Dorian is coming


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Dorian will almost attack the land of the blasphemy and tyranny ..
America the transgressor, the supporter of Zionists with their transgression on the Palestinian and the Arab, the adulterers, the idolaters and atheists .. the homosexual, the dealer with usury, the covenant breaker, the plunderers of the wealth of servants of God all over the earth.
Miami and other cities on the shore or beach: women naked under the sun rays, and their love and lusts, with wine drinking and pork eating and gambling: so that they committed all the vile commanded by Satan in disobedience of God Almighty and Most Gracious.
In addition to their atheism, the religious among them adopt the idolatry and associating Jesus Christ and the saints together with God Almighty the Creator and Most Merciful.
And Zionists and Satanists .. the enemy of God Almighty.
Looks like Dorian is gonna give the US a pass.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
We know you and the rest of the assholes would love to see a bunch of Americans die.

Cliffy is just afraid.......................................

that Dorian will head straight for LIE-beral headquarters........................................

because that is where ALL THE BIGGEST WINDS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets hope Dorian blows some LIE-beral gas bags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Looks more and more like Dorian will skip landfall in the US.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I don't like the American die by this storm, but it is up to God to punish the wrong-doing people if they keep to blasphemy and transgression, or to leave them if they correct their faith and conduct.

Any how, the hurricane is churning some distance off America, while it slowly moves towards the eastern American beach, particularly Florida and the rest of the eastern states of America.

Slowly moving is not good: because the storm will get more powerful; now it is category 5 which is considered catastrophic and it churns with a speed of 185 miles/hr.
God is the All-Knowing.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So the hurricane will slow down in speed (of the whirling wind) and decrease in its intensity .. it will slow down when the water is cold: the coldest water is before sunrise, while it is very hot before sunset ..

therefore, it increases at afternoon and early evening, and decreases at dawn and early morning.

On this basis, it has decreased to 165 mph at about 4 am, but still it is category 5.

It is expected to slam and slap :laughing6: all the eastern states of America, starting from Florida, and including New York and Washington DC.

God is the All-Knowing.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Looks more and more like Dorian will skip landfall in the US.

SO WHAT??????????????????????????

Dorian isnt strong enough to blow away any LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They have all that GRAVY in their pockets............................................

to act as ballast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The picture in the first post of the Atlantic and the gulf of Mexico from the National Hurricane Center is updated spontaneously, so that we may see the recent situation by looking to the same picture which is this
The storm forming near the Cape Verde Islands and that in the Gulf of Mexico may be serious also.
So What !!!????
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So what????
This is an excellent title: So what??? :laughing6:
It reminded me with some words of Saddam before his end: he said: So what? Have we been evaporized!!!!????

Anyhow, see the latest update about this hurricane:

Here is also some reports about this hurricane from the Guardian:



Its a Hurricane.............................................

they show up every year.............................................

and have been doing so for many centuries.........................................

Hurricanes are rather like Muslims........................................

sometimes there are waves of them........................................

sometimes there are only a few...........................................

some are more dangerous than others...................................................

BUT NONE ARE ENJOYABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE should handle Muslims in the same way we handle Hurricanes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE should AVOID THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in Canada because I would rather deal with snow and cold than Hurricanes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I prefer to live in a Conservative Canada because I would prefer NOT to deal with Muslim terror and Sharia Law.............

or any of the other outrages sponsored by LIE-beral aspiring dictators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I scorn anybody who votes for the NDP - who happen to be the less intelligent cousins of LIE-berals - lacking in the low guile and

cunning needed to be real LIE-berals - because ALL such people are grossly IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral loving Cdn news media is exposing its SICK BIAS by making much of Gurratan Singh...............................

the brother of Jagmeet (the political dead meat) Singh- leader of the federal NDP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are hailing the "stand against Racism" by Gurratan Singh by refusing to debate logical questions from a protestor of the

National Citizens Alliance whose members happen to be concerned about Sharia Law and Muslim terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is common knowledge in Canada that Muslims WANT to blend govt and religion- meaning SHARIA LAW..............................

into one all powerful entity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns consider this to be a SERIOUS EROSION of their rights since since Muslims expect us to accept that Sharia Law derives its

authority FROM GOD - and thus it is SUPERIOR to any Cdn law or govt - and they DEMAND that we admit that Muslim Imams

SPEAK DIRECTLY FROM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus THERE CAN BE NO EARTHLY DISPUTE about any decision made by an Imam- who is appointed by GOD to guide- meaning

to RULE - over us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By INSISTING that we must all subordinate ourselves to Islam and Sharia Law.......................................

