Don Cherry fired


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Do any newcomers actually watch Crotch's Corner?

Should someone from, let's say Hong Kong not be grateful and not wear a poppy?
Lots of Canadian boys died , were injured and or surrendered to live out the war as POW’s .


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I see that #FireJessAllen is trending on twitter. Mine (and most people's) first thoughts were: what is a Jess Allen?

It turns out she is one of the blabber mouths on The Social (the Canadian version of the View), and she was cheering the firing of Don Cherry. But it went further than that she went on to slag all hockey players as privileged white people who are bullies, blah blah blah.

Was it stupid? Yes.

Is it worth ruining her career over? No.

Should we ruin her career over it? Yes.

Why the discrepancy? Because this isn't the perfect world. We live in a twitter reactionary world where both sides have been wielding the power of the outrage mob. Then, a few months ago we were blessed with an opportunity to come to a piece when the ringleader of this nonsense in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, was caught in multiple Blackface scandals. Leading intellectuals on the right from multiple outlet used this as a time to say "let's put down the outrage gun", our society was in a standoff that was going to tear us down. And I was on board with this, watch my videos on the subject I pointed this out as a silver lining, the end to cancel culture.

The Right did the noble thing and put down its gun in a gesture of peace, but at the first opportunity the Left shot. To let this go unanswered is not the way to a better society, but a Left dominated one. The Left now needs to understand that this is a game of mutually assured destruction, and if Jess Allen needs to lose her job for it to happen, than so be it.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
New Canadians come here and take for granted the lives and blood given for the freedoms they now have..
They should wear a poppy, but "freedom" is the keyword.. they fought for your right to choose.
Overpriced thieves

Cancel Sportsnet. Don Cherry most Canadian of them all!
WOW!! What the fukk people!!
Cherry fukked up, now matter what he meant to say, he said "you people" followed right by new immigrants..
It's pretty self explanatory.. he was referring to "New Canadians" and he was out of line.
Rogers decided to fire him.. They were in their right..
Sorry to agree with Hoid on this one, but he should have walked the comments back and he would still be the FACE of Hockey Night In Canada.
But he stood by what he said and was fired..
NEVER really watched the guy, saw his clown suits from time to time.. But by the sound of it, it was his time. RIP

You should make up your mind

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
This is a big problem. People who don't know Don Cherry or have never watched his Coach's Corner tv segment are railing against his comments and apologizing for him to immigrants.

If they actually knew that Don frequently uses the term 'Youse guys', and realized how much he has done for Veterans in the past, I think they'd change their tune.

But there's no nuance, patience, context or subtlety to social media anymore. It really is a Cancel Culture society we're living in today. We've made great strides in mental health initiatives...LGBTQ rights...women's issues...etc. It's just a shame that the language police has piggybacked these trends and wove it's way into the fabric of our day to day goings on.