Ex-SS Man To Face Trial Over 300,000 Murders


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Ex-SS Man To Face Trial Over 300,000 Murders

Former Nazi officer Oskar Groening is charged over his role in the mass killing at the Auschwitz death camp.

A 93-year-old former SS officer is to go on trial in Germany charged with taking part in the mass murder of at least 300,000 people at Auschwitz.

The German defendant, Oskar Groening, was known as the "bookkeeper" at the death camp.

He was tasked with counting the banknotes taken from prisoners and forwarding them to his Nazi masters in Berlin, according to prosecutors in Hanover.

He is also accused of helping to remove victims' luggage so they were not seen by new arrivals, and so covering up the traces of the mass killing.

Prosecutors said Groening was aware the predominantly Jewish prisoners deemed unfit to work "were murdered directly after their arrival in the gas chambers of Auschwitz".

He will appear in court on 21 April charged with at least 300,000 counts of accessory to murder.

It relates to the 425,000 people believed to have been deported to the camp in occupied Poland between May and July 1944, at least 300,000 of whom died in the gas chambers.

Fifty-five co-plaintiffs, mainly survivors and victims' relatives, will be represented at the trial, expected to be one of the last of its kind.

Groening told the German daily Bild in 2005 that he regretted working at Auschwitz, saying he still heard the screams from the gas chamber decades later.

"I was ashamed for decades and I am still ashamed today," said Groening, who was employed from the age of 21 at the camp, which was liberated 70 years ago last week.

"Not of my acts, because I never killed anyone.

"But I offered my aid. I was a cog in the killing machine that eliminated millions of innocent people."

The German office investigating Nazi war crimes sent files on 30 former Auschwitz personnel to state prosecutors in 2013 with a recommendation to bring charges against them.

The renewed drive to bring to justice those accused of perpetrating the Holocaust follows a 2011 landmark court ruling.

For more than 60 years German courts had only prosecuted Nazi war criminals if evidence showed they had personally committed atrocities.

But in 2011 a Munich court sentenced John Demjanjuk to five years in prison for complicity in the extermination of Jews at the Sobibor camp, where he had served as a guard, establishing that all former camp guards can be tried.

About 1.1 million people, mostly European Jews, perished at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which was operated by the Nazis from 1940 until it was liberated by Soviet forces on 27 January, 1945.

source: Ex-SS Man To Face Trial Over 300,000 Murders


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
yes this has been a big debate in our community now for over a decade


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Holodmor never was front page, was it. A tad more than 6 million starved to death by comrade Stalin.

I'm always surprised to see that Stalin was only 5ft. 4" tall. Dunno why. One would think a lot more skin would
be needed to hold in that bunch of psychopathy.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Another bullsh*t holocaust tear jerker. Strange how they find these mass murderers when things start going sour in the press for the Israeli monstrosity.

What are they going to do. Make him work in bearing factory?

Holodmor never was front page, was it. A tad more than 6 million starved to death by comrade Stalin.

I'm always surprised to see that Stalin was only 5ft. 4" tall. Dunno why. One would think a lot more skin would
be needed to hold in that bunch of psychopathy.

10 million in Ukraine then another 40 and the world still has a Soviet problem.

Nazis are long gone.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Another bullsh*t holocaust tear jerker. Strange how they find these mass murderers when things start going sour in the press for the Israeli monstrosity.
PR to justify a new tower on London. If this is what they do after 70 years you can well imagine the plans for the 70th anniversary of Israel signing UN272 in May/48.
(in part)
Britain will build a new Holocaust memorial in the center of London with the help of $50 million in government funds.
The announcement of the future memorial, which will also be home to an education center, was made on Tuesday, the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the former Auschwitz concentration camp.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
He's 90 years old, what is the point of charging him now? What happens when he's (most likely) found guilty?

Putting anyone to trail this late in the day is pointless. Unless they were the extreme hierarchy, IMO people are putting others on trial for falling under the brainwashing of the time.

Trialing a 90 year old man does nothing.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It's to keep the Holocaust on the front page.
Usually followed by a lot of IDF bombs falling on civilians in Gaza or Lebanon.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
He's 90 years old, what is the point of charging him now? What happens when he's (most likely) found guilty?

Putting anyone to trail this late in the day is pointless. Unless they were the extreme hierarchy, IMO people are putting others on trial for falling under the brainwashing of the time.

Trialing a 90 year old man does nothing.
yeah I know....but prepare to be attacked, some people think the need to punish never ends, to me the attitude is barbaric but Canada gets slammed a lot for not doing enough even though they are old enough to drop dead any second


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
He's 90 years old, what is the point of charging him now? What happens when he's (most likely) found guilty?

Shows people both from his generation and all those that came after that it doesnt matter how much time passes - you will eventually be caught. Would people be fine with letting a regular serial killer off the hook just because they happened to elude capture long enough? There is no statute of limitations on murder, nor should there be.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
So what are they charging him with? He moved victim's luggage and stole their cash and sent it to Berlin. I guess he could be charged with petty theft but I think there is a statute of limitations is there not? He knew what the camp was for but I do not recall the Germans permitting decent back in the day.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Better late than never.
Really? You are kind of fuking stupid on your best day aren't you.


So what are they charging him with? He moved victim's luggage and stole their cash and sent it to Berlin. I guess he could be charged with petty theft but I think there is a statute of limitations is there not? He knew what the camp was for but I do not recall the Germans permitting decent back in the day.
There is no statute of limitations on keeping the funding coming in.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011