Minimum wage should be $0


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Income and Capital Gains Taxes should be at a progressive 75% for incomes over $1 million.. and for all funds being transferred to foreign tax havens. It's time these Wall Street (or Bay Street) parasites payed the fair share of the loot, pillaged at the expense of honest labour.

It's time we realized that there is a criminal kleptocracy in complete control of the Global 'free' market economy, who impose subsistence wages onto desperate populations to augment their own grotesque.. and virtually untaxed.. wealth.

With an equitable distribution of wealth, a progressive tax regime, protective tariffs aimed at full and fairly payed employment, currency and credit control, strong unions, good management, strictly regulated markets and a national integrated industrial economy the issue of a minimum wage would become moot. All these are being systematically dismantle by the Free Market tyranny.

I take it you have fond memories of the 1930s.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I take it you have fond memories of the 1930s.

More lies of the Global Trading and Financial Oligarchy. The Great Depression was not the result of protectionism or regulation.. it was a result of an unregulated banking industry with respect to deposit guarantees and capital requirements. Its onset was the result of speculation and debt and lack of any oversight with respect to stock market regulation.

The Great Depression as a decade long phenomenon was the result of a drying up of liquidity and credit.. by the LACK of government intervention, up to nationalization of the banking industry.. to provide it.

Roosevelt (along with his sidekick, Canadian PM Mackenzie King) for all his efforts to relieve the cruelty of the Great Depression.. did not or could not address this fundamental issue.. until the imminent war against Fascism forced him to start spending and open up the credit sources by fiat in the States.. which immediately alleviated the immobility the economy was entrenched in.

Essentially nothing has changed as the same 'Free' Market nonsense brought on the onset of the 2008 financial debacle.. to an economy already ravaged of its industrial vigour by Free Trade and Monetarism. We had a brief period of an economy managed for the greater productive good and an equitable sharing of wealth as a whole between 1945 and 1971 which has been systematically dismantled since with absolutely devastating results.

Things are NOT getting better. We can expect shock after shock until the whole cruddy Global Free Market collapses.. likely into a World War. What solutions are being offered by the political establishment... only one.. AUSTERITY (along with tax breaks for the rich).. which will only augment the economic death spiral in which the world is caught.

posted by Capt. Morgan.

I disagree, and if you have ever shopped at Walmart or purchased
anything that was grown, produced or manufactured outside your
local community, then global capitalism has been successful for you

Walmart is a blight for the communities it enters. It destroys retail and manufacturing.. downtowns and civic culture.. leaving devastated townscapes filled with those forced to shop for its 'bargains' sourced from production in the slave colonies of the Maquilladora Free Trade zones. It is unsustainable.. morally or practically.

Ultimately if we don't produce anything as a country.. we will be unable to afford to shop even at Walmart (as many who now rely on Food Banks and second hand charity outlets have already found out).
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
yeah but they take all the

Nobody in the world should have a say in setting their own salary, unless they are working for themselves. (and then the customer has the final say) :) :)

You have a weird philosophy, Walter!! You should isolate it from politics! :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Walmart is a blight for the communities it enters. It destroys retail and manufacturing.. downtowns and civic culture.. leaving devastated townscapes filled with those forced to shop for its 'bargains' sourced from production in the slave colonies of the Maquilladora Free Trade zones. It is unsustainable.. morally or practically.
Actually, there's considerable data that indicate that WalMart is beneficial to local retail in many cases, and that at worst its effect on "Mom & Pop" is mixed.

But don't let that interfere with your certainties, Blackleaf.

Uh, coldstream.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Depends on the situation. If it happens to be an employers market, then the employee probably won't have a say he'll take what is offered. But if the situation is one where the employee has the advantage then the employee has bargaining power. Most things are situational.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Certainly the gubmint should not have a say in what people earn.

The people paying your wages perhaps!

Depends on the situation. If it happens to be an employers market, then the employee probably won't have a say he'll take what is offered. But if the situation is one where the employee has the advantage then the employee has bargaining power. Most things are situational.

If an employee doesn't like the wage offered he always has the option of turning down. Pretty democratic system!

Certainly the gubmint should not have a say in what people earn.

Not where the taxpayer is footing the bill you think?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No one should ever ask for a raise?

Asking for a raise is a far cry from setting your own salary! If you are sincere you lay out the reasons you should have the raise and if the powers agree, you may get a portion of what you are asking for. That is called negotiation- a second or third party makes the decision.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Asking for a raise is a far cry from setting your own salary! If you are sincere you lay out the reasons you should have the raise and if the powers agree, you may get a portion of what you are asking for. That is called negotiation- a second or third party makes the decision.
No, negotiation is where the two parties make the decision. When a third party makes the decision, it's called arbitration (or litigation if it's in court).

When one party makes the decision, that's either "employment at will" or "workplace violence."


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
All the employers have is the old worn out excuses. First paid women less because
their husbands and fathers looked after them.
Then it was entry level employment for fast food making billion paying peanuts as
slave labour.
Now its we just can't pay. Nonsense. what has to happen is not so much a minimum
wage but a legislated end to gouging at the multiple factor between the base worker
and the bonus touting guy at the top.
Wage and price legislation is not the answer if we are going that route to fix a problem
then make it Wage, Price and Margin of Profit controls.
We need to restore balance to a system that is no longer sustainable and the problem
is about to manifest itself sooner rather than later.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

I can agree with the official compulsory minimum wage being 0$, but I would also support an officially recommended minimum wage below which a worker could quit his job to attend government-funded trades or professional training free of charge, with his employer being required by law to inform him of this right. This way the worker can decide for himself whether his employer's offer is better or whether the government's is better. After all, to legislate someone out of a job to then force him on social assistance which pays even less would be hypocritical of the governmwnt. If the givernment's offer really is better than the employer's, then no government coercion should be needed.