Farage vows to recruit major household names to the Brexit Party


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Nigel Farage has vowed to bring together prominent business people and academics to stand in the 2019 European Parliament elections as members of his new pro-Brexit party.

The former Ukip leader confirmed his Brexit Party will be contesting all 73 seats. His bombshell announcement comes amid both the Tories and Labour scrambling to find suitable candidates in time for the May 23 poll. Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Farage said candidates would be drawn from “all walks of life” and a number would be household figures.

The Brexit champion added the party was selecting representatives from “all areas of the country” and many of them would hail from non-political backgrounds.

Brexit fightback BEGINS: Nigel Farage vows to recruit MAJOR household names to new party

NIGEL FARAGE has vowed to bring together prominent business people and academics to stand in the 2019 European Parliament elections as members of his new pro-Brexit party.

Sun, Apr 7, 2019
Daily Express

Brexit news: Nigel Farage has vowed to recruit household names to his new pro-Brexit party (Image: GETTY)

The former Ukip leader confirmed his Brexit Party will be contesting all 73 seats. His bombshell announcement comes amid both the Tories and Labour scrambling to find suitable candidates in time for the May 23 poll. Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Farage said candidates would be drawn from “all walks of life” and a number would be household figures.

The Brexit champion added the party was selecting representatives from “all areas of the country” and many of them would hail from non-political backgrounds.

He said: “We will have a full slate of candidates featuring people from all walks of life, including business and academia, and all areas of the country.

“Many have never been party political before and some of them will have instant name recognition.”

His intervention comes just 24 hours after he said he would be running for re-election to the EU Parliament where he has vowed to fight to deliver the result of the 2016 referendum.

Nigel Farage in the EU Parliament with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (Image: GETTY)

Brexit: Nigel Farage addresses pro-Brexit protestors on the day the UK was supposed to leave the EU (Image: GETTY)

After the House of Commons voted to pass legislation to rule out a no deal Brexit this week, Mr Farage vowed to “fight our political classes again”.

The Brexiteer was fuming after the ruling was secured by a majority of just one vote, dealing another blow to Theresa May’s Government.

He wrote in a Twitter tirade: “How can a single vote in Parliament supersede the 1.3 million vote majority for Brexit?

“It is now clear we will have to fight our political classes again.

“I’m up for it.”

In a gloomy warning for Brexit advocates, Mr Farage said it now appeared “certain” the European Parliament elections “will happen” next month.

While he admitted he was “not happy” about it, he vowed to not stand by “after 25 years of endeavour watch British politicians roll us over”.

Writing for The Daily Telegraph, he explained his new party was “fully mobilised” and had begun “raising good sums of money”.

Mr Farage may have been buoyed by news of a YouGov poll published on Friday which stated a quarter of Leave voters would now back either the Brexit Party or Ukip.

Nigel Farage on his March to Leave protest walk which departed from Leave-voting Sunderland (Image: GETTY)



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
So the UK is going to be in the EU for another 5 years?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Nigel Farage launches Brexit Party ahead of European elections

12 April 2019
BBC News

Nigel Farage: "No more Mr Nice Guy."

Ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage has launched his new Brexit Party, saying he wants a "democratic revolution" in UK politics.

Speaking in Coventry, he said May's expected European elections were the party's "first step" but its "first task" was to "change politics".

"I said that if I did come back into the political fray it would be no more Mr Nice Guy and I mean it," he said.

But UKIP dismissed the Brexit Party as a "vehicle" for Mr Farage.

The launch comes after Prime Minister Theresa May agreed a Brexit delay to 31 October with the EU, with the option of leaving earlier if her withdrawal agreement is approved by Parliament.

This means the UK is likely to have to hold European Parliament elections on 23 May.

Mr Farage said the Brexit Party had an "impressive list" of 70 candidates for the elections. Among those revealed at the launch was Annunziata Rees-Mogg, sister of leading Conservative Brexiteer MP Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Mr Farage said: "This party is not here just to fight the European elections... this party is not just to express our anger - 23 May is the first step of the Brexit Party. We will change politics for good."

