Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face investigation


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I'll do ya one better pal...I'll post this again since you obviously never watched/listened to the entire vid or read the whole story.

Yup, saying no, questioning reason, or taking ones time definitely warrants getting thrown to the ground multiple times by a slow minded gorilla.

Tell me, how many times a week to suck cop cock?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Yup, saying no, questioning reason, or taking ones time definitely warrants getting thrown to the ground multiple times by a slow minded gorilla.

Tell me, how many times a week to suck cop cock?

yeah, he was being a tad assertive and she a bit mrs no-I-won't...and so things escalate...woulda been fine if she had just did what he told her to do the first time around and not fukk about like an edgelord.

oh well...lessons learned I 'spose.

relax...nobody died. :lol:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
yeah, he was being a tad assertive and she a bit mrs no-I-won't...and so things escalate...woulda been fine if she had just did what he told her to do the first time around and not fukk about like an edgelord.

oh well...lessons learned I 'spose.

Requoting the above just re enforces your co ck sucking love for anything and everything the police do. They get a pass every time with you. Even this one, they get the pass and she was all in the wrong. Wrong.

Yup, definitely, but I put it down to your inability to comprehend simple english.

relax...nobody died. :lol:

Of course, but even if he had pulled his revolver and shot her, you would still be giving him the pass and saying she should have kissed his a$$ and anticipated his demands.

I'd also like to point out, that the charges against her were dropped by the DA once he saw the dashcam footage and the cop is now being investigated. If they were in the right, and her in the wrong, it would be going the other way.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Requoting the above just re enforces your co ck sucking love for anything and everything the police do. They get a pass every time with you. Even this one, they get the pass and she was all in the wrong. Wrong.

since you're having a difficult time reading gerrald, just pay attention to the black parts this time:

yeah, he was being a tad assertive and she a bit mrs no-I-won't...and so things escalate...woulda been fine if she had just did what he told her to do the first time around and not fukk about like an edgelord.

oh well...lessons learned I 'spose.

Of course, but even if he had pulled his revolver

look chum; it's called a pistol.

this is a revolver.

it has a cylinder that REVOLVES.

a... r-e-v-o-l-v-e-r.


and this, you moron, is a pistol:

the same model used by your gorilla friend.

here's one we use in Canada:


have a better day. :lol:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
since you're having a difficult time reading gerrald, just pay attention to the black parts this time:

and then right after the part in black you affix all the blame on her. Fu ck are you ever stupid these days. What happen? Have a stroke and burn out your remaining brain cells?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
and then right after the part in black you affix all the blame on her. Fu ck are you ever stupid these days. What happen? Have a stroke and burn out your remaining brain cells?

yep and things woulda been fine if she hadn't tried to dodge the cop car, play the nonchalant going to the restaurant card, the ms attitude ploy, the deaf ear to police commands and the resistance...but anyway buttercup, take a break on your fainting couch. :lol:

maybe send the kid a get well card to fight off her um, distraughtness, and fear to live her life.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
doing mindlessly what you're told from this stupid racist pigs doesn't really set a good precedent. you must resist.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Getting stuck on this one unprofessional incident and missing the other planet sized picture. On the one side approval for gross deriliction of duty and base unprofessionalism of an officer of the law, (our law and thier law). There is another code being followed here, one that does not have public sanction. Whatever that secret convention might be it must be rooted out before it roots the public right to peace and good order out. Never mind the fukkin alleged offence of the percieved victim in this incident or the supposed duty of the officer the incident was clearly outside the bounds of public acceptabilty. And we should all pray devoutly that it does not become acceptable.
Some people say "a mountain from a mole hill" and go on thier way only to be faced a mile or so later with the same mole hill become mountain. I bet this is the way tyranny creeps in.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yup, saying no, questioning reason, or taking ones time definitely warrants getting thrown to the ground multiple times by a slow minded gorilla.

Tell me, how many times a week to suck cop cock?

He's become very skilled at it.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Getting stuck on this one unprofessional incident and missing the other planet sized picture. On the one side approval for gross deriliction of duty and base unprofessionalism of an officer of the law, (our law and thier law). There is another code being followed here, one that does not have public sanction. Whatever that secret convention might be it must be rooted out before it roots the public right to peace and good order out. Never mind the fukkin alleged offence of the percieved victim in this incident or the supposed duty of the officer the incident was clearly outside the bounds of public acceptabilty. And we should all pray devoutly that it does not become acceptable.
Some people say "a mountain from a mole hill" and go on thier way only to be faced a mile or so later with the same mole hill become mountain. I bet this is the way tyranny creeps in.
Creep? It has been full tilt boogey for decades. The police were first instituted to keep the ruling elite safe from the peasants and continue to do that job but as the population increased, the mobs have been harder to control, so the protectors of the oppressors must deal in more and more radical and violent behaviour to accomplish their job - serve and protect their masters, not the public. People need to wake up from that fairy tale.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What has been forgotten, is that the police are a public servant. They have a job at the public's pleasure. It's not the other way around. They are not above us. They do not have any "power" over the average citizen. For too many the "badge" has gone to their head and they treat their employers (citizens) as if they were all criminals.

Yes, speeding is "against the law", it is punishable by a fine/points. If a driver doesn't want to "cooperate" all the cop needs to do is write out the ticket and attach a pic of the license plate. Same thing they do for photo radar. There is no need to get in a confrontation with the driver over a minor traffic offence.

and it's brainless, a$$kissing morons, like locutus, that enable and empower the cop's "bad" behaviour.

Good post, Gerry!


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
hey, let's see what others are saying about last year's altercation.

She knew exactly why she was pulled over. She was rude asking the officer "to hurry", dumb for asking "can I still get a ticket if I'm parked", and she did argued every step of the way.

First, the officer requested that she get back in the vehicle, and she refused. He asked her to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door, she refused. Then she argues with the office. Again, she was wrong. Unfortunately, officers see this same situation play out over and over, so the office went ahead and jumped ahead and pulled her out of the car. He should have tried to calm her down more, and explain to her that she needs to calm down and comply, and she can be on her way. In the end, both sides are wrong. But, she set things in motion by not following the officers commands. I've been pulled over, and I know to follow every command the officer gives, and not to argue. Arguments are for the courtroom.

Oh and by the way, women can shoot guns at officers just like a man can.

If she were white this would never have been a story. But this broad made it about racism with her demand 'I need the black poh-leece'.

"Compliance" wasn't one of her vocabulary words

sometimes people do get uppity when spoken to with disrespect

both people acted stupidly.

this woman hasn't claimed any responsibility in any of this so as far as I'm concerned she can take a hike.

Dashcam video of Breaion King’s arrest: What people are saying | All Ablog Austin

‘Oh my God! Oh my God!’


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
she shoulda followed his commands and closed the door the first time...but no, then wouldn't get out when he told her to...then she resisted.

oh well...maybe they both learned a lesson from all this.
Isn't part of the freedom my grandfather spent five years in war for the right to question authority ... even if it is an impatient prick?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
When dealing with anyone in law enforcement you gotta ma'am and/or sir them to death.