The Purpose Of Schooling


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC

There you go, putz, all for you. I figured you must be running low on them by now.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

There you go, putz, all for you. I figured you must be running low on them by now.

Ember demonstrates how little she learned at LIE-beral School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is CLEARLY INCAPABLE of presenting a reasoned. logical, articulate response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article presenting some highly suspect statistics!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

New study shows spike in violent incidents in Ontario's elementary schools

From Cdn Press/ Msn,ca

Published Sept 11, 2019

TORONTO — A study from the University of Ottawa suggests there has been a sharp increase in the level of violence teachers face while working in Ontario's elementary schools.

A team of researchers surveyed more than 1,600 educators last year to gauge the number of times they encountered violence from students, parents or administrators during the 2017-18 school year.

They then compared those results to a survey undertaken by three major unions in 2005, which found that only seven per cent of teachers at the time reported experiencing bullying over the course of their careers.

The researchers found that number had surged nearly seven-fold in the intervening years, with 54 per cent of respondents saying they had experienced physical violence such as punching, kicking or biting — primarily at the hands of students.

(Uh huh - and how much of this surge in violence is related to civil service union HOG manipulation of numbers!! In recent years there has been much debate about how LITTLE teachers are really doing to combat bullying at school!! And from personal evidence I know very well that teachers think nothing of HIDING events that occurred in their schools to improve “public relations”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But now we have a game change!! Teacher HOGS are engaged in a BITTER WAR with Ford govt for control of both schools and the lives of our kids!!!!!!!!!!! Teachers want all the power and all the gravy - and NO RESPONSIBILITY for kid outcomes!! Teachers seem to think the school system was created FOR THEIR PERSONAL PROFIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Teachers have cried bitterly over the EQUAO standardized testing - that too often reveals HOW LITTLE our kids are learning in core subjects like math!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The survey found 72 per cent of participants reported explicit verbal insults or obscene gestures from a student, with 41 per cent saying they'd had similar encounters with a parent.

(WE should ask if these numbers are not exaggerations?? After all, teachers expect to PROFIT personally if they can play on public sympathy!! Are teachers issuing more Fake News Now- that directly contradicts the heavily edited news they issued in previous years?? Or are they FINALLY telling the TRUTH about school conditions???????????????????????)

The report says such incidents included anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim slurs delivered in class, taunts of "build the wall," and calls for teachers to "go back to your country."

(Oh great - as a result of MESSED UP LIE-beral immigration policy we now have racist crap in class!! It has been over 3 years since teachers in New Brunswick began complaining of being badly treated by recently arrived and mostly Syrian Muslims!! With female teachers most likely to complain of abuse from young male Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In that 3 year period there were also reports out of New Brunswick of Jewish students being bullied by newly arrived Muslims!! Union HOG leaders met with Our idiot Boy Justin and apparently found ways to HUSH UP the teacher complaints for the good of the LIE-beral image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Criminology professor and study co-author Chris Bruckert says the spike reflects many changes in both social conditions and educational programs over the past 12 years.

"When we talk about this as a crisis, that's not hyperbole," Bruckert said in a telephone interview. "There is a serious problem in our elementary schools, and it needs attention."

(It reflects a wider debate about the wisdom of LIE-beral policy and values!! Some Cdns- who get govt pay cheques - are DEVOTED to LIE-beral values- for personal profit!! But the rest of us bitterly OPPOSE LIE-beral gravy grabbing that is loading us up with debt and crippling our future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bruckert said the issue of violence in the classroom has received scant academic study, citing just 37 peer-reviewed papers completed internationally between 1988 and 2016 and only one focusing on Canadian data. That article, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence in 2011, had already begun documenting a dramatic surge in teacher-reported violence.

Researchers found 80 per cent of those surveyed reported experiencing some form of physical violence or personal insults at some point in their careers.

(Oh GOSH!! And just HOW do teachers deal with ANY class disruption - now that corporal punishment is off the table?? And since so many kids ride buses- the old standby of keeping the kid after class is GONE since the kid cannot miss the bus without having major transportation issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(As kids get older - the problem grows - along with the kids strength!! Teachers used to resorted to suspension from school but that merely encouraged kids to drop out!! And there was a HUGE politically correct backlash as the number of visible minority kds being suspended from school was so large!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Teachers have rendered themselves IMPOTENT to maintain discipline - for reasons of political correctness and in exchange for gravy from LIE-berals - who care more about re-election than our kids future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bruckert said the Ottawa research team's focus on a single school year shines a light on how prevalent the issue has become. She said the root causes are multifaceted, encompassing shifts in everything from poverty levels to in-class expectations.

(The more teacher HOGS are paid- the HIGHER are the public expectations for their efforts in class!! It is an absurd truth that the more gravy teachers grab - the more kids are pushed into poverty as their parents wages are TAXED AWAY!!!!!
Teachers and LIE-berals are creating their own troubles with shameless gravy grabbing and obscenely costly vote buying - that also drives the social unrest that teachers are whining about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Changes in Ontario's educational policies, such as a shift away from zero-tolerance disciplinary approaches and one-size-fits-all education plans, are largely positive steps that nonetheless demand more of teachers, Bruckert said.

