Be a woman - Pay More


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Or are they just trying to keep their men from moving on to a younger version?

Good question. Can't answer it since I have never cared much for high maintenance women and my current wife is younger than me. To go to a newer model would mean getting one more my son's age than mine.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I think, given that women are in the majority, they should do something about this. Otherwise they should quit whining and get their a sses back in the kitchen


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
If you’re a woman, you may be paying more for a range of products than men are.The practice is called gender pricing, where men and women are charged different amounts for similar products and services.

Well, haircuts come to mine. And why shouldn't a woman's be more? A guy goes in, snip, snip, snip. All done. Next. A gal comes in, shampoo, conditioner and then time in the dryer then fancy styling and mooses and whatnot. More time = more money.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Well, haircuts come to mine. And why shouldn't a woman's be more? A guy goes in, snip, snip, snip. All done. Next. A gal comes in, shampoo, conditioner and then time in the dryer then fancy styling and mooses and whatnot. More time = more money.

that's how it use to be. However, now you pay extra for a shampoo and a blow dry. the cut itself on a man or woman takes the same amount of time. Plus, women often just have the ends cut. that takes 10 minutes. Men unless shaved, require 30 minutes of cutting, just like a female.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
that's how it use to be. However, now you pay extra for a shampoo and a blow dry. the cut itself on a man or woman takes the same amount of time. Plus, women often just have the ends cut. that takes 10 minutes. Men unless shaved, require 30 minutes of cutting, just like a female.

DEpends on how much hair is remaining. I have begun looking for a reduced volume discount.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
that's how it use to be. However, now you pay extra for a shampoo and a blow dry. the cut itself on a man or woman takes the same amount of time. Plus, women often just have the ends cut. that takes 10 minutes. Men unless shaved, require 30 minutes of cutting, just like a female.

Well, I haven't visited a barber shop since 1998. But that is how it used to be.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
lots of guys use as much hair gel and spray as women, hair colour, they like conditioner, nice shampoo and mani-pedies


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Well, I haven't visited a barber shop since 1998. But that is how it used to be.

Oh, this whole paying for each little service is relatively new. I guess they've got to make money or make profits.

I use to love doing hair. It just never paid enough to raise a child on and it was near impossible to find someone to watch my daughter on saturdays or evenings without having to pay over time rates at daycare.

lots of guys use as much hair gel and spray as women, hair colour, they like conditioner, nice shampoo and mani-pedies

I like a man who looks after his appearance and smells good too. I think it's great that men are looking after themselves better now and that, for the most part, not considered vain or "gay" (not that there's anything wrong with that)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I like a man who looks after his appearance and smells good too. I think it's great that men are looking after themselves better now and that, for the most part, not considered vain or "gay" (not that there's anything wrong with that)
me too...I like well groomed men too, I'm not much for scent any more, people tend to put too much on and I'm not used to scent any more as I work in a scent free environment, but a mild after shave is nice... I do use body butter though and it has a matching liquid soap usually, so I know if ya hug me, I do have a scent sort of too at least people say I do.

I also like my finger nails to have either buffed, clear or right now, mine are black

My guy like pedies as gifts. I'm not much for them.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
me too...I like well groomed men too, I'm not much for scent any more, people tend to put too much on and I'm not used to scent any more as I work in a scent free environment, but a mild after shave is nice... I do use body butter though and it has a matching liquid soap usually, so I know if ya hug me, I do have a scent sort of too at least people say I do.

I also like my finger nails to have either buffed, clear or right now, mine are black

My guy like pedies as gifts. I'm not much for them.

oh men can smell really really good without scent. Just clean warm skin and fresh breath is soooo nice. Scents are ok depending on the situation and as long as you are within the hug sphere when you smell them. Not as they pass you across the street.

I wish I liked pedis. I can't stand to have my toes touched like that. My hubby rubs my feet all the time and I love it. I love having my feet tickled, but touch my toes wrong and watch out! so weird.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
In regards to the deodorant price differences, and soap, the cost difference is logical because men go through those products much faster, thus the price is less.

My wife will buy a smaller stick of deodorant than the one I get and when mine is all gone, her stick is still about half.

My bottle of shampoo runs out faster than hers. My soap turns into a sliver hanging halfway down the drain while hers is still a good size.

Now for the record she tidies up as much as I do, and I noticed the same thing in past relationships too.

Thus the price difference is relative to how often a product is bought.

McDonald's is cheaper than some other fast food restaurants because they have more demand. A 24 of Budweiser will be cheaper than a 24 of a beer made from a mom & pop company just getting through the door.

Price is relative to demand, and while there is a great demand for many female products, it is affected by how often those products are replaced (bought again)

Most men generally burn through their products faster than women, thus the demand for those products is slightly more.... Which leads to slightly lower prices.

If women sweat and got as dirty as much as men during the regular working day, they would end up using just as much of those products, thus demand would be similar, leading to lower prices.

As for makeup, I couldn't tell you as I don't wear or buy any.

Shaving cream/gel also applies with gender specific demands. Most men need to shave much more, much thicker hair than women's thinner hair in just the armpits and legs, etc. So again, more demand, lower cost.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
oh men can smell really really good without scent. Just clean warm skin and fresh breath is soooo nice. Scents are ok depending on the situation and as long as you are within the hug sphere when you smell them. Not as they pass you across the street.

I wish I liked pedis. I can't stand to have my toes touched like that. My hubby rubs my feet all the time and I love it. I love having my feet tickled, but touch my toes wrong and watch out! so weird.
my guy developed a deoderant allergy, it makes him break out in an horrendous rash, we tried everything including that stuff cancer patients use but nope, it all caused a that he never wears deoderant we have learned there is zero reason for anyone to ever smell bad...he can do heavy lifting etc and he never smells, you just have to practice good hygiene, and there's nothing sexier.

I've had two pedies in my life and both of them felt like endurance marathons...I hate it. Like you when we are sitting on the couch my feet are usually across him and foot massage is wonderful...but ONLY from him.

I don't know what kind of issue that is but I've got it. I'm also not much for the spa and massages. But I love a good spine message under his hands only.

I don't like strangers touching my body. Hugs are great, other than that, not so much.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That would be gays, not guys.
I don't know, but a lot of guys I work around look like they just walked out of GQ and they certainly aren't gay. In fact they are just wonderful for this old lady to look at with their high tight azzes and their perfectly fitting pants, and their six pack abs, and their gelled hair, and they need to be nice to this old lady 'cause I can be quite helpful, and yeah I even help the smelly, short ones with bad teeth who are likely on the autism scale with over the top IQs and quirky as hell (they usually teach math) but the GQ ones are pretty and they have awesome teeth that would shine in the dark

just sayin

I don't care what their sex is....they is pretty


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I don't know, but a lot of guys I work around look like they just walked out of GQ and they certainly aren't gay. In fact they are just wonderful for this old lady to look at with their high tight azzes and their perfectly fitting pants, and their six pack abs, and their gelled hair, and they need to be nice to this old lady 'cause I can be quite helpful, and yeah I even help the smelly, short ones with bad teeth who are likely on the autism scale with over the top IQs and quirky as hell (they usually teach math) but the GQ ones are pretty and they have awesome teeth that would shine in the dark

just sayin

I don't care what their sex is....they is pretty

Nothing wrong with a man who takes some pride in his appearance. It's nice to


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
My lady likes to touch my willy when I smell nice. That's a good enough reason for me.

LOL. That should be every mans reason for smelling and looking their best...except the descriptor of this action needs to be changed to be as sexy as a clean well groomed man...willy touching sounds sooooo wrong.