are correct in theirassessments.

Asopposed to the stupid voters who overwhelming voted in the Republicans in 2016and for two years did nothing but dismantle, oppress, break the law, breakhuman rights, and just in general lower the respect of their country to lessthan when Bush2 was president?

Look at what the federal Liberals did after the PC'sgot destroyed as a party.

ThePC’s didn’t ‘get destroyed’, they destroyed themselves; but… continue.

They changed the funding rules to make it virtually impossible for the PC's toever revive themselves again.

Sourcefor that?

That's just one step away from outlawing a political party JUST because theywere you're only real competition. Slimey.

Wellit’s not like the PC’s of back in the day exist. After they died off pretty much, they cameback as the PCP which is more right leaning and any real conservatives gotpulled into the Liberals, though IMO they should’a went Independent.

But what's really funny is listening to a Canadianwhine about how the EC affects elections (very, very rarely) in the US but hasno problem with govt being formed in Canada with only 1/3 of the total vote,having lost the popular vote, and failing to win any seats in roughly 1/3 ofthe country.

What’sfunnier is reading your word vomit and realizing you only saw what you wantedto see just like Blackie.

Yesthe EC needs to be changed. But here’s afunfact for you, Captain Oblivious; I DO have a problem with the current waythe government is formed in Canada. Weneed reform of how we do our elections because the entire system is unfair.

The EC is essential in the US,

TheEC as it used to be; now it’s debateable considering how now corruption is ahuge issue with it.

and Canada is a perfect example of why.

Canadahas nothing to do with the EC so there is no ‘example’ here.

If you can win Ontario and Quebec you've won the election. The votes in therest of the country don't matter for shit. But even more importantly, if youcan win the major metropolitan centers even without winning the rest of theprovince they're in, you can still win the election. If you want to reallydisenfranchise the voters, make

sure there's always a group, or more, whose votes won't matter for shit.
But even for those who vote for the winning party, their votes still don'tmatter for shit, except to the elected party. Once elected, govts have a nastytendency to ignore the voters over the noise of the big money and identitypolitics lobbyists. A lack of accountability also makes for less democraticcountries. Something sorely lacking in Canadian politics.

Pointone – Elections should not be decided before half the country has even voted orhad their votes counted. Ever.

Pointtwo - it’s not just Dems/Liberals that have this ‘big money/ID politics’ issue,just remember that.

PointThree – accountability doesn’t happen anywhere either and that’s on US thevoters, not just on the parties.

But the left is trying to throw a monkey wrench intothe Beige Dictatorship much of the West is suffering through, unfortunatelyit's NOT to the benefit of you and I but to them only.

Iam not sure what you mean by Beige Dictatorship but if the west is ‘suffering’,that’s on the west for electing the wrong people.
Asit is, it’s not like the PC’s have done the Maritimes any good ever.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
He probably won the popular count as well .

The popular vote doesn't matter. You have to get the most electoral college votes to win. Trump did that so it's all fair and above board.

In Canada and Britain, too, there's a similar thing. It's not the number of votes but the number of seats that matters. You need the most seats to form a government, regardless of number of votes. Trudeau was re-elected last year despite not getting the popular vote.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The popular vote doesn't matter. You have to get the most electoral college votes to win. Trump did that so it's all fair and above board.

In Canada and Britain, too, there's a similar thing. It's not the number of votes but the number of seats that matters. You need the most seats to form a government, regardless of number of votes. Trudeau was re-elected last year despite not getting the popular vote.
No sh-t Sherlock .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
By the way, are there any signs in Canada of moves to kick Trudeau out of office because he didn't win the popular vote or will nothing happen because it's okay due to him being a left-wing liberal?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
No sh-t Sherlock .

Well you say that, but I've actually just made a very good point (not for the first time).

What does Serryah think about Trudeau not winning the popular vote? Probably not quite as angry about that.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well you say that, but I've actually just made a very good point (not for the first time).

What does Serryah think about Trudeau not winning the popular vote? Probably not quite as angry about that.

What do I think that Trudeau didn't win the popular vote?

Depends on how you look at the percentages of how the voting went and where it went.

But overall, the majority did want a Conservative government and sadly I have to side with that.

That's if we went by the popular vote.

That said, as I've stated, I also don't like how our political/electoral system is set up, and I wish we could vote for one specific person to be PM, not the party.

But if you were thinking I was happy Trudeau is PM, you are, not surprisingly, wrong about that.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The popular vote doesn't matter. You have to get the most electoral college votes to win. Trump did that so it's all fair and above board.

In Canada and Britain, too, there's a similar thing. It's not the number of votes but the number of seats that matters. You need the most seats to form a government, regardless of number of votes. Trudeau was re-elected last year despite not getting the popular vote.


"I was proven wrong and oh shyte I have to subject change and not comment on the fact I was wrong because I can't be wrong, ever!"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
What do I think that Trudeau didn't win the popular vote?
Depends on how you look at the percentages of how the voting went and where it went.
But overall, the majority did want a Conservative government and sadly I have to side with that.
That's if we went by the popular vote.
That said, as I've stated, I also don't like how our political/electoral system is set up, and I wish we could vote for one specific person to be PM, not the party.
But if you were thinking I was happy Trudeau is PM, you are, not surprisingly, wrong about that.

So you want a presidential system, like the US, which is a system you don't like.

Is there a democratic system anywhere in the world where the person or party that wins the most votes ALWAYS wins the election?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'd also point out that any moves to get rid of Trump because he didn't win the popular vote would - obviously - be wrong. He won according to the rules of the US electoral system. On that basis, he's untouchable.

Now Serryah was saying Trump should be ousted as President because he didn't win the popular vote.

My answer to that is: No, he shouldn't. He won it according to the rules.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
By the way, are there any signs in Canada of moves to kick Trudeau out of office because he didn't win the popular vote or will nothing happen because it's okay due to him being a left-wing liberal?
No but he will have to deal with a minority parliament or call an election . Time will tell how long he can keep enough happy .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well you say that, but I've actually just made a very good point (not for the first time).

What does Serryah think about Trudeau not winning the popular vote? Probably not quite as angry about that.
Not at all , she is perfectly happy with her public sector union job , and can’t understand why her province is shrinking . I know she lives in New Brunswick , and this is an observation from her neighbouring province Nova Scotia . Watching a hockey game the other night on the eastern feed from Halifax all the ads that were local were for senior health care providers .I see little to no ads off that sort on B.C. or Alberta feeds . It appears the natural ruling party has done such a good job for the Maritime provinces that all their youth leave .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
No but he will have to deal with a minority parliament or call an election . Time will tell how long he can keep enough happy .

I wonder if it would have been different had he been a Trump-like figure.