(Complaints about “one size fits all” education are merely an attempt by LIE-berals and HOGS to absolve themselves of blame for education failures!!! We all know that 2 + 2 = 4 - unless you are a LIE-beral trying to HIDE the dismal results of LIE-beral immigration policy and multicult propaganda!! After all - our entire economy is One size fits all - so you either fit or suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

She said educators, in turn, are increasingly dealing with students exposed to social conditions that have changed considerably since 2005. Examples she cited included income disparity forcing parents to work multiple jobs, more limited social interactions driven in part by growing reliance on technology, increasing polarization in society at large and the ravages of the national opioid crisis.

(In other words- Ontari-owe HOGS are dealing with the results of DECADES of LIE-beral rule- that people like Doug Ford are fighting to rectify -with teacher opposition at every turn!! A lawyer representing high school teachers even told us they might not have taken the sex ed fight to court if Ford had not ORDERED teachers to use his revised curriculum - this is classic HOG policy - to demand TOTAL CONTROL -even over our ELECTED GOVT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Cuts to services both inside and outside of schools exacerbate the issue, she said, adding the various factors contributing to the problem do not rest on the shoulders of any one government or policy.

(Ontari-owe is the most INDEBTED sub national political entity on the planet - and Toronto citizens got FAR TO ACCUSTOMED to getting TEN TIMES MORE funding from Queens Park LIE-berals -than any other citizens - such madly UNFAIR disparity could NOT CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bruckert said rates of violence disproportionately impact teachers from a racialized background or those with disabilities, noting they reported higher rates of violence than other survey participants.

(Yes- we have heard about Muslim terrorists and their radical agenda for Sharia Law that VERY MANY Cdns object to!! And as noted- many Muslim students OBJECT to being taught be a female and object to being in classes with Jews!! So much for LIE-beral sponsored tolerance and inclusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

She also said disabled students are disproportionately implicated in the study results, noting that while students with more specialized needs are reported to "act out" more often, they and the teachers who work with them are increasingly left without necessary supports in and out of class.

"To blame them is putting the focus absolutely on the wrong place," she said. "It's not the kids' fault and it's not the teachers' fault. They need more support."

(There is much debate regarding the wisdom of integrating ALL disabled kids into class regardless of their medical condition and without considering their potential behaviour and ability to disrupt a class!! LIE-berals are catering to the same sort of lobbyists that are fighting cuts to the COSTLY and often ineffective Autism treatments that certain snake oil sales practitioners are offering!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(HYPOCRITE Teachers routinely bitterly OPPOSE the one size fits all education curriculum and then willingly agree to allow any sort of education problem or potential disruption to be jammed into their classes in exchange for GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Gibber away, fool. lol You diss me but you are the one that can't discuss stuff reasonably, at least not without being an idiot and making huge font and adding dozens of redundant eclamation marks.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Gibber away, fool. lol You diss me but you are the one that can't discuss stuff reasonably, at least not without being an idiot and making huge font and adding dozens of redundant eclamation marks.
Maybe, he talks that way.

Remember the guy on that street corner downtown who yells at all the passers by?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Gibber away, fool. lol You diss me but you are the one that can't discuss stuff reasonably, at least not without being an idiot and making huge font and adding dozens of redundant eclamation marks.

OH DEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHINING LIKE THAT WILL FIX EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is EASY TO TELL when a LIE-beral faces an argument THEY REALIZE has DEFEATED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because they start whining about PUNCTUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

INSTEAD OF FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our schools have degenerated into THE WILD WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents ACROSS THE COUNTRY are increasingly worried about bullying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A school near me used to keep two brothers in class for an extra 15 minutes at the end of every day............................

and that gave all the other kids a 15 minute HEAD START..................................

to get home and out of reach of the two bullies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But now we have kids DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stabbed on the front lawn of the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In front of a parent and hundreds of witnesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That the killers would take such action in spite of so many witnesses............................

with many kids VIDEO TAPING the MURDER with their cell phones.......................................

GRAPHICALLY ILLUSTRATES how much CONTEMPT SOME KIDS HAVE for authority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In another case - CBC tv programMarket Place ran video tape of some high school kid PICKING UP a smaller kid................................

and slamming him head first onto concrete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kid survived thanks to FAST medical treatment...........................

but the FRACTURED SKULL and the Bleeding on the brain and spinal injuries........................

TOOK A LONG TIME to heal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an INSANE LEVEL of aggression!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there is NO SHERIFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers REFUSE to get involved in such insanity - fearing for THEIR SAFETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to LIE-beral values being IMPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CBC just did a Market Place program on UN-REPORTED LEVELS of violence in Cdn schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers have been LYING TO US regarding levels of VIOLENCE for years now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers DO NOT want to admit what school has become for many kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers are SUPPOSED to log and report all incidents of violence at their schools.........................

and Market Place just TOLD VIEWERS what I already KNEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That teachers CAREFULLY EDIT how much they tell us about what is going WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wynne-bag LIE-beral Education Minister Liz Sandals PUBLICLY CLAIMED that kids DO FEEL SAFE...........................

in Ontari-owe schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the teens I was with at the time ROARED WITH DERISIVE LAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And those teens were attending a high school that had JUST WON the prestigious Berttlesman Award......................................

for internationally recognized educational excellence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

DO NOT READ this post Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It contains complex thoughts that you will NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you attempt to read the post - you will end up feeling embarrassed and ashamed............................

and are TOO ILL EDUCATED to understand WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how twisted and deceitful is all LIE-beral thinking!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Scheer denies spreading 'misinformation' in predicting unannounced Liberal taxes

From Canadian Press

Published: October 18, 2019, Updated: October 18, 2019 5:12 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN

OTTAWA — Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer denied Friday that he was spreading misinformation when he accused his Liberal and NDP opponents of contemplating tax hikes that they have not announced.

