Trudeau. Is he an idiot or what?

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Conservative vs Liberal

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him..

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and Jesus silenced.

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh. A liberal will delete it because he or she is "offended."

And if a conservative doesn't get his way he makes up BS lists like yours.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Trudeau is an idiot.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The Aga Khan part II

Trudeau to dine with the Aga Khan in Ottawa

Couldn't be bothered with one of our better allies in Belgium, but run right over like a good boy to the Aga Khan

There is a simple explanation for Our idiot Boy dining with Agha Khan!

Khan is on a mission to put out LOTS of Muslim friendly propaganda so we will let down our guard and not fear Sharia Law!!!!

And being a Muslim from a third world country - Khan is like a magnet for Our idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those who don’t believe that the Trudeau`s-father and sons were and are raving socialist revolutionaries who want to destroy conventional `imperialist` Canada-I supply here a letter written by Sacha Trudeau-the brother of our prime minister that Boy with nice hair-for Brains.

Sacha wrote his `love letter to his old pal-the bloody handed communist Cuban leader Castro and it was printed (with serious intent and straight face yet!) by the Toronto (Red) Star newspaper. The Sacha letter was such a gag inducing/lose your lunch at the hypocrisy type document that the National Post picked it up and lampooned it with wonderful sarcasm!

I here present Sacha's love letter to hard line communist Castro as printed in the
National Post: 

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 rid the world of a political system that slaughtered tens of millions in purges, and sentenced hundreds of millions more to economic slavery. Less consequentially, communism's demise also spared the world of arts and letters one of the most appalling literary tropes known to history: the mythic communist hagiography.

If you've ever traveled to a communist nation, or read its official histories, you will know they run something like this: Great Leader was born a poor villager in the country's heartland. At the age of four, he single-handedly killed a pack of wolves that threatened his town. At the age of eight, he invented a new kind of rifle. At the age of 12, he heroically denounced his own parents as counter revolutionaries. A prodigious autodidact, Great Leader became an expert in every subject -- agriculture, warfare, economics -- and tirelessly applied his intellect to advance the glorious revolution. And so on.

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, this messianic propaganda style has survived in just two places -- North Korea and Cuba. Or so I thought, until I woke up on Sunday and spotted a museum-quality specimen devoted to Fidel Castro on the pages of the Toronto Star. Had I seen it in The Onion, I would have thought it a fine parody. But the persistently earnest author -- none other than Alexandre ("Sacha") Trudeau -- apparently meant every word.

The legacy of Castro is well-summarized in a recent report by Human Rights Watch: "Cuba remains a Latin American anomaly: an undemocratic government that represses nearly all forms of political dissent. President Fidel Castro, now in his 47th year in power ... continues to enforce political conformity using criminal prosecutions, long- and short-term detentions [and] mob harassment ... The end result is that Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement, and due process of law."

But those sticks-in-the-mud at Human Rights Watch apparently don't know the real Fidel. Writing on August 13, Castro's 80th birthday, Sacha lovingly described the kindly attentions Cuba's leader once lavished on his late brother Michel, whom the despot nicknamed "Micha-Miche." When Michael was eight years old, we learn, he complained to his mother that he had fewer friends than his brothers. Reports Sacha: "My mother told him that, unlike us, he had the greatest friend of all: He had Fidel."

Such soothing words. Would that we all had a communist tyrant to call our pal.

Sacha's article is full of this sort of maudlin recollection, so much so that one is reminded of the purple love letters Nikolai Bukharin wrote to Stalin from prison in the (vain) hope of winning his freedom. The main difference is that Sacha doesn't have the excuse of imprisonment. He wrote his ode to Cuba's prison-keeper from a nation whose people enjoy freedoms that Cubans can scarcely imagine.

Space forbids a full recitation of Sacha's jaw-droppers, but here are some highlights.

Cuba's Great Leader, we are told, "lives to learn and put his knowledge in the service of the revolution." He is "famous for not sleeping, instead spending the night studying and learning." "His intellect is one of the most broad and complete that can be found." Moreover, Fidel is "a great adventurer," "a great scientific mind," "the most curious man I have ever met," "an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets, on everything," not to mention the world's "most audacious and brilliant" leader.

