Game hunter infamous for his trophy kills plunges to his death


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Oh, those poor hunters with their arsenal of guns and bullets. I used to be married to one. Him and his partners would spend the day hunting for pheasants and if they did not get any, on the way home they they would shoot any unfortunate cats and dogs that happened to be nearby

Were they shooting cats and dogs from out of peoples front lawns or private property?

You do know that invasive species are basically not protected by law because you know theyre invasive. Unless explicitly stated.

But i wouldnt expect you to understand anyways because you probably contribute nothing to species protection.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Didn't you just finish singing the praises of this useless old c*nt in ludlow's whine thread?

I think your reading glasses need adjustment. I didn't see "this useless old c*nt's" name in the list in Ludlow's O.P. I'm surprised to see this from a guy who is "never wrong"! :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Oh, those poor hunters with their arsenal of guns and bullets. I used to be married to one. Him and his partners would spend the day hunting for pheasants and if they did not get any, on the way home they they would shoot any unfortunate cats and dogs that happened to be nearby

He and his friends are psychopaths.

The hunters I know personally are ethical people, who eat what they kill.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Were they shooting cats and dogs from out of peoples front lawns or private property?

You do know that invasive species are basically not protected by law because you know theyre invasive. Unless explicitly stated.

But i wouldnt expect you to understand anyways because you probably contribute nothing to species protection.

A couple years back people near Winnipeg were flipping out that somebody was shooting and skinning dogs.

Not one single moonbat or even the cops put 2 and 2 together to realize it was just hunters doing their part to help cull the overwhelming coyote problem and earning the $50 bounty per kill.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I think your reading glasses need adjustment. I didn't see "this useless old c*nt's" name in the list in Ludlow's O.P. I'm surprised to see this from a guy who is "never wrong"! :) :)

you really should know better by now. numbnuts.

Yep, the ladies you mention are First class and Dave's Mom as well! Sal told me she couldn't handle the pettiness and bickering any longer, so much to our loss she's gone. Twila is smart and added a lot to the discussions. Putz, Pudney and Locust can just f**k off any time as far as I'm concerned. Hang in for awhile Ludlow, things will probably improve. Flossie is a pain but he's harmless! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Oh, those poor hunters with their arsenal of guns and bullets. I used to be married to one. Him and his partners would spend the day hunting for pheasants and if they did not get any, on the way home they they would shoot any unfortunate cats and dogs that happened to be nearby

I am really sorry to hear that you had the misfortune of once being married to a real as*hole, Kathie. Considering his obvious inability to understand the laws and rules of hunting, it must have been rather unsettling to know he was running about with an 'arsenal of guns and bullets' - which tells one a lot right there about his abilities as a hunter.

A lot of my neighbors hunt and the thing is, when they go out they have one rifle, suitable for the game they are after - some also bring a shotgun. That is their arsenal. They take great pride in bringing down an animal with one clean shot - as well they should. Many of them are very generous with the meat and share it friends and neighbors. I am grateful when someone gives me a moose roast or venison steaks.

I don't hunt myself because I don't like guns or rifles though I know how to care for and use a rifle having learned during my years with the Canadian Rangers - most of them were hunters too, I do however fully support the right to do so.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It was probably the neighbors cat. Cat-knees chow-mein is supposed to be quite good, until the health inspectors come along then it is not so good.


Apology accepted!
Almost makes want to get a screen capture of his post. Key-word 'almost'.