Obama: Stonehenge, Fulfills Ancient Prophesy To Kickstart Age of Liberal Darkness


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
My dear friends, let your heart palpitate with terror, for Obama has stepped foot into the ancient Satanic grounds of Stonehenge.

In the days of old, great giants dwelled upon the Earth. They were created by Egyptian scientists of old, the very same charlatans who performed their magic when Moses went to free the children of Israel. In time, the secrets of these ‘scientsits’ passed to Europe, where they used Satan’s knowledge to create powerful weapons, to create genetic monstrosities and to even do magicks (much like the sinful magician Merlin).

In those days, Satan had perfect mastery of genetics and let these men know the secrets of life. They created giants, the most famous of which is Goliath. Other giants in the Stonehenge region built a giant, ancient monument to Satan.

We know of this Christianless time of Liberal Darkness as The Dark Ages.

Barack Obama Visits Stonehenge, Fulfills Ancient Prophesy To Kickstart Age of Liberal Darkness | Big American News


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Bush defiled Iximche Maya temple and the priests had to purify it:

Priests to purify site after Bush visit - Boston.com

GUATEMALA CITY --Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate "bad spirits" after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.
"That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture," Juan Tiney, the director of a Mayan nongovernmental organization with close ties to Mayan religious and political leaders, said Thursday.
Bush's seven-day tour of Latin America includes a stopover beginning late Sunday in Guatemala. On Monday morning he is scheduled to visit the archaeological site Iximche on the high western plateau in a region of the Central American country populated mostly by Mayans.
Tiney said the "spirit guides of the Mayan community" decided it would be necessary to cleanse the sacred site of "bad spirits" after Bush's visit so that their ancestors could rest in peace. He also said the rites -- which entail chanting and burning incense, herbs and candles -- would prepare the site for the third summit of Latin American Indians March 26-30.
Bush's trip has already has sparked protests elsewhere in Latin America, including protests and clashes with police in Brazil hours before his arrival. In Bogota, Colombia, which Bush will visit on Sunday, 200 masked students battled 300 riot police with rocks and small homemade explosives.
The tour is aimed at challenging a widespread perception that the United States has neglected the region and at combatting the rising influence of Venezuelan leftist President Hugo Chavez, who has called Bush "history's greatest killer" and "the devil."
Iximche, 30 miles west of the capital of Guatemala City, was founded as the capital of the Kaqchiqueles kingdom before the Spanish conquest in 1524.

I wonder if Wicca priests will do the same at Stonehenge.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
What in the hell nonsense is this. Liberal Darkness nothing could be further from the truth.
All civilizations have their drawbacks. American has fallen under the spell of religious zealots
which prevents progress. Science is not Satan ignorance in satin if the truth be known.
Its one thing to say things are done because there is some scientific reason than to do something
cause it is in accordance with a two thousand year old book based on a civilization cobbled
together by outdated superstition.
Beside the Pics and Scots and Druids had many things in common they were not Satanic they
were of a different culture. The only reason they were labelled Satanic was because in the eyes
of the Catholic Church they were to be feared and destroyed and they did that by means of labelling
and mureder

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
What in the hell nonsense is this. Liberal Darkness nothing could be further from the truth.
All civilizations have their drawbacks. American has fallen under the spell of religious zealots
which prevents progress. Science is not Satan ignorance in satin if the truth be known.
Its one thing to say things are done because there is some scientific reason than to do something
cause it is in accordance with a two thousand year old book based on a civilization cobbled
together by outdated superstition.
Beside the Pics and Scots and Druids had many things in common they were not Satanic they
were of a different culture. The only reason they were labelled Satanic was because in the eyes
of the Catholic Church they were to be feared and destroyed and they did that by means of labelling
and mureder
this thread is tongue and cheek


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
this thread is tongue and cheek

Pretty LOL no matter which way one looks at it.

Although.........Bush.........mehhhhhhh. Place might stand for some purifying.

What ya think ? A lot of the nasty shyte's gone down in the last 20 or so years should be attributed to Georgie ? Or is that too easy for us?

I still have a hard time with "bring it on", "watch this swing", and reading the story of the goat. But that's just me.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Pretty LOL no matter which way one looks at it.

Although.........Bush.........mehhhhhhh. Place might stand for some purifying.

What ya think ? A lot of the nasty shyte's gone down in the last 20 or so years should be attributed to Georgie ? Or is that too easy for us?

I still have a hard time with "bring it on", "watch this swing", and reading the story of the goat. But that's just me.


