The "W" Word


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
White People Time: Grades, Showing Up On Time Are A Form Of White Supremacy

Blake Neff on destroying children’s futures in the name of “social justice”:

While the traits listed [being rigorous and punctual, speaking grammatical English] may simply be regarded as positive traits for success in the modern world, Dr Heather Hackman described them as traits chosen and emphasised to favour whites to the detriment of non-white groups, who are forced to assimilate ‘white’ traits such as good discipline and goal orientation or else be left behind.

Hackman’s solution, then, is to train teachers to move away from all these aspects of ‘white privilege’ in education. She routinely touted the benefits of collective assessments (measuring student learning at the class level instead of determining whether each student knows the material), as well as eliminating all school grades entirely.

I share the above in case any readers had assumed that Dr Caprice Hollins, who dismisses foresight, diligence and punctuality as “white values,” must be a one-off absurdity. Alas, no.

And Paul Sperry on the consequences of government-mandated racial favouritism in school discipline policy:

In St Paul, Minnesota, a high school teacher was put on administrative leave last month after Black Lives Matter threatened to shut down the school because the teacher complained about lenient discipline policies that have led to a string of assaults on fellow teachers. Last month, two students at Como Park Senior High School punched and body slammed a business teacher unconscious, opening a head wound that required staples. And earlier in the year, another student choked a science teacher into a partial coma that left him hospitalised for several days. In both cases, the teachers were white and the students black. […]

In New York City public schools, classroom assaults have become so common that parents last week filed a negligence class-action suit against the education department, which last year adopted “restorative practices” [i.e., race-based exemptions from discipline] in lieu of suspensions. The complaint says the department “refuses to discipline or transfer” violent classroom bullies.

Further to which, don’t forget this grim farce. Behold the Long March in action. See its glories.

davidthompson: Elsewhere (196)

Teacher Trainer Lays Out Plan To Fill Schools With Activists | The Daily Caller

h/t sda



Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
How is the continent of Africa doing? If the standard is up to this good doctors standard, then she can go practice or teach there; her studies might be regarded as intelligent observations. Seems to be lost on us white people, sorry doc.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
These traits are not to favor white people they favor people who can be depended upon
and trusted to handle life situations in the best way possible. Have you noticed we have
a society not a scramble of tribal cultures and that means society have some fundamental
rules its the way it is. You don't have to be white to hold these traits you have to be knowledgeable


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
These traits are not to favor white people they favor people who can be depended upon
and trusted to handle life situations in the best way possible. Have you noticed we have
a society not a scramble of tribal cultures and that means society have some fundamental
rules its the way it is. You don't have to be white to hold these traits you have to be knowledgeable

Admittedly, declaring the system you're comfortable with "the best way possible" is way easier than thinking about it.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
schedules are hard. punctuality is hard. math is hard. life is hard. yeah yeah.

ain't nobody got time for that stuff anyway. gimme my money.