Or, to put it more succinctly, "He is something of a superman" -- a description Sacha justifies with a comic-book propaganda story in which the fat dictator dives 20 metres down into the ocean (without scuba gear!) to collect sea urchins for the Trudeau family's delectation.

Only when we get to the 18th paragraph does Sacha interrupt his sensuous rhapsodies to admit that Cubans "do occasionally complain." But such complaints are akin to "an adolescent [who] might complain about a too strict and demanding father."

In other words, Fidel's single flaw is that he loves too much.

If this were all there were to Sacha's article, then it would merely constitute the unintentionally comic ramblings of a son who still believes the Cuban agitprop passed on to him from his departed daddy -- nonsense that even most Cubans stopped believing decades ago. But his Star essay went beyond that, into something much creepier.

I am thinking in particular of these two lines:

z "Fidel may seem an anachronism: a visionary statesman in a world where his kind have long since been replaced by mere managers, a 20th-century icon still present in the 21st century."

z "With the possible exception of Nelson Mandela, already well into retirement, Fidel is the last of the global patriarchs. Reason, revolution and virtue are becoming more and more distant and abstract concepts." (My emphasis in both cases.)

Since the 1980s, Latin America has undergone a stunning transformation. In the time of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, autocratic police states were the norm, democracy the exception. Now it is the opposite, and only Cuba and Venezuela stand as blots on an otherwise democratic landscape. It is one of the most inspiring political transformations of our time. Yet to Sacha, all of these freely elected leaders are "mere managers." For they lack the "machismo and vigour" that can only emanate from a "revolutionary" regime -- which is to say, a community tyranny.

Throughout the 20th century, there were many other ideologues who preferred "reason, revolution and virtue" to the boring give-and-take of democratic politics and due process. Their ranks included not only murdering despots such as Lenin, Mao and Castro himself, but also starry-eyed fellow travellers and apologists such as Sartre, Fanon and Trudeau pere. Thankfully, the failure of the Soviet experiment has driven both tribes into history's dustbin.

Sacha is a rare exception. Yet from the casual way he throws out his nauseating obsequies, he doesn't appear to understand just how historically discredited his message has become. He is more than naive -- he is ignorant.

The saddest part of it is that Sacha is not an insubstantial intellect: In recent years, he has become a respected journalist, civil libertarian and activist. But there are limits to what even an accomplished person may say and still be taken seriously. What Sacha has written here is so ludicrous that it puts into question everything he's said or will say. Now that he's written this glowing tribute to a dictator with blood on his hands, for instance, why should we believe his repeated claims that this or that Arab terrorism suspect is innocent? Why should we believe his reporting from Iraq, for that matter? If the romantic glory of "revolution" is all that matters in Sacha's political universe, surely jihadis are "supermen," too, no?

Sacha is still a young man -- perhaps young enough to rebound from this blunder if he's more careful with his words. But for that to happen, the naive affection for Fidel bequeathed to him by his father should become the love that dare not speak its name.

- Jonathan Kay is Managing Editor for Comment at the National Post.


'Fidel is the most curious man that I have ever met. He wants to know all there is to be known. He is famous for not sleeping, instead spending the night studying and learning.'

'His intellect is one of the most broad that can be found. He is an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets. On everything.'

'Combined with a Herculean physique and extraordinary courage, this monumental intellect makes Fidel the giant that he is.'


'Cuba remains a Latin American anomaly: an undemocratic government that represses nearly all forms of political dissent.'

'President Fidel Castro, now in his 47th year in power ... continues to enforce political conformity using criminal prosecutions, detentions [and] mob harassment'

'Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement, and due process of law'


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There is a simple explanation for Our idiot Boy dining with Agha Khan!

Khan is on a mission to put out LOTS of Muslim friendly propaganda so we will let down our guard and not fear Sharia Law!!!!

And being a Muslim from a third world country - Khan is like a magnet for Our idiot Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those who don’t believe that the Trudeau`s-father and sons were and are raving socialist revolutionaries who want to destroy conventional `imperialist` Canada-I supply here a letter written by Sacha Trudeau-the brother of our prime minister that Boy with nice hair-for Brains.

