It's hippie crack for breakfast! 175,000 revellers descend on Glastonbury


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
well there has to be a fart joke in there somewhere but I've been informed that fart jokes are a base form of humor so I'll just wait for a Buddy Hackett quote.
Whoever told you that is currently on a waiting list to have a stick surgically removed from their ***.

But no, there's no fart joke in it.

Hippie crack has been around a lot longer than the popularity of huffing NOS. It's sad but funny that the stupid Brits think NOS is hippie crack, lol.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Whoever told you that is currently on a waiting list to have a stick surgically removed from their ***.

But no, there's no fart joke in it.

Hippie crack has been around a lot longer than the popularity of huffing NOS. It's sad but funny that the stupid Brits think NOS is hippie crack, lol.

Glastonbury 2015: Has the hippie crack balloon burst? What is nitrous oxide anyway?

Silver canisters have been strewn all over Worthy Farm as revellers enjoy the legal high

Matilda Battersby

Friday 26 June 2015
The Independent

Last year more than two tonnes of used nitrous oxide containers were picked up from the fields of Glastonbury. The silver, bullet-shaped canisters contain a mild anaesthetic normally administered to dental patients or to women in labour.

But the legal high, colloquially known as both laughing gas and hippie crack, has become the second-most used recreational drug in Britain, taken by a reported 400,000 16 to 24-year-olds last year.

Follow Saturday's Glastonbury live blog

Walk around Glastonbury today and you may come across people inhaling colourful balloons full of the stuff. Users claim to experience feelings of euphoria and it is becoming increasingly popular at music festivals despite many having a policy of “no legal highs”.

Legislation passed just last month made it illegal to sell, produce or distribute “new psychoactive substances” in this country, but possession of legal highs for consumption is not a criminal offence.

Deaths linked to nitrous oxide are thankfully rare but an exploding canister is believed to have been the cause of a “major injury” at Glastonbury last year. Yesterday a coroner blamed the drug for a 22-year-old Brighton man’s death after 200 used canisters were found in his room.

In April the co-ordinator of Glastonbury’s Green Fields, Liz Eliot, wrote a blog imploring festival-goers to leave nitrous oxide at home this year.

Glastonbury festival-goers inhale nitrous oxide out of balloons

She cited the environmental impact (it is nearly 300 times more damaging to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide) as well as other dangers associated with the drugs and requested that revellers keep it out of the King’s Meadow – the area of the site containing the Stone Circle.

“Sadly the King’s Meadow has lost its way,” she wrote. “It’s become known as a place where people take nitrous oxide, a damaging drug which pollutes our beautiful field with noise, litter and N20 gas…Nitrous oxide is also dangerous: an exploding canister was the source of a major injury at last year’s Glastonbury.”

Festival-goers arrive at Glastonbury

Somerset and Avon constabulary say they are working with Glastonbury to implement "a policy” on legal highs designed by festival organisers. But so far nobody from Glastonbury has returned my request for comment about whether or not this is working.

Pictures from day one of the festival show some discarded canisters but according to The Independent’s spies on the ground so far only a few people are blatantly inhaling the drug and it seems to be the activity of a few rather than a lot. But that hasn't stopped the tabloids from splashing pictures of youngsters breathing in balloons for breakfast all over front pages.

Let’s hope those partaking are at least avoiding the King’s Meadow and the wrath of anyone found to defile the sacred space.

Revellers at Glastonbury's Stone Circle

Glastonbury 2015: Has the hippie crack balloon burst? What is nitrous oxide anyway? - Festivals - Music - The Independent


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

Glastonbury 2015: Has the hippie crack balloon burst? What is nitrous oxide anyway?

Silver canisters have been strewn all over Worthy Farm as revellers enjoy the legal high

Matilda Battersby

Friday 26 June 2015
The Independent

Last year more than two tonnes of used nitrous oxide containers were picked up from the fields of Glastonbury. The silver, bullet-shaped canisters contain a mild anaesthetic normally administered to dental patients or to women in labour.

But the legal high, colloquially known as both laughing gas and hippie crack, has become the second-most used recreational drug in Britain, taken by a reported 400,000 16 to 24-year-olds last year.
Follow Saturday's Glastonbury live blog

Walk around Glastonbury today and you may come across people inhaling colourful balloons full of the stuff. Users claim to experience feelings of euphoria and it is becoming increasingly popular at music festivals despite many having a policy of “no legal highs”.

Legislation passed just last month made it illegal to sell, produce or distribute “new psychoactive substances” in this country, but possession of legal highs for consumption is not a criminal offence.

Deaths linked to nitrous oxide are thankfully rare but an exploding canister is believed to have been the cause of a “major injury” at Glastonbury last year. Yesterday a coroner blamed the drug for a 22-year-old Brighton man’s death after 200 used canisters were found in his room.

In April the co-ordinator of Glastonbury’s Green Fields, Liz Eliot, wrote a blog imploring festival-goers to leave nitrous oxide at home this year.

Glastonbury festival-goers inhale nitrous oxide out of balloons

She cited the environmental impact (it is nearly 300 times more damaging to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide) as well as other dangers associated with the drugs and requested that revellers keep it out of the King’s Meadow – the area of the site containing the Stone Circle.

“Sadly the King’s Meadow has lost its way,” she wrote. “It’s become known as a place where people take nitrous oxide, a damaging drug which pollutes our beautiful field with noise, litter and N20 gas…Nitrous oxide is also dangerous: an exploding canister was the source of a major injury at last year’s Glastonbury.”

Festival-goers arrive at Glastonbury

Somerset and Avon constabulary say they are working with Glastonbury to implement "a policy” on legal highs designed by festival organisers. But so far nobody from Glastonbury has returned my request for comment about whether or not this is working.

Pictures from day one of the festival show some discarded canisters but according to The Independent’s spies on the ground so far only a few people are blatantly inhaling the drug and it seems to be the activity of a few rather than a lot. But that hasn't stopped the tabloids from splashing pictures of youngsters breathing in balloons for breakfast all over front pages.

Let’s hope those partaking are at least avoiding the King’s Meadow and the wrath of anyone found to defile the sacred space.

Revellers at Glastonbury's Stone Circle

Glastonbury 2015: Has the hippie crack balloon burst? What is nitrous oxide anyway? - Festivals - Music - The Independent
You don't have to prove to me that Brits are dumb and don't know what hippie crack is, lol.

I already know that.

He's just googling it wrong.......
More like he believes everything in the British press, lol

I blame the poor state of the British education system.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Well, they're all out in force tonight. Some establishment somewhere has definitely got lax security.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
No doubt, if they're anything like the stupid Brits that think NOS is hippie crack, they probably couldn't keep a hamster in a cage.

Hippie crack is laughing gas. Or nitrous oxide, as the more intelligent amongst us (i.e. me) prefer to call it.

Now run along, old boy. You're probably late for your electric shock therapy. Take your mates with you too, please, if you'll be so kind.

Don't worry. I'm sure they'll let you watch telly afterwards. Maybe you could watch the highlights of last night's Women's World Cup match.