The Liberal and NDP leaders said the Conservative leader was just making things up.

(In the LIE-beral world making things up - ABOUT LIE-berals - is a criminal act!! But LIE-berals see NOTHING WRONG with making up tall tales about Conservative “CUTS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The most ABSURD LIE-beral LIE is that Scheer will “cut” as Doug Ford has done - yet the truth is that the Ford Education budget is two billion dollars higher than the planned LIE-beral budget !! But LIE-berals and teacher HOGS are upset that Ford is not simply pouring the cash into HOG salaries - but is mandating other things - like MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(HOGS whine that Ford cuts hurt kids - but simply REDUCING THE SIZE OF PAY RAISES HOGS will be getting is NOT most of us would consider to be a damaging CUT!! HOGS display their DANGEROUS GREED AND ARROGANCE by LYING ABOUT govt spending limits that ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED in BANKRUPT Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Scheer’s claim came in Fredericton where he said — without citing specific evidence — that a potential coalition between the Liberals and the NDP might lead to a hike in the GST.

(We KNOW that Canada simply CANNOT keep running deficits indefinitely - we will be cut off and our credit card cut up once we hit the debt wall!! WE have been here before - NDPee Bob Rae was forced to send civil service union HOGS HOME for unpaid days off once Ontari-owe hit the debt wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And WE KNOW that bankers and bond traders WARNED ONTARI-OWE that if we re-elected Wynne-bag LIE-berals then Ontari-owe WOULD HIT THE DEBT WALL - and our borrowing options would be ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals DO NOT wish to acknowledge these FACTS!! Nor do they wish to admit that their desire to destroy the Cdn oil patch will CRIPPLE the Alberta economy so badly that it may fall into bankruptcy - and LIE-berals DO NOT wish to discuss how it will hurt Ottawa if LIE-berals are forced to assume the $63 billion dollar stranded Alberta debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In addition there is evidence of a new Recession LOOMING on the horizon - and LIE-berals BLITHELY DISMISS the catastrophic effect a major recession will have on their financial plans!! A Recession will FORCE LIE-berals to either curtail spending - which will cost them HOG votes so that is not an option; or drastically increase borrowing which will NOT be allowed as we are so close to the debt wall now; or LIE-berals must RAISE TAXES to resolve their problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(For LIE-berals dealing with an economic down turn - REGARDLESS of the cause - THE ONLY REAL OPTION IS HIGHER TAXES - there is no other solution!!!!!!)
“It’s not misinformation at all. We know that the Liberals are contemplating these types of things,” Scheer said.

(LIE-berals have assurred us that they will NOT raise their carbon tax SCAM beyond $50 per tonne BUT LIE-berals HAVE LIED BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In Ontari-owe -LIE-beral Dalton McGinty happily signed a pledge NOT to raise taxes- while he was in opposition and then after being elected - McGinty hit us with the biggest tax increase in provincial history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And when McGinty was asked about his signed tax promise- he blithely responded- “I DID NOT RAISE TAXES - I have merely imposed a Health levy AND A LEVY IS not a tax”!! LIE-berals hit us with the single biggest tax grab in provincial history and then PLAYED SILLY WORD GAMES with enraged tax payers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The worst of it is that civil service union HOGS DO NOT PAY that health levy tax - it is only ordinary people who pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals have learned from the health levy debacle and so they not so discreetly apply their carbon tax SCAM to everything and everybody -and then OFFER PAY RAISES AND GRANTS to their pals so THEY will not suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals think nothing of dropping $12 million dollars for new refrigerators onto Loblaws!! LIE-berals happily hand out gobs of new gravy to HOGS - and LIE-berals offer that six hundred million dollar SLUSH FUND to Cdn “news media that LIE-berals trust” - to say nice things about LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And all that GRAND gravy comes from their stock of carbon tax scam cash so that HOGS will be immune to the ruinous LIE-beral tax regime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

(IN recent news - LIE-berals HAVE DISCUSSED hitting us with new wealth taxes - meaning we would PAY MORE to govt when we sold our house!! Yes- the single biggest investment that most of us will ever own is in LIE-beral tax gunsights -but they DENY THIS - claiming not to have even discussed it in spite of public records to the contrary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(There is ample evidence that LIE-berals have discussed and TEMPORARILY DISCARDED the idea of more heavily taxing our homes!! For one thing such a move would enrage HOGS that govt relies upon for critical voting support!!!!!!!!!!)