Sacha wrote his `love letter to his old pal-the bloody handed communist Cuban leader Castro and it was printed (with serious intent and straight face yet!) by the Toronto (Red) Star newspaper. The Sacha letter was such a gag inducing/lose your lunch at the hypocrisy type document that the National Post picked it up and lampooned it with wonderful sarcasm!

I here present Sacha's love letter to hard line communist Castro as printed in the
National Post: 

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 rid the world of a political system that slaughtered tens of millions in purges, and sentenced hundreds of millions more to economic slavery. Less consequentially, communism's demise also spared the world of arts and letters one of the most appalling literary tropes known to history: the mythic communist hagiography.

If you've ever traveled to a communist nation, or read its official histories, you will know they run something like this: Great Leader was born a poor villager in the country's heartland. At the age of four, he single-handedly killed a pack of wolves that threatened his town. At the age of eight, he invented a new kind of rifle. At the age of 12, he heroically denounced his own parents as counter revolutionaries. A prodigious autodidact, Great Leader became an expert in every subject -- agriculture, warfare, economics -- and tirelessly applied his intellect to advance the glorious revolution. And so on.

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, this messianic propaganda style has survived in just two places -- North Korea and Cuba. Or so I thought, until I woke up on Sunday and spotted a museum-quality specimen devoted to Fidel Castro on the pages of the Toronto Star. Had I seen it in The Onion, I would have thought it a fine parody. But the persistently earnest author -- none other than Alexandre ("Sacha") Trudeau -- apparently meant every word.

The legacy of Castro is well-summarized in a recent report by Human Rights Watch: "Cuba remains a Latin American anomaly: an undemocratic government that represses nearly all forms of political dissent. President Fidel Castro, now in his 47th year in power ... continues to enforce political conformity using criminal prosecutions, long- and short-term detentions [and] mob harassment ... The end result is that Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement, and due process of law."

But those sticks-in-the-mud at Human Rights Watch apparently don't know the real Fidel. Writing on August 13, Castro's 80th birthday, Sacha lovingly described the kindly attentions Cuba's leader once lavished on his late brother Michel, whom the despot nicknamed "Micha-Miche." When Michael was eight years old, we learn, he complained to his mother that he had fewer friends than his brothers. Reports Sacha: "My mother told him that, unlike us, he had the greatest friend of all: He had Fidel."

Such soothing words. Would that we all had a communist tyrant to call our pal.

Sacha's article is full of this sort of maudlin recollection, so much so that one is reminded of the purple love letters Nikolai Bukharin wrote to Stalin from prison in the (vain) hope of winning his freedom. The main difference is that Sacha doesn't have the excuse of imprisonment. He wrote his ode to Cuba's prison-keeper from a nation whose people enjoy freedoms that Cubans can scarcely imagine.

Space forbids a full recitation of Sacha's jaw-droppers, but here are some highlights.

Cuba's Great Leader, we are told, "lives to learn and put his knowledge in the service of the revolution." He is "famous for not sleeping, instead spending the night studying and learning." "His intellect is one of the most broad and complete that can be found." Moreover, Fidel is "a great adventurer," "a great scientific mind," "the most curious man I have ever met," "an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets, on everything," not to mention the world's "most audacious and brilliant" leader.

Or, to put it more succinctly, "He is something of a superman" -- a description Sacha justifies with a comic-book propaganda story in which the fat dictator dives 20 metres down into the ocean (without scuba gear!) to collect sea urchins for the Trudeau family's delectation.

Only when we get to the 18th paragraph does Sacha interrupt his sensuous rhapsodies to admit that Cubans "do occasionally complain." But such complaints are akin to "an adolescent [who] might complain about a too strict and demanding father."

In other words, Fidel's single flaw is that he loves too much.

If this were all there were to Sacha's article, then it would merely constitute the unintentionally comic ramblings of a son who still believes the Cuban agitprop passed on to him from his departed daddy -- nonsense that even most Cubans stopped believing decades ago. But his Star essay went beyond that, into something much creepier.

