Canada's oil imports from Saudi Arabia on the rise


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Nobody is referring to the East coast when we are talking about the East, we are referring to the small area with the highest population in Canada that truly believe that they know what Canada is all about. Anything outside their version of Canada does not matter or deserve any say on what direction Canada should take.

Atlantic Canada falls into the same category as the West IMO treated as a charity case by Ottawa and greater Quebec

On that I would agree with you. But a lot of times I've brought up that there's more 'east' than just Ontario and Quebec, and I've had people say Atlantic Canada is included too. So sometimes it's a toss up by what people mean to "the east".

Maybe it should be changed to "Central" instead.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
If you want to leave Canada, then no, you do not love Canada.
Stop trying to sound like you care anymore. You don't.
Just stop lying to yourself, and others.

Which one of us ever said we hate Canada? None! We have a problem with the mindset of certain areas within Canada, as should you, these same people look at the East coast with pity and treat you as a charity case. Their solution to the high unemployment rate of the East coast was to provide funding to head West to find employment in the Oilpatch, the patch is struggling to gain traction what have they done to provide relief for the East Coast or the West? 10's-100's of thousands of unemployment in both regions. Industries are leaving western Canada, companies going bankrupt, etc. While providing bailouts for Bombardier, SNC-Lavalin, weakened the Canadian dollar intentionally to prop up manufacturing, defended the SA light armour deal, etc. to protect a couple thousand jobs in Southern Ont. and central Quebec.

Just sayin


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
On that I would agree with you. But a lot of times I've brought up that there's more 'east' than just Ontario and Quebec, and I've had people say Atlantic Canada is included too. So sometimes it's a toss up by what people mean to "the east".
Maybe it should be changed to "Central" instead.

Well "Central" it is, we should hold a vote with the rest of Canada and vote them out of the Dominion of Canada instead of leaving.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
One good reason we wouldn't live in the east is because it is too fukkin cold. ANother is the distinct lack of jobs. But I live about as far west as you can get and still have (sometimes) dry feet so to me all of you are back east. Or as we shorten it to " Beyond Hope". East of Hope is all a frozen wasteland.

Cold? Oh it used to be cold here.

It'd only get to 25 in summer when I was a kid; anything higher than 28 was scorching. Now, it's regular 25+ and a lot of times 30+.

In winter, snowdrifts up to house rooftops. Now, they might get waist high, higher in wind swept places, but not as much as they used to.

It's only 'cold' here now because we don't get the temps we used to for the long period of time. It's only cold here now because we don't get the snow we used to that helped insulate things.

(But climate change isn't real :p )

The lack of jobs pises ALL of us off. I live in New Brunswick; I'm lucky to have the job I have, but because I don't have passable, suitable french, I'm stuck where I'm at until something better with less french is open for me to apply for.

And then there's the majority of people here who live minimum wage, and yet at least in my town, have to pay 6-700 a month for nothing included apartments that are decent. You want less rent a month, the suitability of the places goes way down. Hazard of a University town but it's not good when most of the jobs here are minimum.

One of my co-workers and best friends and I talk about the situations here all the time and you won't find many people who like how things are in Atlantic Canada. The worst part is provincial governments don't give a shit enough to do anything about it, and even if they could, we no longer have the populace base to do something.

We have 71,450 km2 (27,590 sq mi) of land, we have an Estimate of 776,827 for the third quarter of 2019, there are dozens of bigger cities in Canada than our total provincial population.

Yet we can't run our own goddamn province.

And we've got TWO Billionaires on the list of top Billionaires in Canada, rank 5 and 13 (of course, Iriving brothers).

And BTW - fuk Irving using any other oil BUT Canadian. Especially Saudi.

So all of that, and then the bottom of the list for income?

The way I see it, it's not just the West that's being screwed over, and not just by the Federal Government.

I don't see NB ever becoming a province that'll be anything more than "have not". Unless our people move elsewhere to make bigger money, then come back here to retire.

I guess I'm just saying yeah, I agree with the West on their thoughts to things, but saying leaving Canada is the only solution just... no.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Which one of us ever said we hate Canada? None! We have a problem with the mindset of certain areas within Canada, as should you, these same people look at the East coast with pity and treat you as a charity case. Their solution to the high unemployment rate of the East coast was to provide funding to head West to find employment in the Oilpatch, the patch is struggling to gain traction what have they done to provide relief for the East Coast or the West? 10's-100's of thousands of unemployment in both regions. Industries are leaving western Canada, companies going bankrupt, etc. While providing bailouts for Bombardier, SNC-Lavalin, weakened the Canadian dollar intentionally to prop up manufacturing, defended the SA light armour deal, etc. to protect a couple thousand jobs in Southern Ont. and central Quebec.