(We also KNOW that LIE-berals believe that new “wealth taxes’ - meaning taxing inheritance - the money from the sale of homes and any investments we owned when we died - is a great way to ERASE so called white privilege!! LIE-berals want ALL OUR KIDS EQUALLY DEAD BROKE for social justice warrior reasons and again LIE-berals know such a move would be a non starter among HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But where LIE-berals are concerned - never say never - LIE-beral Jean Chretien hit us with the biggest ever federal tax increase in the early 1990`s after HE HIT THE DEBT WALL!! LIE-berals were in trouble on TWO FRONTS - firstly their borrowing was being curtailed due to our massive debts and secondly there were OMINOUS RUMBLINGS about how fiscally UNSTABLE the Canada Pension Plan was becoming -too much money going out as benefits and too little cash coming in to keep things in the black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So Chretien hit us with massive increases in CPP and unemployment insurance and with other income taxes as well - no other govt had grabbed so much so suddenly ever before!! Chretien had even been elected on a SWORN PROMISE to end the GST and afterwards he told us we COULD NOT AFFORD to dump the GST -we were too broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Justin Trudeau did a lot of things that wasn’t in his platform after 2015,” he added, eliciting cheers from a group of supporters at a campaign event in a brew pub on the Saint John River.

(Yes- Pierre Trudope did the same sort of things- Pierre was campaigning against Conservative PM Joe Clark and Joe had warned that s slight increase in the gas tax was needed to keep us in the black and Pierre ripped the idea!! Trudope railed against any increase in the gas tax because of the “hardship” it would cause and etc!! And when Trudope won the election -he prompted RAISED THE GAS TAX - AT TWICE THE RATE PROPOSED BY CLARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And when Pierre Trudope was reminded of his statements about Clark`s idea of raising the gas tax - Trudope laughed it off and pointed out that he “had said it was a bad idea for Clark - but NOT for LIE-berals”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(This is LIE-beral tax history in the raw!! Nothing but DOUBLE DEALING AND WORD GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scheer also defended past claims that the Liberals are contemplating new taxes on homeowners and would legalize hard drugs.

(Again - news reports prove that rank and file LIE-berals DO WANT to legalize hard drugs like Heroin - but Our idiot Boy is opposed -for some personal reason he is opposing the wishes of his own party in this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In addition the Greenies - that LIE-berals may end up sharing a Minority govt with quite shortly- HAVE STATED THEY WANT LEGALIZED hard drugs like Heroin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Those claims are entirely untrue. It is unfortunate that the Conservatives keep having to make up attacks against us,” Trudeau said in the Toronto suburb of Whitby.

(How INSULTING that LIE-berals keep DENYING their own party records!! But that is a LIE-beral for you- they feel ENTITLED to rob us blind for their shameless vote buying needs so they can cling to power AT ANY PRICE!! And they feel ENTITLED to REVISE the truth whenever convenient - for THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-beral concepts of truth are leading us to a DARK FUTURE of George Orwell
PROPORTIONS!! Big Brother orders you to BELIEVE in LIE-berals -or else!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Actress Felicity Huffman released early from U.S. college scandal sentence
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019 12:46 PM EDT
Actress Felicity Huffman, the first parent in the U.S. college admissions cheating scandal to go to prison, was released from a California facility on Friday, before the end of her 14-day sentence, a prison spokeswoman said.
The “Desperate Housewives” star was scheduled to be let out on Sunday, but the spokeswoman cited a policy that allows for the early release of inmates whose release day is on a weekend.
Huffman, 56, an Academy Award nominee, turned herself in to authorities at the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, on Oct. 15.
U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani had sentenced her to serve two weeks behind bars after Huffman pleaded guilty to conspiracy related to her payment of $15,000 to have someone secretly correct answers on her daughter Sophia’s SAT college entrance test.
She is among 52 people charged with participating in a wide-ranging scheme in which wealthy parents engaged in a bribery and fraud scheme with a California college admissions consultant to get their children into top colleges, including Yale, Stanford and the University of Southern California.
Story continues below
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but your article continues below.
Huffman, who won an Emmy award for television’s “Desperate Housewives” and was nominated for an Oscar as best actress for her role in the 2005 film “Transamerica,” said her daughter was unaware of the scheme until the actress was arrested on March 12. In the days after Huffman’s arrest, her daughter’s top choice college rescinded her acceptance.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Actress Felicity Huffman released early from U.S. college scandal sentence
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019 12:46 PM EDT
Actress Felicity Huffman, the first parent in the U.S. college admissions cheating scandal to go to prison, was released from a California facility on Friday, before the end of her 14-day sentence, a prison spokeswoman said.
The “Desperate Housewives” star was scheduled to be let out on Sunday, but the spokeswoman cited a policy that allows for the early release of inmates whose release day is on a weekend.
Huffman, 56, an Academy Award nominee, turned herself in to authorities at the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, on Oct. 15.
U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani had sentenced her to serve two weeks behind bars after Huffman pleaded guilty to conspiracy related to her payment of $15,000 to have someone secretly correct answers on her daughter Sophia’s SAT college entrance test.
She is among 52 people charged with participating in a wide-ranging scheme in which wealthy parents engaged in a bribery and fraud scheme with a California college admissions consultant to get their children into top colleges, including Yale, Stanford and the University of Southern California.
Story continues below
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but your article continues below.
Huffman, who won an Emmy award for television’s “Desperate Housewives” and was nominated for an Oscar as best actress for her role in the 2005 film “Transamerica,” said her daughter was unaware of the scheme until the actress was arrested on March 12. In the days after Huffman’s arrest, her daughter’s top choice college rescinded her acceptance.