I am thinking in particular of these two lines:

z "Fidel may seem an anachronism: a visionary statesman in a world where his kind have long since been replaced by mere managers, a 20th-century icon still present in the 21st century."

z "With the possible exception of Nelson Mandela, already well into retirement, Fidel is the last of the global patriarchs. Reason, revolution and virtue are becoming more and more distant and abstract concepts." (My emphasis in both cases.)

Since the 1980s, Latin America has undergone a stunning transformation. In the time of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, autocratic police states were the norm, democracy the exception. Now it is the opposite, and only Cuba and Venezuela stand as blots on an otherwise democratic landscape. It is one of the most inspiring political transformations of our time. Yet to Sacha, all of these freely elected leaders are "mere managers." For they lack the "machismo and vigour" that can only emanate from a "revolutionary" regime -- which is to say, a community tyranny.

Throughout the 20th century, there were many other ideologues who preferred "reason, revolution and virtue" to the boring give-and-take of democratic politics and due process. Their ranks included not only murdering despots such as Lenin, Mao and Castro himself, but also starry-eyed fellow travellers and apologists such as Sartre, Fanon and Trudeau pere. Thankfully, the failure of the Soviet experiment has driven both tribes into history's dustbin.

Sacha is a rare exception. Yet from the casual way he throws out his nauseating obsequies, he doesn't appear to understand just how historically discredited his message has become. He is more than naive -- he is ignorant.

The saddest part of it is that Sacha is not an insubstantial intellect: In recent years, he has become a respected journalist, civil libertarian and activist. But there are limits to what even an accomplished person may say and still be taken seriously. What Sacha has written here is so ludicrous that it puts into question everything he's said or will say. Now that he's written this glowing tribute to a dictator with blood on his hands, for instance, why should we believe his repeated claims that this or that Arab terrorism suspect is innocent? Why should we believe his reporting from Iraq, for that matter? If the romantic glory of "revolution" is all that matters in Sacha's political universe, surely jihadis are "supermen," too, no?

Sacha is still a young man -- perhaps young enough to rebound from this blunder if he's more careful with his words. But for that to happen, the naive affection for Fidel bequeathed to him by his father should become the love that dare not speak its name.

- Jonathan Kay is Managing Editor for Comment at the National Post.


'Fidel is the most curious man that I have ever met. He wants to know all there is to be known. He is famous for not sleeping, instead spending the night studying and learning.'

'His intellect is one of the most broad that can be found. He is an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets. On everything.'

'Combined with a Herculean physique and extraordinary courage, this monumental intellect makes Fidel the giant that he is.'


'Cuba remains a Latin American anomaly: an undemocratic government that represses nearly all forms of political dissent.'

'President Fidel Castro, now in his 47th year in power ... continues to enforce political conformity using criminal prosecutions, detentions [and] mob harassment'

'Cubans are systematically denied basic rights to free expression, association, assembly, privacy, movement, and due process of law'

So... Trudeau is a hypocrite AND an idiot.


House Member
May 18, 2010
- top 10 reasons I voted Liberal

#10. I voted Liberal because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want, I've decided to marry my German Shepherd and get some marijuana legally.

#9. I voted Liberal because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at more than 18% isn't.

#8. I voted Liberal because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

#7. I voted Liberal because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

#6. I voted Liberal because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body and do the proper paperwork after a home invasion.

#5. I voted Liberal because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.

#4. I voted Liberal because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away
Social Security from those who paid into it.

#3. I voted Liberal because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Liberal Government sees fit.

#2. I voted Liberal because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

... And, the #1 reason I voted Liberal is because I think it's better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not build our own pipelines because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in Canada. We don't care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries. But, and I'm really, really glad I voted Liberal because I'm now allowed to pay taxes on my taxes.

What a "clincher" that is !


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
- top 10 reasons I voted Liberal

#10. I voted Liberal because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want, I've decided to marry my German Shepherd and get some marijuana legally.

#9. I voted Liberal because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at more than 18% isn't.

#8. I voted Liberal because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

#7. I voted Liberal because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

#6. I voted Liberal because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body and do the proper paperwork after a home invasion.

#5. I voted Liberal because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.

#4. I voted Liberal because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away
Social Security from those who paid into it.

#3. I voted Liberal because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Liberal Government sees fit.