Come to think of it, that ritual purification in 2007 by the Mayan priests was the start of the Bush regime decline. His popularity ratings and his regime went in the tank after the priest's prayers were answered. Blessed be the Mayan Gods!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
What in the hell nonsense is this. Liberal Darkness nothing could be further from the truth.
All civilizations have their drawbacks. American has fallen under the spell of religious zealots
which prevents progress. Science is not Satan ignorance in satin if the truth be known.
Its one thing to say things are done because there is some scientific reason than to do something
cause it is in accordance with a two thousand year old book based on a civilization cobbled
together by outdated superstition.
Beside the Pics and Scots and Druids had many things in common they were not Satanic they
were of a different culture. The only reason they were labelled Satanic was because in the eyes
of the Catholic Church they were to be feared and destroyed and they did that by means of labelling
and mureder

You got Punk'd dude!

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
Pretty LOL no matter which way one looks at it.

Although.........Bush.........mehhhhhhh. Place might stand for some purifying.

What ya think ? A lot of the nasty shyte's gone down in the last 20 or so years should be attributed to Georgie ? Or is that too easy for us?

I still have a hard time with "bring it on", "watch this swing", and reading the story of the goat. But that's just me.

You know the best president i missed that had good material to laugh at was Bill Clinton.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It was technlogically advanced aliens who built Stonehenge.

Aliens aren't advanced. I've seen several flavours of Star Trek and Star Wars and nobody has laser guided lasers. Just remember who thought of that first. I got the idea from my solar powered remote controlled lawn sprinkler after adding a couple LEDs to make watering the lawn at night look like something from "The Vegas".

WTF is a henge anyway?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Aliens aren't advanced. I've seen several flavours of Star Trek and Star Wars and nobody has laser guided lasers. Just remember who thought of that first. I got the idea from my solar powered remote controlled lawn sprinkler after adding a couple LEDs to make watering the lawn at night look like something from "The Vegas".

WTF is a henge anyway?

It's the old way of saying "Hedge"

Stonehenge used to be a big sun dial - rock garden with hedges around it. It was fertilized by the corpses of the Druid/Celt's enemies.

They used to take their families there during the summer and let their children play with old Frisbees.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
An embossed copper boob.

Druid picnicking with copper boobs to roast chesnuts in. Ever had roasted chesnuts? Taste like gritty potatoes.

English will eat anything.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Aliens aren't advanced. I've seen several flavours of Star Trek and Star Wars and nobody has laser guided lasers. Just remember who thought of that first. I got the idea from my solar powered remote controlled lawn sprinkler after adding a couple LEDs to make watering the lawn at night look like something from "The Vegas".
WTF is a henge anyway?

The aliens used soundwaves to pick up the giant sarsens - some of which came from south west Wales about 100 miles away - and construct Stonehenge. That's how they also built the Great Pyramids.


There are three related types of Neolithic earthwork which are all sometimes loosely called henges. The essential characteristic of all three types is that they feature a ring bank and ditch but with the ditch inside the bank rather than outside. Due to the poor defensive utility of an enclosure with an external bank and an internal ditch, henges are not considered to have served a defensive purpose (cf. circular rampart). The three types are as follows, with the figure in brackets being the approximate diameter of the central flat area:

Henge (> 20 m). The word henge refers to a particular type of earthwork of the Neolithic period, typically consisting of a roughly circular or oval-shaped bank with an internal ditch surrounding a central flat area of more than 20 m in diameter. There is typically little if any evidence of occupation in a henge, although they may contain ritual structures such as stone circles, timber circles and coves. Henge monument is sometimes used as a synonym for henge. Henges sometimes, but by no means always, featured stone or timber circles, and circle henge is sometimes used to describe these structures. The three largest stone circles in Britain (Avebury, the Great Circle at Stanton Drew stone circles and the Ring of Brodgar) are each in a henge.

Examples of henges without significant internal monuments are the three henges of Thornborough Henges. Although having given its name to the word henge, Stonehenge is an atypical henge in that the ditch is outside the main earthwork bank.

Hengiform monument (5 ≤ diameter ≤ 20 m). Like an ordinary henge except the central flat area is between 5 and 20 m in diameter, they comprise a modest earthwork with a fairly wide outer bank. Mini henge or Dorchester henge are sometimes used as synonyms for hengiform monument. An example is the Neolithic site at Wormy hillock henge.

Henge enclosure (> 300 m). A Neolithic ring earthwork with the ditch inside the bank, with the central flat area having abundant evidence of occupation and usually being more than 300 m in diameter. Some true henges are as large as this (e.g., Avebury), but lack evidence of domestic occupation. Super henge is sometimes used as a synonym for a henge enclosure. Examples of henge enclosures are Durrington Walls and Mount Pleasant Henge.

Henge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia