Federal green schemes will harm consumer


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Federal green schemes will harm consumer

If you want to know what harm federal green energy schemes could bring to Canada, just look at the headlines in Ontario.

On Sunday, new hydro rates came into effect in Ontario and, as the Toronto Sun reported, “once all the adding and subtracting is completed, the typical Ontario family can expect to be out at least $170 more next year based on these changes.”

For families just getting by, life just got a little harder. How did this happen? To make a long story short, government meddling has jacked up the prices in Canada’s most populous province. A lot of this meddling came in the form of green energy experiments.

It's credited with driving hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs out of the province and taking more out of people’s pockets. It’s a classic case of big government hurting the little guy.

The federal government isn’t responsible for energy like the provinces are, but incoming prime minister Justin Trudeau has already made some green pledges.

He’s planning to work with the provinces to implement some form of carbon pricing across the country. This will have a trickle down effect on the consumer, without a doubt.

As Lorrie Goldstein noted in a column this past summer, “many products today are made from fossil fuels and their prices to consumers will increase as well.”

Plus a third of Trudeau’s record-setting infrastructure pledge is actually going to be spent on “green” infrastructure. While he’s identified a few public transit projects the Liberal government intends to support, the “green” projects are anyone’s guess.

The Liberals could even get behind provincial ventures the likes of which paved the way for Ontario’s energy poverty.

Don’t be surprised. After all, as columnist Anthony Furey recently noted, Wynne is Trudeau’s “political godmother” and the two are “tied at the hip”, at least when it comes to political ideology.

Factor in that Trudeau’s lead advisor, Gerald Butts, was a key part of former premier Dalton McGuinty’s team and it’s hard to see how the new Liberal government won’t indulge in green schemes.

Trudeau ran on a pledge to boost the lot of the middle-class. It’s a good mission and one the voters support him in. But that’s not the direction green schemes will take us.

Hold on to your wallets, Canada.

source: Federal green schemes will harm consumer | EDITORIAL | Editorial | Opinion | Tor


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Jesus Christ man. What is about Canada that our govts just LOVE to latch on to policies that have failed miserably elsewhere? While there are still green projects in former "hotbeds like Britain, Denmark, Holland and Germany, ALL of them have ended the subsidies to green energy. Why? Because their govts finally recognized that green energy kills the economy. All of them saw negative employment as their subsidized green energy projects went on. Spain was one of the worst off seeing 2 jobs lost in other sectors for every job created in the green sector.
In Ontario the situation is even dumber. We pay wind power producers NOT to generate power. Then there is the loss of arable land to wind farms, to the tune of substantially more than 2300 acres. Why did I use 2300 acres as a metric? That's the footprint size of the Bruce NPP, a facility that supplies more than 3 times the total energy provided by wind power at a fraction of the land cost.

The simple fact is, Ontario needs more wind power like a drowning man needs a glass of water. And if the goal of green energy is to reduce the production of GHGs from power generation, Ontario achieved that goal simply by shutting down its coal fired plants.
And yet Ontario's new green energy isn't so green. As mentioned above, arable farmland is made useless. The nacelles hold 870 liters of oil to keep everything lubricated. Many of the turbines are now leaking oil. Where the turbines aren't built on farmland, copses of trees have been cut down to make room for turbines and access roads. The nacelles and blades are made of "exotic" materials that are highly toxic.
Never mind the fact that for every MW of wind power, you need 1 MW of back up power, usually in the form of gas fired plants. Unfortunately, when you have to keep turning them on and off to make up for the vagaries of wind power, you might as well keep them running all the time, it's easier on the environment and the power plant's hardware.

Ontario's wind turbines are an ideological white elephant, all so the Ontario Lib-tard party can pat themselves on the back and delude themselves saying, "See? We're saving the planet".