Impeach Trump!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Funny , who worships Trump? Me I love watching him make fools of the news media and by extension many posters on these forums . It really must be hard for one such as yourself who worships at the alter of political correctness and thre church of climate change . I feel your pain , all the things you hold dear being thrown under .
There is a big difference between out right lies and political correctness. It is worrysome when neither politcal correctness and truth are evident in one who is the head of the most well armed country in the world


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

Would it not be a HAPPIER WORLD if there was a vacine against LIE-beralitis????????????????????????????????????????

The scale and scope of all LIE-beral debate is regressing to a level that would embarrass a 9 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What were you just saying about being embarrassed at 9. Was this you 3 years earlier?

6-Year-Old Explains How Messed Up It Is That Her Entire Life Has Been Put On Facebook


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That world you speak about is aghast at such a blatant attempt at loading the supreme court when he (Trump) needs to pardon his friends and himself when all the ducks land in enough of a row to convict. Trump has managed to make enemies of all US friends and made buddies out of it's enemies.... and imagine he did it all by his loathsome. (not a spelling error either)
Funny, that is exactly what Pappa trudOWE, cretin and Martin did to the SCoC. Then jr. trudOWE made Canada the laughing stock of the civilized world.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Funny , who worships Trump? Me I love watching him make fools of the news media and by extension many posters on these forums . It really must be hard for one such as yourself who worships at the alter of political correctness and thre church of climate change . I feel your pain , all the things you hold dear being thrown under .

My goodness - you've read a lot into my character from such a simple post. Guess I really hit a nerve.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Funny, that is exactly what Pappa trudOWE, cretin and Martin did to the SCoC. Then jr. trudOWE made Canada the laughing stock of the civilized world.
Sorry to bring reality into this but "most of the civilized world" knows diddly-squat about the internal affairs of Canada nor cares about them. That "laughing stock" TrudOWE is merely another celeb on the margins of most people's consciousness and is of no consequence anywhere else.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Sorry to bring reality into this but "most of the civilized world" knows diddly-squat about the internal affairs of Canada nor cares about them. That "laughing stock" TrudOWE is merely another celeb on the margins of most people's consciousness and is of no consequence anywhere else.
Thanks for a coherent post.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I like him cuz he is MAGA and when the US does well so does Canada.

he said and she then said....................NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a REAL TOPIC:::::

Here is an article illustrating the delusional thinking of most LIE-berals regarding environmental matters. With some comments of my own in brackets):

We need an energy revolution. End financial subsidies for all forms of power generation and invest them in the research and development of new ones.

By Greg Vezina, Special to the Sun.

First posted: Saturday, March 19, 2016 07:32 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, March 19, 2016 07:40 PM EDT

Both in Canada and globally, we desperately need new ways of thinking about how to meet our future energy needs, using both fossil fuels and green energy.

The problem is, we’re nowhere near doing it.

U.S. billionaire Bill Gates knows the enormity of the challenge.

He advises applying “math skills” to developing technologies to revolutionize the way our energy is made and used.

Gates says we need “a miracle” that can only be found in the research and development of new energy technologies.

He’s committed $2 billion over five years to help.

(With all due respect to Gates- just because he knows something about computers does not mean he knows much about govt or economics coupled with tax law! For one thing- Gates is ignoring all the sacred cows that would be gored if all subsidies were really ended! ALL of our civil service union Hogs have hundreds of billions of dollars invested in all manner of energy companies- and in various companies supplying the energy industry! If those company profits are compromised by a major shift in govt tax policy then there will be HUGE DEMAND put on govt to further subsidize the Hog Gravy Train! And the cost of supplying Hog gravy is already breaking our economy!)

But that compares to $2 billion spent globally every day on capital equipment to locate and produce oil and gas, and we consume 35 billion barrels of oil alone every year.

(Yes- and in 2008 when General Motors and Ford - among other companies were facing bankruptcy- govt decided that since one in seven jobs in Ontari-owe are dependent on auto making and repairing- that they MUST SAVE GM and Ford to protect jobs! The ugly reality is that LIE-beral govt has backed itself into a corner with the Hog gravy train and massive gvot debts blocking any road to change!)

Oil, natural gas and coal which, when burned, produce traditional pollution and greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change, supply 90% of global energy demand, while 73% of electricity power generation comes from fossil fuels.

While natural gas burns at half the carbon intensity of coal, about 80% of natural gas is methane or CH4.

