Mother-Of-The-Year Kicks Kid Out Of The House For Voting For Trump


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Worst-Mother-Of-The-Year Kicks Kid Out Of The House For Voting For Trump In School Election [VIDEO]

The Facebook page “Michell Obama for 2020” posted a video of a woman shaming a young boy — presumed to be her son — and kicking him out of the house for voting for Donald Trump in his elementary school’s mock election.

The video opens with the young boy crying while his mother yells at him, “since you voted for Donald Trump, you can get your **** and get out.”

“Get your sign, so when the people see you outside, they know why you’re standing out there,” she added.

The sign — pictured below — reads “my mom kicked me out because I voted for Donald Trump.”

“Here’s your suitcase. Bye,” she adds before pushing him out the door and closing it in his face. “Go. We don’t do Donald Trump here.”
The woman eventually follows the young boy out of the house.

As he continues to cry, she continues to shout, “Bye, Donald Trump lover,” at him.

She asks the boy, “why did you vote for him at school?”

The boy answered that he saw Trump “on TV a lot,” to which the woman responds, “well I hope you find a new TV because this [outside] is going to be your new home. You can’t come back here.”

The video closes with the woman leaving the boy in the street as she and a second, crying boy — assumed to be a younger brother — head back toward the house.

vid at link

VIDEO: Mother Kicks Kid Out Of House For Voting For Trump | The Daily Caller


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
And disapprove of harsh discipline.
I'm sure he will be a good little democrat lemming once the Stockholm syndrome kicks in fully.

I'm not sure which is worse. This useless excuse for a mother or the British Columbia Teacher's Federation urging it's members to use a resource package designed to stop military enrollment. I don't remember when teacher's job description changed from teaching math and science but it would appear their new role is to mold our kids into liberal lemmings by telling them what political views to have.
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Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I'm sure he will be a good little democrat lemming once the Stockholm syndrome kicks in fully.

I'm not sure which is worse. This useless excuse for a mother or the British Columbia Teacher's Federation urging it's members to use a resource package designed to stop military enrollment. I don't remember when teacher's job description changed from teaching math and science but it would appear their new role is to mold our kids into liberal lemmings by telling what political views to have.

It's the feminist agenda


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
its the secret brainwashing microwaves in the free obama phones
a subliminal code sets 'em off


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Amazing that Liberals care little about the abuse of this child because the mother approves of the Liberal candidate.