#2. I voted Liberal because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

... And, the #1 reason I voted Liberal is because I think it's better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not build our own pipelines because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in Canada. We don't care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries. But, and I'm really, really glad I voted Liberal because I'm now allowed to pay taxes on my taxes.

What a "clincher" that is !

Marvelous stuff Durry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Absolutely laser focus on the heart of LIE-beral stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I've been doing a bit of reading up on Gerald Butts aka Buttsie today. Came across this article and decided to post a few tidbits. For those of you who don't read the links - some background.

Buttsie and The Great Enabler - though the term could apply equally to both, have known each other since their early twenties and they were together when attending McGill. Though from very different backgrounds - Buttsie is the son of a Cape Breton coal miner - they have formed a strong and lasting friendship. The sock-puppet's strings are firmly in the hands of Buttsie and have been since they first discussed TGE entering politics. Thus I found it illuminating to read the following comments made by TGE's long-time friends which only serve to confirm my hypothesis that TGE is all but incapable of forming a single idea of any worth and thus completely dependent upon Buttsie.

Now the tidbits:

"Butts’s strength is strategy and the big picture, something some of Trudeau’s closest friends say the Liberal leader needs help with.

“Justin has a lot of ideas and sometimes can go in many directions and sometimes need to be focused,” says Walker. “And I think that Gerry’s someone who can do that, to help Justin focus on an issue and not be distracted by other issues.”

Last summer, during a public event in Kelowna, B.C., Trudeau surprised many — including members of his own party — by unequivocably announcing his support for legalizing marijuana. The move was not planned; it was Butts who largely turned Trudeau’s comments about pot into a full-fledged policy that differentiated the party from others, forcing them to react.

“The five or six issues that Justin is leading, Gerry would have been the thinker on those,” says one Liberal MP.

Butts hasn’t always been able to save Trudeau from his own spontaneity. The Liberal leader’s perplexing comments about admiring China’s government, delivered to a women’s event; his joke on a French talk show about Russia invading Ukraine because its Olympic hockey team hadn’t won at the Olympics – these were rhetorical bumbles that even Butts couldn’t paper over.

Unlike them, Butts doesn’t have a defined role. His fingers are on both parliamentary and party business. He is copied on emails about party policy, question period, nomination battles and fundraising, and isn’t afraid to intervene at a moment’s notice. That includes sometimes bypassing others in the leader’s office.

“Gerald is kind of the guy pulling on all the ropes,” says one Liberal insider. “He’s got an influence on everything.”

Still, close observers don’t think of him as a puppet-master.

Maybe 'close observers' don't think of him as a puppet-master, an ever-growing number of Canadians have absolutely no doubt at all.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
“Gerald is kind of the guy pulling on all the ropes,” says one Liberal insider. “He’s got an influence on everything.”

Like pinocchio's Geppetto. Maybe Trudeau's wish will come true and he'll grow up some day and become a real boy.

In all seriousness though, make no mistake what Trudeau's puppetmaster believes, and what the agenda he is pushing...

"Truth be told, we don't think there ought to be a carbon-based energy industry by the middle of this century. That's our policy in Canada and it's our policy all over the world." The real alternative to the Northern Gateway route is not an alternative route. It is an alternative economy." - Gerald Butts, 2012

This from the guy who is actually running the show.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Like pinocchio's Geppetto. Maybe Trudeau's wish will come true and he'll grow up some day and become a real boy.

In all seriousness though, make no mistake what Trudeau's puppetmaster believes, and what the agenda he is pushing...

"Truth be told, we don't think there ought to be a carbon-based energy industry by the middle of this century. That's our policy in Canada and it's our policy all over the world." The real alternative to the Northern Gateway route is not an alternative route. It is an alternative economy." - Gerald Butts, 2012

This from the guy who is actually running the show.

Buttsie actually came to my attention during the election campaign when I read about his leftist ideas and over-arching concern for the environment. I've tracked him since then but hadn't done any reading about his back-ground until yesterday. He was a huge supporter of Wynne-bag........and we all know how that turned out. Now it is the federal liberals who, with any luck and a strong voter turn-out by us Conservatives, will be turfed from office come the next election.