That traps 25 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period and 34 times more over a 20-year period, contributing 28% of the warming carbon dioxide does.

(And yet Wynne-bag LIE-berals SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED FORCING US to sell off all our natural gas fueled furnaces and other such appliances and forcing us to buy all electric units- this in spite of the reality that a natural gas fueled electric generator is much LESS EFFICIENT than your gas stove or furnace at home! But LIE-berals desperately NEEDED GRAVY to buy Hog votes and they had turned our electrical system into a vast LIE-beral slush fund- so economic logic went out the window- with the result that Wynne-bag LIE-berals were destroyed in the election by enraged voters!)

Canada and the U.S. have moved to harmonize some carbon emission standards and earlier this month agreed to cut industrial oil and gas methane emissions by almost half by 2025.

(With Cdns now revealed as UTTERLY UNABLE to reach those emission goals!)

But wind and solar power require equivalent natural gas and/or nuclear power backup and face energy storage, scalability and environmental challenges.

(Mouldy green energy faces all manner of obstacles- with the biggest being cost and the second being how utterly unreliable it is- with Ontari-owe weather being such that we can produce most green energy when we need it LEAST! LIE-beral;s have further crippled their mouldy green energy by signing up tro buy any and all mouldy green that is produced- regardless of our need! With the result that hydro electric generators- the cheapest and cleanest way to generate power- are DUMPING water over their dams- just letting it spill away so there will be room on our power grid for costly mouldy green electricity!)

(For anybody who closely studies what LIE-beral govt has done with our power systems- the choice is CLEAR! LIE-berals should NEVER AGAIN be allowed to meddle with electricity since it is so CLEARLY an essential service that can be used to make or break our economy- depending on greedy gvot whims!)

A recent German study concluded only electrical vehicles with a battery charged by renewable energy have a lower environmental impact than gasoline across the majority of categories.

Compounding the problem is the limited ability of batteries to store energy.

(Yes- and the public has just demonstrated what it thinks of LIE-beral electric Toy cars- by scorning the LIE-berals at election time! Electric Toy cars have HIGH COST, limited range, limited cargo capacity, NO TOWING capacity, a quite limited range and a quite awkward and time consuming refueling system! The public is not interested in such gizmos- and resents seeing tax revenue used to subsidize a privileged few owners!)

As Mark P. Mills writing in Forbes notes, the total annual output of battery storage from the $5 billion Tesla mega-factory under construction in Nevada will, when finished, store about five minutes worth of annual U.S. electricity demand.

It would take the production of 100 mega-factories over 40 years to build a battery “tank” farm capable of storing enough electrical power to match that held in one, 60-million barrel Cushing, Oklahoma oil tank farm.

Ontario’s coal-fired power plants were replaced largely by natural gas plants, cleaner but still an emission-producing fossil fuel, with industry doubling the amount of its own, self-generated diesel power to avoid public power costs, plus a few percent of very costly wind and solar power.

(In other words- private industry finds it CHEAPER to run their own diesel generators rather than rely on electricity supplied by LIE-berals and their Hog allies- thanks to the fact that Ontari-owe electricity is nearly the most costly in all North America and it is supplied through the most UNRELIABLE grid in North America! LIE-beral management of our electrical system has been a DISASTER! Wynne-bag LIE-berals have been in charge for FIFTEEN YEARS and yet their ONLY EXCUSE is to blame previous govts for their neglect- while ignoring the many years in which LIE-berals in power ignored known and growing problems!)!

Indeed, Gates argues we should skip the transition from oil and coal to natural gas in favour of new forms of carbon-free energy that can only be developed by moving “at an unnaturally high pace”.

(Twenty years ago all our power needs were supposed to have been resolved by the development of hydrogen power cells- and govt and others put a LOT of cash into that company! And where are they now? NASA uses hydrogen power cells in its space vehicles because it is simple and reliable technology- its just too bad it is also COSTLY! Meaning its not useful for general public use! Cost is the biggest driver in gthe selection process for energy sources- and fossil fuel gives biggest bang for the buck!)

The Ontario auditor general has criticized the province’s conversion of the Thunder Bay and Atikokan coal plants to operate as back-up power plants, burning biomass pellets, as costly and inefficient.

(There is currently NO local supply of biomass fuel so it is shipped in from Europe- so those plants generate electricity at rates TWENTY FIVE TIMES HIGHER than other forms of power generation! But LIE-berals DID SAVE a bunch of good union Hog jobs by converting those plants- and that is the point- LIE-berals make choices based on votes- not on economics!)

Meanwhile, nearly 200 countries at December’s United Nations COP21 Conference in Paris committed to raise $100 billion per year by 2020 to assist developing countries deal with climate change.

But as of October 2015, the real-world annual budget was only $700 million.

(In other words- the LIE-beral commitment to the environment is B.S. since all they want is photo ops and the chance to BUY HOG VOTES! One really quick way to save the environment would be to admit that Hog pension greed is killing our economy! NO LIE-beral wants to admit what Hogs on airplanes are doing to our environment! In the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attack- when 25 percent of the world airplanes were grounded- THERE WAS a measurable improvement in air quality across the planet! LIE-berals IGNORE the simplest solution to saving both our environment and our debt crippled economy!)

(No LIE-beral wants to admit how many of the people at a typical airport work for govt- at pay rates well beyond what private sector gets! Nor do they want to admit that air travel which is so heavily patronized by Hogs- is the biggest pollution generator on the planet!)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
he said and she then said....................NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a REAL TOPIC:::::
Here is an article illustrating the delusional thinking of most LIE-berals regarding environmental matters. With some comments of my own in brackets):
We need an energy revolution. End financial subsidies for all forms of power generation and invest them in the research and development of new ones.
By Greg Vezina, Special to the Sun.
First posted: Saturday, March 19, 2016 07:32 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, March 19, 2016 07:40 PM EDT
Both in Canada and globally, we desperately need new ways of thinking about how to meet our future energy needs, using both fossil fuels and green energy.
The problem is, we’re nowhere near doing it.
U.S. billionaire Bill Gates knows the enormity of the challenge.
He advises applying “math skills” to developing technologies to revolutionize the way our energy is made and used.
Gates says we need “a miracle” that can only be found in the research and development of new energy technologies.
He’s committed $2 billion over five years to help.
(With all due respect to Gates- just because he knows something about computers does not mean he knows much about govt or economics coupled with tax law! For one thing- Gates is ignoring all the sacred cows that would be gored if all subsidies were really ended! ALL of our civil service union Hogs have hundreds of billions of dollars invested in all manner of energy companies- and in various companies supplying the energy industry! If those company profits are compromised by a major shift in govt tax policy then there will be HUGE DEMAND put on govt to further subsidize the Hog Gravy Train! And the cost of supplying Hog gravy is already breaking our economy!)
But that compares to $2 billion spent globally every day on capital equipment to locate and produce oil and gas, and we consume 35 billion barrels of oil alone every year.
(Yes- and in 2008 when General Motors and Ford - among other companies were facing bankruptcy- govt decided that since one in seven jobs in Ontari-owe are dependent on auto making and repairing- that they MUST SAVE GM and Ford to protect jobs! The ugly reality is that LIE-beral govt has backed itself into a corner with the Hog gravy train and massive gvot debts blocking any road to change!)
Oil, natural gas and coal which, when burned, produce traditional pollution and greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change, supply 90% of global energy demand, while 73% of electricity power generation comes from fossil fuels.
While natural gas burns at half the carbon intensity of coal, about 80% of natural gas is methane or CH4.
That traps 25 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period and 34 times more over a 20-year period, contributing 28% of the warming carbon dioxide does.
(And yet Wynne-bag LIE-berals SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED FORCING US to sell off all our natural gas fueled furnaces and other such appliances and forcing us to buy all electric units- this in spite of the reality that a natural gas fueled electric generator is much LESS EFFICIENT than your gas stove or furnace at home! But LIE-berals desperately NEEDED GRAVY to buy Hog votes and they had turned our electrical system into a vast LIE-beral slush fund- so economic logic went out the window- with the result that Wynne-bag LIE-berals were destroyed in the election by enraged voters!)
Canada and the U.S. have moved to harmonize some carbon emission standards and earlier this month agreed to cut industrial oil and gas methane emissions by almost half by 2025.
(With Cdns now revealed as UTTERLY UNABLE to reach those emission goals!)
But wind and solar power require equivalent natural gas and/or nuclear power backup and face energy storage, scalability and environmental challenges.
(Mouldy green energy faces all manner of obstacles- with the biggest being cost and the second being how utterly unreliable it is- with Ontari-owe weather being such that we can produce most green energy when we need it LEAST! LIE-beral;s have further crippled their mouldy green energy by signing up tro buy any and all mouldy green that is produced- regardless of our need! With the result that hydro electric generators- the cheapest and cleanest way to generate power- are DUMPING water over their dams- just letting it spill away so there will be room on our power grid for costly mouldy green electricity!)
(For anybody who closely studies what LIE-beral govt has done with our power systems- the choice is CLEAR! LIE-berals should NEVER AGAIN be allowed to meddle with electricity since it is so CLEARLY an essential service that can be used to make or break our economy- depending on greedy gvot whims!)
A recent German study concluded only electrical vehicles with a battery charged by renewable energy have a lower environmental impact than gasoline across the majority of categories.
Compounding the problem is the limited ability of batteries to store energy.
(Yes- and the public has just demonstrated what it thinks of LIE-beral electric Toy cars- by scorning the LIE-berals at election time! Electric Toy cars have HIGH COST, limited range, limited cargo capacity, NO TOWING capacity, a quite limited range and a quite awkward and time consuming refueling system! The public is not interested in such gizmos- and resents seeing tax revenue used to subsidize a privileged few owners!)
As Mark P. Mills writing in Forbes notes, the total annual output of battery storage from the $5 billion Tesla mega-factory under construction in Nevada will, when finished, store about five minutes worth of annual U.S. electricity demand.
It would take the production of 100 mega-factories over 40 years to build a battery “tank” farm capable of storing enough electrical power to match that held in one, 60-million barrel Cushing, Oklahoma oil tank farm.
Ontario’s coal-fired power plants were replaced largely by natural gas plants, cleaner but still an emission-producing fossil fuel, with industry doubling the amount of its own, self-generated diesel power to avoid public power costs, plus a few percent of very costly wind and solar power.
(In other words- private industry finds it CHEAPER to run their own diesel generators rather than rely on electricity supplied by LIE-berals and their Hog allies- thanks to the fact that Ontari-owe electricity is nearly the most costly in all North America and it is supplied through the most UNRELIABLE grid in North America! LIE-beral management of our electrical system has been a DISASTER! Wynne-bag LIE-berals have been in charge for FIFTEEN YEARS and yet their ONLY EXCUSE is to blame previous govts for their neglect- while ignoring the many years in which LIE-berals in power ignored known and growing problems!)!
Indeed, Gates argues we should skip the transition from oil and coal to natural gas in favour of new forms of carbon-free energy that can only be developed by moving “at an unnaturally high pace”.
(Twenty years ago all our power needs were supposed to have been resolved by the development of hydrogen power cells- and govt and others put a LOT of cash into that company! And where are they now? NASA uses hydrogen power cells in its space vehicles because it is simple and reliable technology- its just too bad it is also COSTLY! Meaning its not useful for general public use! Cost is the biggest driver in gthe selection process for energy sources- and fossil fuel gives biggest bang for the buck!)
The Ontario auditor general has criticized the province’s conversion of the Thunder Bay and Atikokan coal plants to operate as back-up power plants, burning biomass pellets, as costly and inefficient.
(There is currently NO local supply of biomass fuel so it is shipped in from Europe- so those plants generate electricity at rates TWENTY FIVE TIMES HIGHER than other forms of power generation! But LIE-berals DID SAVE a bunch of good union Hog jobs by converting those plants- and that is the point- LIE-berals make choices based on votes- not on economics!)
Meanwhile, nearly 200 countries at December’s United Nations COP21 Conference in Paris committed to raise $100 billion per year by 2020 to assist developing countries deal with climate change.
But as of October 2015, the real-world annual budget was only $700 million.
(In other words- the LIE-beral commitment to the environment is B.S. since all they want is photo ops and the chance to BUY HOG VOTES! One really quick way to save the environment would be to admit that Hog pension greed is killing our economy! NO LIE-beral wants to admit what Hogs on airplanes are doing to our environment! In the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attack- when 25 percent of the world airplanes were grounded- THERE WAS a measurable improvement in air quality across the planet! LIE-berals IGNORE the simplest solution to saving both our environment and our debt crippled economy!)
(No LIE-beral wants to admit how many of the people at a typical airport work for govt- at pay rates well beyond what private sector gets! Nor do they want to admit that air travel which is so heavily patronized by Hogs- is the biggest pollution generator on the planet!)
No one reads long posts, Ashley.