He said he was "angry, but this is not a negative emotion, this is a positive emotion".

The party had already received £750,000 online over 10 days, he said, made up of small donations of up to £500.

Annunziata Rees-Mogg, sister of leading Conservative Brexiteer MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, was revealed as a Brexit Party candidate

Ms Rees-Mogg said she had stuck with the Conservatives "through thick and thin", but added: "We've got to rescue our democracy, we have got to show that the people of this country have a say in how we are run."

Who is Annunziata Rees-Mogg?

Annunziata Rees-Mogg joined the Conservative Party, at the age of five, in 1984. She says she canvassed for the party from the age of eight.

The sister of Conservative Brexiteer MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, Ms Rees-Mogg stood unsuccessfully as a Conservative candidate in the 2005 and 2010 general elections.

The freelance journalist has written for the Daily Telegraph, MoneyWeek and the European.

Earlier, Mr Farage told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "In terms of policy, there's no difference (to UKIP), but in terms of personnel there is a vast difference.

"UKIP did struggle to get enough good people into it but unfortunately what it's chosen to do is allow the far right to join it and take it over and I'm afraid the brand is now tarnished."

He promised the Brexit Party would be "deeply intolerant of all intolerance" and would represent a cross-section of society.

UKIP leader Gerard Batten said the Brexit Party was "just a vehicle" for Nigel Farage

UKIP leader Gerard Batten tweeted that Mr Farage's suggestion that there was no difference in policy between UKIP and the Brexit Party was "a lie".

He said: "UKIP has a manifesto and policies. Farage's party is just a vehicle for him."

He said the Brexit Party's "only purpose is to re-elect him (Mr Farage)" and was a "Tory/Establishment safety valve".

The Electoral Commission has issued European Parliamentary elections guidance for returning officers to advise them "on the rules should the elections go ahead" and to ensure they "have as much certainty as possible in developing contingency plans".



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Support for Tories falls to its lowest in six years - but pro-Brexit parties see a surge in voters

Support for the Conservative Party has shrunk to its lowest level since 2013

New data shows Labour would win the most votes if a general election were held

Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party would score 8 per cent of the vote, poll claimed

By Henry Martin For Mailonline
13 April 2019

Support for the Conservative Party has sunk to its lowest level in six years - as pro-Brexit parties are seeing a surge in popularity, a new poll has revealed.

The Tories would only win 28 per cent of the vote if a general election were held tomorrow, with Labour earning 32 per cent of votes, according to a YouGov poll for The Times.

UKIP would take 6 per cent and Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party would win 8 per cent of the vote, the poll claimed, making the combined weight of the staunchly pro-Leave parties the third largest political force in the country.

Though the generally pro-Remain Liberal Democrats would score 11 per cent, and Change UK, formerly known as the Independent Group, would win 3 per cent, the data revealed, meaning the Europhilic parties combined match the hardline Eurosceptics on 14%.

The Tories would only win 28 per cent of the vote if a general election were held tomorrow, with Labour earning 32 per cent of votes

Only two thirds of Conservative voters from the 2017 general election said they would support the party again, and a little more than one third said they would vote for the Tories in European elections.

As many as 56 per cent of people who voted to leave the EU in 2016 say they would vote for Ukip or the Brexit Party, with only 18 per cent saying they would back the Conservatives.

In a potential European Parliament election, Labour would lead with 24 per cent, followed by the Conservatives on 16 per cent, the Brexit party on 15, UKIP on 14, the Lib Dems and Greens scoring 8 per cent each, and Change UK on 7 per cent, the poll claimed.

The data for the poll was taken from 1,843 British adults.

The research comes amid reports of a potential Conservative leadership bid from Boris Johnson - who is said to be willing to pick Amber Rudd as his Chancellor.