Drug dealers and gang bangers get released early every day......................................

drug addicts and others get released early simply because the jail is full............................

and cops want space for more serious cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In New Brunswick a bunch of fraud and assault cases have just been dumped because prosecutors are on strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drunk drivers here in Ontari-owe have BEEN RELEASED WITHOUT CHARGES..........................

EVEN AFTER BLOWING OVER THE LEGAL LIMIT..............................

simply because there was not an interpreter available to "explain" why they were in legal trouble........................

in their preferred language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In summer 2017 LIE-berals turned loose SEVEN ACCUSED KILLERS....................................

simply because LIE-berals did not have the resources to offer trials in reasonable time frames!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals also released 4 accused fraud artists with out bothering with a trial........................

even though the clowns had STOLEN OVER FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS from Ontari-owe citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In light of all this OBSCENE LIE-beral abuse of law and citizens................................

one has to ask WHY IN HELL LIE-berals care what Huffman might have done about anything????????????????????????


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

There you go, putz, all for you. I figured you must be running low on them by now.

So LIE-berals think it is amusing to PROVE........................

they have no logical comment to make about




Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Maybe, he talks that way.

Remember the guy on that street corner downtown who yells at all the passers by?
Maybe. But I think she just skipped too many English classes. I should quit using 3-syllable words on her because they may be too complex for her.
It seems she is the "lie-beral" here - as Shakespeare wrote, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" and she still can't post anything of import.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Maybe. But I think she just skipped too many English classes. I should quit using 3-syllable words on her because they may be too complex for her.
It seems she is the "lie-beral" here - as Shakespeare wrote, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" and she still can't post anything of import.

