Quit Picking on the Republicans


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The true dumbing down of America. I find this pew poll astounding. WTF is going on down there? Is it simply that the more educated you are the harder it is to believe the only book the evangelical Christian republicans want you to read? Believing in the book does not require critical thinking or scientific facts; in fact just the opposite is required.
If you want people to believe in men’s ribs that create women, talking snakes, eating apples that genetically taint all your future ancestors with original sin because of your current bad food choices, furnace fires that don’t burn you because you believe it won’t, lions that don’t eat you when you are thrown into their cage because you don’t believe they will eat you, magical births without sperm, 10 horned 7 headed dragons who threaten the world …… then you certainly don’t want people using critical thinking or scientific facts.

Propaganda works – 58 percent of Republicans believe education is bad

Critics of Fox News may discount the effectiveness of the right wing outlet’s effort to transform America into a fascist theocracy controlled by the ultra-rich and extremist evangelicals, but that would be a monumental mistake. Like all successful propaganda agencies, Fox broadcasts talking points crafted by evangelical and corporate activists nonstop until their mendacious messaging is considered biblical truths.
Fox News, like Republicans and Trump, could never succeed as an ultra-conservative propaganda outlet without an ignorant population. The only way to continue having success at propagandizing is convincing Americans that being educated and informed is detrimental to the nation and its citizens; something Fox and Republicans have been very successful at over the past two years.
The idea that education is bad for the country is contrary to the belief of the Declaration of Independence’s author, Founding Father and third American President Thomas Jefferson. He said:
“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”
Another legendary world leader, Sir Winston Churchill said:
“The privilege of a university education is a great one; the more widely it is extended the better for any country.”
Obviously, the current administration and the Republican Party it represents wholly disagrees with the concept of a well-educated citizenry, or that it is beneficial to America if the populace is educated and informed. Likely because the less educated the people are, the more electoral support Republicans enjoy and the more success Trump has as the ultimate purveyor of “fake news.”

More: http://churchandstate.org.uk/2018/0...rcent-of-republicans-believe-education-is-bad


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
University perfessers is all commienizm!

Ain't nothin' surth larnin ya cain't larn frum a Bahble.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Cuz they can afford to on our dime.
Why are American medical facilities and practitioners so superior that Canadian elite travel there for treatment ? Why can our universal health care not provide the same treatment ?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
They are developed countries are they not? Why wouldn't it be a serious question?

For some reason China and India are considered developing countries. This stems from Western Arrogance and Guilt. China must laugh their balls off when the West bows down and gives them the developing nation status to absolve them of all of their wasteful ways.

China has a manned space program and Canada builds mechanical arm. Yet Canada has the arrogance to say they're more developed than China.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
They are taking themselves out of developing status now that Trump is going after them on fair trade ;)

There was no way China was going to buy into the Paris Agreement without being given a Developing Nation status. This status allows (as if China really cares) China to do whatever they wish.

The Climate Alarmists then try and make excuses for China saying how far advanced they are in alternative energy technologies, and that China should not be criticized. The reality is China isn't going to bend to the weak, and the Alarmists know how weak they are.

Climate Alarmists are so weak. The West is weak.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I read not to long ago that China admitted that they couldn't really use the protection against Trump's trade agreement, if they would put it in writing I doubt it there would be to much to lose.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Terrible , remind me again why Canadian politicians travel south for health care ?
I'm sure that a few have. Thatsp's a shitty reason to deny 300,000,000 the same level of basic health care that the reapdt of the developed world enjoys.

Backwards, backwards Yanks ... on so many fronts, now.