The former foreign secretary was said to be ‘wooing’ Miss Rudd in order to appeal beyond the Eurosceptic wing of the Tories.

As many as 56 per cent of people who voted to leave the EU in 2016 say they would vote for Ukip or the Brexit Party, with only 18 per cent saying they would back the Conservatives

But Work and Pensions Secretary Miss Rudd has said she cannot support Mr Johnson while he keeps the door open to a No Deal Brexit, according to reports.

The two newest forces in the data are the Independent Group, who want to campaign on a platform of seeking another referendum with the option to remain - and the Brexit Party, whose front-man Nigel Farage yesterday declared: 'We cannot have a second referendum until we’ve implemented the first!’

Mr Farage's party was predicted to score more than double Change UK in both a general election and European elections.

Yesterday he announced Jacob Rees-Mogg's sister Annunziata as his first star MEP candidate - after she quit the Tories after 35 years.

Mr Farage vowed to take votes from the 'tarnished' party he left in December and started a new war of words with successor Gerard Batten by claiming he lacks 'good people' and has allowed a 'take over' by the far right.



Council Member
May 19, 2017
The research comes amid reports of a potential Conservative leadership bid from Boris Johnson - who is said to be willing to pick Amber Rudd as his Chancellor.

The former foreign secretary was said to be ‘wooing’ Miss Rudd in order to appeal beyond the Eurosceptic wing of the Tories.

But Work and Pensions Secretary Miss Rudd has said she cannot support Mr Johnson while he keeps the door open to a No Deal Brexit, according to reports.

Yeah sure, that what the UK needs, another traitor Remoaner Money Minister. Boris is an idiot.
Are the Tories really this stupid ?
Will they ever learn ?
They will get slaughtered in the EU elections, maybe this shows them something.

I watched the JRM show Friday, just for fun.

Jacob got himself ripped a new asshole, for the whole show.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Yeah sure, that what the UK needs, another traitor Remoaner Money Minister. Boris is an idiot.
Are the Tories really this stupid ?
Will they ever learn ?
They will get slaughtered in the EU elections, maybe this shows them something.
I watched the JRM show Friday, just for fun.
Jacob got himself ripped a new asshole, for the whole show.

Boris is a Remainer?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Coffee House

Inside the Brexit Party launch: Tory anger, Rees-Mogg and ‘Treason May’

John Connolly

Nigel Farage at the Brexit Party launch

John Connolly
12 April 2019
The Spectator

On Friday, in an inconspicuous metal finishing factory on an industrial estate in Coventry, Nigel Farage officially launched his new Brexit Party, and set out its strategy ahead of the European Parliament elections on 23 May.

The message of the day was clear: the people, especially Leave voters, have been let down by the Westminster establishment, and voting for the BrexitParty is the best way to show that you are angry, and willing to do something about it.

Kitted out in his customary Union Flag socks, Farage hit out at the way the Brexit negotiations had been conducted so far, describing it as a ‘wilful betrayal of the greatest democratic exercise in the history of this nation’. Much of his venom was reserved for politicians in Westminster, which – he claimed – his new party would ‘put the fear of God into’. He said career politicians didn’t believe that Britain was still a great country, and were overseeing its managed decline. At the moment, the people are ‘lions led by donkeys’.

It was clear today that the Brexit Party’s main messaging throughout the European elections will be about channelling the frustration voters feel about Brexit. But Farage also sought to make the party more than just about Britain leaving the EU. He said that the elections on 23 May were only the first step and that the party’s true aim was to cause a ‘revolution’ that would break apart the two party system. The party would eventually publish a manifesto and reveal policies, though none were put forward today.

As ever with Farage, there were the usual theatrics. He revealed that he had been to the bookies that morning and placed a £1,000 bet on the Brexit Party coming first in the upcoming elections (at 3/1). He also introduced the first roster of MEP candidates the party had selected to fight the election, which included businessman Richard Tice and Annunziata Rees-Mogg, the sister of Jacob. If any announcement was going to generate headlines, it’s that he’d managed to poach one of the Rees-Moggs away from their natural home in the Tory Party.

It was also a sign of the kind of voters the Brexit Party now wants to attract. Speaking to a number of people in the audience today, it was striking how many had long links to the Conservative Party. One member of the audience, Harry Harker, told Coffee House he had supported the Tories for 50 years, but was now sure he would vote for the Brexit party instead. One couple had been actively involved in their local associations many years ago, but had become disillusioned over the party’s stance on Europe. Others had been Conservative voters all their lives.

As you would expect, some also voted for Ukip in the last election, or supported the party in the past. Some had re-joined the Conservatives in 2016 as a result of the referendum, others left at the same time as Farage due to Ukip’s courtship of Tommy Robinson. Farage himself attempted to draw a clear between his new party and Ukip today, which he said was now associated with ‘thuggery’. The new Brexit Party supporters in general seemed to agree, and suggested more respectable parties like Farage’s would provide an outlet for the current anger felt toward politicians, without it boiling over into violence or support for extremists.

Uniting all the people at the event was their deep frustration and disillusionment with the current state of Westminster politics. The negotiations were described as a ‘fiasco’, with ‘rotten’ MPs ‘lying through their teeth.’ Theresa May was called ‘Treason May’ and attendees complained that MPs have ‘ruined the democratic system.’ These audience members were also motivated enough to do something about it: at least two people Coffee House spoke to had travelled several hours to attend the launch. As one prospective candidate put it: ‘it’s better than shouting at the TV.’

A large part of their anger was directed specifically at the Tory Party. There was a sense that May’s Withdrawal Agreement and extension of Article 50 had betrayed the last manifesto and taken Eurosceptic voters for granted. In many ways, this anger toward the Tories reveals the true aim of the Brexit party, at least until 23 May. Even if the party does not come first at the European elections as Nigel Farage predicts, it was essential to many people in the audience that they send a clear message to the Tories. Even those who said they would never vote for the party again, hoped their ballot box rebellion would force the next leader of the country to take Britain out of the EU.

Whether this will be effective or not will become clearer in the coming weeks. The party has a powerful message that is likely to resonate with voters who want to stick two fingers up at the two main parties. In 2014, Farage’s Ukip managed to harness this discontent to win the largest UK share of the vote in the EU elections. But the Brexit Party was only founded in January this year and so will be something of an unknown quantity to most voters. Farage has made much of the fact that his party has already raised £750,000 through small donations, and more than 1,000 people have applied to become MEP candidates. But outside of the political obsessives, it’s worth remembering that the Brexit Party is still relatively unknown – recent polling has suggested that only 6 per cent of the public support the party.

In many ways though it won’t matter whether it’s Ukip or Farage’s new party that manages to profit most from the Brexit discontent. For Eurosceptics, this election seems to be about sending a shockwave through the political system. And if the people I’ve spoken to today in any way reflect the rest of the country, it’s the Conservative Party that should be worried.

Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
POLL POSITION Nigel Farage’s new Brexit party could WIN the European elections, poll suggests, as voters punish Tories for EU exit chaos

Fresh polling puts the top Brexiteer's new party ahead of Labour and the Tories on 27 per cent

NIGEL Farage's new Brexit party could WIN the European elections as voters punish the Tories for the ongoing chaos around Leaving the EU.

Fresh polling from YouGov puts the top Brexiteer's new party ahead of Labour and the Tories on 27 per cent.

Labour are on just 22 per cent, down several percentage points, and the Tories slumped down to 15. Ukip have had a boost to seven per cent too.

YouGov's Political Research Manager, Chris Curtis, said it was "entirely plausible" that Mr Farage's party could spark a huge upset.

He wrote in the Guardian today: "It is entirely plausible that we are facing another Farage-shaped upset at the ballot box.

"While there are more than five weeks of campaigning to go, I certainly wouldn't bet against him."