Just sayin

Oh There's been bailouts provided for NB based companies here too.

And they STILL go under, a lot of times within a year.

Hell, few years back there was all this hype for an egg plant in town; new building in our industrial park, jobs, everything.

And then it closed within a year, moved to NS, just 15 minutes away, because they got a better deal there.

As for who said they hated Canada, well it sounds like some have that issue. I'd have to go back to find the posts if you honestly want me to.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Ron, it just seems to me that Petros and others have such this negative attitude to anyone east of Manitoba, that they wouldn't dream living anywhere else.
Like all of us east of Manitoba are evil or corrupt or who knows what.
My point was that I may not "love" the west, but I also wouldn't mind living there either. I'd move for the land, the beauty; the people might have to take time to get used to, or not.
But I don't see that same sense in return. And to me, that's closed minded.
And look, maybe it's just how I was raised plus my own feelings about it all, but Canada is a Canada that exists now. You take any part of it out - the West, Quebec, the Maritimes - and it's not Canada anymore. You've destroyed the country. The country that I think, for all our problems, is one of the better ones out there to live in. So seeing people post almost daily about how the "East Sucks" and "Wexit is awesome" isn't just making me furious for daring to break up the country I love, but also heartbreaking because I can't believe there's so much hate for the rest of us.
All I could reply with was "okay" to a post in "The West Wants Out" Op, because I was that upset over it.
I'm sure that'll be mocked by others; but that's fine. I'm not saying the West hasn't tried hard enough, I'm not giving excuses...
But I'm also a proud Maritimer and you know what, we're just as amazing as the west and you want to destroy my country well fuk you very much.
I'd STILL live out west if I thought I could, even with those feelings because I know not all people out west think like the "Wexiters" do.
Well, you can hardly expect mindless, shrieking hate to be well-focussed.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well "Central" it is, we should hold a vote with the rest of Canada and vote them out of the Dominion of Canada instead of leaving.

I'd be more for taking the power away - as in all the votes - and seeding more out to other areas.

Move the capitol from Ottawa to somewhere else... maybe Manitoba; get it out of Ontario.

Something; but voting Ontario and Quebec out of Canada still destroys it which to me is not an option.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Go right ahead, nobody meant it as Canada as a whole just meaning the small area within Central Canada that think they are Canada. The threat has to be real to leave Canada to get more of a voice within Canada see Quebec they laid out the blue print. Like I said in another post we have to be united like the pipefitter's union specifically welders to band together to bring a job (Central Canada) to a halt to have our demands met, it's called a wobble btw.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I'd be more for taking the power away - as in all the votes - and seeding more out to other areas.
Move the capitol from Ottawa to somewhere else... maybe Manitoba; get it out of Ontario.
Something; but voting Ontario and Quebec out of Canada still destroys it which to me is not an option.

It's why the Electoral college like in the States makes sense to me


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Because T-Bones is a Democrat Shill and doesn't want to face facts as to who the real criminals are, Hillary and Company (Biden, Russia connects and so on)
But I would like him to admit it . His condescending attitude is bad enough , but as an internet lawyer he should be able to defend the indefensible, don’t you think .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
One good reason we wouldn't live in the east is because it is too fukkin cold. ANother is the distinct lack of jobs. But I live about as far west as you can get and still have (sometimes) dry feet so to me all of you are back east. Or as we shorten it to " Beyond Hope". East of Hope is all a frozen wasteland.
Snowing and blowing , yikes .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Cold? Oh it used to be cold here.

It'd only get to 25 in summer when I was a kid; anything higher than 28 was scorching. Now, it's regular 25+ and a lot of times 30+.

In winter, snowdrifts up to house rooftops. Now, they might get waist high, higher in wind swept places, but not as much as they used to.

It's only 'cold' here now because we don't get the temps we used to for the long period of time. It's only cold here now because we don't get the snow we used to that helped insulate things.

(But climate change isn't real :p )

The lack of jobs pises ALL of us off. I live in New Brunswick; I'm lucky to have the job I have, but because I don't have passable, suitable french, I'm stuck where I'm at until something better with less french is open for me to apply for.

And then there's the majority of people here who live minimum wage, and yet at least in my town, have to pay 6-700 a month for nothing included apartments that are decent. You want less rent a month, the suitability of the places goes way down. Hazard of a University town but it's not good when most of the jobs here are minimum.

One of my co-workers and best friends and I talk about the situations here all the time and you won't find many people who like how things are in Atlantic Canada. The worst part is provincial governments don't give a shit enough to do anything about it, and even if they could, we no longer have the populace base to do something.

We have 71,450 km2 (27,590 sq mi) of land, we have an Estimate of 776,827 for the third quarter of 2019, there are dozens of bigger cities in Canada than our total provincial population.

Yet we can't run our own goddamn province.

And we've got TWO Billionaires on the list of top Billionaires in Canada, rank 5 and 13 (of course, Iriving brothers).

And BTW - fuk Irving using any other oil BUT Canadian. Especially Saudi.

So all of that, and then the bottom of the list for income?

The way I see it, it's not just the West that's being screwed over, and not just by the Federal Government.

I don't see NB ever becoming a province that'll be anything more than "have not". Unless our people move elsewhere to make bigger money, then come back here to retire.

I guess I'm just saying yeah, I agree with the West on their thoughts to things, but saying leaving Canada is the only solution just... no.
Snowing and blowing , yikes .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
still not sure why - if Alberta is selling oil far below market value - why we are not buying it from them.

not economist here but if Alberta is selling oil for $30 a bbl and everyone else is charging $50 wouldn't it be cheaper for us to buy it from Alberta?

POOR STUPID hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He asks WHY we are not buying more Alberta oil..................................

because - after all it IS CHEAPER than oil from FOREIGN SOURCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IDIOT hemerHOID IGNORES the LIE-beral HATRED OF YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DO NOT WANT to buy oil that went through Yankee oil refineries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals DISAPPROVE of oil that was extracted by Yankee owned companies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals scorn gas stations owned by Yankees - such as Exon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOWEVER - LIE-berals DO APPROVE of oil companies owned by NON whites.................................

and LIE-berals ESPECIALLY APPROVE OF SOCIALIST NON whites who are selling oil....................................

in competition with those "despised" Yankees...................................

from places like Algeria and Mexico and Venezuela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are ESPECIALLY HOSTILE to the Alberta Sheiks with their LONG HISTORY of refusing to grovel to LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID DOES NOT WISH TO DISCUSS just how much LIE-beral political BIGOTRY is influencing the Cdn oil market!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID is simply spewing his absurd poison as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Snowing and blowing , yikes .
Sorry wrong response . That right there is another problem with confederation . The Maritimes are presently a small land mass with a sparse population . At the time of confederation all of the Maritime Provinces were going concerns with the population and economies that allowed them some clout with there big brothers in Ontario and Quebec . Since Confederation what has happened economically and politically in your provinces ? Who’s policies are to blame ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It's why the Electoral college like in the States makes sense to me
That is supposed to be our chamber of sober second thought that has unequal representation across the provinces and whose members are hand picked by the Prime Minister .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
How would that work in a parliamentary system?

Not exactly sure, but I'm positive smart people like you could figure it out, something should be done so elections aren't called by the time the votes are counted in the 905 area code.

It is still based on the democracy of the popular vote, a formula should be able to balance the scale between densely populated areas to less populated areas.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It's about demographics. You are a smallish region in population but you want to have political control over the larger portion because you feel VICTIMIZED


Comrade Curious exposes his SOCIALIST ROOTS by claiming the ......................................

"down east" provinces are being "victimized"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a MAROON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eastern provinces HAVE THEIR USUAL PROBLEM - more people than work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Comrade Curious HAS NOT NOTICED that the ENTIRE RURAL WORLD.............................

is pulling up stakes and moving to BIG CITIES because that is where the available work is FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition over 75 percent of all jobs in Canada NOW REQUIRE some post secondary education!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you lack that education then you ALSO LACK A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals WASTE BILLIONS on their shameless vote buying.............................

and then cry CROCODILE TEARS when ordinary Cdns are financially CRIPPLED..............................

by the insane LIE-beral tax regime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now Comrade Curious wants to offer sympathy - from the safety and comfort of HIS GATED COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEY COMRADE - if you are SO CONCERNED.......................................

then why dont you CONTRIBUTE CASH to some down east FOOD BANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh - right - LIE-berals DO NOT spend THEIR GRAVY on others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals EXPECT US to both pay for our own lives and TO PAY FOR LIE-beral HOG ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And our RECORD DEBT LEVELS PROVE how well that LIE-beral CRAP is working out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!