Muslims are engaged in a POLITICAL COUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslims seek to DESTROY DEMOCRACY........................................

and to ERASE ALL OUR CIVIL RIGHTS........................................

IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Gurratan Singh wants us to BELIEVE he is standing up for freedom and democracy by SUPPORTING these political plotters???????????????????????

Just HOW TWISTED are the values of Gurratan Singh???????????????????????????

For one thing - he was photographed at a Toronto protest about 10 years ago.........................................

carrying a sign suggesting we should "FCUK THE COPS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not REMARKABLE that a guy with such a strongly TWISTED sense of fair play and legal honesty...................................

should be an MPP....................................................

and using his position to RIDICULE CDNS who are justifiably WORRIED about the future of their country at the hands of the ANTI

DEMOCRACY and anti Capitalist NDP and its FASCIST Muslim allies????????????????????????


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How many twisters will be spawned when the blast of cold air that came through Alberta meets the moist tropical air?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
. . . the future of their country at the hands of the ANTI

DEMOCRACY and anti Capitalist NDP and its FASCIST Muslim allies????????????????????????
Panic setting in as the old powers that be are losing their grip on control in Canada and globally. We have as our 'leaders' : Ontario represents Medieval England and Quebec is telling the 'citizens' to 'eat cake'.

Maybe a few women will run and become the tide changer and both parties better listen to them or they will be less popular than the NDP.

Isn't this the time that it would be promoted that democracy is a failure due to the spineless people it attracts as they are only in it for the money they can acquire for themselves and family and a few close friends.

North America needs a different kind of huffing and puffing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So the hurricane will slow down in speed (of the whirling wind) and decrease in its intensity .. it will slow down when the water is cold: the coldest water is before sunrise, while it is very hot before sunset ..
therefore, it increases at afternoon and early evening, and decreases at dawn and early morning.
On this basis, it has decreased to 165 mph at about 4 am, but still it is category 5.
It is expected to slam and slap :laughing6: all the eastern states of America, starting from Florida, and including New York and Washington DC.
God is the All-Knowing.
See. Thats what happens when you get too many muslims in one area. God strikes back.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Of course God is the Almighty; none can escape His judgment .. particularly the Zionists who killed the prophets and rebelled against God and His messenger Moses, and they worshiped the calf statue in the time of Moses and Aaron, and also worshiped the calf statue in the time of Jeroboam after Solomon .. and they antagonized the Christ and antagonized Mohammed

So don't think they are far from the punishment and retaliation by God Almighty... in the near future I hope In sha Allah.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Now God Most Gracious has decreased the intensity of this horrible hurricane to grade 2, and it goes almost parallel to the beach, not directly on the land .. which is a grace of God .. but most people are ungrateful.

Don't people realize that God may intensify this stormy wind, or change its track, or bring about what He likes to do.

Moreover, out of pride they attribute such hurricanes to the bad weather .. so as to announce themselves clear of every guilt and crime and that they are righteous good people: although they deny God and His messenger Mohammed and they associate, with God Almighty, the Christ and the saints.

While they should follow the monotheism and the 'exclusive devotion to God alone' without associate, equal, peer or son.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Of course God is the Almighty; none can escape His judgment .. particularly the Zionists who killed the prophets and rebelled against God and His messenger Moses, and they worshiped the calf statue in the time of Moses and Aaron, and also worshiped the calf statue in the time of Jeroboam after Solomon .. and they antagonized the Christ and antagonized Mohammed

So don't think they are far from the punishment and retaliation by God Almighty... in the near future I hope In sha Allah.
Probability suggests gods either don't exist or they are indifferent to Earth and what goes on here. lol
Given what the Bible says about its god, it isn't terribly bright and is as childish as Trump. EG: what kind of intelligence does it take to make us humans to be curious and disobedient and then plant a tree of the knowledge between good and evil where we humans could reach it? That's like putting a cookie jar full of cookies where a disobedient child could reach it and then telling it not to eat any cookies.