a.k.a. a one trick pony.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Ember demonstrates how little she learned at LIE-beral School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is CLEARLY INCAPABLE of presenting a reasoned. logical, articulate response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is an article presenting some highly suspect statistics!! With some comments of my own in brackets):
New study shows spike in violent incidents in Ontario's elementary schools
From Cdn Press/ Msn,ca
Published Sept 11, 2019
TORONTO — A study from the University of Ottawa suggests there has been a sharp increase in the level of violence teachers face while working in Ontario's elementary schools.
A team of researchers surveyed more than 1,600 educators last year to gauge the number of times they encountered violence from students, parents or administrators during the 2017-18 school year.
They then compared those results to a survey undertaken by three major unions in 2005, which found that only seven per cent of teachers at the time reported experiencing bullying over the course of their careers.
The researchers found that number had surged nearly seven-fold in the intervening years, with 54 per cent of respondents saying they had experienced physical violence such as punching, kicking or biting — primarily at the hands of students.
(Uh huh - and how much of this surge in violence is related to civil service union HOG manipulation of numbers!! In recent years there has been much debate about how LITTLE teachers are really doing to combat bullying at school!! And from personal evidence I know very well that teachers think nothing of HIDING events that occurred in their schools to improve “public relations”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(But now we have a game change!! Teacher HOGS are engaged in a BITTER WAR with Ford govt for control of both schools and the lives of our kids!!!!!!!!!!! Teachers want all the power and all the gravy - and NO RESPONSIBILITY for kid outcomes!! Teachers seem to think the school system was created FOR THEIR PERSONAL PROFIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Teachers have cried bitterly over the EQUAO standardized testing - that too often reveals HOW LITTLE our kids are learning in core subjects like math!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The survey found 72 per cent of participants reported explicit verbal insults or obscene gestures from a student, with 41 per cent saying they'd had similar encounters with a parent.
(WE should ask if these numbers are not exaggerations?? After all, teachers expect to PROFIT personally if they can play on public sympathy!! Are teachers issuing more Fake News Now- that directly contradicts the heavily edited news they issued in previous years?? Or are they FINALLY telling the TRUTH about school conditions???????????????????????)
The report says such incidents included anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim slurs delivered in class, taunts of "build the wall," and calls for teachers to "go back to your country."
(Oh great - as a result of MESSED UP LIE-beral immigration policy we now have racist crap in class!! It has been over 3 years since teachers in New Brunswick began complaining of being badly treated by recently arrived and mostly Syrian Muslims!! With female teachers most likely to complain of abuse from young male Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(In that 3 year period there were also reports out of New Brunswick of Jewish students being bullied by newly arrived Muslims!! Union HOG leaders met with Our idiot Boy Justin and apparently found ways to HUSH UP the teacher complaints for the good of the LIE-beral image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Criminology professor and study co-author Chris Bruckert says the spike reflects many changes in both social conditions and educational programs over the past 12 years.
"When we talk about this as a crisis, that's not hyperbole," Bruckert said in a telephone interview. "There is a serious problem in our elementary schools, and it needs attention."
(It reflects a wider debate about the wisdom of LIE-beral policy and values!! Some Cdns- who get govt pay cheques - are DEVOTED to LIE-beral values- for personal profit!! But the rest of us bitterly OPPOSE LIE-beral gravy grabbing that is loading us up with debt and crippling our future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bruckert said the issue of violence in the classroom has received scant academic study, citing just 37 peer-reviewed papers completed internationally between 1988 and 2016 and only one focusing on Canadian data. That article, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence in 2011, had already begun documenting a dramatic surge in teacher-reported violence.
Researchers found 80 per cent of those surveyed reported experiencing some form of physical violence or personal insults at some point in their careers.
(Oh GOSH!! And just HOW do teachers deal with ANY class disruption - now that corporal punishment is off the table?? And since so many kids ride buses- the old standby of keeping the kid after class is GONE since the kid cannot miss the bus without having major transportation issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(As kids get older - the problem grows - along with the kids strength!! Teachers used to resorted to suspension from school but that merely encouraged kids to drop out!! And there was a HUGE politically correct backlash as the number of visible minority kds being suspended from school was so large!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(Teachers have rendered themselves IMPOTENT to maintain discipline - for reasons of political correctness and in exchange for gravy from LIE-berals - who care more about re-election than our kids future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bruckert said the Ottawa research team's focus on a single school year shines a light on how prevalent the issue has become. She said the root causes are multifaceted, encompassing shifts in everything from poverty levels to in-class expectations.
(The more teacher HOGS are paid- the HIGHER are the public expectations for their efforts in class!! It is an absurd truth that the more gravy teachers grab - the more kids are pushed into poverty as their parents wages are TAXED AWAY!!!!!
Teachers and LIE-berals are creating their own troubles with shameless gravy grabbing and obscenely costly vote buying - that also drives the social unrest that teachers are whining about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Changes in Ontario's educational policies, such as a shift away from zero-tolerance disciplinary approaches and one-size-fits-all education plans, are largely positive steps that nonetheless demand more of teachers, Bruckert said.
(Complaints about “one size fits all” education are merely an attempt by LIE-berals and HOGS to absolve themselves of blame for education failures!!! We all know that 2 + 2 = 4 - unless you are a LIE-beral trying to HIDE the dismal results of LIE-beral immigration policy and multicult propaganda!! After all - our entire economy is One size fits all - so you either fit or suffer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
She said educators, in turn, are increasingly dealing with students exposed to social conditions that have changed considerably since 2005. Examples she cited included income disparity forcing parents to work multiple jobs, more limited social interactions driven in part by growing reliance on technology, increasing polarization in society at large and the ravages of the national opioid crisis.
(In other words- Ontari-owe HOGS are dealing with the results of DECADES of LIE-beral rule- that people like Doug Ford are fighting to rectify -with teacher opposition at every turn!! A lawyer representing high school teachers even told us they might not have taken the sex ed fight to court if Ford had not ORDERED teachers to use his revised curriculum - this is classic HOG policy - to demand TOTAL CONTROL -even over our ELECTED GOVT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Cuts to services both inside and outside of schools exacerbate the issue, she said, adding the various factors contributing to the problem do not rest on the shoulders of any one government or policy.
(Ontari-owe is the most INDEBTED sub national political entity on the planet - and Toronto citizens got FAR TO ACCUSTOMED to getting TEN TIMES MORE funding from Queens Park LIE-berals -than any other citizens - such madly UNFAIR disparity could NOT CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bruckert said rates of violence disproportionately impact teachers from a racialized background or those with disabilities, noting they reported higher rates of violence than other survey participants.
(Yes- we have heard about Muslim terrorists and their radical agenda for Sharia Law that VERY MANY Cdns object to!! And as noted- many Muslim students OBJECT to being taught be a female and object to being in classes with Jews!! So much for LIE-beral sponsored tolerance and inclusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
She also said disabled students are disproportionately implicated in the study results, noting that while students with more specialized needs are reported to "act out" more often, they and the teachers who work with them are increasingly left without necessary supports in and out of class.
"To blame them is putting the focus absolutely on the wrong place," she said. "It's not the kids' fault and it's not the teachers' fault. They need more support."
(There is much debate regarding the wisdom of integrating ALL disabled kids into class regardless of their medical condition and without considering their potential behaviour and ability to disrupt a class!! LIE-berals are catering to the same sort of lobbyists that are fighting cuts to the COSTLY and often ineffective Autism treatments that certain snake oil sales practitioners are offering!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(HYPOCRITE Teachers routinely bitterly OPPOSE the one size fits all education curriculum and then willingly agree to allow any sort of education problem or potential disruption to be jammed into their classes in exchange for GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Looks like a reasonable response to anything Putz writes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Lori Loughlin pleads not guilty to bribery charge in college admissions case
November 1, 2019
November 1, 2019 1:40 PM EDT
LOS ANGELES ( – Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, entered not guilty pleas on Friday to the three-count indictment against them in the college admissions scandal.
Loughlin and Giannulli had previously pleaded not guilty to two charges of fraud and money laundering. Federal prosecutors added a third count of federal programs bribery in an indictment returned on Oct. 22.
The couple is accused of paying $500,000 to get their two daughters admitted to the University of Southern California on phony athletic credentials. Loughlin and Giannulli were not required to appear in court to answer the latest indictment, and chose to waive their right to appear.
Lori Loughlin (middle) and her daughters, Bella and Olivia Jade Giannulli, attend the Teen Choice Awards held at The Galen Center. (Adriana M. Barraza/
Felicity Huffman was released from federal prison last week after serving 11 days of a 14-day sentence for her part in the scandal. Huffman pleaded guilty to a single-count indictment of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, admitting that she paid $15,000 to admissions consultant Rick Singer to boost her daughter’s SAT score.
Other parents have been sentenced to terms ranging from probation to five months in prison. The parents who participated in the athletic program scam have been sentenced to four or five months behind bars.
A status conference has been set for Jan. 17. If Loughlin and Giannulli continue to fight the charges, a trial is expected sometime in 2020.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Gibber away, fool. lol You diss me but you are the one that can't discuss stuff reasonably, at least not without being an idiot and making huge font and adding dozens of redundant eclamation marks.

DISAGREEING WITH THE LIKES OF YOU...............................................

IS A CIVIC DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of the MOST PRESSING sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating just how little faith the public should have in anything that teachers claim!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontario teachers' union is stirring up fear with exceptionally weak arguments
It’s true that Ontario does have low per capita spending on many services, but education isn’t one of them

By Randall Denley, National Post

September 5, 2019. 6:27 PM EDT. Last Updated: September 7, 2019, 2:18 PM EDT

Filed under: Full Comment.

Ontario’s elementary teachers’ union has a scary message for parents. “Doug Ford’s cuts hurt our kids,” the union claims in a big ad campaign that includes a TV commercial, newspaper ads, social media, flyers mailed to homes, a truck displaying an electronic billboard and even a plane that flew a banner over Ford’s annual picnic.

(How odd that teachers are SPREADING A LIE - for their own benefit!! Teacher HOGS DO NOT wish to discuss how much it hurts kids to come out of high school ALREADY OWING OVER $140 thousand dollars in accumulated debt to our wasteful LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(With that $140 grand NOT INCLUDING whatever student debt the kids run up as they funnel gravy into the pockets of their HOG professors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The GREED of teachers and other govt HOGS has mortgaged the futures of kids who are not yet even born!! Teachers do not fear national debt- unless they are asked to help pay it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wow. Nobody wants to hurt kids, so what are these cuts the union is talking about, and how will they harm children?

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario points to what it calls three key priorities at the bargaining table. The first is protecting full-day kindergarten, which it says the government is “putting at risk.” This is likely to be an easy victory for the union, because there is no government plan to eliminate full-day kindergarten or to expand class sizes or increase caps. To be fair, the premier did create some confusion back in January, when he refused to guarantee the program after this school year. That was subsequently walked back by the education minister and the no-change policy was confirmed again this week.

(The REALITY is that we do not need costly union HOG teachers paid at $100 grand per year- NOT INCLUDING solid gold pensions- to tie little kids shoe laces or help them on with coats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It was the LIE-beral vote buying mania that prompted LIE-berals to hire teachers to tend to toddlers instead of letting LOWER COST Early Childhood Education workers tend to those shoe laces and etc!! LIE-berals have offered a straight up BRIBE to HOG unions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Opinion: Doug Ford’s Ontario government spent billions more than Wynne had planned in 2018-19

(But HOGS DENY this TRUTH about Ford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kelly McParland: What Ford can learn from past battles with Ontario’s powerful teachers?

(Ford can learn that govt either caves in to teachers - or wins the battle and CRUSHES teacher unions!! There are NO HALF Measures here- if Ford wishes to regain control of the Ontari-owe budget then HOG unions CANNOT continue making insane GRAVY demands !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It is interesting to note that the original plan for full-day junior kindergarten called for a teacher working a half day and the rest of the day to be covered by early childhood educators, who are trained specifically for that work. Then-premier Dalton McGuinty let the teachers’ unions persuade him that a full-time teacher was necessary, adding $500 million annually to the program’s cost. Changing back to the originally proposed staffing would be a way to save money without hurting kids. The teachers’ union wouldn’t like it so don’t expect it to happen.

(Teachers working HALF a DAY?? Have them working PART TIME like ordinary Cdns so often do?? Clearly HOGS would not accept such a deal!!!!!!!!!!!)

The elementary union also says that smaller classes are a priority. OK, but the government doesn’t plan to change primary class sizes and in Grades 4 to 8, average class sizes will increase from 23.84 to 24.5. That seems unlikely to inflict much damage on the typical student. Elementary union president Sam Hammond maintains that the tiny averaging-up is a problem, and says the intent is to show support for secondary school teachers, where class size increases are larger.

(And is it not ODD - that in the 1980`s and 1990`s - teachers thought nothing of cramming ever more kids into classrooms - IN EXCHANGE FOR GRAVY!!!!!!!!)

(So what is it that teachers really want?? OTHER than their own way on everything?? And DO WE WANT to give HOGS total control of our govt???????)

Finally, the union points to a $235 million cut in “funding for special needs supports and at-risk kids.” This reflects the end of a temporary two-year agreement the union signed with the former Liberal government. It’s definitely a reduction, but one the Liberals intended as well, and that the union agreed to. For context, the province is still spending $3 billion on special education. The gap between special education needs and funding stretches back many years.

(WE should be DEEPLY WORRIED about the number of kids being designated as special needs - since such kids DO NOT have to take the standardized govt literacy and math tests- thus HOGS are artificially BUMPING UP the education standards of our kids - so that HOGS can demand MORE GRAVY for their alleged hard work that is supported by those FAKE EQUAO test results!!!!!!!!!!!)

OK, but what about all the devastation at the Toronto District School Board, Ontario’s largest? Trustees there have approved cuts that amount to $67.8 million over two years and have placed the blame squarely on the provincial government. One trustee said the cuts would “decimate” the public education system and another said the government was “swinging a wrecking ball.”

(The UGLY REALITY is that school trustees have made their choice about who to support- and it AINT FORD OR THE GENERAL PUBLIC!! Trustees have long recognized that their jobs are easier if HOGS are happy!! Union HOGS have direct and daily ability to make life miserable for trustees but the general public is tied up in their own jobs and cannot make trouble as HOGS do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

That all sounds pretty dire, until one considers that the TDSB has a $3.4 billion annual operating budget. The cuts trustees are making amount to one per cent a year and one-third of the reductions are to correct chronic overspending. Trustees did a skilful job of finding cuts that will have little or no effect on the day-to-day functioning of schools. The biggest saving, about $17 million, came from eliminating seven superintendent positions, 13 centrally assigned principals, 15 guidance jobs and eight early reading coaches. In all, the two-year plan is considerably less than a wrecking ball.

(One must ask why trustees think superintendents are useful since any problems are usually handed over to union reps or to cops!! Cdn schools typically operate with way more superintendents than their Yankee counterparts!! LIE-berals wilL point to lower Yankee academic scores to defend their system but its another LIE!)

(The AVERAGE Yankee school gets better scores than Cdn schools- it is only the influence of those catastrophic Ghetto schools in places like Watts and Harlem and central Baltimore that drag down Yankee scores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The overwrought response to long overdue and relatively minor education spending restraint illustrates how difficult it is to convince those in the education sector that eliminating the province’s deficit has to include them. The problem, Hammond says, is not high spending, but corporate taxes that are too low.

(Our civil service union HOGS expect to find a place where they WILL BE IMMUNE to the economic collapse engineered by LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It’s true that Ontario does have low per capita spending on many services, but education isn’t one of them. A report this week for the Alberta government compares education budgets in the four largest provinces. Ontario spends $17,077 per student, almost $5,000 more than its nearest comparator in Quebec and nearly double what B.C. spends. Ontario also has the highest administrative spending of the four provinces, at just over 27 per cent of the education budget.

(LIE-berals are already starting a campaign to try to discredit these numbers- LIE-berals LOVE cherry picking through numbers to prove Fake News points!!!!!!!!!!)

There is ample opportunity to slow the rate of education spending growth, and to do it without hurting kids. Teachers could help. Instead, Ontario’s largest teachers’ union is stirring up fear based on exceptionally weak arguments. That’s a disservice to the children the union says it wants to protect.

Randall Denley is an Ottawa political commentator and former Ontario PC candidate. Learn about his new book Spiked at

(Civil service union HOG GREED is so severe it is crippling our society with debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

I guess that is why The Yankee Empire is on life support.


Its because there are so many IGNORANT people who THINK JUST LIKE CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers ALWAYS CLAIM they are teaching our kids "how to think"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What teachers are doing is TELLING OUR KIDS WHAT THEY MUST THINK - or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers indoctrinate our kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then teachers WONDER why older and wiser kids GET DEPRESSED......................................

and believe the world is FULL OF SH+T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Felicity Huffman begins community service after prison release
WENN - World Entertainment News Network
November 4, 2019
November 4, 2019 10:51 AM EST
Felicity Huffman has begun her community service for her role in the college admissions scandal, after the star’s 14-day prison sentence was cut short last week.
The Desperate Housewives actress spent just 11 days behind bars, after pleading guilty to paying $15,000 to doctor her daughter’s university entrance exams. She will remain on probation for a year.
As well as paying a $30,000 fine, Felicity has been ordered by the courts to undertake 250 hours of community service, which she began in Los Angeles on Sunday.
The star was at The Teen Project – a treatment centre to rehabilitate young women at risk of sex trafficking and homelessness – carrying a large plastic tub holding cake tins, as she entered and exited the rehab facility on her own.
The 56-year-old actress appeared in a subdued mood, and was dressed down, wearing a black roll neck sweater, blue jeans and black pumps.
Story continues below
Felicity was one of 30 parents, including Fuller House star Lori Loughlin, who were charged with cheating the system. The Fuller House star has pleaded not guilty and has yet to be sentenced.
Felicity Huffman gets letters of support from William H. Macy, Eva Longoria
'PRISON TIME, NO': Alec Baldwin says Felicity Huffman should be fined for Examgate
Actress Felicity Huffman released early from U.S. college scandal sentence